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- 添加
- 国家等级变更:
- Two new entries to all of your nation_levels in the config must be 添加ed, otherwise Towny will not start up properly.
- 添加 ‘nationZonesSize: #’ to each nation_level.
- 默认配置 between 1 and 3.
- 添加 ‘nationBonusOutpostLimit: #’ to each nation_level.
- 默认配置 between 0 and 3.
- If you do not want to do this you can delete the nation_level section of your config and Towny will re-create it with the missing lines and new 默认 settings.
- 添加 ‘nationZonesSize: #’ to each nation_level.
- Two new entries to all of your nation_levels in the config must be 添加ed, otherwise Towny will not start up properly.
- 城镇等级变更:
- A new entry to all of your town_levels in the config must be 添加ed, otherwise Towny will not start up properly.
- 添加 ‘townOutpostLimit: #’ to each town_level.
- 默认配置 between 0 and 4.
- If you do not want to do this you can delete the town_level section of your config and Towny will re-create it with the missing lines and new 默认 settings.
- 添加 ‘townOutpostLimit: #’ to each town_level.
- A new entry to all of your town_levels in the config must be 添加ed, otherwise Towny will not start up properly.
- 如果你要使用这个你必须先重置邀请冷却时间.
- MC 1.13 兼容性所需:
- config.yml:
- 找到 protection.town_mob_removal_entities 并把 WaterMob 改为 Guardian.
- 找到 protection.world_mob_removal_entities 并把 WaterMob 改为 Guardian.
- Pull Request made courtesy of TheFlagCourier.
- config.yml:
- You must change the nation.assistant permission towny.command.nation.ally to towny.command.nation.ally.*
- 添加 towny.command.nation.spawn to your nations.默认 rank/group.
- 添加 towny.nation.spawn.nation to your nations.默认 rank/group.
- 添加 towny.nation.spawn.ally to your nations.默认 rank/group.
- 添加 towny.town.spawn.nation to your nations.默认 rank/group.
- 土地指令:
- /plot set bank
- Sets a plot to the new bank plot type, see below for more info.
- /plot evict – courtesy of SeDark
- Allows the removal of a player from a personally owned plot.
- Requires the towny.command.plot.evict and towny.command.plot.asmayor permission nodes.
- 城镇指令:
- /t set spawncost {amount}
- Enables mayors to set their town’s spawn cost to anything equal to or lesser than the public spawn cost set in the config.
- Requires towny.command.town.set.spawncost permission node to use.
- Updated command: /t outpost {#|name|name:Name}, by ArticDive.
- Command now accepts the {name} which would be a plot name set on an outpost.
- Names can be seen using the ‘/t outpost list’ command.
- In the case that a plot begins with a number you may use the {name:NameHere} option.
- If a town has set the same plot name on two outpost they would have to use the outpost number, towny will select the first outpost with the matched
- name.
- 国家指令:
- /nation set board {message}
- 设置国家公告板信息.
- A child node of towny.command.nation.set.*, no change required to existing Townyperms.yml file.
- /n set spawn
- Sets the nation spawn point.
- /n set spawncost {amount}
- Enables kings to set their nation’s spawn cost to anything equal to or lesser than the public spawn cost set in the config.
- Requires towny.command.nation.set.spawncost permission node to use.
- TownyAdmin Commands:
- /ta tpplot {world} {x} {z}
- Teleports an admin to the Towny chunk coordinates seen in the /towny map command.
- Be careful with large numbers, you could be teleported farther than you think and end up generating chunks.
- Requires towny.admin permission node.
- /ta set plot {town} – courtesy of Articdive.
- When in a town only a single plot can be transfered at one time.
- Admin command to change a plot from one town to another.
- Does not require a town to have available townblocks to claim.
- When in the wilderness two types of sub commands can be used to do area claims:
- Admin command to change wilderness into a claim for a town.
- Does require a town to have available townblocks to claim.
- Does obey proximity rules for claims between towns/homeblocks.
- /ta set plot {town} {rect|circle} {radius}
- /ta set plot {town} {rect|circle} auto
- Does not charge town for the townblock.
- Requires towny.command.townyadmin.set.plot permission node.
- /ta checkperm {name} {node}
- Test if a player has a permission node.
- Requires towny.command.townyadmin.checkperm permission node.
- /ta town new [name] [mayor]
- Creates a town for the mayor where the command sender is standing.
- /t new name with spaces
- Use of the /t new command no longer requires the use of _’s where spaces would be.
- If a user enters spaces then they will be parsed into _’s and the town will be created.
- /t new NAME MAYOR
- This used to be usable only by admins and caused lots of confusion when players would try to make towns with spaces in the name.
- towny.town.{townname}
- Players who are in towns now receive a permission node, towny.town.{townname}.
- This can be useful for server operators who want to test if a player has a permission node to make sure they are part of a town.
- Examples could include an NPC that required a specific permission node to interact with.
- New Permission/Info Node: ‘towny_extraplots’ – courtesy of SeDark
- Used like the towny_maxplots node, ie: in GM’s info node section where pre修复 and suf修复’s are set.
- ex: towny_extraplots: 1
- Used to give players who have the town_maplots permission node, but who are also a mayor or assistant.
- Giving these extra plots, allows them to claim their maxplot amount plus the extra plot amount
- New TownyPerms feature: town/nation placeholder nodes
- You can now 添加 placeholder permission nodes into Townyperms.
- Will not work for nomads with no town.
- For example: 添加ing stargate.network.{townname} to the 默认 Town section in the townyperms.yml will assign the permission node stargate.network.england,
- to all the online members of the town England.
- use {townname} for towns, and {nationname} in your nation section.
- towny.command.plot.evict – courtesy of SeDark
- Required to use the /plot evict command.
- Child node of towny.command.plot.*
- towny.command.town.unclaim.all
- Required to use /town unclaim all
- Is a child node of towny.command.town.unclaim.* , which is a child node of towny.command.town.*
- towny.nation.spawn.*
- description: Grants all Nation Spawn travel nodes
- 默认: false
- children:
- towny.nation.spawn.nation: true
- towny.nation.spawn.ally: true
- towny.nation.spawn.public: true
- towny.admin.nation_zone
- Made so that mods who dont have towny.admin can bypass the nation zone protection.
- Child node of towny.admin
- towny.command.townyadmin.set.plot
- 默认: false
- Child node of towny.admin and towny.command.townyadmin.set.*
- For mods who don’t have the full towny.admin permission node but are able to change plots to other towns.
- Disregards the min_plot_distance checks in the config so land can be claimed in between towns.
- towny.command.townyadmin.set.capital
- 默认: false
- Child node of towny.admin and towny.command.townyadmin.set.*
- towny.command.townyadmin.set.title
- 默认: false
- Child node of towny.admin and towny.command.townyadmin.set.*
- towny.command.townyadmin.set.surname
- 默认: false
- Child node of towny.admin and towny.command.townyadmin.set.*
- Changed Config Option: expanded town spawn options – courtesy of Wolf2323
- The following settings:
- global_town_settings.allow_town_spawn
- global_town_settings.allow_town_spawn_travel
- global_town_settings.allow_town_spawn_travel_nation
- global_town_settings.allow_town_spawn_travel_ally
- Used to support the values True and False,
- Now support True, False, War, Peace.
- This would allow players to only use /town spawn when there is a war or when there is not.
- No change is required to be made in your config, simply change the true/false value to war/peace if you would like to use this feature.
- economy.death.percentage_cap
- 默认: 0.0
- A maximum amount paid out by a resident from their personal holdings for percentage deaths.
- Set to 0 to have no cap.
- notification.owner_shows_nation_title
- 默认: false
- If the notification.owner option should show name or {title} name. Titles are the ones granted by nation kings.
- global_town_settings.keep_inventory_on_death_in_town courtesy of ArticDive
- 默认: false
- When set to true players should keep their inventories upon death in any town.
- Not guaranteed to work on servers that already use a keep inventory plugin.
- global_town_settings.keep_inventory_on_death_in_town courtesy of ArticDive
- 默认: false
- When set to true players should keep their experience level upon death in any town.
- Not guaranteed to work on servers that already use a keep experience plugin.
- global_nation_settings.nationzone.enable
- 默认: false
- Nation zone feature is disabled by 默认. This is because it can cause a higher server load for servers with a large player count.
- global_nation_settings.nationzone.only_capitals
- 默认: true
- When set to true, only the capital town of a nation will be surrounded by a nation zone type of wilderness.
- global_nation_settings.nationzone.war_disables
- 默认: true
- When set to true, nation zones are disabled during the the Towny war types.
- global_nation_settings.nationzone.capital_bonus_size
- 默认: 0
- Amount of buffer 添加ed to nation zone width surrounding capitals only. Creates a larger buffer around nation capitals.
- economy.spawn_travel.town_spawn_cost_paid_to_town
- 默认: true
- When set to true, any cost paid by a player to use any variant of ‘/town spawn’ will be paid to the town bank.
- When false the amount will be paid to the server account whose name is set in the closed economy setting.
- global_town_settings.limit_outposts_using_town_and_nation_levels
- 默认: false
- When set to true outposts can be limited by the townOutpostLimit value of the Town Levels and the nationBonusOutpostLimit value in the Nation Levels.
- In this way nations can be made to be the only way of receiving outposts, or as an incentive to receive more outposts.
- Towns which are larger can have more outposts.
- When activated, this setting will not cause towns who already have higher than their limit to lose outposts.
- They will not be able to start new outposts until they have unclaimed outposts to become under their limit.
- Likewise, towns that join a nation and receive bonus outposts will be over their limit if they leave the nation.
- When the feature is enabled, the limits are shown in the /town status screen.
- global_townSettings.over_outpost_limits_stops_teleports
- 默认: false
- When limit_outposts_using_town_and_nation_levels is also true, towns which are over their outpost limit will not be able to use their /town outpost
- teleports for the outpost #’s higher than their limit, until they have dropped below their limit.
- – eg: If their limit is 3 then they cannot use /t outpost 4
- town.min_distance_for_outpost_from_plot
- 默认: 5
- Minimum number of plots an outpost must be from any other town’s plots.
- Useful when min_plot_distance_from_town_plot is set to near-zero to allow towns to have claims near to each other, but want to keep outposts away from
- towns.
- global_town_settings.homeblocks_prevent_forcepvp
- 默认: false
- If set to true, when a world has forcepvp set to true, homeblocks of towns will not be affected and have PVP set to off.
- economy.banks.disallow_bank_actions_outside_town
- 默认: false
- When set to true, players can only use their town withdraw/deposit commands while inside of their own town.
- Likewise, nation banks can only be withdrawn/deposited to while in the capital city.
- global_nation_settings.display_board_onlogin
- 默认: true
- If Towny should show players the nationboard when they login.
- global_nation_settings.capital_spawn
- 默认: true
- If enabled, only allow the nation spawn to be set in the capital city.
- global_nation_settings.默认.public
- 默认: false
- If set to true, any newly made nation will have their spawn set to public.
- resident_settings.is_showing_welcome_message
- 默认: true
- If true, players who join the server for the first time will cause the msg_registration message in the language files to be shown server-wide.
- bank.is_banking_limited_to_bank_plots
- 默认: false
- If true players will only be able to use /t deposit, /t withdraw, /n deposit & /n withdraw while inside bank plots belonging to the town or nation capital
- respectively.
- Home plots will also allow deposit and withdraw commands.
- global_nation_settings.allow_nation_spawn
- 默认: true
- Allow the use of /nation spawn.
- Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
- When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the nation when there is a war or peace.
- global_nation_settings.allow_nation_spawn_travel
- 默认: true
- Allow regular residents to use /nation spawn [nation] (TP to other nations if they are public).
- Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
- When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the nation when there is a war or peace.
- global_nation_settings.allow_nation_spawn_travel_ally
- 默认: true
- Allow regular residents to use /nation spawn [nation] to other nations allied with your nation.
- Valid values are: true, false, war, peace
- When war or peace is set, it is only possible to teleport to the nation, when there is a war or peace.
- global_town_settings.is_nation_ally_spawning_requiring_public_status
- 默认: false
- When set to true both nation and ally spawn travel will also require the target town to have their status set to public.
- notifications.titles
- Requires the notification.using_titles setting to be true.
- This makes the title messages seen when entering towns configurable.
- This also 添加s the ability to show a similar message announcing the wilderness as well.
- {townname} is supported in the town message, {wilderness} is supported in the wilderness message. Colour codes can be used too, ex: &f, &c.
- economy.town_rename_cost courtesy of MartenM
- 默认: 0
- The cost to rename a town.
- economy.nation_rename_cost courtesy of MartenM
- 默认: 0
- The cost to rename a nation.
- global_town_settings.maximum_plot_price_cost
- 默认: 1000000.0
- Maximum amount that a town can set their plot, embassy, shop, etc plots’ prices to.
- Setting this higher can be dangerous if you use Towny in a mysql database. Large numbers can become shortened to scientific notation.
- The previous hard cap of 1000000.00 on the /plot fs command has now been changed to use the maximum_plot_price_cost setting in the config.
- New Feature: Nation Zones.
- Nation Zones are a special type of wilderness surrounding Capitals of Nations or Nation Capitals and their Towns.
- When it is enabled players who are members of the nation can use the wilderness surrounding the town like normal.
- Players who are not part of that nation will find themselves unable to break/build/switch/itemuse in this part of the wilderness.
- The amount of townblocks used for the zone is determined by the size of the nation and configured in the nation levels.
- Capital towns can have an extra amount of p添加ing 添加ed to their zone.
- Because these zones are still wilderness anyone can claim these townblocks.
- It is recommended that whatever size you choose, these numbers should be less than the min_plot_distance_from_town_plot otherwise someone might not be able
- to build/destroy in the wilderness outside their town.
- New Feature: Vastly-improved Invite/Requests/Confirmations System! by Articdive.
- Question.jar no longer required! After serving it’s purpose for 7 years and requiring only 6 version changes, Questioner is finally retiring.
- Towny’s system of Invites, Ally requests and important Confirmations are now handled in-house by Towny.jar.
- New config section: Invites System.
- You can set the commands used for accept, deny, confirm, cancel.
- You can set limits on how many invites and requests can be sent and received independently.
- You can set how long in minutes a player has to have been on the server before they can receive invites from Towns.
- Greater detail/information is found in the new config section’s comments.
- The new system can handle multiple invites sent to players, towns and ally-requests between nations (when one-way nation relationships are disallowed.)
- Invites do not persist across server restarts.
- Invites can be sent using the old /t 添加 {name} and /n 添加 {name} commands.
- Alternatively you can use the new /t invite and /n invite commands for much more information.
- Single invites can be accepted/denied by players using the /accept or /deny commands.
- Multiple invites can be seen using /invites, and you can use /accept {town} or /deny {town}
- Towns accept nation invitations using /t invite accept {nationname}
- Towns deny nation invitations using /t invite deny {nationname}
- Nations accept alliance requests using /n ally accept {nationname}
- Nations deny alliance requests using /n ally deny {nationname}
- New Confirmation’s are sent to player unclaiming all of their plots, deleting their town or nation and to admins who are using the /ta resident purge
- command.
- Towny Admins do not have to confirm deleting a town or nation, so be careful!
- New Feature: Nation spawn points! courtesy of MartenM
- Nation’s can now set a spawn and whether their spawn is public, nearly exactly like town’s and their spawn abilities.
- Enemy’s can be prevented from spawning to public nations’ spawns using the already existing config “prevent_town_spawn_in:” list.
- You can also prevent spawning from unclaimed or neutral areas using this config entry.
- Any cost for spawning to a Nation is paid to the nation being spawned to.
- Cost is the same as the cost for spawning to a Town.
- New Feature: Limiting Outposts by Town and Nation Levels!
- See required config changes section above.
- New Plot Type: Bank
- If the config option is set to true, players will only be able to use withdraw and deposit commands while in their home block or bank plots.
- Probably useful for various economy plugins.
- Language files!
- 65+ new languages strings are now translateable.
- These strings are mainly found in the /plot perm, /res, /town, /nation and /townyworld status screens.
- Made build/destroy/switch/item_use parts of denial messages translatable.
- Made /towny map translatable.
- Made feedback from /plot|town|nation|townyworld|townyadmin toggle commands translatable, ex: enabled, disabled, forced, adjustable.
- TheCalypso updated the french.yml.
- Spanish.yml updated by SeDark.
- Italian translation courtesy of Leomixer17 and Dracarys.
- German translation by Wolf2323.
- Towny API 添加itions:
- 添加ed TownPreClaimEvent by Abs0rbed.
- This event can be called by other region plugins, to cancel Towny claims inside of them.
- When the event is cancelled, Towny will stop short of charging for the townblock.
- 添加 new API options:
- TownyWorld.getClosestTownFromCoord(Coord key, Town nearestTown)
- TownyWorld.getClosestTownWithNationFromCoord(Coord key, Town nearestTown)
- Both return the nearest town.
- 添加ed API events, courtesy of Articdive:
- NationInviteTownEvent
- NationRequestAllyNationEvent
- TownInvitePlayerEvent
- New Event: PreDeleteTownEvent
- Passes either the Townname or Town object.
- Useful for plugins developers who are storing town objects in their plugins and need to monitor deleted towns.
- The normal DeleteTownEvent does not take town objects because by the time the event fires there is no town left.
- Overhaul cache/permissions system to use material instead of blockid:data values.
- Old API still in place but deprecated.
- Plugin authors are advised to begin using new Material options when querying the Towny cache/utils.
- /townyworld commands can be run from console!
- Requires the worldname to be supplied after ‘tw’
- Eg: ‘tw world_nether toggle forcepvp’
- /tw regen and /tw undo are not usable from the console because they require a player standing in a plot.
- /town, /res and /nation can be run from the console!
- Commands are limited but generally /{command} list and /{command} {name} work.
- Previously the console would just show the help page for the /{command} no matter what sub command was used.
- Gave the admin info tool awareness of Doors.
- Gave the admin info tool awareness of Signs.
- Town and Nation ranks can now contain capital letters. Rank permissions remain lowercased.
- 添加 support for Reserve courtesy of creatorfromhell.
- Reserve is an optional Vault-replacement available at https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/reserve.50739/
- 添加 /town new to the /town ? help, don’t know how this one was missed.
- 添加ed /town create as an alias of sorts to /town new.
- Improve error seen when a player tries to use /t set spawn when not in the homeblock or when the homeblock isn’t set.
- 添加ed /ta giveplots as an alias of sorts to /ta givebonus.
- 添加ed bStats metrics.
- Database code overhaul by ArticDive.
- Easier new 添加itions can be made to the database.
- May have better performance/loading.
- 添加ed confirmation message to /ta rename.
- 添加 TownyChat version number to /towny universe.
- nation board messages
- just like town’s board messages but for nations.
- Overhaul cache/permissions system to use material instead of blockid:data values.
- Old API still in place but deprecated.
- Plugin authors are advised to begin using new Material options when querying the Towny cache/utils.
- New: Animals can no longer be tempted with food by players who would not also be able to butcher them, courtesy of creatorfromhell.
- Town and Nation level calculations are now more efficient thanks to creatorfromhell.
- When using NotificationsUsingTitles, players will now be shown the wilderness title when entering the wilderness.
- 添加 plot type to /plot perm screen.
- 添加 alias /plot info alias to /plot perm.
- Made error feedback from lack for funds for /t new, /n new and /t claim much clearer.
- Make /res status screen show year for LastOnline when the year they were last online is not the current year.
- Make it so that players vanished by the plugin Essentials do not have the LastOnline value updated.
- Note: This means that a player could be deleted by the old-resident-deletion feature.
- Towny now prevents the log in of players which are using the names of various Towny server accounts.
- This includes NPC mayors, the towny-war-chest, and towny-server-account.
- This also includes the town and nation bank accounts.
- This is being done because Essentials’ economy changes the safe “town-TownNameHere” account to an unsafe “town_TownNameHere” account.
- Because the _ is used players can log into the server and steal the money.
- We are now including a warning message at startup to let server admins know that Essentials Economy has been resetting town and nation accounts.
- This resetting accounts issue has been a problem ever since MC 1.8, and does not appear to be something the maintainers of Essentials will 修复.
- Please discontinue using Essentials.
- 修复 for PlayerLeaveTownEvent not firing.
- 修复 for the minimum_amount_of_residents_in_town_for_outpost option in the config breaking claiming normal, non-outpost chunks.
- Credit goes to Wolf2323 for finding and 修复ing this bug.
- 修复 for mob spawner blocks not regenerating properly using the wilderness explosion revert.
- 修复 door regeneration in the wilderness, also preparation for 1.13’s loss of Block IDs.
- 修复 sign regeneration in the wilderness, also preparation for 1.13’s loss of Block IDs.
- 修复 inventoryholders, piston, attachables, hanging regeneration in preparation for 1.13’s loss of Block IDs.
- 修复 trees, stairs and gates in regards to regeneration in the wild in prep for 1.13’s loss of Block IDs.
- 修复 bad URL in config at protection.town_mob_removal_entities
- 修复 for scenario where a torch connected to the top of a block will leave a placeholder below it when it is exploded and reverted.
- 修复 for slabs and wooden slabs not regenerating properly when exploded.
- 修复 for stained clay, stained glass, stained glass panes, concrete, concrete powder not maintaining their colours after exploding and reverting.
- 修复潜影盒回溯错误的问题.
- 修复 for edge-case item frame protection.
- 修复 for min_distance_from_town_plots in config not being checked during initial claiming of new town.
- 修复 for towny-server account losing money when closed economy is enabled in the config and a town or nation changes its name.
- 修复 for mayors who aren’t allowed perms in resident-owned plots.
- 修复 /town buy bonus command not being at all helpful when not enabled fully through the config.
- 修复 NPE when nation zones are used and there’s no nations.
- 修复 an NPE that could occur in the wilderness from explosions.
- 修复 area claiming not respecting the min_plot_distance_from_town_plot setting in the config.
- 修复 cost not being used when the ‘/plot forsale {cost} within {radius}’ command is ussed.
- 修复 mayors not being able to work on blocks inside of their own personal plots when they do not have the towny.claimed.owntown.* node.
- 修复 protection of End Crystals in town.
- 修复 protection of Armour Stands and other entities from the explosions caused by Fireworks.
- 修复 players that are jailed in a town which has just deleted itself.
- 修复 Towny from 添加ing Towns which have no townblocks claimed to the war event.
- 修复没有城镇中心区块的城镇towns with no townblocks from attacking other towns in the Flag War.
- 修复 NPE with /plot perm hud when changing worlds.
- 修复 using /towny spy moving a player from other chat channels and removing other modes.
- 修复 switch and destroy permissions for minecarts.
- 修复 /nation not showing the nation ranks.
- 修复大使馆土地在某种情况下无法取消出售状态 Embassy plots not being able to be removed from sale under certain conditions.
- 修复大使馆土地在某种情况下放置方块会显示出售信息.
- 修复 a missing denial message when using /plot nfs on an area where the user does own the land.
- 修复 /towny spy 无效 当玩家没有权限时has towny.chat.spy but not towny.command.towny.spy
- 修复 /plot perm hud causing NPEs when a player teleports to a non-Towny world.
- 修复 Friendly fire message not displaying.
- 修复 Towny’s name formatting altering player names. Where we used to replace the “_” with a ” “, we are no longer doing this for players.
- 修复 playercache not properly resetting when a player is assigned/de-assigned a rank.
- 修复 townRanks being lost when a town leaves a nation.
- 修复 purely visual town upkeep bug when town_plotbased_upkeep and town_plotbased_upkeep_affected_by_town_level_modifier were used together.
- 修复 fishing rods being able to grab a hold of armour stands and entities when the player using it does not have destroy permissions in the plot.
- 修复 itemframes being invincible to physics.
- 修复 for players being able to jail themselves, courtesy of creatorfromhell.
- 修复 bug where renaming residents not properly removing old outlaw names, thanks to jackstrosahl for picking up on this.
- 修复 missing space between residentname and (Online) in the /res status page.
- 修复 NationZones, which I broke back in a commit that did the badtouch to the playercacheutil.
- 修复 seeecret town setting AdminEnabledPVP not actually working like it ought to.
- 修复 tamed wolves being able to attack players who cannot defend themselves inside of plots with PVP off.
- 修复 for literal edge case scenario with pistons failing to retract.
- 修复 long_grass regeneration.
- 修复 getTown(Uuid) and getNation(Uuid) API calls failing on Towns/Nations with uppercased letters.
- 修复 issue with buckets being empty-able where they ought not be.
- Change made to config code. Should 修复 the extra newlines seen on some servers.
- 修复 for nations that lack nationBoards causing issues when upgrading from older versions of Towny.
- Commented configuration now in effect on the ChatConfig.yml!
- Towny has long used the CommentedConfiguration created by dumptruckman (of Multiverse fame,) for its config.yml and starting with the version included in
- this zip file so does TownyChat.
- This means that new chatconfig nodes will be automatically ed (just like in Towny.)
- pre-0.52 chatconfig files will load but will be slightly out of order.
- It is recommended that you let TownyChat make a brand new chatconfig.yml
- stop your server.
- rename your chatconfig.yml to oldchatconfig.yml and let town.
- start your server.
- compare the two chatconfigs and when your new chatconfig.yml is configured save it and use ‘/townychat reload’.
- The worlds section of the chatconfig will not auto-generate until the modify_chat.enable setting is set to true.
- If you do not see a worlds section and want to use per-world chat, set the modify_chat.enable setting to true and use ‘/townychat reload’.
- Chatconfig change: whereas before the tag_formats.both had to be set at [%s, %s], it can now be set to [%t, %n].
- Doing so would show the Town tag before the Nation tag, opposite behaviour as before.
- 新权限节点: townychat.chat.format.*
- 默认: op
- Provides the ability to use bold, italics, etc in chat.
- 子权限节点:
- townychat.chat.format.bold
- townychat.chat.format.italic
- townychat.chat.format.magic
- townychat.chat.format.undeline
- townychat.chat.format.strike
- New Permission node: townychat.chat.format.reset
- 默认拥有: everyone
- Provides the ability to reset chat formatting to 默认 using &r.
- 所有的消息都可翻译. Failure to use Towny Version or newer will mean you see no messages.
- 翻译文件已并入城镇语言文件内.
- 改善 channels.yml 或chatconfig.yml 无法加载时显示的错误.