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ChatControl Pro/WIKI/获取帮助
If you have a question, or a bug to report, this page guides you on how to report them and get the quickest and most efficient response.
Reading Stack Traces
When having that annoying error popping in your console, something went unexpected. To protect your data, the plugin rather shuts itself down than corrupting configuration files.
The key to understanding stack traces is to read them. For some people this is a matter of course, but sometimes (oftentimes) I receive issues that could easily be solved by just reading the error itself.
Many times it will tell what you need to do. Here for example, settings contains a value that cannot be set (in this very case you need to specify a number, not a boolean (yes or no)). I recommend checking the file content on this website. Other times it might be something else; take a bit of time to read and try to understand the error stack before posting issue. Also make sure your Java version and server version meet minimum requirements.
Before You Report
- Give it ten minutes and experiment. Either you do it, or I do it. We have limited time on this planet, and I would rather spend it on actual development.
- Use common sense. Think for yourself.
Bad: Plugin don't work at all. The chat format is wrong!
Good: I would like the chat format to be different in hardcore and creative world, however only the one format is shown everywhere. I've set 'Groups' to true in settings.yml and configured my permission plugin, restarted the server and ensured players have the proper permission, but it haven't worked. I am using ChatControl X.Y.Z, PermissionsEx X and Spigot vX. Is there anything I could have done wrong there?
- Ensure no similar issue already exists. Use Search or 'CTRL + F'.
- Ensure the issue is actually caused by this plugin.
- 重载 (/reload, PlugMan, ..) 可能会造成一些问题. 最好重启服务器.
- 永远不要在开服时修改配置.
- 安装或更新插件时请重启服务器.不要重载.
- 使用最新的ChatControl. 不要在不同的子服使用不同版本的插件,否则插件功能会损坏.
- 使用最新的Spigot服务端.
- 使用正确的前置版本(尤其是 ProtocolLib, PowerNBT, Essentials 或 EssentialsX等)
- 你的服务器版本 (输入 /version 查看).
- 问题如何产生. 什么时候出现的漏斗?
- 错误日志 (这十分关键).
- 是否有其他插件干涉? PerWorldInventory/CreativeControl ?
- 发送可能由于你修改而导致问题的配置部分.