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外文名 | MobArena |
插件类型 | Spigot / CraftBukkit |
最新版本 | v0.103 |
兼容服务端 | 1.13 |
源地址 | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/mobarena/ |
- 关闭服务器.
- 从论坛主题或是Bukkit Dev站点的项目页下载jar文件.
- 将jar文件拖入服务端的plugins文件夹中.
- 重启服务端.
之后,配置文件(config.yml)以及一个公告文件(announcements.yml)会自动创建在plugins/MobArena/路径下. 文件结构如下:
plugins/ MobArena.jar MobArena/ config.yml announcements.yml
此时此刻, 或许你想直接开始设置竞技场, 但是推荐你先编辑配置文件. 你可以在配置文件自定义MobArena的设置,职业,奖励,波数(怪物类型)
完整的竞技场应该包含一个可以选择职业的准备区域,一个竞技场地以及观察点(离开点) 下面是各个选项的讲解
玩家加入游戏之前将会在大厅选择职业.建造好的游戏大厅会有: 职业选择木牌,玩家通过点击木牌可以选择职业. 牌子必须在第一行写上职业的名字(区分大小写),你在另外三行上写什么,都不会被怪物竞技场识别,你是不能写上 ,所以你不会得到确认的信息(如果有,那是另一个插件) 铁块, 玩家可以通过点击铁块来表示他们已经准备好开始游戏.
当玩家想要观看一场战斗时,他们可以使用/ma spec 命令来传送到竞技场的观察点. 这同样也是竞技场中玩家死去后会传送到的地方,前提是在配置文件中,把 spectate-after-death设置为ture. 这块区域要保证观看者不能走出去闲逛(进入竞技场地或者离远竞技场)因为在观看过程中,玩家是无敌的.
在使用 /ma leave命令后,玩家和观察者会被传送到原来所在的地方,除非竞技场有一个离开点(只是可选). 使用离开点,可以准确控制玩家在游戏后去何处.
一个竞技场需要一个竞技区域,然后还可以有一个准备区域,怪物竞技场会使用这些区域来确保玩家不会作弊(通过破坏竞技场来走出区域),然后确保怪物竞技场所产生的怪物会在里面产生. 怪物竞技场非常排外(不要局外人), 所以也最好把不想要的生物排除在外. 区域是通过区域工具来设置的.
容器就是竞技场里的箱子,回收站等。 这些容器将会在一场游戏后重置其内部空间为初始值。只有被声明了的容器才会更新其存储空间,所以仅仅在竞技场里放一个箱子可不够 - 它还需要被用工具声明。
我们能用配置模式来设置竞技场。 当我们进入配置模式时,物品栏将会被保存 并给我们一套金工具 (工具栏), 每一个都有其独特作用。同时我们也可以飞行,使得我们在竞技场附近移动时更加快捷方便一些,最后,但不是绝对,我们不能够聊天或者使用普通命令如果在在配置模式下的话,因为配置模式和你建立起了独立会话(即你所发表的信息都是针对插件的。)
进入设置模式的方法:输入/ma setup 竞技场名,值得提醒的是,如果服务器中只有一个竞技场,你不用输入竞技场的名字,如果竞技场没有设置完毕或者没有被创造,首先使用/ma addarena 竞技场名来创造它
另外,如果你刚安装怪物竞技场插件,会有一个预置的,名称为default竞技场存在于配置文件中,如果你想要一个不同的名字,你需要先创造一个新竞技场然后把原来的竞技场使用/ma delarena default来删除
设置模式是一个独立,特殊的会话,这意味着插件会监控我们说的每一句话,使得插件的命令可以缩短,让设置过程不那么麻烦。比如exp命令替代了/ma expandregion,并且还可以防止我们错误地使用了其他插件的命令
下面是我们可以在设置模式中使用的命令,很多都十分浅显易懂.使得您设置竞技场十分快速. done
离开设置模式 别名: end stop done quit
显示帮助信息 别名: ? h
显示我们还没有设置好的区域(准备区诸如此类) 这个命令在你不知道你已经设置了那些区域的时候十分有用 别名: miss
expand <region> <amount> <direction>
向某个方向扩展指定大小的选区. 有效区域: 输入ar为竞技场区域,或输入lr为大厅区域 有效数值: positive integers (整数) 有效方向: 上up,下down,或四周out 范例: expand ar 5 up 别名: exp
show [<region>|<warp>|<point>]
显示区域, 传送,并用红色羊毛区分. 有效区域: 输入ar为竞技场区域,或输入lr为大厅区域 有效传送: 竞技场,大厅,观战,出口 Valid points: spawns (or just sp) for spawnpoints, chests (or just c) for chests 范例: show sp
The Toolbox is a set of golden tools, where each tool has a specific function. We will use these tools to set up the regions, warps, and points of our arena. The tools are used by left- or right-clicking a block while holding them, and the actions vary depending on the specific tool.
Note that the functions of a tool are described in the item tooltip, which we can see by opening up our inventory and hovering our mouse over the tools.
The arena and lobby regions can be set up using the Region tools (axe). There are two golden axes in the Toolbox, and they both behave the same, except that one is for the arena region, and the other is for the lobby region. The tools are named accordingly, and they will display either "Arena Region" or "Lobby Region" above the quickbar when we select them.
Note that the behavior of the Region tools is similar to that of the WorldEdit wand (wooden axe), so if you are familiar with defining regions in WorldEdit, the Region tools should feel familiar.
Left-click: Set the first point to be the location of the target block Right-click: Set the second point to be the location of the target block
Upon setting both points, the region will be defined. Type show ar (or show lr) to check that the region spans the desired area. If the region is a little bit too small, use the expand command (see above) to make it a little bigger.
Note: The region MUST look like a box (3D) and not a rectangle (2D). If the region is just a rectangle, your arena will not work correctly. The same applies if the arena floor is not fully contained in the box, so make sure to expand the region down a block or two to be sure.
The arena, lobby, spectator, and exit warps can be set up using the Warps tool (hoe). The tool knows about all the warps, and we have to cycle through them to select the warp we want to place. The default selected warp is the arena warp.
Left-click: Set the currently selected warp on top of the target block Right-click: Cycle between available warps
When left-clicking, the selected warp will be set to the top of the clicked block. The pitch (up and down) will be set to 0, which means when players are teleported, they will be looking "straight ahead". The yaw (rotation, left/right) will be set to whatever direction we are facing, when we set the warp. This means that we need to rotate ourselves to be looking in the direction we want the players to look in when they are teleported to the point.
Note: The arena, lobby, and spectator warps are all required. The exit warp is optional.
The spawnpoints can be set up using the Spawnpoints tool (sword). The tool knows about all the spawnpoints of the arena, and allows us to remove existing ones or add new ones as we please.
Left-click: Add a spawnpoint on top of the target block Right-click: Remove the spawnpoint on top of the target block (if the spawnpoint exists)
When left-clicking, a spawnpoint will be added on top of the clicked block, if one doesn't already exist. Right-clicking a block will remove a spawnpoint on that block, if one exists.
Note: Due to limitations and "bugs" in Minecraft, it is not possible (read: viable) to spawn mobs further than 15 blocks away from a player, and still make it target and attack the player naturally. Therefore, it is recommended to place many spawnpoints, so that every single location in the arena is within a 15-block radius of a spawnpoint. If a player is not within 15 blocks of any spawnpoint, MobArena will print a warning to the console with the coordinates. If no players are within 15 blocks of any spawnpoint, MobArena will default to using all spawnpoints, which may result in mobs spawning far away from players, so they will have to run around searching for them.
The chests and containers can be set up using the Chests tool (spade). It works very much like the Spawnpoints tool, but requires that the clicked block is a valid container.
Left-click: Register the clicked container (if it wasn't registered) Right-click: Unregister the clicked container (if it was registered)
When left-clicking a container, MobArena will register the container (if it wasn't registered already), such that when an arena session ends, the container will be restored to contain whatever was in it when the arena began. Right-clicking a container will unregister it.
这些指令能够给所有玩家使用. 它们包括了加入, 离开, 旁观和列出所有竞技场(可用或不可用)
/ma join (<竞技场>) or /ma j (<竞技场>) - 加入指定名称的竞技场. /ma leave or /ma l - 离开竞技场或是离开旁观者模式. /ma notready - 获取所有未准备的玩家. /ma spec (<竞技场>) or /ma s (<竞技场>) - 以旁观者模式加入指定名称竞技场. /ma arenas - 获取所有竞技场的名字, 若是绿色则已启用, 灰色则未启用. /ma players - 获取当前所有竞技场的所有玩家. /ma players <竞技场> - 获取指定竞技场的所有玩家. /ma class <职业> - 如果你在大厅里, 是应直接用指令而不是透过牌子互动选择职业.
只有后台或者服务器op能使用下面这些指令. 这里包括了开始或是停止竞技场, 启用或是卸载竞技场甚至包含了MobArena的所有管理.
/ma enable - 启用MobArena插件. /ma disable - 卸载MobArena插件. /ma enable <竞技场> - 启用指定名字的竞技场. /ma disable <竞技场> - 关闭指定名字的竞技场. /ma force end - 停止所有竞技场的运作. /ma force end <竞技场> - 停止指定名称竞技场的运作及使该竞技场的所有玩家离开. /ma force start <竞技场> - 开始运作一个指定名称的竞技场以及请出该竞技场内未准备的玩家. /ma notready <竞技场> - 获取该竞技场内所有未准备的玩家. /ma restore <玩家> - 在可能的情况下恢复指定玩家背包. /ma config reload - 重载config配置文件夹.
只有op (以及某些合理的指令能在后台) 使用这些指令. 它们包括了设置竞技场传送点, 竞技场出生点以及竞技场范围.
/ma setup <竞技场> - 进入建设指定名称的竞技场模式. /ma addarena <竞技场> - 建立一个新的竞技场节点于当前所在世界. /ma delarena <竞技场> - 删除指定名称的竞技场. /ma editarena <竞技场> - 开启或关闭指定竞技场修改模式. /ma editarena <竞技场> [true|false] - 开启 (true) 或关闭 (false) 指定竞技场的修改模式. /ma setting <竞技场> - 列出所有指定竞技场的设置项. /ma setting <竞技场> <设置项> - 查询当前指定设置项的值于指定的竞技场. /ma setting <竞技场> <设置项> <值> - 设置指定竞技场中指定设置项的指定值. /ma checkspawns - 显示竞技场出生点 (在你当前的竞技场下) 是使用红色羊毛覆盖的范围在当前你当前的位置上. 这个指令同时也能查询在这个范围内不同的点是否被出生点覆盖着. /ma classchest <职业> - 当正在查询箱子, 使指定的职业与这个箱子建立连接. 连接一个职业箱子意味着当MobArena连接建立后, 将同时复制于职业箱子内的物品, 而不是于竞技场大厅内的任何职业箱子. 当你建立一个职业箱子网络时它能带给你便利. /ma auto-generate <竞技场> - 自动生成一个指定名称的竞技场. 这个竞技场只会生成于玩家所站的位置下方. /ma auto-degenerate <竞技场> - 自动停止生成竞技场, 能基于自动生成器下有效地恢复, 当这是一个 "bulldozed" 补丁.
几乎全部的权限插件是不需要MobArena插件作为前置而能够单独运行的, 但若果你想要更多额外的控制功能, 这里提供了很多不同类型的权限节点哦喵~
提示: MobArena这个插件提供了很多人性化的默认设定, 所有玩家能够使用所有竞技场及职业, 还有的是OP默认能够使用所有管理员以及建设指令. 除非你想要禁止一些组别进入特定的竞技场或是职业 Unless you want to prevent some groups from accessing certain arenas or classes, or you want to give non-ops admin and setup permissions, there is no need to mess with any permissions at all, so go away from this page and remove all occurrences of mobarena in your permissions-file!
So, you want to remove permissions for certain arenas from certain users? Alright, that means you will have to negate or revoke the permissions in your permissions plugin. In bPermissions, the negation modifier is a caret, ^, in GroupManager and PermissionsEx it is a minus, -, and in zPermissions it is by setting the permission to false. The examples below revoke the permission for the default arena.
bPermissions: ^mobarena.arenas.default GroupManager: -mobarena.arenas.default zPermissions: mobarena.arenas.default: false
I recommend letting everyone enjoy all your arenas, but this could be used in combination with "leveling" plugins to allow players to use "harder" arenas at higher levels. It could also be used for sponsors-only arenas.
Still confused? Check the sample setup at the bottom of the page!
Alright, if you're reading this, you want to remove permissions for certain classes from certain users. As with the arena permissions, you need to negate or revoke the permissions in your permissions plugin. In bPermissions, the negation modifier is a caret, ^, in GroupManager and PermissionsEx it is a minus, -, and in zPermissions it is by setting the permission to false. The examples below revoke the permission for the Knight class.
bPermissions: ^mobarena.classes.knight GroupManager: -mobarena.classes.knight zPermissions: mobarena.classes.knight: false
Note how the class name is lowercase. This is important. Even if the Knight class is called KnIGhT in your config-file, it MUST be all lowercase in your permissions-file.
As with arenas, I recommend letting everyone enjoy all the classes, unless you have a special reason not to.
Still confused? Check the sample setup at the bottom of the page!
If you're reading this, you want to either give certain users access to some of the admin and/or setup commands, or you want to remove some of the user commands from some groups. If this is not the case, stop reading and leave this page!
The first group of commands are the user commands. They are accessible by all players by default, so don't put mobarena.use.* or something stupid like that in your permissions-file! If you want a group to not have access to the user commands, negate the permission mobarena.use, which is the parent permission node for all the user commands. See the classes and arenas sections for information on how to negate permissions. If that doesn't work, negate the mobarena.use.join and mobarena.use.spec permissions. That should be enough.
mobarena.use.join mobarena.use.leave mobarena.use.spec mobarena.use.arenalist mobarena.use.playerlist mobarena.use.notready mobarena.use.class
The admin commands are simple. They allow disabling/enabling MobArena and individual arenas, kicking players from the arenas, restoring player inventories if they got lost somehow, forcing arenas to start or end, and teleporting in and out of arenas regardless of what the arena state is. If you want to grant all of these permissions, use the parent permission node mobarena.admin. Don't mess around with * or something stupid like that.
mobarena.admin.enable mobarena.admin.kick mobarena.admin.restore mobarena.admin.force mobarena.admin.teleport
Setup commands are only for ops, just like admin commands. Do not give these permissions to random people, because they can remove your arenas and destroy your config-files, if they do something stupid. The setup commands allow you to manage arenas, regions, spawnpoints, chests, leaderboards, etc. They also allow you to set up new classes in-game. If you want to grant all of these permissions, use the parent permission node mobarena.setup. Don't mess around with * or something stupid like that.
mobarena.setup.config mobarena.setup.setup mobarena.setup.setting mobarena.setup.addarena mobarena.setup.removearena mobarena.setup.editarena mobarena.setup.spawnpoints mobarena.setup.containers mobarena.setup.checkdata mobarena.setup.checkspawns mobarena.setup.classchest mobarena.setup.classes mobarena.setup.leaderboards mobarena.setup.autogenerate mobarena.setup.autodegenerate
Sample setup
Assume you have a class called DiamondKnight that you only want your donors to be able to use (very common use case). How do you set up your permissions plugin when you have to revoke the class permission from the default group, but the donor group inherits from the default group? It's very simple: You're doing it wrong...
What you have to do instead is make an auxiliary default-group that contains all your default permissions, and have your default group inherit from that group, and furthermore revoke the DiamondKnight class permission in MobArena. Your donor group then also inherits from the auxiliary group, and everything is wonderful. Confusing? Here's a pseudo-code example:
default-aux: <-- This is the auxiliary group that is to permissions: be inherited by the default group and - essentials.balance the donor group. It is not used for - essentials.pay anything else. - essentials.sell
default: <-- This is the default group. It inherits inherits: default-aux from default-aux, but also revokes the permissions: permission for the special class. - -mobarena.classes.diamondknight
donor: <-- This is the donor group, which also inherits: default-aux inherits from default-aux, but it permissions: does not revoke any class permissions, - essentials.balance.others which means it has access to all of - essentials.kit them by default.
This sample setup is pseudo code and cannot be simply copy/pasted into your own permissions file. It's your job to figure out how your permissions plugin works, and what its syntax is.
An Overview
Items in MobArena follow a very specific syntax that you must obey, or you will experience missing items or errors. Be attentive to the details, because if you aren't, there will be consequences.
MobArena allows these three different ways of defining items:
Single: [<id>|<name>] Multiple: [<id>|<name>]:<amount> Sub-types: [<id>|<name>]::<amount> Confusing? Let's break them down one by one.
1. Single Items
[<id>|<name>] This means you can use either the item ID (<id>) or the item name (<name>), both as defined in the Material enum of the Bukkit API (the IDs are the numbers in parentheses). The item names are case-insensitive.
Make sure to read the important note on item IDs!
Examples: diamond_sword, stone, 42 (iron block), 322 (snowball)
2. Multiple Items
[<id>|<name>]:<amount> This way, you append an <amount> to the item, specifying how many of the given item you want. This is useful for giving out stuff like arrows or potions that you generally want to give more than one of.
Note that if you use this syntax, it is indeed the amount you specify, not the item sub-type. We go over sub-types in the next section.
Make sure to read the important note on item IDs!
Examples: arrow:64, grilled_pork:4, 46:10 (10x TNT), 142:5 (5x potato)
3. Item Sub-Types (potions, wool, dyes etc.)
[<id>|<name>]::<amount> This way, you append BOTH a value (the sub-type) and an <amount>, regardless of how many of the given item you want. This syntax is mostly used with potions, which have special sub-type values in the 8000's and 16000's. Check out this page for the potion sub-types.
For wool and dyes (ink sacks), you don't have to use the numeric data value. Instead, you can use the color names as defined in the DyeColor enum of the Bukkit API.
Make sure to read the important note on item IDs!
Examples: wool:blue:1 (one blue wool), ink_sack:brown:10 (ten cocoa beans), potion:8201:1 (one strength potion), 373:8197:2 (two health potions)
An important note on using item IDs
If you choose to use item IDs, there is a catch. If an item is alone in its node, it MUST be enclosed in apostrophes, or YAML will crap itself. For example, if you decide to have a Barbarian class that only has a pair of lederhosen as armor, and nothing put a couple of health potions, you need to do it like this:
Barbarian: items: '373:8197:2' armor: '300'
In other words, you have to put '300' in the armor-node, not just 300, and you have to put '373:8197:2' in the items-node, not just 373:8197:2. This requirement is removed if you use the item names instead, or if you add enchantments to the given item.
Enchantments can be added to items by appending a space, followed by a semi-colon separated list of pairs <eid>:<level>, where <eid> is an enchantment ID as defined by the Enchantment Wrappers in the Bukkit API (the numbers in the parentheses at the end of each line), i.e.:
<item> <eid>:<level>;<eid>:<level>;... The <item> is any item following the normal item syntax as described above. Here is an example:
diamond_sword 16:2;19:5 This line gives a diamond sword with sharpness (ID 16) level 2, and knockback (ID 19) level 5.
Economy Money
$<amount> MobArena supports entry fees and rewards in the form of money from economy plugins. This feature requires Vault. The format quite simply means that you type in a dollar sign followed by a valid monetary value.
Examples: $1, $5, $3.14 (v0.96+), $0.99 (v0.96+)
About Class Chests
If some of your favorite items aren't supported by MobArena's internal item parser, or if you just want to be able to configure your class items from in-game, the class chests may be what you're looking for!
Note: The Class Chests will only work for arenas with use-class-chests: true, and the classes MUST exist in the config-file for MobArena to recognize them, however the items and armor lists can be empty.
The idea behind the class chests is to simply place some chests below the corresponding class signs in the lobby, and fill them with whatever items you want the given class to have. When the players activate the class signs, the contents of the chests are copied to the player inventory. This suggests a type of "control room" setup, where an admin-only access room below the lobby contains the chests, allowing admins to warp down there and change the contents of the chests.
Lobby and Control Room([1]请翻译者添加)
For easier access and modification of the class chests, omitting the control room from the arena or lobby region may prove useful. Otherwise, arenas may have to be temporarily disabled or put into edit mode to allow warping to and changing the contents of the chests.
The class chests can be located up to 6 blocks below the sign itself or below the block right behind the sign (for wall signs, this would be the block the sign is attached to). The chest may also be in the block directly behind the sign itself - this is safe, because MobArena prevents players in the lobby from opening inventories, so if your lobby is in a tight spot, this might be the better option.
Multiple sign rows: It is possible to have two rows of class signs in the lobby and still use this feature. Simply place the class chest for the sign of the bottom row exactly at the 6-block limit, and the class chest for the sign of the top row one block up and behind the other chest (in a stair-like fashion). The blocks are searched in a vertical/pillar-like fashion, which is the reason this works.
Chests Below
To get auto-equipped armor from the class chests, place the armor pieces in the last four slots of the third row in the chest. MobArena will check these four slots, and if any of them are armor pieces, they will be equipped. Note that the item placed in the very last slot (bottom right), will always be equipped as a helmet (this allows wool blocks, pumpkins, etc. to be used as helmets). The order of the other three slots doesn't matter.
Armor Slots https://github.com/garbagemule/MobArena/wiki/img/3.png
The class chests are the best way to add items that are not currently supported by the MobArena item parser. This is because the class chests simply copy the contents of the chests to the player inventories, thus making any items supported by Bukkit supported by MobArena.
Dyed Armor https://github.com/garbagemule/MobArena/wiki/img/4.png
Linked Class Chests
If per-arena class chest setups is too troublesome (e.g. if you have many arenas), if you don't need per-arena setups, or if you simply want a single, global class chest for each class, linked class chests are what you're looking for.
When you link a chest to a class, MobArena will always copy the contents of that chest to the player's inventory, when they pick the given class, regardless of any local class chests (note that the arena must still have use-class-chests: true).
To link a chest to a class, simply look at the chest and type /ma classchest <class>, and you're done! The linked class chests may exist in any world, but remember that there can only be one class chest per class, and that local class chests will be ignored!
To unlink a class chest, you will have to open the config-file and remove the classchest node from the given class.
This page holds an overview of all the formulas used in the MobArena waves system. Customizing the different properties of the waves should be somewhat easier if they can be calculated, so here they all are!
About notation: Each variable used in the formulas will have its own name. A variable that starts with a # denotes "number (of)", so #players means "number of players", and #wave means "wave number". The function min(a,b) returns the lowest of the values a and b, and max(a,b) returns the highest.
Wave growth
The wave growth node growth, used in default waves, denotes how fast monster amounts grow over time. The base is calculated by half of the number of players, but at most 13 (i.e. there is no difference between 25 and 50 players). The amounts can be altered further using the amount-multiplier (see the wave setup page).
- monsters = base * #wave^exp
base = min(#players/2 + 1 , 13) The exp variable is defined by the growth node, and has the following values:
slow = 0.5 medium = 0.65 fast = 0.8 psycho = 1.2
Note that with the node value old (which is the default), the monster count is #wave + #players.
Swarm Amount
The swarm amount node amount, used in swarm waves, denotes how many monsters should spawn in the swarm waves. There will always be at least 10 monsters due to the max function and the lowest multiplier value being 10, however this can be further customized with the amount-multiplier (see the wave setup page).
- monsters = max(1, #players/2) * multiplier
The multiplier variable is defined by the amount node, and has the following values:
low = 10 medium = 20 high = 30 psycho = 60
Boss Health
The boss health node health, used in boss waves, denotes how much health the boss has. Note that the health-multiplier node (see the wave setup page) does NOT affect boss waves at all, so these are the only values that can be used. The minimum health a boss can have is 320 health points (~160 hearts), which is with low health and only 1 player fighting. With 10 players and high health, the boss will have 5500 health points (~2750 hearts).
health = (#players + 1) * 20 * multiplier
The multiplier variable is defined by the health node, and has the following values:
verylow = 4 low = 8 medium = 15 high = 25 veryhigh = 40 psycho = 60
这是一个所有MobArena支持的不同种类怪物的名称。大部分怪物可以同时以单数或复数表示(如:zombie 与 zombies 都表示僵尸),这是纯粹出于方便性考虑,你需要在设定怪物波时使用这些名称。
zombie, zombies skeleton, skeletons spider, spiders creeper, creepers wolf, wolves (如果不激怒则不会攻击, bukkit bug) zombie_pigman, zombie_pigmen powered_creeper, powered_creepers angry_wolf, angry_wolves (如果不激怒则不会攻击, bukkit bug) giant, giants ghast, ghasts enderman, endermen silverfish cave_spider, cave_spiders blaze, blazes enderdragon, enderdragons snowman, snowmen, snow_golem, snow_golems iron_golem, iron_golems witch, witches wither, withers wither_skeleton, wither_skeletons baby_zombie, baby_zombies baby_pigman, baby_pigmen zombie_villager, zombie_villagers baby_zombie_villager, baby_zombie_villagers
chicken, chickens cow, cows mushroom_cow, mushroom_cows pig, pigs sheep squid, squids villager, villagers ocelot, ocelots bat, bats
horse, horses donkey, donkeys mule, mules skeleton_horse, skeleton_horses undead_horse, undead_horses
slime, slimes slime_tiny, slimes_tiny slime_small, slimes_small slime_big, slimes_big slime_huge, slimes_huge
magmacube, magmacubes magmacube_tiny, magmacubes_tiny magmacube_small, magmacubes_small magmacube_big, magmacubes_big magmacube_huge, magmacubes_huge 以上内容搬运自英文wiki[2]