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StackableItems allows you to raise or lower the default stack amounts for any item. Items can also be disabled (disallows pickup and crafting). Items can be set in three different ways: individual players, permission groups (requires Vault), and universally.
Example use cases:
Carrying 16 snowballs while carrying 64 cubic meters of dirt is ridiculous. Carry a stack of water buckets or mushroom soup with you so you never run out Make potions stack Limit stacks of food for a hardcore survival server Allow only privileged users to craft/pickup TNT Allow individual players to craft custom items Download: BukkitDev
Source Code: Github
Example configurations
As of 0.8, capping amounts to 127 to prevent item loss. Configurations use Bukkit Material names. More info on the Configurations page.
Custom configs per group/player
Each Permissions group or player can be setup to use their own custom config by creating a new file in the StackableItems directory. Examples for me would be: I am in group admin and player haveric, so I could use admin.yml or haveric.yml
A group file will override defaultItems for the Permission group.
A player file will override a group file or defaultItems for the given player.
- stackableitems.admin Allows a player to use in-game commands to set stack amounts and reload the config. Permissions can also be used to create groups which can be handled with group.yml (ex: admin.yml) files Options
See the options page for detailed descriptions of each option in options.yml
Please read the configuration guide for 1.0, especially if upgrading from an older version.
Version 1.0.2 (1/19/2015)
Updated Material api link to spigot's version of bukkit Fixed an issue with HopperMinecarts Fixed inventory swapping directions to match vanilla shift clicking Fixed crafting with number keys putting items in the wrong slots Fixed shift clicking items to inventories Fixed shift clicking nether wart into brewing stands Fixed shift click stacking in the first slot of horse inventories Fixed 1.8 shift click inventory swapping in enchantment tables See the full changelog for previous updates.
Problem or Bug?
If you are having any issues or encounter any bugs, check the issue tracker on github first, and submit a new one if needed.
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This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
A unique identifier The server's version of Java Whether the server is in offline or online mode The plugin's version The server's version The OS version/name and architecture The core count for the CPU The number of players online The Metrics version