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Essentials Signs

模板:Red You can enable each sign individually in the Essentials config.yml.
模板:Red You need to have at least one sign type enabled to use coloured signs, and don't forget about the permission nodes for colours!

模板:Red: These special sign types come by default with the Essentials.jar plugin.

The permission nodes to be able to create and use Essentials' signs can be found in the Command Reference/Perm. It's highly recommended that players be granted access to use signs, while certain creation privileges should be tightly controlled.

For a detailed sign tutorial video, click here.

Sign Tutorial/Core

Essentials Eco Signs

These sign types are crucial to any server's economy. Players can sell their hard-earned blocks for money with trade signs, while buy & sell signs enable a permanent, and infinite selling/buying shop. To help your players, you may consider creating an (infinite stock) buy sign for netherrack(netherstone), glowstone, diamond, or other rare items.

The creation of buy & sell signs are traditionally limited to administrators or moderators, because these are infinite shops. Trade signs require the creator to have the items being sold, while buy & sell signs don't.

Sign Tutorial/Eco

Coloured Signs

You can also make signs contain coloured text, using Essentials. To make one, simply use the colour codes here before your text.
For example: &4This is red
Yields: 模板:Red