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Where do I get the latest version of Craftbukkit?
点[http://dl.bukkit.org/latest-rb/craftbukkit.jar 这里]获取<br />
<br />
This is where you can always find the latest recommended version of Craftbukkit. Please keep in mind that these change quickly and from time to time may get ahead of the plugin's compatibility. It is always best to use recommended builds, other Craftbukkit builds may have errors or compatibility issues that you are not aware off, and most plugin developers, design their plugin to the Recommended Builds only.
这是你一直可以找到最新的推荐版本的craftbukkit. 请记住,CraftBukkit的更新很快,时常可能会获得更好的对插件的兼容性,所以使用推荐的版本总是最好的, 其他CraftBukkit版本可能有一些错误或者你没有意识到的兼容性问题,和不支持很多开发商的插件,有些插件可能只依靠推荐的版本来设计.<br />
How do I tell the version of Craftbukkit and Essentials?
If you downloaded Craftbukkit from the link above then you should know your version. If you look at the console it will also tell you the version of all plugins.
How often should I update my plugins and Craftbukkit?
If you downloaded Craftbukkit from the link above then you should know your version. If you look at the console it will also tell you the version of all plugins.<br />
How often should I update my plugins and Craftbukkit?<br />
Different people do it different ways, but you should always update Craftbukkit any time you update any plugins. Plugins are updated based on the newest build of CB, so installing a new build of a plugin with an old Craftbukkit will most likely cause it to break.
Different people do it different ways, but you should always update Craftbukkit any time you update any plugins. Plugins are updated based on the newest build of CB, so installing a new build of a plugin with an old Craftbukkit will most likely cause it to break.
How do I stop the 10 second teleport timer?
How do I stop the 10 second teleport timer?<br />
The setting is in the Essentials config.yml. *teleport-delay: 0*
The setting is in the Essentials config.yml. *teleport-delay: 0*<br />
If it is not there, then just add this line.
If it is not there, then just add this line.<br />
Essentials is in the wrong language. How do I change it?
Essentials is in the wrong language. How do I change it?<br />
There is a setting in the Essentials config.yml. Find out more about the locale setting here.
There is a setting in the Essentials config.yml. Find out more about the locale setting here.<br />
How do I make it so different users have different coloured names?
How do I make it so different users have different coloured names?<br />
You can configure Essentials to modify displaynames and chat formatting. Find out more about chat formatting here.
You can configure Essentials to modify displaynames and chat formatting. Find out more about chat formatting here.<br />
I am getting a 'UnsupportedClassVersionError' error when trying to start plugins, what is this?
I am getting a 'UnsupportedClassVersionError' error when trying to start plugins, what is this?<br />
This error typically means that you are running an older version of Java that we do not support. You need at least Java 6 to run Essentials. More information here.
This error typically means that you are running an older version of Java that we do not support. You need at least Java 6 to run Essentials. More information here.<br />
I can't color my message by setting suffix after installing EssentialsChat for 2.9.2 and up!
I can't color my message by setting suffix after installing EssentialsChat for 2.9.2 and up!<br />
In 2.9.2, the bug where you could use the suffix setting in plugins to color the message, causing problems was fixed. instead use the formats in the Essentials config.yml to add the message color.
In 2.9.2, the bug where you could use the suffix setting in plugins to color the message, causing problems was fixed. instead use the formats in the Essentials config.yml to add the message color.<br />
I can't create xxx type of signs in version 2.9.x and up!
I can't create xxx type of signs in version 2.9.x and up!<br />
In 2.9.x all signs are now disabled by default. On or about line 264 starts the 'enabledSigns' section. Remove the comments (#) before the sign to which you would like to enable.
In 2.9.x all signs are now disabled by default. On or about line 264 starts the 'enabledSigns' section. Remove the comments (#) before the sign to which you would like to enable.<br />
====Group Manager====
====Group Manager====
How do I give a user or group the ability to use certain commands?
How do I give a user or group the ability to use certain commands?<br />
Essentials comes packaged with the Group Manager plugin. For information on setting this up, check out the GroupManager Guide.
Essentials comes packaged with the Group Manager plugin. For information on setting this up, check out the GroupManager Guide.<br />
The group config file keeps resetting, how to I change it?
The group config file keeps resetting, how to I change it?<br />
Group Manager re-saves its current copy on reload and every 10 minutes. If you want to make changes you can disable auto saving, or request a manual load (/manload)
Group Manager re-saves its current copy on reload and every 10 minutes. If you want to make changes you can disable auto saving, or request a manual load (/manload)<br />
See also: Group Manager/Config
See also: Group Manager/Config
When I start my server, I get YAML errors?
When I start my server, I get YAML errors?<br />
If the server throws a YAML error to the server console the hint as to what is wrong is detailed in the error. It typically highlights a line number it thinks is wrong. Check your YAML file for typos and indentation errors.
If the server throws a YAML error to the server console the hint as to what is wrong is detailed in the error. It typically highlights a line number it thinks is wrong. Check your YAML file for typos and indentation errors.<br />
If you see the log say '\t', then you used tabs. Replace any tabs you have with four spaces.
If you see the log say '\t', then you used tabs. Replace any tabs you have with four spaces.<br />
If you still need help come to IRC
If you still need help come to IRC
Can I use previously generated warp files in Essentials?
Can I use previously generated warp files in Essentials?<br />
If the warps are saved to .txt format you can move that file into the plugins/Essentials folder and it will be loaded, but there is no way to convert MyWarp files at this time.
If the warps are saved to .txt format you can move that file into the plugins/Essentials folder and it will be loaded, but there is no way to convert MyWarp files at this time.<br />
I currently use a permissions system, can I use Essentials?
I currently use a permissions system, can I use Essentials?<br />
Essentials is compatible with PermissionBukkit/PermissionsEx/BukkitPermissions and other permission plugins, you will simply need to add the correct command nodes and make sure you don't have EssentialsGroupMananger.jar and EssentialsGroupBridge.jar. You could also convert to Group Manager, which comes pre-configured for Essentials.
Essentials is compatible with PermissionBukkit/PermissionsEx/BukkitPermissions and other permission plugins, you will simply need to add the correct command nodes and make sure you don't have EssentialsGroupMananger.jar and EssentialsGroupBridge.jar. You could also convert to Group Manager, which comes pre-configured for Essentials.

2016年2月1日 (一) 21:45的版本

插件类型Spigot / CraftBukkit






|下载地址| |Bukkit内| |MCBBS搬运帖| |百度云直通下载_提取码5umq| 打开/plugins 将下载的文件丢进去


|GorupManager|是一个管理命令权限的插件 利用他,你可以做到VIP用户的效果 或者做到一些其他的好玩的效果 他也是广大服务器非常常用的Mod,甚至有胜与Essentials





命令 别名 作用 输入格式
bigtree largetree 生成一颗树 /bigtree <tree\redwood\jungle>
break X 破坏你看着的方块 /break
enchant enchantment 给手上的物品附魔 /enchant [附魔类型(输入/enchant查看)] [等级]
exp xp 查看/设置/给与一个玩家经验值 /exp [玩家]

/exp <show\set\give> [玩家] [经验值\L<等级(值)>]

feed eat 完全恢复一个玩家的饥饿度 /feed [玩家](不填默认为自己)
firework X 允许你修改一堆烟花 /firework <参数>

/firework <大小|时间> [值] /firework clear (后面独立成篇)

fly X 允许某玩家飞行
/fly [玩家] [on\off]
gamemode gm, creative, survival, adventure, gmc, gma, gms, gmt 修改玩家的模式 /gamemode [c\s\a\t\creative\survival\adventure\toggle] [玩家]
give X 给玩家一些物品
/<command> <player> <item\item:damage value> [amount [enchant:level...]](后面单独成篇)
god godmode, tgm 让某玩家不受伤害 /god [玩家] [on\off]
hat hand 把手上的物品戴到头上
/hat [remove]
heal X 回满某玩家的生命值 /heal [玩家]
item i 给你一个设置
/item <item\item:damage value>
[amount [enchant:level...]]


kit kits 给某玩家一个礼包 /<command> [礼包名称] [玩家名称(不填为自己)]
more X 使手上的物品达到最大堆叠 /more
ptime playertime 改变一个玩家的时间
/ptime [list\reset\day\night\dawn\17:30\4pm\4000ticks] <player\*>
repair fix 修复一个或所有物品 /repair [hand\all]
skull playerskull,head 给与一个玩家的头 /skull [正版玩家名]
time day,night 改变一个服务器的时间 /time [day\night\dawn\17:30\4pm\4000ticks] [worldname\all]
tree X 生成一颗树 /tree


unlimited ul\unl 使一个物品得以无限使用 /unlimited <list\item\clear> [玩家(不填为自己)]
workbench wb,wbench 打开一个工作台 /workbench
speed flyspeed,walkspeed,fspeed,wspeed 改变某玩家的速度 /speed <速度(值)> [玩家(不填为自己)]

/<command> <walk\fly> <速度(值)> [玩家(不填为自己)]


命令 别名 作用 输入格式
balance bal,money 某玩家的金钱数 /balance [玩家名(不填为自己)
balancetop baltop 显示财富排行榜 /balancetop [页数(不填为第一页)]
eco economy 给与\拿走\设置\重置一个玩家的金钱数 /eco <give\take\reset> <玩家名> [金钱数(值)]
pay X 给某玩家一定量的钱
/pay <玩家> <金钱数(值)>
sell X 出售物品 /sell <物品名\ID> [数量(值)]

/sell <hand\invent\blocks>

setworth X 设置一个物品的价格 /setworth [物品名\id(不填为手上的物品)] <价格(值)>
worth price 查看一个物品的价格 /worth [hand\all]

/worth <物品> [数量(值)]


命令 别名 作用 输入格式
afk away 设置是否为AFK状态 /afk [玩家(不填为自己)]
book X 允许你打开并编辑一本书 /book [title\author [name]]
compass direction 查看你的朝向 /compass
customtext [make your own] Allows the creation of custom commands /<alias> [page]
depth height 查看你的海拔高度 /depth
getpos coords, position, whereami, getlocation, getloc 查看(某玩家)坐标 /getpos [player(不填为自己)]
help X 打开help /help [页数(设定好的help.txt内容)\插件名\搜索] [页数]
helpop amsg,ac 向在线的op请求帮助 /helpop <信息>
ignore X 忽略一个玩家 /ignore <玩家>
info ifo,news,about,inform 查阅与这个服务器有关的信息!? /info <page number/chapter>
itemdb itemno,durability, dura 搜索物品 /itemdb [物品]
list who,payerist,online,plist 查看在线的玩家 /list [用户组]
mail email 发送和查阅短信 /mail [read\clear\send [to] [信息]]

/mail sendall [信息]

me action,describe (说)你做出动作 /me <动作>(输出:§1*你的ID 动作)
motd X 查看每日信息 /motd
msg tell, m, t, whisper 私聊某玩家 /msg <玩家> <信息(可带&)>

当玩家/m 2个字符左右+信息的话, 会发送至所有有这两个字符的玩家ID的玩家中 建议给权限组家一个-essentials.msg.multiple的权限 这可以防止玩家一下子刷很多玩家的屏

near nearby 查看附件的玩家 /near [半径(值)]

/near <玩家名> <半径(值)>

nick nickname 改变玩家的显示名 /nick [player] [nick\off]
powertool pt 绑定一个命令在你手上的物品 /powertool [command [arguments]]

(绑定命令) /powertool c:<消息> (说出消息) /powertool [a/r:]<command> <arguments> (附加命令) /powertool [d/l]: (删除命令) /powertool (删除全部)

powertooltoggle ptt, pttoggle 打开或关闭powertool /powertooltoggle
r reply 快速回复私聊消息 /r <信息>
realname X 查看一个玩家的原本的用户名
/realname <玩家>(没什么用,输入nick之后的名字查找不到)
recipe method, formula, recipes 查看怎么去合成一个物品 /recipe <物品> [合成编号!?]
rules X 查看服务器规则 /rules <页数>
seen X 查看一个玩家最后的下线时间及地点 /seen <玩家\IP>
spawner changms,mobspawner 改变一个怪物的类型 /spawner <Mob> <延迟>(为什么后面有一个延迟,我要去试下)
suicide X 传说中的自杀 /suicide

权限节点:essentials.suicide 建议在g:essentials_builder组内删除该权限 防止刷饥饿

whois X 显示一个玩家的信息 /whois <nickname\playername>


命令 别名 作用 输入格式
antioch grenade,tnt bui~手榴弹 /antioch
backup X 启动回档 /backup
ban X 禁止一名玩家进入服务器 /ban <玩家> <理由>
banip X 禁止一个IP进入服务器 /banip <玩家\IP>
broadcast bcast 发送公告 /broadcast <信息(可加&)>(输出§2[公告]§4信息
burn X 使一个玩家着火 /brun <玩家> <时间(秒)>
clearinventory ci, clean, clearinvent 清空一个玩家的背包 /clearinventory [玩家]

/clearinventory <玩家> [物品[:<损伤值>]|*|**] [数量]

deljail remjail, rmjail 删除一个监狱 /deljail <监狱名>
enderchest echest,endersee,ec 查看某玩家的末影箱 /enderchest [玩家]
essentials ess 回档Ess或重载Ess /essentials [reload\debug]

/essentials [reset] [玩家]

ext extinguish 熄灭一个玩家身上的火焰 /ext <玩家>
fireball X 发出一个火球 /fireball [small]
gc lag, mem, memory, uptime, tps, entities 查看一个服务器的使用信息 /gc
invsee X 查看别的玩家的背包 /invsee <玩家> [加任意字符查看装备]


jails X 监狱列表 /jails
kick X 把一个玩家提出服务器 /kick <玩家> <理由>
kickall X 踢出所有非op玩家 /kickall <理由>
kill X 杀死一枚玩家 /kill <玩家>
lightning strike, smite, thor, shock 向你看着的地方放闪电 /lightning [玩家] [伤害]
mute silence 禁言某玩家 /mute <玩家> [时间]
nuke X 从天而降许多TNT(不破坏地形) /nuke [玩家]
ping pong,echo 测试消息(原文Pong!..) /ping [message(可加&)(不填显示呯!..)]
remove butcher, killall, mobkill 移走世界的特定实体 /remove <all\drops\xp> [半径\世界]

/remove <arrows\boats\minecarts\paintings\itemframes\endercrystals> [半径\世界] /remove <monsters\animals\ambient\mobs\[mobType]> [半径\世界]



setjail createjail 创建一个新监狱 /setjail <监狱名>
socialspy X 查看其它玩家的私人消息(例如私聊,附近讲话) /socialspy [玩家]
spawnmob mob 生成怪物 /spawnmob <mob> [数量] [玩家]

/spawnmob <mob>: [数量] [玩家] /spawnmob <mob>,<mob>[,<mob>...] [数量 [玩家]

sudo X 使一个玩家执行一个指令(该玩家需要权限) /sudo <玩家> <command [args]>

/sudo <玩家> c:<内容>(使玩家强制讲话)

tempban X 临时禁止一个玩家进入服务器 /tempban <玩家> <时间(1s=一秒,10m=10分钟,100h=100小时,1000d=1000天)>
thunder X 是否雷雨天气 false> [duration]
togglejail tjail, unjail, jail 变更一个玩家的监狱状态 /togglejail <玩家> <监狱名> [时间](进监狱)

/togglejail <玩家> [时间](出监狱)

unban pardon 取消一个玩家的禁止状态 /unban <玩家>
unbanip pardonip 取消禁止一个IP /unbanip <玩家名\IP>
vanish v 隐身状态 /vanish [玩家] [on\off]
weather sky, sun, storm, rain 改变天气 /weather <storm\sun> <持续时间>


命令 别名 作用 输入格式
setspawn X 设定出生点(主城)
/setspawn [用户组]
spawn X 传送到主城 /spawn <玩家>


命令 别名 作用 输入格式
back return 返回到上一传送点 /back
delhome remhome,rmhome 删除一个家 /delhome <家>

/delhome <玩家>:<家>

delwarp remwarp,rmwarp 删除一个坐标点 /delwarp <坐标>
home homes 传送到一个家 /home <家>

/home <玩家>:<家>

jump j,jumpto 传送到你看着的地方 /jump
sethome createhome 设置一个家 /sethome <家>

/sethome <玩家>:<家>

setwarp createwarp 建立一个新坐标点 /setwarp <坐标点>
top X 传送到最高的方块 /top
tp tele, tp2p, teleport 传送到一个玩家身边 /tp <玩家>

/tp <玩家1> <玩家2>

tpa call,tpask 请求传送到一个玩家身边 /tpa <玩家>
tpaall X 向所有人发生一个请求传送你(某玩家)身边来 /tpaall [玩家]
tpaccept tpyes 同意tpa /tpacept [玩家]
tpahere X 请求一个玩家传送到你身边来 /tpahere [玩家]
tpall X 传送所有人到你(某玩家)身边 /tpall [玩家]
tpdeny tpno 拒绝tpa /tpdeny


tphere s 将一个玩家传送到你身边 /tphere [玩家]
tpo X 强行传送到某玩家,无视拒绝传送
/tpo <玩家>
tpohere X 强行让某玩家传送到自己身边,无视拒绝传送
/tophere <玩家>
tppos X 传送到某坐标 /tppos <x> <y> <z> [头左右偏转角度] [头上下倾斜角度]
tptoggle X 开关其他玩家是否能传送到你 /tptoggle [玩家]
warp warps 传送到坐标点 /warp [坐标名] [玩家]
world X 允许你传送到其他世界 /world <nether\normal\0;1;2;3; etc..>


命令 别名 作用 输入格式
setxmpp X 设置你的XMPP地址 /setxmpp <地址>
xmpp X 发送信息到玩家的XMPP /xmpp <玩家> <信息>
xmppspy X 开关XMPP监视 /xmppspy <玩家>


权限节点 作用


essentials.bigtree 允许使用/bigtree命令
essentials.break 允许使用/break命令
essentials.break.bedrock 允许破坏基岩
essentials.enchant 允许使用/enchant命令
essentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname(附魔类型)] 允许附魔指定的附魔类型
essentials.enchantments.allowunsafe 允许附上不安全的附魔
essentials.exp 允许使用/exp
essentials.exp.give 允许给予经验
essentials.exp.give.others 允许给其他人经验
essentials.exp.others 允许查看其他人经验
essentials.exp.set 允许设置经验
essentials.exp.set.others 允许设置其他人经验
essentials.feed 允许使用feed
essentials.feed.cooldown.bypass 跳过feed的冷却
essentials.feed.others 允许feed其他人
essentials.firework 允许使用firework
essentials.firework.fire 允许修改手上的烟花
essentials.fly 允许使用fly
essentials.fly.others 允许fly其他人
essentials.fly.safelogin 在拥有这个权限并登陆在空中时玩家会自动转换为飞行模式
essentials.gamemode 允许使用gamemode
essentials.gamemode.others 允许gamemode其他人
essentials.itemspawn.meta-chapter-[chapter] 允许给与book.txt文件内且只能在其内的book
essentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname] 允许给与已经附魔指定的附魔的物品
essentials.enchantments.allowunsafe 允许不安全的附魔
essentials.give 允许使用give
essentials.itemspawn.exempt 允许给与在黑名单中的物品
essentials.itemspawn.item-<itemname> 允许给与<物品名>
essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid] 允许给与<物品ID>
essentials.itemspawn.item-all 允许给与所有物品
essentials.itemspawn.meta-author 允许给与时标记书的作者
essentials.itemspawn.meta-book 允许给与预先设置好的book.txt
essentials.itemspawn.meta-firework 允许给与设定好的烟花
essentials.itemspawn.meta-head 允许给与怪物的头
essentials.itemspawn.meta-lore 允许给与时标注Lore属性
essentials.itemspawn.meta-title 允许在给与时标注title属性
essentials.oversizedstacks 允许在给与时超过自然堆叠数,最多为配置文件内设置的最大堆叠数
essentials.god 允许使用god
essentials.god.others 允许god其他人
essentials.god.pvp 允许你攻击其他玩家时处于上帝状态
essentials.hat 允许使用hat
essentials.heal 允许使用heal
essentials.heal.cooldown.bypass 跳过heal的冷却
essentials.heal.others 允许heal其他人
essentials.itemspawn.meta-chapter-[chapter] 见give
essentials.enchantments.[enchantmentname] 见give
essentials.enchantments.allowunsafe 见give
essentials.item 允许使用item
essentials.itemspawn.exempt 见give
essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid] 见give
essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname] 见give
essentials.itemspawn.item-all 见give
essentials.itemspawn.meta-author 见give
essentials.itemspawn.meta-book 见give
essentials.itemspawn.meta-book 见give
essentials.itemspawn.meta-head 见give
essentials.itemspawn.meta-lore 见give
essentials.itemspawn.meta-title 见give
essentials.oversizedstacks 见give
essentials.kit 允许使用/kit命令
essentials.kit.exemptdelay 忽略礼包的冷却限制
essentials.kit.others 允许赠送其他人礼包
essentials.kits.* 允许获得所有礼包
essentials.kits.[kitname] 允许获得指定的礼包(指定来源于你设置的[kitname])
essentials.more 允许使用/more命令
essentials.oversizedstacks 允许达到配置文件中设置的最大堆叠
essentials.ptime 允许使用命令/ptime命令
essentials.ptime.others 允许对其他人使用/ptime命令
essentials.repair 允许使用/repair命令
essentials.repair.all 允许在使用/repiar命令时,修复全部物品
essentials.repair.armor 允许在使用/repair命令时,修复装甲
essentials.repair.enchanted 允许在修复时,修复附魔过的物品
essentials.skull 允许使用/skull命令
essentials.skull.modify 允许修改一个已存在的头
essentials.skull.others 允许创造一个属于其他人的头
essentials.skull.spawn 允许生成一个头,在玩家没有持有头时
essentials.speed 允许使用/speed命令
essentials.speed.bypass config.fml|中的速度限制
essentials.speed.fly 允许修改飞行时的速度
essentials.speed.others 允许修改其他玩家的速度
essentials.speed.walk 允许修改行走时的速度
essentials.time 允许使用/time命令
essentials.time.set 允许设置世界的时间
essentials.tree 允许使用/tree命令
essentials.unlimited 允许使用/unlimited
essentials.unlimited.item-[itemid] 允许通过unlimited无限使用指定的相对应ID的物品(指定来源于你设置的[itemid])
essentials.unlimited.item-[itemname] 允许通过unlimited无限使用指定的相对应名称的物品(指定来源于你设置的[itemname])
essentials.unlimited.item-all 允许通过unlimited无限使用所有物品
essentials.unlimited.item-bucket 允许通过unlimited无限使用桶装的岩浆及水
essentials.unlimited.others 允许以其他玩家作为unlimited的目标
essentials.workbench 允许使用/workbench命令


essentials.balance 允许使用/balance命令
essentials.balance.others 允许查阅别人的金钱
essentials.balancetop 允许使用/balancetop命令
essentials.eco 允许使用/eco命令
essentials.eco.loan 允许透支
essentials.pay 允许你使用/pay命令
essentials.pay.multiple 允许你同时给许多人钱
essentials.sell 允许使用命令/sell
essentials.setworth 允许使用命令/setworth
essentials.worth 允许使用命令/worth


essentials.afk 允许使用命令/afk
essentials.afk.auto 允许达到配置文件中设置的时间后进入afk状态
essentials.afk.kickexempt 免除超过afk限制时间后被踢出
essentials.afk.others 允许对其他人使用/afk命令
essentials.book 允许使用/book命令
essentials.book.author 允许修改书的作者
essentials.book.others 允许编辑其他人的书
essentials.book.title 允许修改书本的标题
essentials.compass 允许使用/compass命令
essentials.customtext 允许使用/customtext命令
essentials.depth 允许使用/depth命令
essentials.getpos 允许使用/getpos命令
essentials.getpos.others 允许获得其他玩家的坐标
essentials.help 允许使用/help命令
essentials.help.[pluginname] 允许查找指定插件的命令(指定来源于你设置的[pluginname])
essentials.help.[pluginname].[command] 允许查找指定插件的指定命令(指定来源于你设置的[pluginname]和[command])
essentials.helpop 允许使用/helpop命令
essentials.helpop.receive 你可以查看helpop的信息
essentials.chat.ignoreexempt 允许偷窥你在配置文件中设置的命令的信息[偷窥是我自己加上去的2333]
essentials.ignore 允许使用/ignore指令
essentials.info 允许使用/info指令
essentials.itemdb 允许使用/itemdb指令
essentials.list 允许使用/list指令
essentials.list.hidden Show出隐身的可爱op
essentials.mail 允许使用/mail指令
essentials.mail.send 允许发送邮件
essentials.mail.sendall 允许发送给所有人邮件(所有人用*代替)
essentials.me 允许使用/me命令
essentials.motd 允许使用/motd命令
essentials.msg 允许使用/msg命令
essentials.msg.color 允许在密语时使用颜色代码
essentials.msg.format 允许在密语时使用格式代码
essentials.msg.magic 允许在谜语中使用矩阵或幻色?
essentials.msg.multiple 允许同时谜语多人
essentials.msg.url 允许在谜语时添加url连接
essentials.near 允许使用/near命令
essentials.near.maxexempt 允许跳过最大半径的限制
essentials.near.others 允许使用/near命令在其他玩家身上
essentials.nick 允许使用/nick命令
essentials.nick.color 允许在昵称内使用颜色代码
essentials.nick.format 允许在昵称内使用格式代码
essentials.nick.magic 允许在昵称内使用矩阵或幻色?
essentials.nick.others 允许给其他人设置昵称
essentials.powertool 允许使用/powertool命令
essentials.powertool.append 允许添加多个命令在物品上
essentials.powertooltoggle 允许使用/powertooltoggle
essentials.msg 见msg
essentials.msg.color 见msg
essentials.msg.format 见msg
essentials.msg.magic 见msg
essentials.msg.url 见msg
essentials.realname 允许使用/realname命令
essentials.recipe 允许使用/repice命令
essentials.rules 允许使用/rules命令
essentials.seen 允许使用/seen命令
essentials.seen.banreason 允许查看一个已经被禁止的玩家的禁止原因
essentials.seen.extra 允许查看玩家的IP地址和最后一次登录的所在地
essentials.seen.ipsearch 允许搜索一个IP地址对应的玩家
essentials.spawner 允许使用/spawner命令
essentials.spawner.* 允许生成所有怪物
essentials.spawner.[mob] 允许生成指定(指定来源于你设置的[mob])
essentials.suicide 允许使用/suicide命令
essentials.geoip.show 显示玩家的ip位置,如果安装了ip模块(ip模块是麻子)
essentials.whois 允许使用/whios命令


essentials.antioch 允许使用/antioch命令
essentials.backup 允许使用/backup命令
essentials.ban 允许使用/ban命令
essentials.ban.exempt 防止指定的组或玩家被禁止
essentials.ban.notify 可以收到ban的通知当拥有这个权限节点时
essentials.ban.offline 允许禁止不在线的玩家和已经被防止被禁止的组或玩家
essentials.ban.notify 见ban
essentials.banip 允许使用/banip命令
essentials.broadcast 允许还有/broadcast命令
essentials.burn 允许使用/burn命令
essentials.clearinventory 允许使用/clearinventory
essentials.clearinventory.all 允许清理所有玩家的背包
essentials.clearinventory.others 允许清理其他玩家背包
essentials.deljail 允许使用/deljail命令
essentials.enderchest 允许使用/enderchest命令
essentials.enderchest.modify 允许修改其他玩家的的末影箱
essentials.enderchest.others 允许查看其他玩家的末影箱
essentials.essentials 允许使用/essentials命令
essentials.ext 允许还是要/ext命令
essentials.fireball 允许使用/fireball命令
essentials.gc 允许使用/gc命令
essentials.invsee 允许使用/invsee命令
essentials.invsee.modify 允许修改其他玩家的背包
essentials.invsee.preventmodify 防止其他玩家修改你的背包
essentials.kick 允许使用/kick命令
essentials.kick.exempt 避免被踢出服务器
essentials.kick.notify 可以看到kick的提示
essentials.kickall 允许使用/kickall命令
essentials.kill 允许使用/kill命令
essentials.kill.exempt 避免被其他玩家使用/kill命令杀掉
essentials.kill.force 强制玩家死亡,即使他拥有essentials.kill.exempt权限
essentials.lightning 允许使用/lightning命令
essentials.lightning.others 允许以其他玩家为目标使用闪电(即/lighning [player])
essentials.mute 允许使用/mute命令
essentials.mute.exempt 避免被禁言
essentials.mute.notify 可以看到禁言的提示
essentials.mute.offline 允许禁言不在线的玩家和防止禁言的玩家
essentials.ping 允许使用/ping命令
essentials.remove 允许使用/remove命令
essentials.setjail 允许使用/setjail命令
essentials.socialspy 允许使用/socoalspy命令
essentials.socialspy.others 允许以其他人为目标使用/socialspy命令
essentials.spawnmob 允许使用/spawnmob命令
essentials.spawnmob.* 允许生成所有怪物
essentials.spawnmob.[mob] 允许生成指定的怪物(指定来源于你设置[mob])
essentials.spawnmob.stack 允许生成多个怪物
essentials.sudo 允许使用/sudo命令
essentials.sudo.exempt 防止被sudo
essentials.ban.notify 见ban
essentials.tempban 允许使用/teamban命令
essentials.tempban.exempt 防止被临时禁止
essentials.tempban.offline 允许禁止不在线的玩家和防止被临时禁止的玩家
essentials.tempban.unlimited 禁止的时间可以无限长
essentials.thunder 允许使用/thunder命令
essentials.jail.allow.<command> 允许在监狱里使用指定的命令(指定来源于你设定的[command])
essentials.jail.exempt 防止被监狱
essentials.togglejail 允许使用/togglejail命令
essentials.togglejail.offline 允许监狱不在线的玩家和防止监狱的玩家
essentials.ban.notify 见ban
essentials.unban 允许使用/unban命令
essentials.ban.notify 见ban
essentials.unbanip 允许使用/unbanip命令
essentials.vanish 允许使用/vanish命令
essentials.vanish.effect 有这个权限的人会在隐身时得到隐身2的效果即全身隐身
essentials.vanish.interact 允许隐身的玩家与其他玩家互相影响
essentials.vanish.others 允许隐身其他人
essentials.vanish.pvp 允许子啊隐身时攻击他人
essentials.vanish.see 允许在list列表Tab列表(等)中看见隐身的玩家
essentials.weather 允许使用/weather命令


essentials.setspawn 允许使用/setspawn命令
essentials.spawn 允许使用/spawn命令
essentials.spawn.others 允许将其他人传送回出生点


essentials.back 允许使用/back命令
essentials.back.ondeath 允许返回到死亡的地方
essentials.keepxp 防止在在死亡中掉落经验
essentials.worlds.<worldname> 允许返回到指定的世界(知道来源于你设定的[worldname])
essentials.delhome 允许使用/delhome命令
essentials.delhome.others 允许删除别人的家
essentials.delwarp 允许使用/delwarp命令
essentials.home 允许使用/home命令
essentials.home.bed 允许传送回床的位置(wiki里面居然是香草味的床,能吃吗)
essentials.home.others 允许传送到别人的家
essentials.worlds.<worldname> 允许传送到指定的世界(知道来源于你设定的[worldname])
essentials.jump 允许使用/jump命令
essentials.sethome 允许使用/sethome命令
essentials.sethome.bed 允许玩家在白天右击他的床来设置一个叫做的家,或更新这个叫做的家
essentials.sethome.multiple 允许玩家设置超过2个自定义名字的家
essentials.sethome.multiple.[set name] 允许玩家设置指定多的家{知道来源于你设定的[set name]([setname]来源于你在config.yml中设置的}
essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited 允许设置无限多个家
essentials.sethome.others 允许为其它玩家设置家
essentials.setwarp 允许使用/setwarp命令
essentials.warp.overwrite.* 允许重新设定所有的坐标
essentials.warp.overwrite.[warpname] 允许重写指定的坐标(知道来源于你设置的[warpname])
essentials.top 允许使用/top命令
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这是你一直可以找到最新的推荐版本的craftbukkit. 请记住,CraftBukkit的更新很快,时常可能会获得更好的对插件的兼容性,所以使用推荐的版本总是最好的, 其他CraftBukkit版本可能有一些错误或者你没有意识到的兼容性问题,和不支持很多开发商的插件,有些插件可能只依靠推荐的版本来设计.


If you downloaded Craftbukkit from the link above then you should know your version. If you look at the console it will also tell you the version of all plugins.
How often should I update my plugins and Craftbukkit?
Different people do it different ways, but you should always update Craftbukkit any time you update any plugins. Plugins are updated based on the newest build of CB, so installing a new build of a plugin with an old Craftbukkit will most likely cause it to break.


How do I stop the 10 second teleport timer?
The setting is in the Essentials config.yml. *teleport-delay: 0*
If it is not there, then just add this line.
Essentials is in the wrong language. How do I change it?
There is a setting in the Essentials config.yml. Find out more about the locale setting here.
How do I make it so different users have different coloured names?
You can configure Essentials to modify displaynames and chat formatting. Find out more about chat formatting here.
I am getting a 'UnsupportedClassVersionError' error when trying to start plugins, what is this?
This error typically means that you are running an older version of Java that we do not support. You need at least Java 6 to run Essentials. More information here.
I can't color my message by setting suffix after installing EssentialsChat for 2.9.2 and up!
In 2.9.2, the bug where you could use the suffix setting in plugins to color the message, causing problems was fixed. instead use the formats in the Essentials config.yml to add the message color.
I can't create xxx type of signs in version 2.9.x and up!
In 2.9.x all signs are now disabled by default. On or about line 264 starts the 'enabledSigns' section. Remove the comments (#) before the sign to which you would like to enable.

Group Manager

How do I give a user or group the ability to use certain commands?
Essentials comes packaged with the Group Manager plugin. For information on setting this up, check out the GroupManager Guide.
The group config file keeps resetting, how to I change it?
Group Manager re-saves its current copy on reload and every 10 minutes. If you want to make changes you can disable auto saving, or request a manual load (/manload)
See also: Group Manager/Config


When I start my server, I get YAML errors?
If the server throws a YAML error to the server console the hint as to what is wrong is detailed in the error. It typically highlights a line number it thinks is wrong. Check your YAML file for typos and indentation errors.
If you see the log say '\t', then you used tabs. Replace any tabs you have with four spaces.
If you still need help come to IRC


Can I use previously generated warp files in Essentials?
If the warps are saved to .txt format you can move that file into the plugins/Essentials folder and it will be loaded, but there is no way to convert MyWarp files at this time.
I currently use a permissions system, can I use Essentials?
Essentials is compatible with PermissionBukkit/PermissionsEx/BukkitPermissions and other permission plugins, you will simply need to add the correct command nodes and make sure you don't have EssentialsGroupMananger.jar and EssentialsGroupBridge.jar. You could also convert to Group Manager, which comes pre-configured for Essentials.


本目录下内容较多,请前往子页面查看。 Essentials/教程


