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跳转至: 导航搜索
第3行: 第3行:
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="1" class="wikitable"
|+ Attributes
|+ 属性
! Attribute
! 属性
! Required
! 必需
! Description
! 描述
! Example
! 示例
! Notes
! 笔记
|- style="font-weight: bold;"
|- style="font-weight: bold;"
| name  
| name  
| yes
| The name of your plugin.  
| 插件的名字.  
| <code>name: MyPlugin</code>  
| <code>name: MyPlugin</code>  

2021年5月5日 (三) 10:21的最新版本

模板:DocsInclude 当Bukkit读取一个插件时,它需要知道插件的一些基础属性.它从plugin.yml中读取. 这个文件由一组元素组成,并且没有缩进必需在新行定义.

属性 必需 描述 示例 笔记
name 插件的名字. name: MyPlugin
  • Must consist of all alphanumeric characters and underscores (a-z,A-Z,0-9, _)
  • Used to determine the name of the plugin's data folder. Data folders are placed in the ./plugins/ directory by default.
  • It is good practice to name your jar the same as this, for example 'MyPlugin.jar'
version yes The version of this plugin. version: 1.4.1
  • Version is an arbitrary string, however the most common format is MajorRelease.MinorRelease.Build (eg: 1.4.1).
  • Typically you will increment this every time you release a new feature or bug fix.
  • Displayed when a user types /version PluginName
description no A human friendly description of the functionality your plugin provides. description: This plugin is so 31337. You can set yourself on fire.
  • The description can have multiple lines.
  • Displayed when a user types /version PluginName
load no Explicitly state when the plugin should be loaded. if not supplied will default to postworld load: STARTUP Has two possible values
author no Uniquely identifies who developed this plugin. author: CaptainInflamo
  • Gives credit to the developer.
  • Used in some server error messages to provide helpful feedback on who to contact when an error occurs.
  • A bukkit.org forum handle or email address is recommended.
  • Is displayed when a user types /version PluginName
authors no Allows you to list multiple authors, if it is a collaborative project. See author. authors: [Cogito, verrier, EvilSeph]
  • You can define both author and authors, however they will be merged into one list internally.
website no The plugin's or author's website. website: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/MyPlugin.31337/
  • If you have no dedicated website, a link to the Bukkit forum post where this plugin is listed is highly recommended.
  • Displayed when a user types /version PluginName
main yes Points to the class that extends JavaPlugin main: org.bukkit.plugin.MyPlugin
  • Note that this must contain the full namespace including the class file itself.
  • If your namespace is org.bukkit.plugin, and your class file is called MyPlugin then this must be org.bukkit.plugin.MyPlugin
database no Set to true if this plugin uses a database. database: false
depend no A list of plugins that your plugin requires to load. depend: [OnePlugin, AnotherPlugin]
  • The value must be in YAML list format (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Lists )
  • Use the "name" attribute of the required plugin in order to specify the dependency.
  • If any plugin listed here is not found your plugin will fail to load.
  • If multiple plugins list each other as a depend, so that there are no plugins without an unloadable dependency, all will fail to load.
  • (See: Wiki: Plugin_Dependencies)
prefix no The name to use when logging to console instead of the plugin's name. prefix: ex-why-zee
softdepend no A list of plugins that are required for your plugin to have full functionality. softdepend: [OnePlugin, AnotherPlugin]
  • The value must be in YAML list format (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Lists )
  • Use the "name" atrribute of the desired plugin in order to specify the dependancy.
  • Your plugin will load after any plugins listed here.
  • Circular soft dependencies are loaded arbitrarily.
  • (See: Wiki: Plugin_Dependencies)
loadbefore no A list of plugins should be loaded after your plugin. loadbefore: [OnePlugin, AnotherPlugin]
  • The value must be in YAML list format (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Lists )
  • Treated as if the listed plugin soft depends on the specifying plugin.
  • Use the "name" atrribute of the desired plugin in order to specify the target.
  • Your plugin will load before any plugins listed here.
  • Circular soft dependencies are loaded arbitrarily.
  • (See: Wiki: Plugin_Dependencies)
commands no The name of a command the plugin wishes to register, as well as an optional list of command attributes.

   [optional command attributes]

  • The command name should not contain the leading '/' required to issue a command.
  • You can choose any command name you wish, however 'common' commands such as /kick are often already registered. Use the 'alias' command attribute to supply alternate names. @TODO: verify we're happy with this
permissions no Permissions that the plugin whishes to register. Each node represents a permission to register. Each permission can have additional attributes.
    [optional permission attributes]
    [optional permission attributes]
    [optional permission attributes]
  • Permission registration is optional, can also be done from code
  • Permission registration allows you to set descriptions, defaults, and child parent relationships
  • Permission names should be kept in the style of <pluginname>.[category].[category].<permission>

A command block starts with the command's name, and then has a list of attributes.

Command Attribute Required Description Example Notes
description no A short description of what the command does. description: Set yourself on fire
  • Can be used in conjunction with /help
aliases no Alternate command names a user may use instead
aliases: combust_me OR 
aliases: [combust_me, combustMe, cm]
permission no The most basic permission node required to use the command
permission: inferno.flagrate
  • This permissions node can be used to determine if a user should be able to see this command
  • Some plugins will use this node to construct a personalized /help
permission-message no A no-permission message permission-message: You do not have /<permission>
  • Displayed to a player that attempts to use a command but does not have the associated permission
  • <permission> is a macro that is replaced with the permission node that is required to use the command.
  • You may use empty quotes to indicate nothing should be displayed.
usage no A short description of how to use this command. usage: Syntax error! Perhaps you meant /<command> PlayerName?
  • Displayed to whoever issued the command when the plugin's command handler (onCommand typically) does not return true.
  • <command> is a macro that is replaced with the command issued wherever it occurs.
  • To use the string "Usage:" (i.e. usage: Usage: /god [player], surround the text after the usage: label with double-quotes:
    usage: "Usage: /god [player]"

A permission block starts with the permission's name and is followed by nodes of attributes

Permission Attribute Required Description Example Notes
description no A short description of what this permission allows
description: Allows you to set yourself on fire
  • Allows programmatic access, and helps server administrators
default no Sets the default value of the permission
default: true
  • If node does not exist the permission defaults to op
  • allowed defaults are: true, false, op, not op
  • op default will be true if player is op
  • no op default is the opposite behavior (of op)
children no allows you to set children for the permission. Child nodes are permission names
  inferno.flagrate: true
  inferno.burningdeaths: true
  • Each child node must be either set to true or false
    • a child node of true inherits the parent permission
    • a child node of false inherits the inverse parent permission
  • Can also contain other permission nodes {1}


 name: Inferno
 version: 1.4.1
 description: This plugin is so 31337. You can set yourself on fire.
 # We could place every author in the authors list, but chose not to for illustrative purposes
 # Also, having an author distinguishes that person as the project lead, and ensures their 
 # name is displayed first
 author: CaptainInflamo
 authors: [Cogito, verrier, EvilSeph] 
 website: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/MyPlugin.31337/
 main: com.captaininflamo.bukkit.inferno.Inferno
 database: false
 depend: [NewFire, FlameWire]
     description: Set yourself on fire.
     aliases: [combust_me, combustMe]
     permission: inferno.flagrate
     usage: Syntax error! Simply type /&lt;command&gt; to ignite yourself.
     description: List how many times you have died by fire.
     aliases: [burning_deaths, burningDeaths]
     permission: inferno.burningdeaths
     usage: |
       /&lt;command&gt; [player]
       Example: /&lt;command&gt; - see how many times you have burned to death
       Example: /&lt;command&gt; CaptainIce - see how many times CaptainIce has burned to death
     description: Gives access to all Inferno commands
       inferno.flagrate: true
       inferno.burningdeaths: true
       inferno.burningdeaths.others: true
     description: Allows you to ignite yourself
     default: true
     description: Allows you to see how many times you have burned to death
     default: true
     description: Allows you to see how many times others have burned to death
     default: op
       inferno.burningdeaths: true
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