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2014年11月2日 (日) 13:47的版本

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BukkitWiki是存放Bukkit文档和其他相关帮助信息的官方网站.站点性质(Wiki)允许社区中的任何人自由地对其贡献. By contributing to the wiki, you agree to release your writing/articles to the Bukkit Organisation to be freely modified and used wherever we deem necessary without any attribution of credit apart from the wiki Recent Changes log. While we value contributions made by the community, plastering credit all over content you've added creates clutter and makes the wiki look messy.


Bukkit一种供开发者使用的API(应用程序接口),而CraftBukkit是一种Minecraft官方服务器的拓展模组(服务端),其使用的接口为Bukkit API.

从根本上来说, Bukkit即是插件开发者用来开发那些给你们带来酷炫,新颖的特性从而使你的服务器更加高端的东西.



最新的CraftBukkit服务端版本将发布在dl.bukkit.org. 参见 Setting up a server to get started.

dl.bukkit.org 在这里你同时也可以获取you can also access beta and development builds by clicking the Alternate Versions link or at www.dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/

What is the difference between the Recommended, Beta, and Development builds?

A recommended build has met our highest requirements and testing for release and we believe it to be bug-free. A beta build is considered stable but has not received the amount of testing a recommended build needs. A development build is any changes in between the other two types of builds. These can be highly stable or highly unstable. See this post by EvilSeph for more information on the difference between beta and recommended builds.

I made a plugin. Where do I submit it?

Create a project page for your plugin at BukkitDev, the community plugin resource site. The system is managed by the BukkitDev Staff. See the Project Submission Guidelines for information on what you should do when submitting.

How do I get Bukkit source code?

The source code can be found here. You will need Maven3 to build Bukkit.

How do I rename a command?

Commands can be renamed by creating aliases in the file bukkit.yml or commands.yml

Have a look at Commands.yml for instructions on how to do this.

How do I customize my server's help pages?

Help can be customized by editing the Help.yml file.