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外文名 | WorldEdit |
插件类型 | Spigot / CraftBukkit |
最新版本 | 6.1 |
兼容服务端 | 1.8.8 |
源地址 | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldedit/ |
- 下载WorldEdit http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldedit/files/
- 解压压缩包(如果为压缩文件)
- 将jar文件放进plugins文件夹
- 重启服务器
参数 | 例子 | 说明 |
<参数> | <数量> | 必须填写的参数,内容为参数中说明的,如数量可以为1,2,3等 |
[参数] | [数量] | 非必须填写的参数,内容为参数中说明的,如数量可以为1,2,3等,如不填写会由插件进行判定或使用默认值 |
<参数A|参数B> |
<cuboid|extend> | 需要从给出的多个参数中选择一个填写,必须性依情况不同 |
参数 | cuboid | 参数为给出的字符串,使用时须原样输入 |
[-参数A参数B] | [-hb] | 参数为可以使用的标签,从多个单字符中选择需要一个或多个输入,可以输入在命令的任何位置,如[-hb]可以输入-h,-b或者-h -b |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
//limit | <限制> | 设置大部分操作方块修改数量的最大上限,只对使用者有效,你可以使用这个命令来避免严重后果的错误,如果在配置文件中设置了最大上限,此命令设置的上限不会覆盖配置文件中设定的的上限 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
//undo | [步数] | 撤销你的上一个(或几个)操作 |
//redo | [步数] | 重做你上一个(或几个)被撤销的操作 |
/clearhistory | 清除你的历史记录 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
//wand | 给予你编辑工具(默认为木斧)使用这个工具左键点击来选择第一个位置,右键点击来选择第二个位置 | |
/toggleeditwand | 切换选择工具模式,使你可以正常使用作为选择工具的物品 | |
//sel |
<cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl> |
设置选区使用的形状 |
//desel | 清除当前的选区 | |
//pos1 | 将你站立的方块上方的方块的位置设置为第一个选区位置 | |
//pos2 | 将你站立的方块上方的方块的位置设置为第二个选区位置 | |
//hpos1 | 将你指针所指的方块的位置设置为第一个选区位置 | |
//hpos2 | 将你指针所指的方块的位置设置为第二个选区位置 | |
//expand | <数量> | 向你所看的方向扩大选区范围 |
//expand | <数量> <方向> | 向指定方向扩大选区范围 (可用方向有 north,south,east,west,up,down) |
//expand | <数量> <反方向数量> [方向] | 同时向两个方向扩大选区范围 |
//expand | vert | 将选区扩大到从天空到基岩 |
//contract | <数量> | 向你所看的方向缩小选区范围 |
//contract | <数量> <方向> | 向指定方向缩小选区范围 (可用方向有 north,south,east,west,up,down) |
//contract | <数量> <反方向数量> [方向] | 同时向两个方向缩小选区范围 |
//outset | [-hv] <数量> | 向所有方向扩大选区范围 |
//inset | [-hv] <数量> | 向所有方向缩小选区范围 |
//shift | <数量> [方向] | 移动选区范围,不移动选区中的内容 |
//size | 得到当前选区的大小 | |
//count | <方块ID> | 计算选区内指定方块的数量 |
//distr | [-c] | 计算选区内的方块分布比例 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
//set | <方块ID> | 将选区内的所有方块设定为指定方块 |
//replace | <到方块ID> | 替换所有非空气方块为指定方块 |
//replace | <从方块ID> <到方块ID> | 将所有指定方块替换成另一个指定方块 |
//overlay | <方块ID> | 将指定方块放在选区内所有方块上方 |
//walls | <方块ID> | 用指定方块在选区四周建立墙壁(不包括屋顶与地面) |
//outline | <方块ID> | 用指定方块在选区周围建立墙壁,屋顶与地面 |
//smooth | [迭代次数] | 平滑化选区的高度图 |
//deform | 按照几何表达式使选区内容变形 | |
//hollow | 使选区内部的物体空心 | |
//regen | 重新生成选择区域 | |
//move | [数量] [方向] [留存方块ID] | 移动选区内容,可以指定一个方块来填充移动后留空的区域 |
//stack | [数量] [方向] | 叠加选区内容 |
//naturalize | 将选区表面3格设定为泥土,下面设定为原石 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
//copy | 复制当前选区内容,注意你与选区的相对位置将被储存 | |
//cut | 剪切当前选区内容 | |
//paste | [-ao] | 粘贴剪贴板内容。如果你使用-a标签,空气方块将会被忽略 |
//rotate | <角度> | 旋转剪贴板内容 |
//flip | [方向] | 翻转剪贴板内容 |
//schematic 或 //schem | save [格式] <文件名> | 将剪贴板内容保存为schematic文件(mcedit是目前唯一格式) |
//schematic 或 //schem | load [格式] <文件名> | 将schematic文件加载到剪贴板 |
//schematic 或 //schem | list | 显示所有schematic文件列表 |
//schematic 或 //schem | formats | 显示所有可用的schematic格式 |
/clearclipboard | 清空你的剪贴板内容 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
//generate | <方块ID> <方程> | 根据给出的方程生成形状 |
//hcyl | <方块ID> <半径> [高度] | 生成一个竖直的空心圆柱体 |
//cyl | <方块ID> <半径> [高度] | 生成一个竖直的实心圆柱体 |
//sphere | <方块ID> <半径> [""yes""(是否生成在上方)] | 生成一个球体 |
//hsphere | <方块ID> <半径> [""yes""(是否生成在上方)] | 生成一个空心球体 |
//pyramid | <方块ID> <大小> | 生成一座金字塔 |
//hpyramid | <方块ID> <大小> | 生成一座空心金字塔 |
//forestgen | [大小] [种类] [密度] | 生成一片森林 |
//pumpkins | [大小] | 生成一片南瓜地 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
/toggleplace | 在第一个选择点与你的位置之间切换 | |
//fill | <方块> <半径> [深度] | 填充一个洞 |
//fillr | <方块> <半径> | 以递归模式填充完全一个洞 |
//drain | <半径> | 吸干附近的水或岩浆 |
/fixwater | <半径> | 平整附近的水面 |
/fixlava | <半径> | 平整附近的岩浆表面 |
/removeabove | [大小] [高度] | 移除你上方的方块 |
/removebelow | [大小] [高度] | 移除你下方的方块 |
/replacenear | <大小> <从方块ID> <到方块ID> | 替换附近的方块 |
/removenear | [方块] [范围] | 移除附近的方块 |
/snow | [半径] | 模拟降雪 |
/thaw | [半径] | 融化附近的积雪 |
//ex | [范围] | 扑灭附近的火焰 |
/butcher | [半径] | 杀死附近的生物 |
/remove | <种类> <范围> | 清除附近的实体,种类有"items"(物品),"arrows"(箭),"boats"(船),"minecarts(矿车)","tnt"或"xp"(经验球) |
//green | 绿化附近 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
/chunkinfo | 得到你目前所在区块的文件名 | |
/listchunks | 显示使用的区块的列表 | |
/delchunks | 生成一个删除区块的脚本 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
// | 调整超级镐子状态 | |
/sp single | 切换至单方块超级镐子模式 | |
/sp area | <范围> | 切换至范围性超级镐子模式 |
/sp recur | <范围> | 切换至范围性递归超级镐子模式 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
/tool | <repl|cycler|floodfill|brush|lrbuild|tree|deltree|farward|info> | 选择要绑定的工具 |
/none | 切换至无工具 | |
/info | 切换至信息工具 | |
/tree | [种类] | 切换至树木工具,可用树木种类 [tree, regular, big, bigtree, redwood, sequoia, tallredwood, tallsequoia, birch, white, whitebark, pine, randredwood, randomredwood, anyredwood, rand, random] |
//repl | <方块ID> | 切换至方块替换器工具 |
//cycler | 切换到数据值滚动工具 | |
//tool brush | <sphere|smooth|gravity|cylinder|clipboard|ex> | 用/tool 命令选择刷子 (见 /brush) |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
/brush sphere | [-h] <方块ID> <范围> | 切换至球体刷子工具 |
/brush cylinder | [-h] <方块ID> <范围> [高度] | 切换至圆柱体刷子工具 |
/brush clipboard | 切换至剪贴板刷子工具 | |
/brush smooth | <范围> [迭代次数] | 切换至平滑刷子工具 |
/size | <范围> | 修改当前刷子的范围 |
//mat | <方块ID> | 修改当前刷子使用的材料 |
//mask | 清除蒙版 | |
//mask | <蒙版> | 设置蒙版 |
//gmask | <蒙版> | 设置全局蒙版 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
/unstuck | 传送至最近的空位 | |
/ascend | 向上传送一层 | |
/descend | 向下传送一层 | |
/ceil | [clearance] | 传送至顶部 |
/thru | 穿过所指的墙壁 | |
/jumpto | 传送至所指的方块 | |
/up | [距离] | 向上传送一段距离 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
//restore | [快照名] | 从指定的快照恢复 |
//snapshot use | <快照名> | 使用特定的快照 |
//snapshot list | [数量] | 显示最新的几个快照 |
//snapshot before | <日期> | 找到给出日期之前的第一个快照 |
//snapshot after | <日期> | 找到给出日期之后的第一个快照 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
/cs | <脚本名> [参数...] | 执行一个脚本 |
/.s | [参数...] | 用新的参数执行最后执行的脚本 |
/<脚本名>.js | [参数...] | 执行一个JS脚本 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
/searchitem | 用名字搜索一个物品 | |
/worldedit | WorldEdit命令表 | |
/worldedit help | [命令] | 显示给出的命令的介绍,或在没有给出命令时列出所有可用命令(同//help) |
//worldedit reload | 重新载入WorldEdit配置文件 | |
//worldedit version | 显示WorldEdit版本 | |
//worldedit tz | 暂时性设置你的时区 | |
//fast | 切换高速性能模式 |
命令 | 参数 | 介绍 |
/biome | 显示你所在位置的生物群系 | |
/biomelist | 显示所有可用的生物群系 | |
/biomeinfo | [-pt] | 显示所指方块所在位置的生物群系 |
//setbiome | [-p] <生物群系> | 设置选区为指定生物群系 -p 参数设置你所在位置的生物群系 |
命令 | 权限 | 其他写法 | |
/biomeinfo | worldedit.biome.info | //biomeinfo | |
//setbiome | worldedit.biome.set | //setbiome | |
/biomelist | worldedit.biome.list | /biomelist /biomels | |
/chuckinfo | worldedit.chunkinfo | /chunkinfo | |
/listchunks | worldedit.listchunks | /listchunks | |
/delchunks | worldedit.delchunks | /delchunks | |
//cut | worldedit.clipboard.cut | //cut | |
//paste | worldedit.clipboard.paste | //paste | |
//schematic | //schematic //schem | ||
//schematic formats | worldedit.schematic.formats | //schematic formats //schematic listformats //schematic f | |
//schematic load | worldedit.clipboard.load worldedit.schematic.load |
//schematic load //schematic l | |
//schematic list | worldedit.schematic.list | //schematic list //schematic all //schematic ls | |
//schematic save | worldedit.clipboard.save worldedit.schematic.save |
//schematic save //schematic s | |
/clearclipboard | worldedit.clipboard.clear | /clearclipboard | |
//load | worldedit.clipboard.load | //load | |
//save | worldedit.clipboard.save | //save | |
//copy | worldedit.clipboard.copy | //copy | |
//flip | worldedit.clipboatd.flip | //flip | |
//rotate | worldedit.clipboard.rotate | //rotate | |
/we | //we /worldedit | ||
/we reload | worldedit.reload | /we reload | |
/we cui | /we cui | ||
/we tz | /we tz | ||
/we version | /we version /we ver | ||
/we help | worldedit.help | /we help | |
//fast | worldedit.fast | //fast | |
//gmask | worldedit.global-mask | //gmask /gmask | |
/toggleplace | //toggleplace /toggleplace | ||
//searchitem | //searchitem //l //search /searchitem | ||
//limit | worldedit.limit | //limit | |
//hcyl | worldedit.generation.cylinder | //hcyl | |
//cyl | worldedit.generation.cylinder | //cyl | |
//hsphere | worldedit.generation.sphere | //hsphere | |
//sphere | worldedit.generation.sphere | //sphere | |
/forestgen | worldedit.generation.forest | /forestgen | |
/pumpkins | worldedit.generation.pinpkins | /pumpkins | |
//pyramid | worldedit.generation.pyramid | //pyramid | |
//hpyramid | worldedit.generation.pyramid | //hpyramid | |
//generate | worldedit.generation.shape | //generate //gen //g | |
//generatebiome | worldedit.generation.shape worldedit.biome.set |
//generatebiome //genbiome //gb | |
//undo | worldedit.history.undo | //undo /undo | |
//redo | worldedit.history.redo | //redo /redo | |
//clearhistory | worldedit.history.clear | //clearhistory /clearhistory | |
/unstuck | worldedit.navigation.unstuck | /unstuck /! | |
/ascend | worldedit.navigation.ascend | /ascend /asc | |
/descend | worldedit.navigation.descend | /descend /desc | |
/ceil | worldedit.navigation.ceiling | /ceil | |
/thru | worldedit.navigation.thru.command | /thru | |
/jumpto | worldedit.navigation.jumpto.command | /jumpto /j | |
/up | worldedit.navigation.up | /up | |
//hollow | worldedit.region.hollow | //hollow | |
//line | worldedit.region.line | //line | |
//curve | worldedit.region.curve | //curve | |
//overlay | worldedit.region.overlay | //overlay | |
//center | worldedit.region.center | //center //middle | |
//naturalize | worldedit.region.naturalize | //naturalize | |
//walls | worldedit.region.walls | //walls | |
//faces | worldedit.region.faces | //faces //outline | |
//smooth | worldedit.region.smooth | //smooth | |
//move | worldedit.region.move | //move | |
//regen | worldedit.regen | //regen | |
//deform | worldedit.region.deform | //deform | |
//forest | worldedit.region.forest | //forest | |
//replace | worldedit.region.replace | //replace //re //rep | |
//stack | worldedit.region.stack | //stack | |
//set | worldedit.region.set | //set | |
/.s | worldedit.scripting.execute | /.s | |
/cs | worldedit.scripting.execute | /cs | |
//pos1 | worldedit.selection.pos | //pos1 | |
//pos2 | worldedit.selection.pos | //pos1 | |
//hpos1 | worldedit.selection.hpos | //hpos1 | |
//hpos2 | worldedit.selection.hpos | //hpos2 | |
//wand | worldedit.wand | //wand | |
/toggleeditwand | worldedit.wand.toggle | /toggleeditwand | |
//contract | worldedit.selection.contract | //contract | |
//outset | worldedit.selection.outset | //outset | |
//inset | worldedit.selection.inset | //inset | |
//distr | worldedit.analysis.distr | //distr | |
//sel | //sel /; | ||
//desel | //desel //deselect | ||
//count | worldedit.analysis.count | //count | |
//size | worldedit.selection.size | //size | |
//expand | worldedit.selection.expand | //expand | |
//shift | worldedit.selection.shift | //shift | |
/snapshot | /snapshot /snap |
/snapshot use | worldedit.snapshots.restore | /snapshot use | |
/snapshot sel | worldedit.snapshots.restore | /snapshot sel | |
/snapshot list | worldedit.snapshots.list | /snapshot list | |
/snapshot after | worldedit.snapshots.restore | /snapshot after | |
/snapshot before | worldedit.snapshots.restore | /snapshot before | |
/restore | worldedit.snapshots.restore | /restore //restore | |
// | worldedit.superpickaxe | // /, | |
/superpickaxe | /superpickaxe /pickaxe /sp | ||
/superpickaxe single | worldedit.superpickaxe | /superpickaxe single | |
/superpickaxe area | worldedit.superpickaxe.area | /superpickaxe area | |
/superpickaxe recur | worldedit.superpickaxe.recursive | /superpickaxe recur /superpickaxe recursive | |
/tool | /tool | ||
/tool none | /tool none | ||
/tool tree | worldedit.tool.tree | /tool tree | |
/tool repl | worldedit.tool.replacer | /tool repl | |
/tool cycler | worldedit.tool.data-cycler | /tool cycler | |
/tool floodfill | worldedit.tool.flood-fill | /tool floodfill /tool flood | |
/tool brush | /tool brush /tool br | ||
/tool brush sphere | worldedit.brush.sphere | /tool brush sphere /tool brush s | |
/tool brush cylinder | worldedit.brush.cylinder | /tool brush cylinder /tool brush cyl /tool brush c | |
/tool brush clipboard | worldedit.brush.clipboard | /tool brush clipboard /tool brush copy | |
/tool brush smooth | worldedit.brush.smooth | /tool brush smooth | |
/tool brush ex | worldedit.brush.ex | /tool brush ex /tool brush extinguish | |
/tool brush gravity | worldedit.brush.gravity | /tool brush gravity /tool brush grav | |
/tool brush butcher | worldedit.brush.butcher | /tool brush butcher /tool brush kill | |
/tool deltree | worldedit.tool.deltree | /tool deltree | |
/tool farwand | worldedit.tool.farwand | /tool farwand | |
/tool lrbuild | worldedit.tool.lrbuild | /tool lrbuild /tool /lrbuild | |
/tool info | worldedit.tool.info | /tool info | |
/mat | worldedit.brush.options.material | /mat /material | |
/range | worldedit.brush.options.range | /range | |
/size | worldedit.brush.options.size | /size | |
/mask | worldedit.brush.options.mask | /mask | |
/none | /none | ||
/tree | worldedit.tool.tree | /tree | |
/repl | worldedit.tool.replacer | /repl | |
/cycler | worldedit.tool.data-cycler | /cycler | |
/floodfill | worldedit.tool.flood-fill | /floodfill /flood | |
/brush | /brush /br | ||
/brush sphere | worldedit.brush.sphere | /brush sphere /brush s | |
/brush cylinder | worldedit.brush.cylinder | /brush cylinder /brush cyl /brush c | |
/brush clipboard | worldedit.brush.clipboard | /brush clipboard /brush copy | |
/brush smooth | worldedit.brush.smooth | /brush smooth | |
/brush ex | worldedit.brush.ex | /brush ex /brush extinguish | |
/brush gravity | worldedit.brush.gravity | /brush gravity /brush grav | |
/brush butcher | worldedit.brush.butcher | /brush butcher /brush kill | |
/deltree | worldedit.tool.deltree | /deltree | |
/farwand | worldedit.tool.farwand | /farwand | |
/lrbuild | worldedit.tool.lrbuild | /lrbuild //lrbuild | |
/info | worldedit.tool.info | /info | |
//fillr | worldedit.fill.recursive | //fillr | |
//drain | worldedit.drain | //drain | |
//fixlava | worldedit.fixlava | //fixlava /fixlava | |
//fixwater | worldedit.fixwater | //fixwater /fixwater | |
//removeabove | worldedit.removeabove | //removeabove /removeabove | |
//removebelow | worldedit.removebelow | //removebelow /removebelow | |
//removenear | worldedit.removenear | //removenear /removenear | |
//replacenear | worldedit.replacenear | //replacenear /replacenear | |
//snow | worldedit.snow | //snow /snow | |
//thaw | worldedit.thaw | //thaw /thaw | |
//green | worldedit.green | //green /green | |
//ex | worldedit.extinguish | //ex //ext //extinguish /ex /ext /extinguish | |
/butcher | worldedit.butcher | /butcher | plangbf |
/remove | worldedit.remove | /remove /rem /rement | |
//fill | worldedit.fill | //fill | |
//help | worldedit.help | //help |
权限节点 | 介绍 |
worldedit.limit.unrestricted | 拥有这个权限的用户可以无视设置的//limit 命令的最大上限
worldedit.inventory.unrestricted | 如果使用了use-inventory 项,拥有这个权限的用户可以无视这个限制
worldedit.anyblock | 拥有这个权限的用户可以无视disallowed-blocks 设置的限制
worldedit.override.bedrock | 一般情况下超级镐子无法破坏基岩,拥有这个权限的用户可以无视这个限制 |
worldedit.navigation.jumpto.tool worldedit.navigation.thru.tool |
使用传送工具的权限 |
Become familiar with WorldEdit's general features such as history.
When you select a region or change your preferences in-game, your information will be put into a temporary session that will be kept active as long as you stay logged in. Upon disconnecting, your session will be discarded in 10 minutes, allowing you to log back in and retain your session. Each person's session is separate when connected to a server.
Sessions contain:
- Your current selection
- Your history
- Your block change limit
- Your selected snapshot to restore from
All operations save to your history and it's capable of remembering up to the last 15 operations. The history logs each change as the previous block and the new block whenever WorldEdit changes a block. If you ever want to rollback after some change, type //undo in chat. If you change your mind, you can type in //redo in chat to repeat the operation (from history).
If you need to clear your history, you can use the /clearhistory command.
WorldEdit has a variable level of block support depending on your platform, version of WorldEdit, and your particular setup.
You'll notice a few things off if WorldEdit does not support your platform:
- Without proper support, chests, furnaces, and so on do not retain their inventory upon copy
- Without proper support, undoing changes to chests, furnaces, and so on may cause inventory loss
Platform | Status |
Bukkit | Support in Bukkit requires that you have the correct version of WorldEdit for your version of Bukkit. WorldEdit comes with "NMS blocks" or "adapters" (in newer versions) that has the necessary code to work with a particular version of Bukkit. Each version of WorldEdit comes with a list of these for the most recent versions of Bukkit (stored in the .jar).
If it does not appear to be working, you may need to downgrade or upgrade your version of WorldEdit. |
Spigot | See Bukkit. |
Minecraft Forge | Support is complete in WorldEdit 6 and beyond. |
MinecraftEdu | MinecraftEdu's port of WorldEdit is based off of the Forge version of WorldEdit so it is contingent on the version that MCEdu provides. |
MCPC+ | Most builds are supported. |
Cauldron | Not yet supported in WorldEdit 5. For WorldEdit 6 and above, full support is available if you install the Forge version of WorldEdit. We recommend installing both the Bukkit and Forge versions of WorldEdit if you are using WorldEdit 6.0 or above. |
LiteLoader | This is an unofficial port of WorldEdit and information on compatibility is not available. |
Canary | This is an unofficial port of WorldEdit and information on compatibility is not available. |
As of version 5.4, all platforms that support custom blocks (currently primarily Bukkit) support all items in inventories stored in blocks.
Previous versions have sketchy support for items, but it primarily only applied to items added by third-party modifications that were placed in chests (third-party custom blocks were wholly unsupported).
源代码 : https://github.com/sk89q/worldedit
WorldEdit MOD
MinecraftForum: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1272389-worldedit-in-game-map-editor-testing-tool-for CurseForge: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/worldedit
WorldEditWrapper (LiteMod)
MinecraftForum: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1294341-worldeditwrapper-use-worldedit-in-single-player