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外文名 | TradePlus |
作者 | Trophonix |
插件类型 | Spigot / CraftBukkit |
最新版本 | 1.7+ |
前置插件 | 无 |
源地址 | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/Tradeplus |
- 自定义
- 支持1.7.10到1.14
- 跨世界交易
- 交易物品
- 通过Vault和一些经济插件交易金钱
- 交易经验
- 交易TokenEnchant的Token
- 交易PlayerPoint的点券
- 交易GriefPrevention的方块
- 交易Enjin的点数
- 交易TokenManager的token
- 使用Shift+右键邀请交易(可设置)-设置为"disabled"即可禁止
- 点击交易消息接受交易请求
- 管理员可以强制交易和旁观交易
- 物品黑名单
- 收税
- 音效
- 禁止作弊交易
- 设置最大交易距离
- 更多待更新特性
- /trade <玩家名> 发送交易请求
- /tradeplus reload 重载配置文件
- /tradeplus force <玩家1> <玩家2> 强行让两个玩家交易
- /tradeplus spectate <玩家1> <玩家2> 旁观正在进行的交易
- tradeplus.admin 允许使用/tradeplus命令,并当玩家交易时获得提示
- tradeplus.admin.silent 禁用交易提示
- tradeplus.trade 允许玩家用/trade命令发送交易申请,默认
aliases: - trade+ trade-logs: false allow-same-ip-trade: true permissions: required: false send: tradeplus.send accept: tradeplus.accept requestcooldownseconds: 20 allow-trade-in-creative: false blocked: blacklist: - bedrock - monster_egg named-items: false lore: - EXAMPLE_BLOCKED_LORE regex: '' action: crouchrightclick ranges: sameworld: 10.0 crossworld: 0.0 allowcrossworld: false blocked-worlds: - ThisWorldDoesntExistButItsBlocked - NeitherDoesThisOneButItIsToo antiscam: countdown: 10 cancelonchange: true preventchangeonaccept: true discrepancy-detection: true gui: title: Your Items <| |> Their Items spectator-title: Player 1 <| |> Player 2 head: '&7你正在和此玩家py交易: &3&l%PLAYER%' showhead: true accept: '&a&l点击接受交易' cancel: '&c&l点击取消交易' showaccept: true theyaccept: ' ' theycancel: ' ' acceptid: green_stained_glass_pane cancelid: red_stained_glass_pane separatorid: black_stained_glass_pane force: enabled: true type: clock name: '&4&l强行交♂易' lore: - '&c点击这里强行同意' - '' - '&c这项只对管理员显示.' extras: type: empty: '&e输入新的交易数额.' valid: '&a点击输出格确定交易.' invalid: '&c输入的数值无效!' maximum: '&c你的金钱为 %BALANCE%' economy: enabled: true material: gold_ingot display: '&e你现在的金额为 &6%AMOUNT%' theirdisplay: '&e对方现在的金额为 &6%AMOUNT%' lore: - '&f点击编辑你的金额!' increment: 10.0 taxpercent: 0 mode: anvil experience: enabled: false material: experience_bottle display: '&aYour current XP offer is &2%AMOUNT%' theirdisplay: '&aTheir current XP offer is &2%AMOUNT%' lore: - '&fClick to edit your offer!' increment: 5 taxpercent: 0 mode: anvil playerpoints: enabled: true material: diamond display: '&b你现在支出的点券为 &3%AMOUNT%' theirdisplay: '&b对方支出的点券为 &3%AMOUNT%' lore: - '&f点击编辑你的金额!' increment: 5 taxpercent: 0 mode: anvil griefprevention: enabled: true material: diamond_pickaxe display: '&eYour current GriefPrevention offer is &6%AMOUNT%' theirdisplay: '&eTheir current GriefPrevention offer is &6%AMOUNT%' lore: - '&fClick to edit your offer!' increment: 1 taxperecent: 0 mode: type enjinpoints: enabled: false material: emerald display: '&eYour current EnjinPoints offer is &6%AMOUNT%' theirdisplay: '&eTheir current EnjinPoints offer is &6%AMOUNT%' lore: - '&fClick to edit your offer!' increment: 1 taxpercent: 0 mode: type tokenenchant: enabled: true material: enchanted_book display: '&eYour current TokenEnchant tokens offer is &6%AMOUNT%' theirdisplay: '&eTheir current TokenEnchants tokens offer is &6%AMOUNT%' lore: - '&fClick to edit your offer!' increment: 1 taxpercent: 0 mode: type tokenmanager: enabled: true material: emerald display: '&eYour current TokenManager tokens offer is &6%AMOUNT%' theirdisplay: '&eTheir current TokenManager tokens offer is &6%AMOUNT%' lore: - '&fClick to edit your offer!' increment: 1 taxpercent: 0 mode: type hooks: factions: allow-trades-in-enemy-territory: false soundeffects: enabled: true onchange: true onaccept: true oncomplete: true oncountdown: true debug-mode: false configversion: 3.54
request: sent: '&6&l(!) &r&6你给 &e%PLAYER% &r&6发送了一条交♂易请求' received: text: '&6&l(!) &r&6你收到了来自 &e%PLAYER%&r&6的交♂易请求%NEWLINE%&6&l(!) &r&6输入 &e/trade %PLAYER% &6开始交♂易' hover: '&6&l点击这里快速与&e&l%PLAYER%&6交♂易' errors: creative: '&4&l(!) &r&4你不能再创造模式下交♂易!' creative-them: '&4&l(!) &r&4对方在创造模式!' within-range: same-world: '&4&l(!) &r&4你必须与对方在 %AMOUNT% 格以内才能交♂易' cross-world: '&4&l(!) &r&4你必须与对方在 %AMOUNT% 格以内%NEWLINE%&4&l(!) &r&4在不同的世界!' no-cross-world: '&4&l(!) &r&4你必须与对方在同一个世界才能交♂易!' wait-for-expire: '&4&l(!) &r&4你仍有一个活跃的交♂易请求%NEWLINE%&4&l(!) &r&4它很快就会过期' player-not-found: '&4&l(!) &r&4没有找到该玩家' self-trade: '&4&l(!) &r&4你不能与自己交♂易' invalid-usage: '&4&l(!) &r&4无效的字符串. 用法: %NEWLINE% &c- /trade <玩家名>%NEWLINE% &c- /trade deny' no-perms: accept: '&4&l(!) &r&4你没有交♂易的权限' send: '&4&l(!) &r&4你没有权限发出交♂易' receive: '&4&l(!) &r&4对方没有权限接受交♂易' admin: '&4&l(!) &r&4你没有权限使用这个命令' accept: sender: '&6&l(!) &r&e%PLAYER% &6接受了你的交♂易请求' receiver: '&6&l(!) &r&6你接受了&e%PLAYER%''s &6的交♂易请求' cancelled: '&4&l(!) &r&4交♂易已取消' expired: '&4&l(!) &r&4你最近的交♂易请求过期了' trade-complete: '&6&l(!) &r&6交♂易成功!' forced-trade: '&6&l(!) &r&6你被强制与&e%PLAYER%&6交♂易' denied: them: '&4&l(!) &r&4你发送给&c%PLAYER% &4的交♂易请求被拒绝了' you: '&4&l(!) &r&4所有近期的交♂易都被拒绝了.' spectate: message: '&6&l(!) &e%PLAYER1% &6和&e%PLAYER2% &6开始了交♂易 %NEWLINE%&6&l(!) &6输入 &e/tradeplus spectate %PLAYER1% %PLAYER2% &6去旁观' hover: '&6&l点击这里旁观交♂易' antiscam: discrepancy: '&4&l(!) &r&4在交♂易物品中发现了一个错误.%NEWLINE%&4&l(!) &4交♂易已被取消.' admin: configs-reloaded: '&6&l(!) &6设置已重载!' invalid-players: '&4&l(!) &4无效的玩家名!' forced-trade: '&6&l(!) &6你强制让 &e%PLAYER1% &6和 &e%PLAYER2%&6进行了交♂易' players-only: '&4&l(!) &4这个命令只能玩家使用.' no-trade: '&4&l(!) &4没有该交♂易.' hooks: factions: enemy-territory: '&4&l(!) &4You can''t trade in enemy territory!'