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外文名 | NoCheatPlus |
插件类型 | Spigot / CraftBukkit |
最新版本 | 3.13.7-RC-sMD5NET-b925 |
兼容服务端 | 1.8.1 |
前置插件 | 无 |
源地址 | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/NoCheatPlus |
Detect and fight the exploitation of various flaws/bugs in Minecraft!
NoCheatPlus通过禁止客户端利用MineCraft数据传输协议的漏洞进行作弊来使得你的服务器更加安全可靠. 检测范围包括飞行,加速,战斗作弊, 快速破坏方块与核弹, 背包作弊, 聊天窗广告以及其他的恶意行为. 更全面的介绍请见 Features Page(内容已搬至本页面,查看最新内容请点击链接).
NoCheatPlus将重点放在可配置,当某玩家未通过检查时允许你自定义可执行的操作 (例如 silent cancelling, 执行命令, 只是记录). 白名单权限允许设置检查哪些玩家,全部检测可以在配置文件中被关闭, 也有特殊的世界检查选项. 许多检测允许更详细的配置来调整灵敏度。
当然NoCheatPlus不是万能的,它采用了许多启发式机制与猜测机制, 因此你会在各个地方遇到误报并且也不能抓住每一个作弊者. Example video 如何用NoCheatPlus解决方块作弊(过时的插件版本).
NoCheatPlus由 NeatMonster 推出, 基于由Evenprime编写的Nocheat插件.
- 玩家行动:
- 禁止飞行(生存/冒险模式下) 或是限制飞行速度(创造模式下)
- 禁止玩家的行走,冲刺,潜行,游泳和破坏方块的速度过快
- 禁止玩家无视掉落伤害
- 禁止玩家进入方块 (穿墙模式)
- 禁止玩家改变服务器时间
- 禁止玩家利用 "safe-respawn" 的缺陷
- 禁止在水和岩浆顶部行走 [尽管现在的作弊者只是在其上保持跳跃]
- 禁止玩家通过非法移动使服务器崩溃 (CraftBukkit 自身并不包含检测模块,但有时这些移动数据会影响到插件.)
- 防止玩家伪造"BedLeave"数据包<ref>数据包意义不明,请各位完善</ref>
- 禁止玩家悬浮在半空中
- 禁止玩家利用 "block jumping"来跳过高墙
- 防止玩家V-Clipping或传送
- 禁止玩家滥用钓竿来绕开飞行检测 (这只是一个玩笑...) [未测试! 默认关闭!]
- 防止玩家通过飞行进行作弊
- 禁止玩家滥用末影珍珠穿越墙,屋顶和地板
- 方块交互:
- 禁止玩家操作正常接触范围之外的方块
- 强制玩家看着想要操作的方块
- 禁止玩家透过墙对方块进行操作
- 防止玩家通过特定方块来传播广告信息(note-blocks<ref>原文如此</ref>,门,石头,木材等)
- 方块破坏:
- 防止玩家使用 "Survival Nuker", "Smasher", "Click Nuker" 与 "Creative Nuker(创造模式软件?)"
- 防止以不正常速度破坏方块, 防止同时破坏过多方块.
- 限制玩家可破坏方块的距离
- 强制玩家看着方块(破坏方块时,鼠标准星需对准方块)
- 防止 "noswing" 作弊 (玩家破坏方块时手臂没有动作)
- 禁止玩家同时破坏两个及以上的方块
- 禁止创造模式下的玩家破坏水或岩浆
- 方块放置:
- 防止玩家使用 "FastPlace" 和 "Build" 类作弊工具
- 限制玩家可放置方块的距离
- 强制对准方块
- 禁止玩家过快地投掷物品
- 禁止玩家在除了水和岩浆上的地方放置船只
- 利用客户端的AutoSign特征防御防止玩家作弊
- 禁止玩家在半空中放置方块.
- 禁止玩家在流体上放置方块
- 玩家聊天:
- 部分功能受Evenprime的插件启发.
- 高速刷屏检测 + tool-box for slower paced annoyances (可考虑到玩家聊天记录和全体聊天记录).
- 限制同一时间内允许加入服务器的玩家的数目
- 禁止短时间内多次重复登陆.
- 清除玩家信息的颜色
- 支持屏蔽聊天窗内的广告内容
- 背包:
- 禁止玩家短时间内丢出大量物品以避免服务器的卡顿
- 禁止玩家过快地填充,发射弓箭
- 禁止玩家过快地进食
- 禁止玩家以过快的速度管理他们的物品(包括背包,附魔台,信标)
- 禁止玩家将非法的附魔保存为附魔书(此漏洞在1.4.3及以上被修复)
- 战斗:
- 防止玩家同时攻击过多实体(玩家和怪物都算做实体)
- 防止不在视线范围内的敌人的攻击
- 防止没有动作的攻击
- 防止一秒内对生物攻击多次
- 禁止攻击过远的目标
- 防止玩家由于Minecraft的设计缺陷而变得无敌
- 防止玩家当它在技术上是不可能的时候攻击其他玩家(比如上上一条)
- 防止玩家 from exploiting extremely low jumps to get a pseudo criticals cheat going NEW!
- 防止玩家在技术上不可能的时候给予其他玩家暴击
- 防止玩家在用剑格挡的时候攻击其他玩家
- 防止玩家不断改变自己的方向(against force fields)
- 防止玩家击退自己来飞行
- 可以通过联合检查(?)来找到师徒同时进行两个以上作弊行为的玩家
- 防止玩家过快地回复血量
- 杂项:
- 禁用 Zombe's mod (飞行, 穿墙, 作弊)
- 禁用 CJB's mod (飞行, 透视, 雷达)
- 禁用 Rei's Minimap (洞穴, 雷达)
- 禁用 Minecraft AutoMap (矿物, 洞穴, 雷达)
- 禁用 Smart Moving (攀爬, 游泳, 爬行, 滑行, 跳跃, 飞行)
- 使"OP"命令只能在服务器控制台内执行(默认禁用)
- Adapts to server sided lag for less false positives on heavy server load
- 提供了一个API,允许让其他插件与NoCheatPlus兼容
- Use of BukkitAPI only if the used CraftBukkit version is not supported
- 使用空格缩进。
- 保持缩进级别:永不改变配置文件“config.yml”前面空格的数量。
- 不要插入特殊字符,如制表符缩进。如果你计划写复杂的文本条目,可以写为 '...' or "..."。
- 请参阅默认的配置文件,以供参考。
- 使用[parser]以确保您的配置文件的格式正确。
- 插入不受支持的字符或改变缩进级别会破坏配置文件.
- 对于那些使用Notepad++来编辑YAML文件的人:
建议启用"Replace by space" in Settings -> Preferences -> Tab Settings 建议启用"转换为空格" 在 设置(T) -> 首选项... -> 制表符设置
- 首先创建一个空的yml文件根据你的服务器世界的名称。例如:world_config.yml(_是必需的!所有字符都是很敏感的!)
- 在你的服务器安装NocheatPlus或运行 /重新安装NocheatPlus /如果已经在你的服务器运行 请重载
- NOCheatPlus现在可以写的设置是那些空的YAML文件,来更改世界配置
- 如果你更喜欢使用全局config.yml的某些设置,则将“ savebackconfig”设置为false并将其从特定于你的世界的配置文件中删除
- End result in your [window] after successfully creating some world specific config.yml files
- Other examples: WorldName_config.yml, world_nether_config.yml, world_the_end_config.yml, HungerGames_config.yml or BackupWorld_config.yml
- 世界名区分大小写(例如MiningWorld, theWorld 等等)。
- 你可以将savebackconfig设置为false,以此避免NoCheatPlus向配置文件添加默认值。你可以只覆盖掉你需要更改的配置,并保存一个只针对于某一世界的配置文件。
- WorldName_config.yml配置的优先级始终高于config.yml。NoCheatPlus将首先应用config.yml中的所有配置,然后再用WorldName_config.yml的配置内容覆盖特定世界的配置。
- Some settings can only be used in the global config.yml and aren't multiworld compatible (Please don't just copy config.yml and rename it to WorldName_config.yml or similar.)
- World specific files can be created, changed or removed while your server and NoCheatPlus are running. Just use the /ncp reload or /nocheatplus reload command to let NoCheatPlus reread your configuration file.
- If a world gets unloaded, deleted or renamed then NoCheatPlus will automaticly ignore your world specific configuration files you made for it
设置 {{{notify}}} 为 false 抑制过期配置的消息。. 目前仅检查主配置文件。 \\其他项目并不意味着要用手工更改,他们表示配置创建的版本和最后一个保存的版本。
Disable all logging with setting {{{active}}} to false.
Individual logging targets can be configured in the sub sections within {{{backends}}}:
- Set {{{active}}} to false to disable the individual backend.
- The {{{prefix}}} parameter allows to create a custom appearance for the log messages.
- File logging allows specifying a file name.
- For {{{ingamechat}}} you can force NoCheatPlus to check permissions subscriptions, if you use plugins that apply this technique to log to IRC and other for instance.
- Set {{{opinconsoleonly}}} to true to prevent op and deop commands from in-game chat. [Will be changed to a list of commands.]
- Set {{{managelisteners}}} to true to help us testing :) - this feature lets NCP register all its listeners inside of a ListenerManager that allows more intricate registration order than Bukkit. This is a "future feature" and is not needed, not even sure it improves performance.
- Set {{{reporttometrics}}} to false in order to disable reporting usage-stats to [[1]] (PluginMetrics). Setting this to falss also prevents NoCheatplus from creating the PluginMetrics folder, however other plugins or Spigot could still create that folder.
数据段落将告诉你如何指定一个玩家的数据的有效(截止)期限(?)。 If set to something greater than 0, this will periodically remove players data if the players have been logged out for longer than the specified amount of minutes. At present this would also delete set-back locations and current violation levels, if activated, so it should not be set to a too short duration.
- expiration**
|**Config**|**Description**|**Default**| |**duration**|Duration in minutes after logout, after which data gets erased.|0| |**history**|Should the players violation history also be deleted?|false|
- consistencychecks**
You can suppress consistency check warnings here and alter intervals for periodic checking (usually not needed).
Features for this and other plugins.
This section contains configuration for hiding (some of) your plugins better. You can prevent help-contents display and command usage by setting permissions with a permissions plugin, if the command has a default permission set, but NoCheatPlus allows to set the permission message of some commands, which would otherwise reveal the presence of the command/plugin. So the permission message for some commands can be changed to the "Unknown command" message to hide the presence. You do need to also set the aliases of the commands, use lower case rather. \\This feature allows to change command permissions to not be given by default or add a generic filter permission nocheatplus.filter.command.//(commandname)// to a command that does not have one set yet, the following settings allow configuring lists of commands and the message: \\**"nopermission":**\\ Display the "no permission" message, default to "plugins" and "version" commands, useful for instance if a plugin does not set a permission for a command. \\**"未知命令":**\\ Display the "unknown command" message, empty by default. This can be used to hide a command from users that don't have the default permission (or the filter permission added by NCP if none was set).
\\TODO: Link docs on how to configure help topics and other.
Features that concern client mods. Set the {{{active}}} flag to false in the {{{motd}}} section to prevent NoCheatPlus sending any "blank lines" messages to clients on login. Otherwise blank lines can result disregarding if all clients are allowed or not, because some clients use a message to enable features, some need a message to disable features. \\Note that it is 100% up to the client to decide on enabling or disabling features, a modified version of any client may ignore any sent messages, without that being detectable.
Configuration of checks
查看: 概述
链接: \\| 方块破坏 | 方块交互 | 方块放置 | 聊天 | combined | 战斗 | 背包 | 移动 |
Strings section
This is the section that defines various strings for "log" or "cmd" actions. Each has a name (the part in front of ":") and a definition (the part behind the ":"). Whenever you use a "log" or "cmd" action in one of the "actions: " options of this config file, the string will be taken from this section. Arbitrary many additional strings may be defined here, or existing strings may be changed. \\ \\ Most messages/commands use place-holders in [ ], which will be replaced at runtime with relevant information. Some of these may only be available in certain circumstances, only "[player]" can be used everywhere, especially in "cmd" actions.| \\
Compatibility section
This section allows to configure details for the case of compatibility issues, for instance with other server mods or custom blocks.
Bleeding Edge: Development builds
To allow you to keep track with the configuration and permission changes in the latest development versions, we have a simple page set up: **[[../development/dev-pinboard.creole|Development Pinboard]]** \\ For quick overview over recent builds, see: [[../development/build-infos.creole|Important Changes By Build Number]]
NoCheatPlus integrates a lightweight command system. It allows you to quickly exempt players from checks or to access and manage check data about a player.
All commands support tab completion and some even allow shortcuts. The root command is named "nocheatplus", however the alias "ncp" should also work and is used for reference here.
NoCheatPlus also supports aliases from Bukkit [[2]] if you wish to have another alias command aside form "nocheatplus" and "ncp".
- **NoCheatPlus 3.10.2** 及更高版本: {{{nocheatplus.commands}}}
- //NoCheatPlus 3.10.1// 及更低版本: {{{nocheatplus.admin}}}
你可以使用命令名称作为子权限给予玩家来让玩家可以使用该命令, 例如 {{{nocheatplus.admin.info}}}. 有关 NoCheatPlus 权限的更多信息, 推荐查看 [[../permissions/permissions.creole|Permissions docs]].
Those commands are used to basically manage NoCheatPlus on your server.
- Arguments in () are needed, while arguments in [] are optional.**
|=Commands|=Explanation| |/ncp reload| Reloads, generates and regenerates the configuration file of NoCheatPlus. Run this in-case you changed something on your configuration file while your server was running.| |/ncp notify on/off| Toggle all in-game notifications/alerts generated by NoCheatPlus.| |/ncp info (player)| Display the violation levels of a given player.| |/ncp lag| Show info about server sided latency. The average lag shows the percentage of the server running too slow (0% = 20 tps, 10% = 18 tps) for the last 1 second, 3.33 and 270 seconds, roughly. Also lag spikes are displayed, tracked over at most 1 hour with a resolution of 20 minutes buckets (i.e. not exact) for spikes > 150 ms (3x to 20x) and spikes > 1000 ms (20x +). Be aware that this information is needed to make most NoCheatPlus checks adapt to server sided lag.| |/ncp removeplayer (player) [check_type]| Remove all the data collected by NoCheatPlus so far for a given player. You can use the [check_type] option to make NoCheatPlus only remove data from a specific check (Default will clean all data of all checks!). To list all check names execute a command such as this: /ncp removeplayer (PlayerName) list. "*" is supported here. |/ncp exempt (player) [check_type]| Exempt a player from being checked by NoCheatPlus or by a specific check.| |/ncp unexempt (player) [check_type]| Remove any exemption you given to a specified player. "*" Is supported here.| |/ncp exemptions (player)| Gives back a list of all check that a specific player has been exempted from.| |/ncp commands| List all commands, more than shown here. The other commands are mainly for use with actions, such as delaying other commands, kicking with a message, telling players messages in colour, deny login for a players, allow it again and other.| |/ncp version| Show version information about the server, plugin, compatibility modules and registered hooks.|
Those commands are mainly used by NoCheatPlut itself to execute strings or commands over actions on violating players but you can also make use of them if you wish to do so. Most of them have no difference compared to the vanilla commands apart from the delay otion.
- Arguments in () are needed, while arguments in [] are optional.**
/ncp ban [延迟=(ticks)] (玩家) [原因] 从你的服务器上封禁一个玩家 (banned-players.txt)。
/ncp kick [延迟=(ticks)] (玩家) [玩家] 从你的服务器上踢出一个玩家。
/ncp unkick (玩家) 允许你移除一个被你 临时踢出/临时封禁 的玩家. "*" 可以在这里使用。
/ncp kicklist 列出所有已经在你服务器上NoCheatPlus临时踢出/临时封禁的玩家。
/ncp tell [延迟=(ticks)] (玩家) (消息) 发送一个私聊消息到指定的玩家。
/ncp delay [延迟=(ticks)] (命令) 延时执行一个命令。
- This page describes permissions for NoCheatPlus 3.10.2 and above,**
\\**NoCheatPlus 3.10.2-RC-sMD5NET-b620 adds new permissions for commands and new short-cut permissions, updates following soon.** \\//For older versions see the permissions page for 3.10.1 and below.//
NoCheatPlus supports "SuperPerms", CraftBukkit's official permission framework. You'll need to use a permissions plugin that supports "SuperPerms" to manage all the permissions of NoCheatPlus. Here are some examples:
* PermissionsEx * bPermissions * Essentials GroupManager * Privileges * zPermissions
By default NoCheatPlus assigns all permissions and gives full rights to players that have been /op-ed on your server. If you don't want to give OPs full access to all NoCheatPlus features then take a look in the configuration of your permissions plugin (Example with PermissionsEx: allowOps: false).\\\\
|nocheatplus.notify|The player will receive notifications through the in-game chat of players failing NoCheatPlus checks. .| If you want moderators to be able to toggle notifications, just give the permission nocheatplus.command.notify, which will also give this one then. Mind the ".silent" permission for individual checks permissions (explained on the bottom of this page).
|{{{nocheatplus.admin}}}|Shortcut permission for all administrative commands including ban (do not give lightly). See nocheatplus.shortcut permissions for faster setup for moderators.|
|nocheatplus.admin.debug|Owners of this node will receive debug messages of checks if NoCheatPlus debugging is turned on.|
|nocheatplus.command.notify|Allow toggling notifications and also to receive them (nocheatplus.notify is included here).| |nocheatplus.command.info|The player gets access to "/ncp info", which displays all violations that a player has gotten (if any).| |nocheatplus.command.lag|Gives access to "/ncp lag" which shows informations about your server latency (NoCheatPlus uses this informations to adapt some checks for serversided latency).| |nocheatplus.command.reload|The player gets access to "/ncp reload", which causes NoCheatPlus to reread its configuration files (This doesn't clear NoCheatPlus data or exemptions!).| |nocheatplus.command.plugins|Allows the player to execute the "/plugins" or "/pl" command from CraftBukkit (//protectplugins// has be set to true in the configuration file).| |nocheatplus.command.version|Owners of this node can execute the "/version" or "/ver" command from CraftBukkit (//protectplugins// has be set to true in the configuration file).| |nocheatplus.command.exemptions|Gives access to execute "/ncp exemptions" which list all exemptions for an specified player (Those exemptions will get reset after every reload/restart! For permanent exemptions use the check permissions!).| |nocheatplus.command.exempt|Gives access to the "/ncp exempt" command which allows to temporary exempt players for either all (ALL) or specified checks only.| |nocheatplus.command.unexempt|Allows to unexempt players from checks by using the "/ncp unexempt" command.| |nocheatplus.command.removeplayer|Gives access to execute "/ncp removeplayer", which causes NoCheatPlus to wipe/clear specified or all collected data from a player including violations and temporary stored check data (This wont wipe exemptions!).| |nocheatplus.command.commands|Allows the player to use the "/ncp" command which lists all NoCheatPlus commands.| |nocheatplus.command.ban|Gives permissions to use "/ncp ban" which bans a player on your server.| |nocheatplus.command.kick|Gives access to "/ncp kick" which kicks a player from your server.| |nocheatplus.command.tell|Gives access to "/ncp tell" which allows whispering something to a specified player.| |nocheatplus.command.delay|Gives permissions to use the "/ncp delay" command which has the ability to run a specified command with delayed time execution time.| |nocheatplus.command.tempkick|Allows the player to tempkick/tempban someone from the server using "/ncp tempkick".| |nocheatplus.command.kicklist|Gives access to the "/ncp kicklist" command which lists all players that got "tempkicked/tempbanned" from NoCheatplus by either using actions or "/ncp tempkick".| |nocheatplus.command.unkick|Gives access to remove a tempkick/tempban from a player using "/ncp unkick".|
Filter permissions (plugin hiding)
|nocheatplus.filter.command.(commandname)|Allows to use a command protected by command protection, only for the case the command did not have a permission set. Note that (commandname) is just the lower-case command label. In case of incompatibilities of your permission plugin you might have to add nocheatplus.filter.command.nocheatplus to players that are to use /ncp ... commands.|
Specific bypass permissions. |nocheatplus.bypass.denylogin|Allows to bypass the login denial, such as exists with the /ncp tempkick command.|
Check permissions, directly related to players actions and associated checks. |nocheatplus.checks|Parent permission for all checks. TODO: Overview for "full" exemption by permissions (might need few additional permissions?).|
|nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak|Parent permission for the blockbreak checks.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.direction|Don't force the player to look at the blocks that he/she wants to break.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.fastbreak|Allows the player to break blocks very quickly.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.frequency|Allows the player to break 2 or more blocks at the same time.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.noswing|Don't force players to swing their arm when breaking blocks.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.reach|Allows breaking of blocks that are out of reach distance.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.wrongblock|Don't force the player to interact with the block first before he/she is allowed break it (interacting=touching).| |nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.break.liquid|Allows the player to break liquids such as water or lava (source blocks) by using a hack in creative gamemode.|
|nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract|Parent permission for this check section.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.direction|Don't force the player to look at the blocks that he/she is trying to interact with (levers, doors and other).| |nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.reach|Allows the player to interact with blocks that are further away than usual.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.speed|Allows the player to spam interaction on blocks such as levers, note blocks, doors and other.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.visible|Everyone that owns this node is allowed to interact through walls to open a chest, furnace and other container without actually seeing them (also prevents from entering a minecart, bed or boat through walls).|
|nocheatplus.checks.blockplace|...| |nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.direction|Don't force the player to look at the block that he/she is trying to place on.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.boatsanywhere|Allows the player to place boats everywhere and not only in the water.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.fastplace|Allows the player to place blocks very quickly.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.noswing|Don't force players to swing their arm when placing a block.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.reach|Allows the player to place blocks that are too far away.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.speed|Allows a player to throw projectiles very quickly (snowballs, splash potions and other).| |nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.against.liquids|Having this permission assigned allows to place block against liquids by using a special hack.| |nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.against.air|This permission allows a player to place blocks against air.|
|nocheatplus.checks.chat|...| |nocheatplus.checks.chat.color|Don't filter color codes from messages that get sent by players to allow them using colors in their messages. However nearly every chat plugin will override this.| |nocheatplus.checks.chat.text|Allows the player to bypass the chat spam check for written text.| |nocheatplus.checks.chat.commands|Allow players to bypass the command frequency check that protects against command spam.| |nocheatplus.checks.chat.captcha|Owners of this permission wont be forced to type in a captcha if they fail one of the chat checks (this feature is disabled by default).| |nocheatplus.checks.chat.relog|Every player that has this permission is allowed to completely bypass the re-log check of NoCheatPlus.| |nocheatplus.checks.chat.logins|Allows the player to bypass the login check which prevents too many players loging in at the same time.|
|nocheatplus.checks.combined|Parent permission for the combined check group.| |nocheatplus.checks.combined.improbable|Allows the player to bypass the Combined_Improbable check which fights against kill-auras ,speed hacks and some other combined hacks also. It also prevents the player from using 2 or more hacks at the same time.| |nocheatplus.checks.combined.bedleave|Allows the player to send bed leave packets from anywhere (can be exploited to confuse some other checks of NoCheatPlus).| |nocheatplus.checks.combined.munchhausen|Players with this node might be able to use fishing roods for flying (Check is disabled by default in configuration).|
|nocheatplus.checks.fight|Fight check group.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.angle|Don't prevent the player from attacking multiple entities at the time.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.critical|Don't prevent the player from doing fake critical hits when it's technically not possible to do so.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.direction|Don't force the player to look at the targets while fighting them.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.godmode|Don't prevent the player from keeping the temporary invulnerability that he/she gets when taking damage.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.fastheal|The owner of this node is allowed to regenerate health faster then usually possible.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.knockback|Don't prevent the player from doing knockbacks when it's technically not possible to do so.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.noswing|Don't force the player to move the arm while fighting against someone or something.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.reach|Allows the player to hit players and mobs that are out of allowed distance.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.selfhit|Allows the player to do self hits for flying by exploiting the knockback of those hits.| |nocheatplus.checks.fight.speed|Don't limit the amount of attacks that the player can do per second.|
|nocheatplus.checks.inventory|Inventory check group.| |nocheatplus.checks.inventory.drop|Don't limit the amount of items that a player may drop within a short timeframe.| |nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instantbow|Don't prevent the player from shooting arrows instantly over the bow without taking the usual time to pull the string back.| |nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instanteat|Don't prevent players from eating their food instantly without taking the usual time to munch on it.| |nocheatplus.checks.inventory.fastclick|Allows the player to move items around the inventory instantly without using there mouse/keyboard to do so.| |nocheatplus.checks.inventory.items|Allows the player to use illegal enchantments on signed books (This got fixed now in Minecraft 1.4.3 and higher).|
|nocheatplus.checks.moving|Parent permission for the moving checks group.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.creativefly|Allows the player to fly faster in creative mode then usually possible.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepackets|Allow the player to make a lot more movements than normally possible. Doing more movements will result in faster movement speed and causes the server to spend a lot of additional time for processing these movements.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepacketsvehicle|Allows players to make a lot more movements in vehicles (boats, minecrats, pigs, ...) than normally possible.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.nofall|Allows the player to avoid fall damage by using cheats. Normally NoCheatPlus will keep track of a player's movement and rectify the fall-damage calculations of Minecraft so the player always gets the fall damage he/she is supposed to get.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly|Allows the player to fly in survival mode. It also treats the player as if he has the ".nofall" permission too.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.blocking|Allows the player to block while moving at normal speed.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.sneaking|Allows the player to sneak while moving at normal speed.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.sprinting|Allows the player to sprint backwards.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.speeding|Allows the player to bypass the vanilla walk/run/sprint speed limits.| |nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.step|Don't check if the player is using the step hack to get faster over blocks then usually possible.|
These permissions allow to control which feature/mod a player may use. There is no guarantee that players use the original client and obey the request to turn off/on features, though.
|nocheatplus.mods.cjb|All CJB features.| |nocheatplus.mods.cjb.fly|Don't prevent the player from using CJB's fly mod on the server.| |nocheatplus.mods.cjb.radar|Gives access to use CJB's radar mod on the server.| |nocheatplus.mods.cjb.xray|Don't prevent the player from using CJB's xray mod on the server.|
|nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap|All features for MinecraftAutoMap.| |nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.ores|Don't prevent the player from using the ore detector from Minecraft AutoMap's.| |nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.cave|Don't prevent the player from using the cave mode feature of the Minecraft AutoMap's mod.| |nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.radar|Don't prevent the player from using Minecraft AutoMap's inbuilt radar.|
|nocheatplus.mods.rei.cave|Don't prevent the player from using Rei's Minimap's cave mode.| |nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar|Don't prevent Rei's Minimap mod users from using all kind of available radar hacks.| |nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.player|Allows the player to use the radar from Rei's Minimap to track down other players only.| |nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.animal|Allows the player to only use the animal radar from Rei's Minimap mod.| |nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.mob|Gives access to use the mob radar feature from Rei's Minimap mod.| |nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.slime|Allows the player to track down slimes only by using the radar feature of Rei's Minimap.| |nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.squid|Player is allowed to use the Rei's Minimap radar to track down squids only.| |nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar.other|Allows the player to use all the other features of the Rei's Minimap radar.|
|nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving|All SmartMoving features.| |nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.climbing|Don't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's climb feature.| |nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.swimming|Don't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's swimming.| |nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.crawling|Don't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's crawl.| |nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.sliding|Don't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's slide.| |nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.jumping|Don't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's jump.| |nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.flying|Don't prevent the player from using Smart Moving's fly.|
|nocheatplus.mods.zombe|All zombe features.| |nocheatplus.mods.zombe.fly|Don't prevent the player from using Zombe's fly mod.| |nocheatplus.mods.zombe.noclip|Don't prevent the player from using Zombe's noclip mod on the server.| |nocheatplus.mods.zombe.cheat|Don't prevent the player from using Zombe's cheat mods.|\\
Parent Nodes
Most permissions have parent nodes, that in fact goes for all check types. Resulting in nocheatplus.admin, nocheatplus.checks.moving, nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly, nocheatplus.checks.fight, etc.
Things to know about Permissions
You can exclude a specific player from getting logged by appending ".silent" to the relevant permission node of the specific check. E.g.\\
* **nocheatplus.checks.moving.nofall.silent**\\
will prevent NoCheatPlus from recording log messages for that player for the "nofall" check, while still executing all other actions as usual.
Shortcut permissions
|nocheatplus.admin| see above (full admin perms except check bypassing).| |nocheatplus.shortcut.info|info about players| |nocheatplus.shortcut.monitor|info about players and diagnostic info like version, lag,| |nocheatplus.shortcut.safeadmin|"Safe" admin perms, no banning or reloading but unkick, exemption, data removal|
More to be added (shortcut.bypass - bypass about everything).
例如 mcMMO, Citizens, MagicSpells 或 MachinaCraft . 大部分插件还不支持NPC,如果你有任何发现都可以联系我们.
Orebfuscator 通过修改从服务器发送到客户端的方块信息文件来实现反矿石射线的作用,简单的说就是防X-ray.
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