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Qsefthuopq讨论 | 贡献2018年10月21日 (日) 11:10的版本
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以下为详细的指令介绍. 更多不同类型的指令信息, 请查看对应的页面.

[] - 强制参数
() - 可选参数

指令 - 指令用法
参数描述 - 指令参数的描述
需要选择 - 指令是否需要先选择一个NPC
需要主人关系 - 输入指令是否需要你是NPC的主人
需要怪物类型 - 是否需要某种怪物类型才能输入这个指令
权限 - 指令的权限节点
描述 - 指令描述


有非常多的指令并没有在这里列出,主要由于维护秩序(wiki不能经常更新, 但指令却常常更新.)
想要查看你所使用版本的指令列表,只需输入在游戏里输入/npc help . 你可以使用 /npc help 2 来查看第二页的指令并以此类推.
想要查看某个指令的信息, 你可以输入 /npc help create . Change the "create" to any other 指令名 (the example will show help for the /npc create 指令).

一些指令记录在其他地方. 例如:

还有更多指令是用于不同的traits.查看 [[角色]]


Admin 指令s
指令 权限 描述
/citizens citizens.admin 显示插件信息
/citizens reload citizens.admin 重载插件
/citizens save citizens.admin 保存NPC配置


Help 指令s
指令 参数描述 权限 描述
/citizens help (Page) - 显示的页数 citizens.help 显示帮助菜单
/npc help (Page) - 显示的页数 citizens.npc.help 显示NPC帮助菜单
/trait help (Page) - 显示的页数 citizens.trait.help 显示 trait帮助菜单
/script help (Page) - 显示的页数 citizens.script.help 显示脚本帮助菜单
/template help (Page) - 显示的页数 citizens.template.help 显示模版帮助菜单
/waypoints help (Page) - 显示的页数 citizens.waypoints.help 显示路径点帮助菜单




/trait {traitname] 用来添加traits和角色.


NPC 指令s
指令 Args 描述 Require Selected Require Ownership Require Mob Types 权限 描述


/npc None Yes Yes No None 显示NPC信息
/npc age [adult, baby, integer, -l] - Adult sets as adult, baby as baby, age integer specifies an exact age, -l toggles whether the age is locked Yes Yes Yes - COW, SHEEP, CHICKEN, PIG, VILLAGER, OCELOT, WOLF citizens.npc.age Modify a NPC's age
/npc anchor anchor (--save [name], --assume [name], --remove [name]) (-a)(-c) - saves a location as an 'anchor' which can be assumed via assume [name] Yes Yes No citizens.npc.anchor Changes/saves/lists NPC's location anchors
/npc behaviour behaviour [scripts] (-r) -- scripts is a comma separated list of script file names to look for, -r flag removes them from the NPC. Yes Yes No citizens.npc.behaviour Adds and removes behaviours from an NPC. A behaviour is a script file that is executed and adds 'goals' to the NPC which can run every tick. These can do anything you can program/think of!
/npc controllable None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.controllable.[npc type name] Toggles the NPC's controllable status. Controllable NPCs can be right clicked to be mounted and controlled with WASD. Ghasts, Blazes and Endersragons can be flown by left clicking once mounted to pause/unpause flying.
/npc copy (--name NewName) -- new name is the name of the copied NPC. Yes Yes No citizens.npc.copy Create a new NPC from the currently selected NPC, copying all traits.
/npc create [NPC Name] - Name to give NPC
(--type [type]) - Mob type to use
--trait [trait1] [trait2] ... - A list of traits to apply to the NPC
Yes Yes No citizens.npc.create.mobtype or citizens.npc.create.* Create a new NPC.

Example : /npc create Jimbo Stevenson --type PIG

/npc despawn (id) the ID of the NPC to despawn Yes Yes No citizens.npc.despawn Despawn a NPC
/npc gamemode [gamemode] the gamemode to use Yes Yes PLAYER citizens.npc.gamemode Sets a Player NPC's game mode.
/npc gravity None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.gravity Toggles gravity on the NPC.
/npc equip None Yes Yes Yes - PLAYER, PIG, SHEEP, ENDERMAN citizens.npc.edit.equip Toggle equipment editor. see Equipment Editor Used for player armor, player and endermen items, sheep color/sheared, and pig saddles.
/npc list (-a) - List all NPCs
(--owner (owner)) - Owner
(--type (type)) - Mob type
(--char (character)) - Character
No No No citizens.npc.list List NPCs that match at least one of the given conditions
/npc lookclose None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.lookclose Toggle a NPC's look-close state
/npc moveto --x [x] --y [y] --z [z] --world [world] Yes Yes No citizens.npc.moveto The NPC's current location is taken as the base location. Value arguments are used to modify this base.
/npc mount None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.mount Mount the currently selected NPC, if it is controllable.
/npc owner (name) - Name of the new owner, set as "server" if you want Citizens Admins (players with "citizens.admin" 权限) to be owner Yes Yes No citizens.npc.owner Sets the owner of a NPC
/npc path None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.edit.path Toggle path editor. Left click to add a waypoint, right click to remove, mousewheel or number keys to select individual waypoints.
/npc pathrange [range] - New range for the NPC Yes Yes No citizens.npc.pathfindingrange Set the range in number of blocks in which the NPC can find a path.
/npc playerlist None Yes Yes PLAYER citizens.npc.playerlist Toggles an NPC as a 'real' player, so that it will be more recognised by other plugins, will keep chunks loaded and crops ticking.
/npc pose (-a) - Sets the position of the NPC's head to the current position of the Player's head. Useful for setting where NPCs are specifically looking post-creation.
''(--save [name]|--load [name]|--remove [name)''
Yes Yes Yes - PLAYER citizens.pose Changes/Stores NPC's head position based on the Player's current position.
/npc power None Yes Yes Yes - CREEPER citizens.npc.power Toggle whether a creeper NPC is powered
/npc profession BLACKSMITH, LIBRARIAN, BUTCHER, FARMER, or PRIEST Yes Yes Yes - VILLAGER citizens.npc.profession Change a villager-type NPC's profession.
/npc remove (all) - Will remove all NPCs Yes (Not if "all" is used) Yes No citizens.npc.remove, (citizens.admin.remove.all) Remove a NPC
/npc rename [name] - New name for the NPC Yes Yes No citizens.npc.rename Rename a NPC
/npc select [id] - ID of the NPC to select No Yes No citizens.npc.select Selects a NPC with the given ID
/npc size [size] - the integer size for the slime Yes Yes SLIME citizens.npc.size Sets a slime's size.
/npc skeletontype [type] - 0 or NORMAL for normal, 1 or WITHER for wither skeleton Yes Yes SKELETON citizens.npc.skeletontype Changes a Skeleton NPC's type (currently between WITHER and NORMAL)
/npc spawn [id] - ID of the NPC you want to spawn Yes Yes No citizens.npc.spawn Spawn a existing NPC
/npc speed Yes Yes No citizens.npc.speed changes the NPC's default speed multiplier. i.e. use 2 to double the normal speed.
/npc text None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.edit.text Toggle text editor. Note that players need the citizens.npc.talk 权限 to hear NPCs!
/npc tphere None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.tphere Teleport a NPC to your location
/npc tp None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.tp Teleport to a NPC
/npc type [type] - the new entity type Yes Yes No citizens.npc.type Changes an NPC's mob type.
/npc vulnerable None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.vulnerable Toggles whether the NPC can take damage and die, and whether monsters will target it when it is on the player list
/npc zombiemod (-b, -v) - -b for baby, -v for villager Yes Yes ZOMBIE citizens.npc.zombiemodifier Sets a zombie NPC's modifiers.
/trait [trait1] [trait2] ... [traitN - A list of Traits to apply Yes Yes No citizens.npc.trait.* or citizens.npc.trait.<trait-name> for per-trait 权限s Adds the trait type to the NPC. NPCs can have multiple traits.

Example: /trait sentry }}

Waypoint 指令s

Waypoint 指令s
指令 Args 描述 权限 描述
/waypoints disableteleport None citizens.waypoints.disableteleport Stops NPCs from automatically teleporting the end of their path if they get stuck (NOTE: might be removed at some point).
/waypoints provider [provider name] (-a) - provider name is the provider to use (currently linear, guided and wander), use -a to get a list of all providers citizens.waypoints.provider Sets the waypoint provider to use when using the waypoint editor.


Template 指令s
指令 Args 描述 权限 描述
/template apply [template name] (id1 id2...) - takes the name of the template and an optional list of IDs to apply it to citizens.templates.apply Applies the given templates to the NPC.
/template create [template name] (-o) - takes the name of the generated template, -o sets it to override citizens.templates.create Generates a template from the selected NPC and saves it to the templates.yml file.

See Also

Text Syntax