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Known Plugin Command Conflicts
NOTE: The plugins listed here override Essentials. Normally, if a plugin has conflicting commands, Essentials will override them. You can allow Essentials to attempt to override conflicting commands using the
overridden-commands: settings in the plugins/Essentials/config.yml
WorldGuard | → /heal, /god, are overridden by WorldGuard. |
WorldEdit | → /info, /ext, /tree, are overridden by WorldEdit. |
CommandBook | → /Any CommandBook command but fun class ones, are overridden by CommandBook. |
Installing Essentials Plugins
- Read the FAQ first before asking questions: [[1]]
Get CraftBukkit
- Essentials releases in 3 stages, 'release', 'pre-release' and 'development'.
- Release builds are for stable Bukkit builds.
- Pre-release builds are for beta Bukkit builds.
- Development builds are for development Bukkit builds.
- Get the latest recommended build of Bukkit here
Archived (zip) file Instructions
- Download Essentials
- Make sure your server is not running.
- Open the zip archive
- Extract the .jar files you want from the archive, into your plugins directory. (NOTE: not the target folder, but the .jar files themselves.)
- TIP: On Linux, you can do this easily by downloading Essentials.zip to your plugins directory, then typing in the terminal unzip -j <dir>/plugins/Essentials.zip to ignore the subdirectories, where <dir> is the directory your plugins folder is in. Remove unwanted plugins.)
- Start the server.
- If you made a backup of your config.yml file, stop the server and edit the newly generated config.yml file with only what you need, from the backup.
- Start the server.
- Enjoy!
Single File(s) Instructions
- Make sure your server is not running.
- If you haven't done so already, move the downloaded jar files to your plugins directory.
- Start the server.
- If you made a backup of your config.yml file, stop the server and edit the newly generated config.yml file with only what you need, from the backup.
- Start the server.
- Enjoy!