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1. 下载最新版本的 TShock Github下载
2. 如果你使用的Windows Vista或更新的版本,只需右键文件执行即可.
- 如果服务器没有开始, 或者你的Windows系统太旧, 你可以使用 7Zip (Free).
3.然后运行你从压缩包里解压出来的 TerrariaServer.exe 就可以开始TShock服务器了.
我们的某些版本包括错误的文件名.Several releases incorrectly 包括名为 'serverplugins'的文件夹. 在windows系统下这没有问题,但在Linux里这就是个很严重的问题. 如果你遇到了无法启动TShcok服务器的问题或是没有验证代码( 查看下文 ), 请确认你的服务器插件文件夹名为 'ServerPlugins'. 如果你运行服务器时报错 about a number needs to be between a min and a max ,你需要删除auth.lck文件并重启 TShock.
- 如果你没开服的话,先运行 TerrariaServer.exe 来启动你的服务器.
- 选择你想要使用的世界或创建一个新的世界.
- 选择完你的世界后, 控制台会让你输入服务器端口设置.
- 注意: 默认的服务器端口为 (7777). 输入回车以确认.
- 服务器成功开启后控制台会显示以下信息:
如果你想要成为超级管理员,请进入以下并输入/auth 验证代码 To become superadmin, join the game and type /auth [authcode]
- 运行 Terraria.exe, 加入你的服务器并输入: /auth [authcode]. 这可以让你获得服务器的管理员权限,你就可以使用所有的插件指令了.
但这只会给予你一次管理员权限,再次登录游戏管理员权限就会消失. This is intended to be used once at the very start and every subsequent admin operation is done under a superadmin account.
- 注意: 想要加入你自己的服务器, 你可以输入: 本地的host或 (which are the same thing - assuming the server is being run on the same machine that you run Terraria), 或者你可以使用自己的外部IP地址, 只需前往例如 whatsmyip.org 的查看IP的网站查看IP是否有效
- 然后输入: /user add [username] [password] superadmin
- 例子: /user add john qwerty superadmin
- This will add a user to your server that a player can log into, allowing them access to admin operations. This is intended for server owner only, do not give your account credentials out willy nilly.
- 登录管理员账号你可以输入: /login [管理员账号名] [密码]
- 例子: /login john qwerty
- 最后, 如果你想要在开服的时候移除 "auth"信息 , 只需输入: /auth-verify
- Note that this account is your server's superadmin account. It has immunity to most things, as well as access to everything that you can do via console. We do not recommend giving out the superadmin group to your users. Make a seperate group for them and give them the permissions that you want them to have. These instructions explain how to setup your server and get an account ingame so that you do not have to use the console window. If you wish to give your users groups, and make admins please see the following section. For an indepth walk through of all commands, please see the following guide. It is the definitive guide to 90% of the operation of TShock. Anything not listed there is a newer feature that has not been documented yet.
List of Commands and Permissions