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外文名 | Statistics |
插件类型 | Spigot / CraftBukkit |
最新版本 | v.1.2.4 |
兼容服务端 | CraftBukkit 1.7.2-R0.3<->1.8.1 |
前置插件 | 无 |
源地址 | http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/Statistics |
你是否在寻找一款高端的插件去探寻你的玩家数据? 看看这个插件吧! 在其他地方也有一些类似的插件, 他们追踪正面的数据, 当然, Statistics 会一步一步深入、完整地历遍来实现追踪式统计, TA可以收集到数量惊人的玩家数据. 命名一个数据点,我们不出意外也可以追踪到其. 这个插件可以被高度地自定义; 你告诉其它应做什么,其便会作甚.
- 定时启动与关闭
- 即时服务器状态
- 正常运行时间统计
- 总游戏时间
- 在线玩家
- .... 以及更多!
- 玩家在这个世界运动距离(包括矿车,船,高空落下)
- PVP(被玩家杀死), PVE(被怪物杀死), 自然死亡
- 方块被放置或被破坏
- 拾起物品, 掉落物品, 使用物品, 吃掉物品, etc.
- .... 以及更多!
- 玩家背包
- 生命值, 饥饿度, 经验条
- 武装等级(当玩家穿上盔甲时会增加的那一栏)
- 游戏模式
- 在每个世界的发言, 使用的指令
- 登入与登出的时间
- 呆在服务器多久时间
- 玩家运动距离(同上)
- 击杀与死亡的细节
- ... 以及更多!
- Vault (金钱, 用户组)
- ... 未来将支持更多!
- 所有统计信息可以被显示在主页上
- 所有统计可以被作为图片在计分板上显示
- 所有统计可以被作为图片在书上显示
- PHP 5.3.2 或更高 (具体搭建请自行解决)
- GD2 拓展库
- cURL 拓展库
- fsockopen (谁跟我解释下...你们确定这不是函数)
- MySQL 5.5 或更高 (具体搭建请自行解决)
- InnoDB 支持
- 允许被远程连接
Before you begin the installation process, you need to have full access to a MySQL database. It can be an existing database, or you can create a new one; the later is preferable, but not required. Additionally, you have to have a web server to host the YASP portal.
- Copy the Statistics.jar to the /plugins/ directory of your Minecraft server. Restart the server. The plugin will complain about the lack of connection to the database - this is normal and expected.
- Open /plugins/Statistics/config.yml and fill in the necessary MySQL database details. Restart or reload the server again.
- The plugin will complete the initial set up of the database tables. You will see the patch notification - please, be patient and wait until the plugin says that the database is up to date.
- The plugin installation is complete.
- Copy the contents of the web archive to the desired directory on your web server. For example, /home/public_html/stats.
- Make the cache and include/config dirs writable. (chmod 777)(在linux下权限设置.某些时候你会需要用到sudo.)(则命令为sudo chmod 777)
- Proceed to the URL associated with that directory and follow the instructions on screen.
- Portal installation is complete.
Q: The plugin cannot connect to the database, even though I have filled out all the appropriate details! A: Make sure that the database is capable of accepting incoming (remote) connections, and the user has all the appropriate permissions. Additionally, ensure that the configuration syntax is correct.
Q: The portal takes ages to load one page. Over 20 secs! Even I got only 10 players tracked. A: Make sure you set the caching time for the player skins to an high value. This will speed up the page load!
Q: I want to update from last recommended build to the newest approved version. A: Download the newest version, delete the installation folder and the install.php file and override all other files.
Q: The portal shows only the standard faces instead of the player skins. A: Make sure the cache/skins folder is writable by the portal and check if allow_url_fopen is enabled.
Q: How to set up mutli portal? A: First of all you need seperate database for each server/plugin. Or at least use different prefixes for each server you wanna track. If this is done and the database are initialized you have to install ONE portal like you would do it with only one server. After that go to the settings menu of the portal at go to the "Multi Portal" Section. Here you can enter informations for the other servers/databases. If there are some entries you will notice a new box on the portal main page.
... to be continued
The plugin configuration is generated automatically on the first startup of the plugin. After you fill out the appropriate details, it should look similar to this:
debug: false #Enables or disables the debug mode
log-prefix: 'Stats' #The log message prefix. You don't need to change this.
database: #MySQL server settings
host: 'localhost' #MySQL server address
port: 3308 #MySQL server port
name: 'pstats'
prefix: 'stats_' #The prefix of the stats tables. You only need to changes this if you are using the multi server setup
user: 'user' #MySQL username
pass: 'qwerty' #MySQL password
reconnect_interval: 5 #The time in seconds the plugin waits between reconnect tries if the connection to the database is lost
Do not put the quotation marks around the port number and the boolean values.
To access the configuration page click on the Admin link on the bottom right end of your stats homepage or open yourstatspage?page=admin in your web browser.
Now log in with your E-Mail and your password (You have set those during the installation process).