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外文名 | PlayerParticles |
作者 | Esophose |
插件类型 | Spigot / CraftBukkit |
最新版本 | 5.1 |
兼容服务端 | 1.8-1.12 |
源地址 | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/PlayerParticles |
如果你使用的是BungeeCord, 本插件可以为您提供数据库.所有的子服的数据都可以完全同步.
- 插件兼容1.8到1.12的版本
- 但是本插件将不会更新1.8版本的特效
- 未知服务器版本的情况下粒子特效不会显示
- /pp gui - 打开GUI来编辑你的粒子特效/粒子风格/数据
- /pp effects - 列出你可使用的粒子特效
- /pp effect <参数> - 设置玩家的特效
- /pp styles - 显示你可用的风格
- /pp style <参数> - 设置玩家的风格
- /pp data <参数> - 设置你当前使用的粒子特效的数据. 参考留空来查看你可使用的参数.
- /pp reset - 重置你的粒子特效, 风格和所有数据至默认
- /pp reset <参数> - 重置一名的粒子特效, 风格和所有数据至默认
- /pp fixed - 显示定点特效指令
- /pp fixed create <x> <y> <z> <特效> <风格> [数据] - 在指定位置创建指定粒子特效、风格或数据(当前坐标可用 '~' 表示). 如果玩家有相应权限也可使用该指令.
- /pp fixed remove <id> - 移除指定ID的定点特效
- /pp fixed list - 列出你的定点特效的ID
- /pp fixed info <id> - 获取一个你的定点特效的信息
- /pp fixed clear <半径> - 清除所有玩家指定半径内的定点特效
- /pp version - 显示插件版本
- /pp worlds - 显示禁用粒子特效的世界
- /pp help - 显示所有插件指令
- playerparticles.* - 允许使用所有的特效和风格
- playerparticles.forcereset - 允许一名玩家强制清除其他玩家的特效和风格
注意: playerparticles.* 不包括以下权限:
- playerparticles.forcereset
- playerparticles.fixed.unlimited
- playerparticles.fixed.clear
- playerparticles.effect.* - 可使用所有粒子特效
- playerparticles.effect.<effectName> - Effect names are listed in /pp list
- Ex. playerparticles.effect.driplava Will give the player permission to use /pp effect driplava
- playerparticles.style.* - 可使用所有风格
- playerparticles.style.<styleName> - 在 /pp styles 内显示的一种风格
- 例如 playerparticles.style.orbit 可以给玩家使用 /pp style orbit 的权限
- playerparticles.fixed - 可使用所有定点特效, 除了以下权限:
- playerparticles.fixed.unlimited - 允许玩家忽略配置的定点特效数量的上限来创建更多的定点特效
- playerparticles.fixed.clear -允许玩家使用/pp fixed clear <半径>.
打开菜单只需输入/pp gui ,然后你就可以选择粒子特效,风格或数据了.
如果你想要在服务器大厅使用该插件, 你可以用其他插件把/pp gui指令绑定到一个物品上来打开菜单.
# __________ __ __________ __ __ __ ________ # \______ \ | _____ ___ __ __________\______ \_____ ________/ |_|__| ____ | | ____ ______ ___ _| ____/ # | ___/ | \__ \< | |/ __ \_ __ \ ___/\__ \\_ __ \ __\ |/ ___\| | _/ __ \ / ___/ \ \/ /____ \ # | | | |__/ __ \\___ \ ___/| | \/ | / __ \| | \/| | | \ \___| |_\ ___/ \___ \ \ // \ # |____| |____(____ / ____|\___ >__| |____| (____ /__| |__| |__|\___ >____/\___ >____ > \_//______ / # \/\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ # ==================================================== # # PlayerParticles 配置 # # Welcome to the beginning # # ==================================================== # # 改变版本号会在你的服务器下次重载或重启时重载你的配置文件. # I don't recommend changing it # NOTE: Updating to a new version of the plugin will change this number and delete your config. # Make sure you create a backup each time before you update! version: 5.1 # Check for new versions of the plugin # Default: true check-updates: true # If the command /pp gui is enabled # Disable this if you have your own custom GUI through another plugin # Default: true gui-enabled: true # The worlds which this plugin is disabled in # Remove the [] before you enter world names # Default: [] disabled-worlds: [] # - your_world_name_here # - add_more_under_these # 每名玩家最多可使用的定点特效数 # 默认数值: 5 max-fixed-effects: 5 # Max fixed effect creation distance # Determines how far away a player may create a fixed effect from themselves # This measurement is in blocks # Set to 0 for infinite distance # Default: 128 max-fixed-effect-creation-distance: 128 # How many ticks to wait before spawning more particles # Increasing this value may cause less lag (if there was any), but will decrease prettiness # Only use whole numbers greater than or equal to 1 # Going over 3 will likely look terrible # Default: 1 ticks-per-particle: 1 # ================================================================ # # MESSAGE CONFIGURATION # # Important Notes: # # * You can use the & symbol to color the messages # # * {TYPE} Will be replaced with whatever that message requires # # * You cannot use the apostrophe character! ( ' ) # # ================================================================ # # If you're using other plugins to execute commands you may wish to turn off messages # Default: true messages-enabled: true # Whether or not to use the message-prefix field when displaying messages # Default: true use-message-prefix: true # The prefix to use for all PlayerParticle messages # This is useless if use-message-prefix is set to false # Default: '&7[&3PlayerParticles&7]' message-prefix: '&7[&3粒子特效&7]' # ------------- # # Particles # # ------------- # # No Particle Permission # Default: '&cYou do not have permission to use &b{TYPE} &cparticles!' message-no-permission: '&c你没有权限使用 &b{TYPE} &c特效!' # /pp list No Particles # Default: '&cYou do not have permission to use any particles!' message-no-particles: '&c你没有权限使用所有特性!' # Now Using Particles # Default: '&aNow using &b{TYPE} &aparticles!' message-now-using: '&a您现在使用 &b{TYPE} &a特性!' # Cleared Particles # Default: '&aYour particles have been cleared!' message-cleared-particles: '&a已清除您的特性!' # Invalid Particle Type # Default: '&cInvalid particle type! &b/pp effects' message-invalid-type: '&c无效的特效类型! &b/pp effects &c| &b/pp effect <类型>' # Particle Command Usage # You should not change the text here, only the coloring # Default: '&b/pp effect <类型>' message-particle-usage: '&b/pp effect <类型>' # -------------- # # Styles # # -------------- # # No Style Permission # Default: '&cYou do not have permission to use the style type &b{TYPE}&c!' message-no-permission-style: '&c你没有权限使用 &b{TYPE}&c风格!' # /pp styles No Styles # Default: '&cYou do not have permission to use any styles!' message-no-styles: '&你没有权限使用所有风格!' # Now Using Style # Default: '&aNow using the style type &b{TYPE}&a!' message-now-using-style: '&a现在使用的是&b{TYPE}&a风格!' # Cleared Style # Default: '&aYour style has been cleared!' message-cleared-style: '&a已清除你的风格!' # Invalid Style Type # Default: '&cInvalid style type! &b/pp styles &c| &b/pp style <类型>' message-invalid-type-style: '&c无效风格类型! &b/pp styles &c| &b/pp style <类型>' # Style Command Usage # You should not change the text here, only the coloring # Default: '&b/pp style <类型>' message-style-usage: '&b/pp style <类型>' # ------------ # # Data # # ------------ # # Data Usage # Default: '&eYour current effect requires &b{TYPE} &edata!' message-data-usage: '&e您目前的特效需要 &b{TYPE} &e数据!' # No Data Required # Default: '&eYour current effect does not use any data!' message-no-data-usage: '&e你所用的特效没有数据!' # Data Applied # Default: '&aYour &b{TYPE} &adata has been applied!' message-data-applied: '&a已应用你的 &b{TYPE} &a数据!' # Invalid Data Arguments # Default: '&cInvalid &b{TYPE} &cdata arguments!' message-data-invalid-arguments: '&c无效 &b{TYPE} &c数据!' # Unknown Material # Default: '&cThe {TYPE} name you supplied is invalid!' message-data-material-unknown: '&cThe &b{TYPE} &cname you supplied is invalid!' # Mismatched Material # Default: '&cThe material supplied is not of type &b{TYPE}&c!' message-data-material-mismatch: '&cThe material supplied is not of type &b{TYPE}&c!' # Note Data Usage # You should not change the text here, only the coloring # Default: '&b/pp data [<0-23>]|[rainbow]' message-note-data-usage: '&b/pp data [<0-23>]|[rainbow]' # Color Data Usage # You should not change the text here, only the coloring # Default: '&b/pp data [<0-255> <0-255> <0-255>]|[rainbow]' message-color-data-usage: '&b/pp data [<0-255> <0-255> <0-255>]|[rainbow]' # Item Data Usage # You should not change the text here, only the coloring # Default: '&b/pp data <itemName/ID> <0-15>' message-item-data-usage: '&b/pp data <itemName> <0-15>' # Block Data Usage # You should not change the text here, only the coloring # Default: '&b/pp data <blockName/ID> <0-15>' message-block-data-usage: '&b/pp data <blockName> <0-15>' # ---------------- # # Prefixes # # ---------------- # # You Can Use Particles # Default: '&eYou can use:' message-use: '&e你可以使用:&b' # Usage # Default: '&eUsage:' message-usage: '&e用法:' # Available Commands # Default: '&eAvailable commands: &beffect, effects, style, styles, data, fixed, reset, gui, worlds, version, help' message-available-commands: '&e可用指令: &beffect, effects, style, styles, data, fixed, reset, gui, worlds, version, help' # Disabled Worlds # Default: '&eParticles are disabled in these worlds:&b' message-disabled-worlds: '&e这些世界的粒子特效被禁用了:&b' # ------------------ # # Alt. Execution # ------------------ # # Executed For Player # Default: '&aCommand executed for &b{TYPE}' message-executed-for-player: '&a执行指令 &b{TYPE}' # Failed Execute Not Found # Default: '&cFailed to execute for &b{TYPE}&c! Player not found!' message-failed-execute-not-found: '&c执行指令 &b{TYPE}&c失败! 找不到玩家!' # Failed Execute No Permission # Default: '&cFailed to execute for &b{TYPE}&c! You do not have permission!' message-failed-execute-no-permission: '&c执行指令 &b{TYPE}&c失败! 你没有权限!' # ----------------- # # 定点特效 # ----------------- # # -- Create -- # # Missing Creation Arguments # Default: '&cUnable to create fixed effect, you are missing &b{TYPE} &crequired arguments!' message-create-fixed-missing-args: '&c无法创建定点特效, 你没有 &b{TYPE} !' # Invalid Coordinates # Default: '&cUnable to create fixed effect, one or more coordinates you entered is invalid!' message-create-fixed-invalid-coords: '&c无法创建定点特效, 你输入的坐标无效!' # Coords Out Of Range # Default: '&cUnable to create fixed effect, you must be within &b{TYPE}&c blocks of your desired location!' message-create-fixed-out-of-range: '&c无法创建定点特效, 你必须在你指定的位置 &b{TYPE}&c 格内 !' # Invalid Effect # Default: '&cUnable to create fixed effect, an effect with the name &b{TYPE} &c不存在!' message-create-fixed-invalid-effect: '&c无法创建定点特效, an effect with the name &b{TYPE} &c不存在!' # No Permission Effect # Default: '&cUnable to create fixed effect, you do not have permission to use the effect &b{TYPE}&c!' message-create-fixed-no-permission-effect: '&c无法创建定点特效, you do not have permission to use the effect &b{TYPE}&c!' # Invalid Style # Default: '&cUnable to create fixed effect, a style with the name &b{TYPE} &c不存在!' message-create-fixed-invalid-style: '&c无法创建定点特效, 风格 &b{TYPE} &c不存在!' # No Permission Style # Default: '&cUnable to create fixed effect, you do not have permission to use the style &b{TYPE}&c!' message-create-fixed-no-permission-style: '&c无法创建定点特效, 你没有权限使用 &b{TYPE} 风格&c!' # Style Not Fixable # Default: '&cThe style &b{TYPE} &cprovided can not be used in fixed effects!' message-create-fixed-non-fixable-style: '&c风格 &b{TYPE} &c无法用在定点特效上!' # Data Error # Default: '&cUnable to create fixed effect, the data provided is not correct! This effect requires &b{TYPE}&c!' message-create-fixed-data-error: '&c无法创建定点特效, 数据错误! 这个特效需要 &b{TYPE}&c 数据!' # Creation Success # Default: '&aYour fixed effect has been created!' message-create-fixed-success: '&a你成功地创建了定点特效!' # -- Remove -- # # Could Not Remove # Default: '&cUnable to remove, you do not have a fixed effect with the id of &b{TYPE}&c!' message-remove-fixed-nonexistant: '&c无法移除定点特效, 你没有 &b{TYPE}&c 的定点特效!' # No Args Remove # Default: '&cYou did not specify an id to remove!' message-remove-fixed-no-args: '&c您未指定移除的定点特效的ID!' # Invalid Args Remove # Default: '&cUnable to remove, the id specified must be a number!' message-remove-fixed-invalid-args: '&c无法移除定点特效, 指定ID必须是数字!' # Effect Removed # Default: '&aYour fixed effect with the id &b{TYPE}&a has been removed!' message-remove-fixed-success: '&aYour fixed effect with the id &b{TYPE}&a has been removed!' # -- List -- # # List Success # Default: '&eYou have fixed effects with these ids: &b' message-list-fixed-success: '&eYou have fixed effects with these ids: &b' # List None # Default: '&eYou do not have any fixed effects!' message-list-fixed-none: '&eYou do not have any fixed effects!' # -- Info -- # # Could Not Get Info # Default: '&cUnable to get info, you do not have a fixed effect with the id of &b{TYPE}&c!' message-info-fixed-nonexistant: '&cUnable to get info, you do not have a fixed effect with the id of &b{TYPE}&c!' # No Args Info # Default: '&cYou did not specify an id to display info for!' message-info-fixed-no-args: '&cYou did not specify an id to display info for!' # Invalid Args Info # Default: '&cUnable to get info, the id specified must be a number!' message-info-fixed-invalid-args: '&cUnable to get info, the id specified must be a number!' # Fixed Effect Info # Key: # {0} = ID # {1} = World Name # {2} = World X Position # {3} = World Y Position # {4} = World Z Position # {5} = Effect Name # {6} = Style Name # {7} = Data # Default: '&eID: &b{0} &eWorld: &b{1} &eX: &b{2} &eY: &b{3} &eZ: &b{4} &eEffect: &b{5} &eStyle: &b{6} &eData: &b{7}' message-info-fixed-info: '&eID: &b{0} &eWorld: &b{1} &eX: &b{2} &eY: &b{3} &eZ: &b{4} &eEffect: &b{5} &eStyle: &b{6} &eData: &b{7}' # -- Clear -- # # No Permission Clear # Default: '&cYou do not have permission to clear fixed effects of other players!' message-clear-no-permission: '&cYou do not have permission to clear fixed effects of other players!' # No Arguments Clear # Default: '&cYou did not provide a radius to clear fixed effects for!' message-clear-no-args: '&cYou did not provide a radius to clear fixed effects for!' # Invalid Arguments Clear # Default: '&cThe radius you provided is invalid. Make sure it is a positive whole number!' message-clear-invalid-args: '&cThe radius you provided is invalid. Make sure it is a positive whole number!' # Successfully Cleared # Key: # {0} = Number of effects cleared # {1} = The provided radius # Default: '&aCleared &b{0} &afixed effects within &b{1} &ablocks of your location!' message-clear-success: '&a清除 &b{0} &a个定点特效,半径 &b{1} 格方块!' # -- Other -- # # No Permission Fixed # Default: '&cYou do not have permission to use fixed effects!' message-no-permission-fixed: '&c你没有权限使用定点特效!' # Reached Max Allowed # Default: '&cYou have reached the maximum allowed fixed effects!' message-max-fixed-effects-reached: '&c你达到了可使用定点特效的上限!' # Invalid Fixed Command # Default: '&cInvalid sub-command for &b/pp fixed&c!' message-invalid-fixed-command: '&c无效指令 &b/pp fixed&c! &e指令: ' # -- Command Descriptions -- # # Fixed Command Description For Create # Default '&e/pp fixed create <x> <y> <z> <effect> <style> [data]' message-fixed-command-desc-create: '&e/pp fixed create <x> <y> <z> <effect> <style> [data] - 创建定点特效' # Fixed Command Description For Remove # Default: '&e/pp fixed remove <id>' message-fixed-command-desc-remove: '&e/pp fixed remove <id> - 移除指定ID的定点特效' # Fixed Command Description For List # Default: '&e/pp fixed list - Lists all ids of your fixed effects' message-fixed-command-desc-list: '&e/pp fixed list - Lists all ids of your fixed effects' # Fixed Command Description For Information # Default: '&e/pp fixed info <id> - Gets info on one of your fixed effects' message-fixed-command-desc-info: '&e/pp fixed info <id> - Gets info on one of your fixed effects' # Fixed Command Description For Clear # Default: '&e/pp fixed clear <radius> - Clears all fixed effects of all players within the given radius' message-fixed-command-desc-clear: '&e/pp fixed clear <radius> - Clears all fixed effects of all players within the given radius' # ------------- # # GUI # # ------------- # # Disabled # Default: '&cThe server administrator has disabled the GUI.' message-gui-disabled: '&c服务器管理员禁用了菜单.' # Opened By Default # Default: '&eWe opened the GUI for you because you did not specify a command. View other commands with &b/pp help&e or use &b/pp gui&e to avoid this message.' message-gui-by-default: '&e你没有指定一个子命令所以我为你打开了插件的GUI. 用 &b/pp help&e 或 &b/pp gui&e 来避免显示这条信息.' # Back Button # Default: '&eGo Back' message-gui-back-button: '&e返回' # Icon Name Color # Default: '&a' message-gui-icon-name-color: '&a' # Currently Active Effect/Style # Default: '&d- Your current {TYPE} -' message-gui-icon-current-active: '&d- Your current {TYPE} -' # Sets your style/effect to {effect name} # The effect/style name will be added to the end # Default: '&eSets your {TYPE} to ' message-gui-icon-sets-to: '&e设置你的 {TYPE} 为 &b' # Select Your # Default: '&eSelect your {TYPE}' message-gui-icon-set-your: '&e选择你的 {TYPE}' # No Access To # Default: '&cYou have no access to any {TYPE}!' message-gui-no-access-to: '&c你目前没有 {TYPE}!' # No Data # Default: '&cYour effect does not use any data!' message-gui-no-data: '&c你的特效没有使用任何数据!' # ------------- # # 其它 # # ------------- # # Reset # Default: '&aYour effect, style, and data have all been reset!' message-reset: '&a已完全重载你的粒子特效!' # Invalid Arguments # Default: '&cInvalid arguments! &a/pp help' message-invalid-arguments: '&c无效参数! &b/pp help' # Disabled Worlds None # Default: '&eParticles are not disabled in any worlds!' message-disabled-worlds-none: '&e所有世界的粒子特效都被禁用了!' # Command Usage # Default: '&eCommand Usage: /pp <command>' message-command-usage: '&e指令用法: &b/pp <command>' # ================================================================ # # DATABASE CONFIGURATION # # Information: # # * This is meant for people who have multiple servers connected # # together through BungeeCord. Unless you have multiple servers, # # it is recommended to keep the database storage disabled for # # the best performance! # # ================================================================ # # Enable Database # Default: false database-enable: false # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 以下设置只在database-enable 设置为 'true'时有用 # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Database Hostname # Default: database-hostname: # Database Port # Default: 3306 database-port: 3306 # Database Name # Default: database-name: # Database User Name # Default: database-user-name: # Database User Password # Default: database-user-password: # =================================================================== # # GUI 图标设置 # # This configuration option allows you to change any of the GUI # # icons to whatever block/item you want. # # # # Important Notes: # # * If any of the block/item names are invalid the icon in the GUI # # will be the barrier icon to show that it failed to load. # # * Do NOT change the particle/style name # # * You MUST use the Spigot-given name for it to work. You can see # # all the Spigot-given names at the link below: # # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # # =================================================================== # gui-icon: main-menu: EFFECT: BLAZE_POWDER STYLE: NETHER_STAR DATA: BOOK effect: NONE: THIN_GLASS EXPLODE: SULPHUR LARGE_EXPLODE: FIREBALL HUGE_EXPLOSION: TNT FIREWORKS_SPARK: FIREWORK BUBBLE: GLASS WAKE: BOAT SUSPENDED: WATER_LILY DEPTH_SUSPEND: BEDROCK CRIT: IRON_SWORD MAGIC_CRIT: NETHER_STALK SMOKE: TORCH LARGE_SMOKE: WEB SPELL: GLASS_BOTTLE INSTANT_SPELL: POTION MOB_SPELL: GLOWSTONE_DUST MOB_SPELL_AMBIENT: BEACON WITCH_MAGIC: CAULDRON_ITEM DRIP_WATER: WATER_BUCKET DRIP_LAVA: LAVA_BUCKET ANGRY_VILLAGER: IRON_DOOR HAPPY_VILLAGER: WOOD_DOOR NOTE: NOTE_BLOCK PORTAL: OBSIDIAN ENCHANTMENT_TABLE: ENCHANTMENT_TABLE FLAME: BLAZE_POWDER LAVA: MAGMA_CREAM FOOTSTEP: GRASS CLOUD: WOOL RED_DUST: REDSTONE SNOWBALL_POOF: SNOW_BALL SNOW_SHOVEL: SNOW SLIME: SLIME_BALL HEART: RED_ROSE BARRIER: BARRIER ITEM_CRACK: STICK BLOCK_CRACK: DEAD_BUSH BLOCK_DUST: SOUL_SAND DROPLET: LAPIS_ORE DRAGON_BREATH: DRAGONS_BREATH END_ROD: END_ROD DAMAGE_INDICATOR: BOW SWEEP_ATTACK: GOLD_SWORD FALLING_DUST: SAND TOTEM: TOTEM SPIT: PUMPKIN_SEEDS style: NONE: THIN_GLASS BEAM: POWERED_RAIL HALO: ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME POINT: STONE_BUTTON MOVE: PISTON_BASE SPIN: BEACON QUADHELIX: ACTIVATOR_RAIL ORBIT: ENCHANTMENT_TABLE FEET: GRASS CUBE: STONE ARROWS: BOW SPIRAL: HOPPER THICK: VINE WINGS: ELYTRA SPHERE: SNOW_BALL SWORDS: IRON_SWORD HURT: CACTUS BLOCKPLACE: WOOD BLOCKBREAK: IRON_PICKAXE BLOCKEDIT: DISPENSER # 这就是全部! 你到了配置的最后. # 享受特效吧!