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ChatControl Pro/WIKI/常见疑问

Qsefthuopq讨论 | 贡献2019年1月28日 (一) 23:45的版本
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插件无法运行: 'Illegal UTF8 string in constant pool in (..)' / 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/kangarko/chatcontrol/final' ===

插件无法运行: Network inaccessible: (...) 请通过spigotmc来把报错信息或服务器IP发给kangarko.




formatting.yml内的城镇聊天怎么用? (我找不到注释)


如何修改消息'You have to wait X seconds before another message' 或 'Please do not post the same or similar messages' 或广播格式 :

在你的ChatControl/ 内创建localization文件夹.然后重启服务器.之后会有新的文件被创建 A new file with be created there with the default values. You can change the messages in that file.

如何编辑成就框的提醒消息"Goal Reached"?

The Toast message starts with "Goal Reached" (https://i.imgur.com/EHORs3y.png). This is due to the nature of Minecraft. Toast notifications are not intended to be used for custom messages; they are there to show advancements and rewards. All you can customize is found in the Toast section in settings.yml (use CTRL+F).



a) 防止重复的消息 (aka "Please do not repeat same or similar message/command") -> 在settings.yml 内搜索Similar_Percentage_Block 并设置为0来关闭. 提醒: 这里有两个设置,一个是对消息的、另一个是对指令的.

b) 消息冷却 (aka "You have to wait X seconds before your next message/command") -> 在settings.yml 内搜索 Message_Delay 和 Command_Delayin并设置为0来关闭 s.


ChatControl 根据玩家的权限自动把玩家分入频道内或使其进入侦查模式.

** 想要关闭自动加入频道, give yourself or your group negative -chatcontrol.autojoin.{channel}.{mode} permission. Replace {channel} with your channel name. Replace {mode} with the mode you wish to disable (write, read, spy), or * to completely disable auto-joining.

You can use wildcat '*' to disable automatic join for all channels with -chatcontrol.autojoin.* permission, for example.

How to allow my server's domain or IP address in chat?

Read this short article in Rules section.

How to prevent spamming one character or limit it to 1 repeat maximum?

There is a default rule for that hidden in rules/chat.txt, remove # from the two lines after the first line and you be good to go:

Edit {3} to change how many characters to allow.

Problems and Solutions

ChatControl won't override /w or other aliases for private messages!


  - []

to commands.yml in server directory to fix this.

Ad filter doesn't work, all dots are removed! (Example: www.google.com becomes www google com)

This change is not coming from ChatControl. Essentials is known to do that, try adding your players essentials.chat.url and essentials.msg.url permissions

I get "Cannot define an operator when no rule is being created" after editing the files in rules/ folder

This is caused by wrong system encoding. Please see this article on how to fix it.

Players can speak when muted (e.g. using BanManager / LiteBans)

Please see this article on how to fix it.

Rules don't work for me (I have OP or admin permissions!)

If you have an operator status, you automatically have the bypass permission that includes all rules. That said, no rules will apply for you. You can give yourself a negative "-chatcontrol.bypass.rules.{ruleType}" permission to make them apply for you. Replace {ruleType} with the type of rules you want to have (e.g. chat, commands, packets,... see Permissions page for a full list).

Ignore_In_Commands does not work, rules still block WorldEdit or auth commands!

The section has been renamed to Ignore_Commands, update your handlers.yml manually.

Rules, channels or chat don't show or show when not supposed to (Towny/Factions/Plot Squared, ...)

Please see this article on how to fix it.

Rules remove colors from the chat message!

Set Regex_Strip_Colors in settings.yml to false. Beware, rules now won't be checked without colors, which makes it easier to bypass.

Player count does not get down (using Multicraft)

Your issue might be that the console filter prevents certain message from appearing - and the plugin/server is reading them to detect the player count. Try disabling the console filter or removing all messages from it.

To disable console filter, set following in your settings.yml:

    Enabled: false

ChatControl's alias '/chc' is interfering with another plugin! (e.g ChestCommands)!

Remove chc from Command_Aliasesin settings.yml so only aliases for ChatControl's menu that you wish will remain:

Command_Aliases: [chatcontrol, cc, anotheralias]

Private Messages like /tell causes lag!

If you have Toast notifications enabled (Private_Messages.Toast.Enabled in your settings.yml), note that this naturally causes some (minor) lag since the advancements must be written on a file and immediately deleted.

If this is your case, please turn off the feature first to see if the lag persists. Otherwise, contact us.

Toast Private Messages notifications spam the chat!

Disable the broadcasting of advancements via the command: /gamerule announceAdvancements false.

Tab Prevention does not work correctly!

Make sure you have tab-complete set to -1 in your spigot.yml file in the root server folder.

My configuration lost comments! Where do I find default files?

Configurations are updated automatically and due to how Bukkit handles it, we cannot save comments. You can easily open up your ChatControl.jar with Winrar or unzip it on Mac and view or copy all default files from there.