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第30行: 第30行:
在WorldEdit中所有的方块编辑操作都基于一个 <code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/EditSession.html EditSession]</code>. This object handles history and block placement order all automatically. To get an edit session for your own script, use:
在WorldEdit中所有的方块编辑操作都基于一个 <code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/EditSession.html EditSession]</code>. This object handles history and block placement order all automatically. To get an edit session for your own script, use:
<source lang="java">
  var sess = context.remember();
  var sess = context.remember();
任何时候你调用这个方法,你都会得到一个新的 <code>EditSession</code>, 所以一定要保持一个左右。要设置一个方块,而不是给一个方块的物品ID。你给一个<code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/blocks/BaseBlock.html BaseBlock]</code>. The reason is that blocks contain data (and in some cases, complex data like chest contents), and if only block types were passed around, a lot of data would be lost. <code>BaseBlock</code> is an independent representation of a block; it doesn't know where it is in the world. That means that you can pass a <code>BaseBlock</code> around everywhere and reuse it. <code>BaseBlock</code>s remember block type and block data. For more complex blocks such as signs and chests, you will use a <code>BaseBlock</code> derivative such as <code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/blocks/SignBlock.html SignBlock]</code>.
任何时候你调用这个方法,你都会得到一个新的 <code>EditSession</code>, 所以一定要保持一个左右。要设置一个方块,而不是给一个方块的物品ID。你给一个<code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/blocks/BaseBlock.html BaseBlock]</code>. The reason is that blocks contain data (and in some cases, complex data like chest contents), and if only block types were passed around, a lot of data would be lost. <code>BaseBlock</code> is an independent representation of a block; it doesn't know where it is in the world. That means that you can pass a <code>BaseBlock</code> around everywhere and reuse it. <code>BaseBlock</code>s remember block type and block data. For more complex blocks such as signs and chests, you will use a <code>BaseBlock</code> derivative such as <code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/blocks/SignBlock.html SignBlock]</code>.
第38行: 第38行:
Setting a cloth block with color value 4
Setting a cloth block with color value 4
<source lang="java">
var sess = context.remember();
var sess = context.remember();
sess.setBlock(player.getBlockOn(), new BaseBlock(BlockID.CLOTH, 4));</pre>}}
sess.setBlock(player.getBlockOn(), new BaseBlock(BlockID.CLOTH, 4));</source>
Note that because <code>BaseBlock</code> is in the ''com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks'' namespace, it had to be imported first. <code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/blocks/BlockID.html BlockID]</code> has a list of block types. The first argument for <code>setBlock()</code> is a <code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/Vector.html Vector]</code> indicating the position in the world.
Note that because <code>BaseBlock</code> is in the ''com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks'' namespace, it had to be imported first. <code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/blocks/BlockID.html BlockID]</code> has a list of block types. The first argument for <code>setBlock()</code> is a <code>[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/Vector.html Vector]</code> indicating the position in the world.
第52行: 第52行:
<pre>context.checkArgs(1, 3, "<block> [width] [height]");</pre>
<source lang="java">context.checkArgs(1, 3, "<block> [width] [height]");</source>
如果你要去处理一个方块名字使其成为<code>BaseBlock</code>, 你可以使用 <code>CraftScriptContext.[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/scripting/CraftScriptContext.html#getBlock%28java.lang.String%29 getBlock]()</code>. 这个方法可以检查方块黑名单, however. 如果你需要一个方块去, 比如说, 替换, 你可以 ignore the blacklist by [http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/scripting/CraftScriptContext.html#getBlock%28java.lang.String,%20boolean%29 adding a boolean "true" for a third parameter].
如果你要去处理一个方块名字使其成为<code>BaseBlock</code>, 你可以使用 <code>CraftScriptContext.[http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/scripting/CraftScriptContext.html#getBlock%28java.lang.String%29 getBlock]()</code>. 这个方法可以检查方块黑名单, however. 如果你需要一个方块去, 比如说, 替换, 你可以 ignore the blacklist by [http://docs.sk89q.com/worldedit/apidocs/com/sk89q/worldedit/scripting/CraftScriptContext.html#getBlock%28java.lang.String,%20boolean%29 adding a boolean "true" for a third parameter].
举个例子:Getting the passed in block<br/>
举个例子:Getting the passed in block<br/>
<source lang="java">
context.checkArgs(1, 3, "<block> [width] [height]");
context.checkArgs(1, 3, "<block> [width] [height]");
var block = context.getBlock(argv[1]);
var block = context.getBlock(argv[1]);
第77行: 第77行:
<source lang="java">
第104行: 第104行:
Example: Maze generation script
Example: Maze generation script
<source lang="java">
第209行: 第209行:
         sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 1, y * 2 - 1), block);
         sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 1, y * 2 - 1), block);

2015年12月21日 (一) 01:40的版本

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  • 如本模板出现在原文存档页面,请注意更新主页面后,仍需要去除此处该模板。
  • 如当前页面已经没有需要翻译的内容,请删去待翻译模板。
  • 有标题的大篇幅文章,如果短时间内无法全部翻译,请先把所有的标题翻译出来,以便之后的贡献者选择与翻译章节内容。

WorldEdit里的脚本可以让你不用Java和编译你的代码,方便地写一个操控世界的代码。这个脚本在WorldEdit中被称作CraftScripts,并且这一切都基于JavaScript and go into your craftscripts/ 文件. 使用基于WorldEdit写的脚本有这些优点:

  • 能够与WorldEdit的 undo(撤销)/redo(反撤销) 功能对接
  • 能够使用WorldEdit来优化编辑方块的操作
  • Accept WorldEdit's powerful block type syntax //set sign:3|How|are|you?
  • 能够轻易获取用户选择的区域空间

Mozilla Rhino JavaScript engine bundled with Java 6 and above is used to evaluate the scripts. However, if an independent version of Rhino is found in WorldEdit's classpath, it will be used instead. For maximum portability, write scripts for Java's built-in version of Rhino.

Scripting support was re-added in v2.13 after having been removed in v0.8. However, scripts written for v0.8 and below are not compatible.


Do not run scripts from untrusted sources.

Check out WorldEdit's API documentation.



想要运行一个脚本,请使用指令 /cs YourScript.js


在WorldEdit中所有的方块编辑操作都基于一个 EditSession. This object handles history and block placement order all automatically. To get an edit session for your own script, use:

 var sess = context.remember();

任何时候你调用这个方法,你都会得到一个新的 EditSession, 所以一定要保持一个左右。要设置一个方块,而不是给一个方块的物品ID。你给一个BaseBlock. The reason is that blocks contain data (and in some cases, complex data like chest contents), and if only block types were passed around, a lot of data would be lost. BaseBlock is an independent representation of a block; it doesn't know where it is in the world. That means that you can pass a BaseBlock around everywhere and reuse it. BaseBlocks remember block type and block data. For more complex blocks such as signs and chests, you will use a BaseBlock derivative such as SignBlock.

Setting a cloth block with color value 4

var sess = context.remember();
sess.setBlock(player.getBlockOn(), new BaseBlock(BlockID.CLOTH, 4));

Note that because BaseBlock is in the com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks namespace, it had to be imported first. BlockID has a list of block types. The first argument for setBlock() is a Vector indicating the position in the world.



Arguments are passed in under the argv variable. 如果你需要去检查用户提供的参数是不是正确的,你可以用 CraftScriptContext.checkArgs().


context.checkArgs(1, 3, "<block> [width] [height]");

如果你要去处理一个方块名字使其成为BaseBlock, 你可以使用 CraftScriptContext.getBlock(). 这个方法可以检查方块黑名单, however. 如果你需要一个方块去, 比如说, 替换, 你可以 ignore the blacklist by adding a boolean "true" for a third parameter.

举个例子:Getting the passed in block

context.checkArgs(1, 3, "<block> [width] [height]");
var block = context.getBlock(argv[1]);


Working with Java packages

To import a java package, you can use the following syntax:


Tip: The "Packages." prefix is not required if you installed Mozilla's Rhino library, but to keep portability with the default bundle of Rhino in Java, it is recommended that you use it.

You have access to all of Java's vast library as it is installed. WorldEdit's classes are also fully available.




var session = context.remember();
var origin = player.getPosition();

var arrows = new BaseItemStack(262, 64);

var items = [arrows, arrows, arrows,
             arrows, arrows, arrows,
             arrows, arrows, arrows]

for (var x = -4; x <= 4; x++) {
    for (var y = -4; y <= 4; y++) {
        for (var z = -4; z <= 4; z++) {
            var pt = origin.add(x, y, z);
            var id = session.getBlockType(pt);
            if (id == BlockID.DISPENSER) {
                var block = session.getBlock(pt);
                session.setBlock(pt, block);
                player.print("Arrows set @ " + pt);

Example: Maze generation script


context.checkArgs(1, 3, "<block> [width] [height]");

var sess = context.remember();

// This may throw an exception that is caught by the script processor
var block = context.getBlock(argv[1]);
var w = argv.length > 2 ? parseInt(argv[2]) : 5;
var h = argv.length > 3 ? parseInt(argv[3]) : 5;

function id(x, y) {
    return y * (w + 1) + x;

function $x(i) {
    return i % (w + 1);

function $y(i) {
    return Math.floor(i / (w + 1));

function shuffle(arr) {
    var i = arr.length;
    if (i == 0) return false;
    while (--i) {
        var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        var tempi = arr[i];
        var tempj = arr[j];
        arr[i] = tempj;
        arr[j] = tempi;

var stack = [];
var visited = {};
var noWallLeft = new Array(w * h);
var noWallAbove = new Array(w * h);
var current = 0;

stack.push(id(0, 0))

while (stack.length > 0) {
    var cell = stack.pop();
    var x = $x(cell), y = $y(cell);
    visited[cell] = true;
    var neighbors = []
    if (x > 0) neighbors.push(id(x - 1, y));
    if (x < w - 1) neighbors.push(id(x + 1, y));
    if (y > 0) neighbors.push(id(x, y - 1));
    if (y < h - 1) neighbors.push(id(x, y + 1));
    while (neighbors.length > 0) {
        var neighbor = neighbors.pop();
        var nx = $x(neighbor), ny = $y(neighbor);
        if (visited[neighbor] != true) {
            if (y == ny) {
                if (nx < x) {
                    noWallLeft[cell] = true;
                } else {
                    noWallLeft[neighbor] = true;
            } else {
                if (ny < y) {
                    noWallAbove[cell] = true;
                } else {
                    noWallAbove[neighbor] = true;

var origin = player.getBlockIn();

for (var y = 0; y <= h; y++) {
    for (var x = 0; x <= w; x++) {
        var cell = id(x, y)
        if (!noWallLeft[cell] && y < h) {
            sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 0, y * 2), block);
            sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 1, y * 2), block);
        if (!noWallAbove[cell] && x < w) {
            sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2, 0, y * 2 - 1), block);
            sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2, 1, y * 2 - 1), block);
        sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 0, y * 2 - 1), block);
        sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 1, y * 2 - 1), block);