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使用--type flag即可创建不同生物类型的NPC.

/npc create 'npc name' --type pig -b

这个指令会创建出一只小猪. 删掉 -b 则为成年生物.

想要改变已存在的NPC的生物类型, 请输入

/npc type pig

Type Image Details
BLAZE-烈焰人 文件:BlazeNPC.png
BAT-蝙蝠 文件:BatNPC.png
CHICKEN-鸡 文件:ChickenNPC.png
CREEPER-爬行者 文件:CreeperNPC.png 可设置是否为闪电爬行者.
COW-牛 文件:CowNPC.png
ENDERMAN-末影人 文件:EndermanNPC.png Can have its carried material edited.
ENDER_DRAGON-末影龙 文件:EnderdragonNPC.png Jumping on top will cause it to spin rapidly. All clients within render distance will see a "Boss Health" bar at the top of their screen (this is not fixable server-side).
GHAST 文件:GhastNPC.png
GIANT 文件:GiantNPC.png
IRON_GOLEM 文件:VillagerGolemNPC.png
MAGMA_CUBE 文件:MagmaCubeNPC.png
OCELOT 文件:OzelotNPC.png
PIG 文件:PigNPC.png Can have a saddle placed and removed from it.
PIG_ZOMBIE 文件:ZombiePigNPC.png
PLAYER 文件:PlayerNPC.png Name that is assigned is placed above its head, and it has a skin, just like other players. The name color can be adjusted by putting & in front of the name (note: this will reset its skin to the default skin).
SHEEP 文件:SheepNPC.png Can toggle it as sheared and change its wool color.
SILVERFISH 文件:SilverfishNPC.png
SQUID 文件:BlazeNPC.png
SNOWMAN 文件:SnowmanNPC.png
WOLF 文件:WolfNPC.png
SLIME 文件:Slime.png
SPIDER 文件:Spider.png
WITHER 文件:Wither.png
VILLAGER 文件:VillagerNPC.png Can set profession with /npc profession
ZOMBIE 文件:Zombie.png Can be made into a zombie villager / baby using the /npc zombiemod -b(aby) -v(illager) command.

Known Bugs with Mob NPCs

  • Some can be pushed by walking into them. This is a clientside effect, and will reset on relog.
  • Some wander around on their own. Please report this.
  • Some will not move at all. Please report this.