- 欢迎来到Minecraft插件百科!
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- 易上手!
- 完全可自定义!
- 非常容易的游戏内编辑器和插件配置
- 竞技场商店
- 支持MythicMobs的怪物作为竞技场BOSS
- 支持自定义商店和工具的物品
- 启用/关闭任何种类的怪物.
- 启用/关闭每个竞技场的工具.
- 在特点的竞技场启用某种工具.
- 启用/关闭竞技场内使用指令.
- 无限制的竞技场/工具/商店/BOSS.
- 自动修复装备.
- 可设置定时刷出物品的箱子.
- 工具/竞技场/商店 GUI.
- 防止破坏/放置竞技场内的方块.
- 防止捡起/丢弃竞技场内的物品.
- 观察者模式.
- 独立的工具/商店/竞技场 权限.
- 点击牌子加入竞技场, 选择工具, 查看记录, 打开商店, 离开竞技场
- 每个竞技场的聊天频道不同. (可关闭)
- 全息文字显示记录.
- 全服玩家记录或某个竞技场的记录
- 可改变插件的所有信息.
- 聊天, ActionBar 和标题信息.
- 支持计分版 .
- 支持MythicMobs.
- 支持Citizens.
- 支持HolographicDisplays .
- 支持MyPet
- 支持PlaceholderAPI
- 主指令:
- /ama - Show help page
- /ama editor - Open in-game editor
- /ama reload - Reload the plugin
- /ama forcestart <arena> - Force the arena to start
- /ama forceend <arena> - Force the arena to end
- /ama info - View some info about plugin
- 建立竞技场步骤:
- /ama create <arena> - Create a new arena
- /ama setlobby <arena> - Set lobby for the arena
- /ama setspawn <arena> - Set game spawn for the arena
- /ama setleave <arena> - Set leave location for the arena
- /ama setspectate <arena> - Set spectator location for the arena
- /ama toggle <arena> - Toggle enable/disable status of the arena
- /ama remove <arena> - Remove the arena from config
- /ama hologram add [arena] <StatType> - Add a stats hologram at your location
- /ama hologram remove - Remove the nearest hologram of you
- /ama npc add <type/kit> - Create the NPC
- 硬币:
- /ama coins add <player> <amount> - Add coins to player
- /ama coins take <player> <amount> - Take coins from player
- /ama coins set <player> <amount> - Set coins to player
- /ama coins reset <player> - Reset coins for player
- 玩家指令:
- /ama join <arena> - Join to the arena lobby
- /ama leave - Leave from current arena
- /ama list - Opening a GUI with all arenas list
- /ama stats - View your arena stats
- /ama kit <kit> - Select the arena kit (Only in lobby)
- /ama spectate <arena> - Go to spectator on the arena
- /ama balance - Your coins balance
- 总体权限:
- ama.user - User commands
- ama.admin - Admin commands
- 竞技场:
- ama.join.* - Allow to join to any arena
- ama.join.<arena> - Allow to join specified arena
- 商店:
- ama.shop - Allow to use in-game shop
- ama.shop.* - Allow to use any shop
- ama.shop.<shop> - Allow to use <shop>
- 工具:
- ama.kit.* - Allow to use all kits
- ama.kit.<kit> - Allow to use specified kit
- 其它:
- ama.bypass.arenacost - Allow to join on the arena for free.
- ama.bypass.kitcost - Allow to use kit for free.
- ama.bypass.shopcost - Allow to use shop for free.
- 在游戏内打开编辑器: /ama editor
- 点击竞技场编辑器
- 点击创建新的竞技场
- 点击编辑器内的竞技场
- 随意改变你的竞技场设置.
- 点击编辑器顶部的羊毛来启用竞技场.
- 完成!