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# 这个文件包括了所有的聊天设置 # 聊天格式也可以在城镇配置文件和世界配置文件内配置 # 所以可以设置每个世界不同的聊天格式. # 使用以下指令可以改变聊天频道 # 例如 /tc (进入城镇聊天频道) # 再次输入会退出该频道 # 你也需要有这个频道的权限才行. # 频道类型有 GLOBAL(全服), TOWN(城镇), NATION(国家)或 DEFAULT(默认). # These specify what chat formating section they will use # and where the chat will go # (town goes to all town residents, depending on the range setting) # 如果设置了 {channelTag} 就可以改变聊天时显示的标签 # 聊天颜色设置. # 聊天范围可以更好地控制各个频道. # 这会改变一定范围内的玩家才可以看到聊天信息. # 以方块为单位. # # -1 = 无限制 # 0 = 只在同一世界内 # 任何其他数值 = 在同一世界内限制聊天范围. # 文字颜色 # -------------- # 黑 = &0, 深蓝 = &1, 绿 = &2, 蓝 = &3, 红 = &4 # 紫 = &5, 金 = &6, 浅灰 = &7, 灰 = &8 # 深紫 = &9, 淡绿 = &a, 淡蓝 = &b # 深红 = &c, 淡紫 = &d, 黄 = &e, 白 = &f Channels: general: commands: [g] type: GLOBAL channeltag: messagecolour: '&f' permission: 'towny.chat.general' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' town: commands: [tc] type: TOWN channeltag: '&f[&3城镇频道&f]' messagecolour: '&b' permission: 'towny.chat.town' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' nation: commands: [nc] type: NATION channeltag: '&f[&6国家频道&f]' messagecolour: '&e' permission: 'towny.chat.nation' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' admin: commands: [a,admin] type: DEFAULT channeltag: '&f[&4管理员频道&f]' messagecolour: '&c' permission: 'towny.chat.admin' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' mod: commands: [mod] type: DEFAULT channeltag: '&f[&9MOD&f]' messagecolour: '&5' permission: 'towny.chat.mod' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1' local: commands: [l,lc] type: GLOBAL channeltag: '&f[本地频道]' messagecolour: '&f' permission: 'towny.chat.local' craftIRCTag: 'admin' range: '-1'
# 以下的配置会改变玩家的聊天格式. # 这些设置可用于其他像iChat的插件一样来修改聊天格式. # {worldname} - 显示玩家所在世界名. # {town} - 显示玩家所在城镇. # {townformatted} - 使用 tag_format.town来显示城镇名 (如果玩家有城镇的话). # {towntag} - 使用 modify_chat.tag_format.town来显示城镇标签 (如果玩家有城镇的话) . # {towntagoverride} - 显示城镇标签 (如果玩家有城镇并且在线的话)或者使用全称 (使用 modify_chat.tag_format.town). # {nation} - 显示国家名. # {nationformatted} - 使用 tag_format.town 来显示国家名 . # {nationtag} - 使用modify_chat.tag_format.nation来显示国家标签 . # {nationtagoverride} - 显示国家标签 (如果玩家有城镇并且在线的话) 或使用全称 (使用 modify_chat.tag_format.nation). # {townytag} - 使用 modify_chat.tag_format.both 的城镇或国家标签. # {townyformatted} - 使用 modify_chat.tag_format.both来显示城镇或国家全称. # {townytagoverride} - 显示国家或城镇标签 (如果在线) 或全称 (使用 modify_chat.tag_format.both). # {title} - 城镇居民标题 # {surname} - 城镇居民姓氏 # {townynameprefix} - 根据 城镇/国家 等级显示的前缀 # {townynamepostfix} - 根据 城镇/国家 等级显示的后缀. # {townyprefix} - 城镇居民标题, 如果没有标题的话会显示 城镇/国家 名前缀 # {townypostfix} - 城镇居民姓氏, 如果没设置姓氏的会使用 城镇/国家 名后缀 # {townycolor} - 国王/城镇/居民 的名字的颜色 # {group} - 玩家所在权限组 # {permprefix} - 权限组前缀 # {permsuffix} - 权限组后缀 # {playername} - 默认玩家名. # {modplayername} - 修改过的玩家名 (将在城镇覆盖其他聊天插件时使用). # {msg} - 发送的信息. # {channelTag} - 在 Channels.yml 内设置的聊天频道标签 # {msgcolour} - 在 Channels.yml 内设置的聊天颜色 # 文字颜色 # -------------- # 黑 = &0, 深蓝 = &1, 绿 = &2, 蓝 = &3, 红 = &4 # 紫 = &5, 金 = &6, 浅灰 = &7, 灰 = &8 # 深紫 = &9, 淡绿 = &a, 淡蓝 = &b # 深红 = &c, 淡紫 = &d, 黄 = &e, 白 = &f # 文字格式 # ------------- # 粗体 = &l, 斜体 = &o, 下划线 = &n, # 魔法 = &k, Strike = &m, 重置格式 = &r # Spam_time set the minimum time between messages to be flagged as spam spam_time: 0.5 # If using our updated HeroicDeath.jar and craftIRC 3.1 (dev), you can #configure what IRC channels you want death messages relayed to. HeroicDeathToIRC: enabled: true # comma delimited list of craftIRC channel tags 'admin,blah,blah'. craftIRCTags: 'admin' channel_formats: # This is the format which will be used for GLOBAL chat/channels. # This is also the format used when you have modify_chat.enable: true, but use other plugins to handle chat. global: '{channelTag}{townytagoverride}{townycolor}{permprefix}{townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' # TOWN channel types. town: '{channelTag} {townycolor}{permprefix}{townyprefix}{playername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' # NATION channel types. nation: '{channelTag}{towntagoverride}{townycolor}{permprefix}{townyprefix}{playername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' # DEFAULT channel types. default: '{channelTag} {permprefix}{playername}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' tag_formats: world: '&f[&f%s&f] ' town: '&f[&3%s&f] ' nation: '&f[&e%s&f] ' # First %s is the nation tag, second is the town tag. both: '&f[&6%s&f|&3%s&f] ' # Chat colours colour: king: '&6' mayor: '&b' resident: '&f' modify_chat: # This is used for when you don't have another plugin to format chat. # or you want some other plugin to handle open chat, but want Towny formatting. # It will cause Towny to overwrite any other plugins alterations to the format. enable: 'true' # If true the chat formats will be read from below to allow per world formatting. # These can then be altered individually. per_world: 'false' # If true any player who speaks in a channel in which he cannot be heard, # either by being along in the channel or out-of-range of another player in his chat channel, # that player will see a message saying they cannot be heard. alone_message: 'false' # This allows you to set your alone messaeg. alone_message_string: '在这个频道内没人能听到你说的话.' worlds: 'world_the_end': global: '{channelTag} {worldname}{townytagoverride}{townycolor}{permprefix}{group} {townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' town: '{channelTag} {townycolor}{permprefix}{townyprefix}{playername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{towntagoverride}{townycolor}{permprefix}{townyprefix}{playername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' default: '{channelTag} {permprefix}{playername}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' 'world': global: '{channelTag} {worldname}{townytagoverride}{townycolor}{permprefix}{group} {townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' town: '{channelTag} {townycolor}{permprefix}{townyprefix}{playername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{towntagoverride}{townycolor}{permprefix}{townyprefix}{playername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' default: '{channelTag} {permprefix}{playername}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' 'world_nether': global: '{channelTag} {worldname}{townytagoverride}{townycolor}{permprefix}{group} {townyprefix}{modplayername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' town: '{channelTag} {townycolor}{permprefix}{townyprefix}{playername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' nation: '{channelTag}{towntagoverride}{townycolor}{permprefix}{townyprefix}{playername}{townypostfix}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}' default: '{channelTag} {permprefix}{playername}{permsuffix}&f:{msgcolour} {msg}'