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Denizen 是一款拥有完善的脚本编辑系统的Citizens的拓展插件,,你可以用这款插件来编辑NPC脚本来处理进程、任务、玩家交互等。

当前版本: 1.x.x 正式版

插件创造者: aufdemrand

主开发者: mcmonkey

其他当前的开发者: Morphan1, Xenmai, Mergu

之前的开发者: David Cernat, Jeebiss

源码: Github

Spigot发布帖: Spigot

最新正式版: 1.x.x Builds

最新开发版: 1.x.x Dev Builds

Citizens构造: 2.x.x

提问处: Github

Discord: Denizen Discord

感谢: 挺身而出帮助这款插件的人!特别感谢这款插件的测试者: fullwall, AgentKid, aPunch, Instinx, tenowg, groggluebutt, Wreyth, jrbudda, spidi, ...

这个Wiki为Denizen的入门教程/学习工具.对于最新的信息和完整的特性 (如独立的指令或标签), 请查看 数据文档库.

如果你想要查看详细的教程, 请在youtube上观看 教程视频.或查看MCBBS搬运帖

如果你需要帮助, 请加入Discord.

这一WIKI内容已过期, 建议查看视频教程、数据文档库、MCBBS搬运帖或在Discord讨论!

Denizen这款强大的插件可以让你编写属于你的插件.你也可以用于给NPC添加复杂的可交互功能.Denizen NPC可以用带有步骤和事件的脚本来与玩家和世界交互.守门人、男巫、身经百战的导师...你可以用于教程、任务、管理等.只有你想不到,没有你做不到的. Denizen使用基于yaml的简易编程语言来让你易于理解并编辑.


  1. 介绍
  2. 脚本类型
  3. NPC交互脚本触发器
  4. 指令
  5. Replaceable Tags
  6. 额外特性
  7. Script Samples
  8. 其他页面


Denizen是 Citizens2 的拓展插件,可以给NPC添加难以置信的交互性,其主要特点如下:

  • 脚本引擎 以有序和可预测的方式执行并发送所有要执行的命令;这个功能是Denizen的核心. 除此之外没有什么可看的,这是Denizen的交互功能,但请放心,这一机制十分高效.
  • 注册和交互脚本 是 Denizen的基础,可以让玩家和NPC进行交互. 这个功能高度可自定义,拥有20+需求类型、90+脚本指令和多种多样的使用方式. This with the Denizen Script Engine also allows commands to help control the rest of Denizen with script flow commands and such.
  • Task脚本 are simple scripts that can be carried out in a variety of different ways. These can be used along side any other script types, but perhaps the most powerful way to use them is by allowing your plugin to utilize them, if you're a developer, or using other plugins that harness the ability to run a Denizen Task Script as well.
  • 世界脚本 可以在世界各地的随机事件发生时唤起指令 - 包括所有,如玩家挖掘方块、anything, even down to a player mining a block, and a separate script for them picking up the item it dropped! With the power of world scripts, a skilled user could make entire server plugins using nothing but Denizen scripts!
  • 监听器 are currently in an 'experimental phase', but are already allowing control over minecraft and bukkit events like nothing other. This already allows scripts to keep track of and assign 'quest-like' objectives, such as a 'kill quest', if you're familiar with the C1 Quester. But whereas many quest plugins are limited to this feature alone, Denizen, of course, allows you to use this in addition and along side the rest of the plugin, making room for extremely dynamic and intricate 'quest scripts'.
  • Flag系统 is the key to Denizen being dynamic. An intricate, yet easy to learn 'Flag/Variable' system has been implemented into Denizen to help keep track of events, items, numbers, players, and more. The new Flag System is still getting more powerful each and every day... it's the key to a spectacular script is sure to have a flag or two.
  • Extensible Commands/Requirements/Activities and more make it easy to add-on to Denizen with very little Java knowledge. This also makes it extremely easy to let users utilize your plugin with script commands. Denizen also has API Events to use.
  • Denizen 调试器 is an extremely friendly and informative way to test out scripts and interactions. Commands, events, and interactions are all logged in an easy to read format to show the exact progression of a script and its surroundings. No more guessing! Less headaches!
  • YML注释 Most of the time when a server owner uses YML, they edit an existing configuration. In Denizen, it is required to frequently *add* additional content. Be careful of your spacing, and never use tabs. You can use ChatBots in our Discord group to check your YML files or you can use this online YAML parser. (The ChatBots do much more, as well! Just go into our Discord group and type !help)
  • YAML额外注释 Denizen不再使用原版的YAML,而是用自带的自定义解析代码. The YAML parsers available are not perfect, only the ChatBot on IRC, mentioned above, currently has a !dScript checker.

看完这些你是不是不知所措? 那么别看了!从小事做起! Denizen说简单也很简单,说难也难. Simply put: Denizen is what you make it! Our advice? Start small, and build upon what you have. Read the wiki articles, watch the youtube videos, test our your scripts, and test out some of the sample scripts! Before you know it, you'll be a Denizen poweruser, drunken with power, just like us!

(Legacy 0.7 wiki found here)