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关于 EssentialsX
EssentialsX 是一个用于 Spigot 服务端的基础整合插件, 全方位覆盖服务端所需的超过 130 个指令与其他特性!
EssentialsX is a fork of the original Essentials 2 plugin for Bukkit servers, adding support for the latest Minecraft versions. EssentialsX also includes several performance enhancements and fixes on top of the original Essentials, as well as plenty of new useful features for servers.
You can view major differences and learn how to set EssentialsX up over at the EssentialsX wiki.
- EssentialsX is designed to use modern permissions plugins - we strongly recommend LuckPerms. You also need Vault for prefix/suffix support.
- EssentialsX currently supports CraftBukkit, Spigot and Paper (recommended). Other server implementations may work, but we don't recommend them as they may cause compatibility issues.
Looking for help with EssentialsX? You can join the MOSS Discord Server for support:
You can also report bugs on the GitHub issue tracker: https://github.com/EssentialsX/Essentials/issues/new/choose
Note: please use MOSS or GitHub for support, not Spigot private messages or the review section. You'll get a much faster answer on Discord or GitHub than on SpigotMC.
EssentialsX is provided completely free-of-charge. If you'd like to support the EssentialsX project, you can make a recurring donation on Patreon:
If you'd prefer to make a one-off donation, you can support us on Ko-fi:
If you're not able to donate, we'd really appreciate if you could take the time to write a review below, or give us a star on GitHub. Every little helps!
Metrics collection
EssentialsX collects anonymous server statistics through bStats, an open-source Minecraft statistics service.
If you'd like to disable metrics collection via bStats, you can edit the plugins/bStats/config.yml file.
EssentialsX is an open source project released under the GPLv3 license, and we welcome code contributions on our GitHub. Our translations are also crowd sourced, so if you'd like to help bring EssentialsX to your language, you can do so on Crowdin.