(未显示3个用户的36个中间版本) |
第1行: |
第1行: |
| {{Plugin Infobox
| | 请转向[[MythicMobsExtension/New]] |
| |icon=
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| <gallery>
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| MythicMobsExtensionicon.png
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| </gallery>
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| |plugin=MythicMobsExtension
| |
| |version=1.238l
| |
| |pre=
| |
| |ver=
| |
| |author=muhahahahe
| |
| |URL=[https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mythicmobsextension.51884/ spigotmc]
| |
| }}
| |
| [[Category:综合]]
| |
| [[Category:机械]]
| |
| [[Category:娱乐]]
| |
| =插件介绍=
| |
| 这个插件是基于API链接mythicmobs的,可以给你的mythicmobs插件添加60多种机械,50多种条件和10多个目标.
| |
| =前置=
| |
| 至少4.1以上版本的 [https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%9A%94-mythicmobs-%E2%96%BAthe-1-custom-mob-creator%E2%97%84.5702/ MythicMobs]<br />
| |
| |
| 一些机械需要用到 [https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/holographic-displays HolographicDisplays]
| |
| | |
| 一些条件也支持worldguard和faction
| |
| | |
| =配置=
| |
| Configuration:
| |
| # DO NOT edit the version number
| |
| Version: 1
| |
| Debug: false
| |
| Update_Notification: true
| |
| Patches:
| |
| NaN_Patch: true
| |
| Modules:
| |
| Mythic_Players: true
| |
| Mythic_Thiefs: true
| |
| Cached_Owners: true
| |
| Entities:
| |
| Mythic_Parrot: true
| |
| Compatibility:
| |
| Worldguard: true
| |
| Factions: true
| |
| RPGItems: true
| |
| MobArena: true
| |
| Holographic_Displays: true
| |
| ==描述==
| |
| * Version: 不要改变版本信息
| |
| * Debug: 开启调试日志, 位于 .../MythicMobsExtension/log/
| |
| * *调试暂不可用*
| |
| * UpdateNotification: 插件更新提醒
| |
| * NaN_Patch: 开关NaN Patch
| |
| * Mythic_Players: 开关Mythic Players模块
| |
| * Mythic_Thiefs: 开关Mythic Thiefs模块
| |
| * Cached_Owners: 开关setcachedowner机械的 Cached Owners 模块
| |
| * Mythic_Parrot: 开关自定义实体 mythic_parrot
| |
| * Compatibility: 开关其他插件支持
| |
| =条件=
| |
| 条件的使用方法和mythicmobs内的用法一样<br />
| |
| | |
| [http://mythicmobs.net/manual/doku.php/conditions/start#how_do_conditions_work 官方教程]<br />
| |
| | |
| [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobs#.E6.9D.A1.E4.BB.B6.E8.A6.81.E6.B1.82.28Conditions.29 Wiki翻译]
| |
| ----
| |
| ==可用条件列表==
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| |-
| |
| |-
| |
| | [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E4.BC.A4.E5.AE.B3 attackable] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E4.BD.8D.E7.BD.AE behind] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E6.A3.80.E6.B5.8B.E7.94.9F.E7.89.A9.E7.BE.A4.E7.B3.BB BiomeFix] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E6.BD.9C.E8.A1.8C crouching] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E4.BC.A4.E5.AE.B3 damageable]
| |
| |-
| |
| || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E5.AE.9E.E4.BD.93 eir] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E6.9C.9D.E5.90.91 facingDirection] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E6.B4.BE.E7.B3.BB FactionsFlag] || getBowTension || getIndicator
| |
| |-
| |
| | [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E6.95.B0.E6.8D.AE hasMeta] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E6.BA.90.E4.BA.8E.E5.88.B7.E6.80.AA.E7.AC.BC hasSpawner] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E7.9B.AE.E6.A0.87 hasTarget] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E6.B4.BE.E7.B3.BB inFaction] || inFront
| |
| |-
| |
| || [http://mineplugin.org/index.php?title=MythicMobsExtension&oldid=5990#mobarena inMobArena] || [http://mineplugin.org/index.php?title=MythicMobsExtension&oldid=5990#.E7.8A.B6.E6.80.81 inMotion] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E5.A4.84.E4.BA.8E.E6.96.B9.E5.9D.97.E4.B8.8A inSolidBlock] || isBurning || isGoggling
| |
| |-
| |
| | [http://mineplugin.org/index.php?title=MythicMobsExtension&oldid=5990#.E7.8A.B6.E6.80.81 isPresent] || [http://mineplugin.org/index.php?title=MythicMobsExtension&oldid=5990#.E7.8A.B6.E6.80.81 isSpinning] || isStunned || isVehicle || jumping
| |
| |-
| |
| || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E6.8B.89.E5.BC.93.E5.8A.9B.E5.BA.A6 lastBowTension] || lastDamageCause || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E5.AE.9E.E4.BD.93 leir] || lookAtMe || looksAtMe
| |
| |-
| |
| | [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E5.AE.9E.E4.BD.93 MobsInRadius] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E7.A7.BB.E5.8A.A8.E7.8A.B6.E6.80.81_2 moveSpeed] || onCooldown || onSolidBlock || ownerAlive
| |
| |-
| |
| || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E8.83.8C.E5.8C.85 ownsItem] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E8.83.8C.E5.8C.85 ownsItemSimple] || parsedStance || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E7.8E.A9.E5.AE.B6.E6.97.B6.E9.97.B4 pir] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E7.8E.A9.E5.AE.B6.E6.97.B6.E9.97.B4 playerTime]
| |
| |-
| |
| | playerWeather || relativeDirection || [http://mineplugin.org/index.php?title=MythicMobsExtension&oldid=5990#.E5.A5.94.E8.B7.91 running] || [http://mineplugin.org/index.php?title=MythicMobsExtension&oldid=5990#.E7.94.9F.E6.88.90 sameFaction] || [http://mineplugin.org/index.php?title=MythicMobsExtension&oldid=5990#.E7.94.9F.E6.88.90 sameSpawner]
| |
| |-
| |
| || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E4.BD.8D.E7.BD.AE sameWorld] || [http://mineplugin.org/index.php?title=MythicMobsExtension&oldid=5990#.E7.9D.A1.E8.A7.89 sleeping] || testfor || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#.E4.BD.8D.E7.BD.AE vDistance] || [http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#worldguard WGDenySpawnFlag]||[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#worldguard WGStateFlag]
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ==总体条件==
| |
| ''译者注:mm怪物即为mythicmobs内的怪物''
| |
| ===检测生物群系===
| |
| - biomefix{b=[SINGLE/ARRAY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测施放者或目标所在的生物群系
| |
| 例子: - biomefix{b=DESERT,PLAINS;action=true}
| |
| ===实体===
| |
| - eir{types=[SINGLE/ARRAY/ALL];amount=[数值/数值范围];radius=[数值];action=[boolean];insameblock/isb=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测在所给出范围内的实体数
| |
| 例子: - eir{types=ARMOR_STAND;amount=1;radius=5;action=true}
| |
| | |
| - leir{types=[SINGLE/ARRAY/ALL];amount=[数值/数值范围];radius=[数值];action=[boolean];insameblock/isb=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测所给数值范围内的实体数
| |
| 例子: - leir{types=ZOMBIE,SQUID;amount=2;radius=15;action=true}
| |
| | |
| - mobsinradius{mobtypes=[SINGLE/ARRAY/ALL];a=[NUMERIC/NUMERIC范围];r=[NUMERIC];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测施放者/目标/特定位置在所给范围内的怪物数量
| |
| 例子: - mobsinradius{m=ALL;a=5to10;r=20;action=TRUE}
| |
| |
| ===朝向===
| |
| - facingdirection{d=[CARDINAL-POINT];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标是否看着指定的方向
| |
| 例子: - facingdirection{f=SOUTH_WEST;action=true}
| |
| ===派系===
| |
| - factionsflag{flag=[SINGLE/ARRAY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测 派系内是否有已设置或未设置的flag
| |
| 例子: - factionsflag{flag=firespread;action=false}
| |
| | |
| - infaction{faction=[STRING/ARRAY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测施放者是否在一个派系内
| |
| 注意: 只对mm怪物生效
| |
| 例子: - infaction{faction=MyFaction;action=true}
| |
| |
| ===拉弓状态===
| |
| - getbowtension{range=[数值/数值范围];debug=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测拉弓状态
| |
| 例子: - getbowtension{range=1;action=true}
| |
| ===攻击指示器===
| |
| - getindicator{value=[数值/数值范围];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测玩家的攻击指示器
| |
| 0 = 无攻击指示器, 1 = 满的攻击指示器
| |
| 例子: - getindicator{value=<0.51;action=true}
| |
| ===源于刷怪笼===
| |
| - hasspawner{names=[SINGLE/ARRAY/ANY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测mm怪物是否来自于刷怪笼
| |
| 例子: - hasspawner{names=MySpawner;action=true}
| |
| ===目标===
| |
| - hastarget{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测施放者是否已经有一个目标
| |
| 注意: 这只作用于施放者, 如果你在 TargetConditions 内使用这个条件的话将会出错!
| |
| 例子: - hastarget{action=true}
| |
| ===移动状态===
| |
| - inmotion{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测检测目标是否在移动
| |
| 不对非生物实体起作用
| |
| 例子: - inmotion{action=true}
| |
| ===处于方块上===
| |
| - insolidblock{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标实体或位置是否处于一块固体的方块上
| |
| 例子: - insolidblock{action=true}
| |
| ===拉弓力度===
| |
| - lastbowtension{range=[数值/数值范围];debug=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测射箭时拉弓的力度
| |
| 例子: - lastbowtension{range=>0.7;action=true}
| |
| ===伤害事件===
| |
| - lastdamagecause{cause=[BukkitDamageCause];damager=[BukkitEntityType];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测最后一次对施放者或目标造成伤害的事件
| |
| 注意: 只会检测mm生成的实体
| |
| 例子: - lastdamagecause{cause=PROJECTILE;damager=PLAYER;action=true}
| |
| ===移动状态===
| |
| - movespeed{range=[数值/数值范围]}
| |
| 检测目标实体的移动速度
| |
| 例子: - movespeed{range=>0.1}
| |
| ===冷却===
| |
| - oncooldown{value=[数值/数值-Range];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测玩家的物品是否处于冷却
| |
| 例子: - oncooldown{value=1to10;action=true}
| |
| |
| - owneralive{action=[boolean]}
| |
| 检测某些生物的主人是否在线或在同一个世界内
| |
| 例子: - owneralive{action=true}
| |
| |
| - playerweather{weather=[WEATHERTYPE];action=[boolean]}
| |
| 检测目标玩家的天气
| |
| 只配合 playerweather机械来使用
| |
| 例子: - playerweather{weather=CLEAR;action=true}
| |
| - testfor{vc="[valid_testfor_stuff]";action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测施放者或目标是否有testfor材料
| |
| 例子: - testfor{vc="XpLevel:20";action=true}
| |
| | |
| ===玩家状态===
| |
| ====睡觉====
| |
| - sleeping{action=[boolean]}
| |
| 检测目标玩家是否在睡觉
| |
| 例子: - sleeping{action=true}
| |
| ====潜行====
| |
| - crouching{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测玩家是否处于潜行状态
| |
| 例子: - crouching{action=true}
| |
| ====奔跑====
| |
| - running{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标玩家是否在奔跑/冲刺
| |
| 例子: - running{action=true}
| |
| ====跳跃====
| |
| - jumping{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标实体是否在跳跃
| |
| 例子: - jumping{action=true}
| |
| ====玩家时间====
| |
| - playertime{time=[数值/数值范围];action=[boolean]}
| |
| 检测目标玩家的时间
| |
| 只配合 playerweather机械来使用
| |
| 例子: - playertime{time=0to12000;action=true}
| |
| ====玩家数量====
| |
| - pir{amount=[数值/数值范围];radius=[数值];action=[boolean];insameblock/isb=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测在所给范围内的玩家数
| |
| 例子: - pir{amount=5;radius=10;action=true}
| |
| ==其它插件==
| |
| ===mobarena===
| |
| - inmobarena
| |
| 检测 施放者, 目标或指定位置是否在怪物竞技场内.
| |
| 需要 MobArena 插件
| |
| ===worldguard===
| |
| - wgdenyspawnflag{types=[BukkitEntityType];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测 区域内是否禁止生成特定的怪物(通常在随机刷怪中使用)
| |
| 例子: - wgdenyspawnflag{types=ZOMBIE,SKELETON;action=false}
| |
| |
| - wgstateflag{flag=[WorldGuardFlag];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测区域内是否有已设置的flag
| |
| 例子: - wgstateflag{flag=mob-spawning;action=false}
| |
| ==对比条件==
| |
| ===位置===
| |
| - behind{view=[ANGLE_VALUE];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测施法者是否在目标后
| |
| 例子: - behind{view=90;action=true}
| |
| | |
| - vdistance{d=[NUMERIC];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测施放者和目标直之间的距离
| |
| 例子: - vdistance{d=2to3;action=true}
| |
| | |
| - relativedirection{angle=[数值/数值范围];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标到施放者间的距离
| |
| 例子: - relativedirection{angle=90;action=false}
| |
| |
| - infront{view=[ANGLE-数值];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测施放者是否在目标前
| |
| 例子: - infront{view=10;action=false}
| |
| | |
| - parsedstance{s="<variable>";cs=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 这个条件可以检测一个变量是否设置为距离
| |
| 对 parsedstance mechanic
| |
| (注意: 如果 cs 设置为true 它会总是检测施放者)
| |
| 例子: - parsedstance{s="<target.uuid>";cs=true;action=true}
| |
| | |
| - sameworld{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标实体和施放者是否在同一时间
| |
| 例子: - sameworld{action=true}
| |
| | |
| - onsolidblock{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测检测目标实体或位置是否处于一块固体的方块上
| |
| 例子: - onsolidblock{action=true}
| |
| ===伤害===
| |
| - attackable{cause=[BukkitEntityDamageEvent];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标是否可以被施放者的伤害事件所伤
| |
| 例子: - attackable{cause=PROJECTILE;action=false}
| |
| |
| | |
| - damageable{cause=[BukkitEntityDamageEvent];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标是否可以被伤害事件所伤
| |
| 例子: - damageable{cause=PROJECTILE;action=true}
| |
| ===数据===
| |
| - hasmeta{meta="tag=[TAGNAME];value=[TAGVALUE];type=[BOOLEAN/NUMERIC/STRING]";compareself=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 对比2个实体的数据, 也可以对比自身
| |
| 可以检测多个数据 (用 && 代表 AND , || 代表 OR)
| |
| 例子: - hasmeta{meta="tag=lastdamagedentity;value=<target.uuid>;
| |
| type=STRING";cs=true;action=true}
| |
| |
| - hasmetasimple{tag=[TAGNAME];value=[TAGVALUE];type=[BOOLEAN/NUMERIC/STRING]";compareself=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 只能对比一个数据,用法同上
| |
| 例子: - hasmetasimple{tag=lastdamagedentity;value=<target.uuid>;
| |
| type=STRING;cs=true;action=true}
| |
| ===状态===
| |
| - isburning{range=[数值];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测如果目标实体在燃烧
| |
| 在提供的范围内检测 ticks数是否与 FIRE_TICKS 配对
| |
| 例子: - isburning{action=true}
| |
| |
| - isgoggling{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测玩家正在看到的东西
| |
| 例子: - isgoggling{action=true}
| |
| |
| - ispresent{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测一个实体是否在场
| |
| 例子: - ispresent{action=true}
| |
| |
| - isspinning{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测玩家是否在旋转
| |
| 和playerspin机械一起使用
| |
| 例子: - isspinning{action=true}
| |
| |
| - isstunned{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测施放者或目标是否中了stun技能
| |
| 这也会在 TargetConditions条件下起作用: 但要设置正确的目标
| |
| 例子: - isstunned{action=true}
| |
| |
| - isvehicle{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标是否处于骑乘状态
| |
| 例子: - isvehicle{action=true}
| |
| |
| - lookatme{fov=[DOUBLE];yo=[DOUBLE];debug=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标是否在看着施放者
| |
| 这个例子使用的默认数值对任何实体都有用
| |
| 开启调试模式后你的控制台会显示fov 和 yo
| |
| 例子: - lookatme{fov=1.999;yo=-0.4}
| |
| |
| ===背包===
| |
| - ownsitem{list="where=[ANY/HAND/ARMOR/INVENTORY];material=[ANY/MATERIALTYPE];amount=[数值/数值范围];lore=[LORETEXT]";action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标背包内是否拥有(使用 '''&&''' 代表 AND '''||''' 代表 OR)
| |
| 一或多个格子顺序的特定物品
| |
| 例子: - ownsitem{list="where=HAND;material=DIAMOND_SWORD;amount=1 && where=INVENTORY;material=DIAMOND_SWORD;amount=1to2";action=true}
| |
| |
| - ownsitemsimple{where=[ANY/HAND/ARMOR/INVENTORY];material=[ANY/MATERIALTYPE];amount=[数值/数值范围];lore=[LORETEXT];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 和 ownsitem一样但只能检测1个背包格
| |
| 例子: - ownsitemsimple{where=HAND;material=SAND;amount=1;action=true}
| |
| ===生成===
| |
| - samefaction{faction=[STRING/ARRAY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测目标和施放者是否在同一个派系内
| |
| 注意: 只作用于一只mm的怪物
| |
| 例子: - samefaction{faction=MyFaction;action=true}
| |
| | |
| - samespawner{action=[BOOLEAN]}
| |
| 检测 目标MythicMob是否作为来自同一刷怪笼的施放者
| |
| 例子: - samespawner{action=true}
| |
| | |
| =机械=
| |
| ==列表==
| |
| ===技能===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| |-
| |
| ! 技能 !! 描述
| |
| |-
| |
| |[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#asquip asequip]||给盔甲架装上装备
| |
| |-
| |
| |[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#cure_.7C_removePotion cure / removePotion]||移除目标身上特点或所有的药水效果
| |
| |-
| |
| |[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#damageArmor damageArmor]||伤害目标身上所有或特定格子顺序的防具
| |
| |-
| |
| |[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#disarm disarm]||缴械目标
| |
| |-
| |
| |[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#dropInventory dropInventory]||丢出目标玩家背包内特定倍数或所有的物品
| |
| |-
| |
| |dropStolenItems||掉落之前偷窃的物品 (配合steal使用)
| |
| |-
| |
| |[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#entityGoggle_.2F_entityGoggleAt entityGoggle / entityGoggleAt]||强制非玩家实体看着施放者
| |
| |-
| |
| |[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#equipSkull equipSkull]||修复MC 1.8.8版本的BUG, 给施放者装上头颅
| |
| |-
| |
| |[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#extinguish extinguish]||熄灭目标身上的火焰
| |
| |-
| |
| |[http://mineplugin.org/MythicMobsExtension#feed feed]||喂养目标玩家
| |
| |-
| |
| |playerGoggle / playerGoggleAt||强制目标玩家看着施放者
| |
| |-
| |
| |playerSpin||旋转目标玩家
| |
| |-
| |
| |playerWeather||设置目标玩家的天气或时间
| |
| |-
| |
| |playerZoom||旋转目标玩家
| |
| |-
| |
| |oxygen||给目标玩家灌满氧气
| |
| |-
| |
| |setRotation||旋转实体
| |
| |-
| |
| |steal||从目标玩家身上偷取物品
| |
| |-
| |
| |stun||使被标记的生物无法移动和交互
| |
| |-
| |
| |swap||交互施放者和目标的位置
| |
| |-
| |
| |unEquip||卸下施放者指定格子顺序的防具
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ===原版增强技能列表===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| |-
| |
| ! 技能 !! 描述
| |
| |-
| |
| | customDamage || 对目标造成指定的伤害
| |
| |-
| |
| | customParticleline || 在与目标相对的特定点之间绘出一条粒子线
| |
| |-
| |
| | customRandomSkill || 从列表中随机触发一个技能
| |
| |-
| |
| | customSummon || 在目标实体或特定未知生成mm怪物
| |
| |-
| |
| | customTeleport || 传送目标 和/或 施放者到一个实体或指定位置处
| |
| |-
| |
| | customVelocity || 矢量操纵
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ===实用技能列表===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| |-
| |
| ! 技能 !! 描述
| |
| |-
| |
| |castIf||与另一个或多个条件比较并,如果条件满足将执行一项技能,否则执行另一项技能
| |
| |-
| |
| |clearThreatTarget||drops combat和清除施放者对怪物的威胁度
| |
| |-
| |
| |closeInventory||关上已经打开背包玩家的背包
| |
| |-
| |
| |delMeta||从一个实体中移除数值
| |
| |-
| |
| |dropMythicItem||在目标出掉落mm物品
| |
| |-
| |
| |modifyArrows||修改目标身上的箭
| |
| |-
| |
| |parsedDisguise||使用变量伪装目标
| |
| |-
| |
| |parsedStance | pStance||把一个变量视为距离
| |
| |-
| |
| |playCredits||强制玩家观看credit界面
| |
| |-
| |
| |playLoading||强制玩家观看加载界面
| |
| |-
| |
| |renameEntity||重命名目标实体
| |
| |-
| |
| |setCachedOwner||设置目标实体为施放者的主人
| |
| |-
| |
| |setFaction||设置目标mm怪物的派系
| |
| |-
| |
| |setItemCooldown||设置物品使用冷却
| |
| |-
| |
| |setLevel||设置目标mm怪物的等级
| |
| |-
| |
| |setMeta||设置实体的数值
| |
| |-
| |
| |setMobHealth||修改目标mm怪物的血量
| |
| |-
| |
| |setSpeed||设置目标的移动速度
| |
| |-
| |
| |setThreatTarget||设置目标对施放者的威胁度
| |
| |}
| |
| ==技能详解==
| |
| 译者注:有关时间的数值单位都是tick,原版的mm也是. 20ticks=1s
| |
| ----
| |
| ===asquip===
| |
| 这会给盔甲架的主手位置装备上钻石剑.
| |
| - asquip{i=diamond_sword:0}
| |
| ===cure | removePotion===
| |
| 使用这个来移除目标实体身上所有或特定的药水效果. 这基于mm原版的 reverted potion机械.
| |
| 治疗虚弱:
| |
| UnCripple:
| |
| Skills:
| |
| - cure{t=SLOW}
| |
| 定时清除僵尸身上的buff:
| |
| TheUnbuffable:
| |
| Type: ZOMBIE
| |
| Skills:
| |
| - cure @Self ~onTimer:5
| |
| 同样的效果:
| |
| TheUnbuffable:
| |
| Type: ZOMBIE
| |
| Skills:
| |
| - removepotion @Self ~onTimer:5
| |
| ===damageArmor===
| |
| 使用这个来损坏目标全部或指定的装备<br />
| |
| | |
| 多次损坏所有装备耐久度:
| |
| BreakChains:
| |
| Skills:
| |
| - damagearmor{armor=all;damage=1}
| |
| - delay 5
| |
| - damagearmor{armor=all;damage=1}
| |
| - delay 5
| |
| - damagearmor{armor=all;damage=1}
| |
| - delay 5
| |
| - damagearmor{armor=all;damage=1}
| |
| - delay 5
| |
| - damagearmor{armor=all;damage=1}
| |
| 僵尸会在击破目标头盔后停止该行为:
| |
| TheHeadCrusher:
| |
| Type: ZOMBIE
| |
| Skills:
| |
| - damagearmor{a=helmet;d=50;signal=Execute} @Target ~onTimer:100
| |
| - skill{s=ExecuteTheHelmless} @Target ~onSignal:Execute
| |
| ===disarm===
| |
| 缴械目标5秒:
| |
| - disarm{duration=100} @Target
| |
| ===dropInventory===
| |
| 将玩家背包内的所有物品丢到地上:
| |
| - dropinventory{item="where=ANY,material=ANY,amount=64";pieces=41} @trigger ~onDamaged
| |
| ===entityGoggle / entityGoggleAt===
| |
| 强制10格内的生物看着施放者:
| |
| - entitygoggle{duration=100} @EIR{r=10}
| |
| - entitygoggleat{duration=100} @EIR{r=10}
| |
| - entitylookin{duration=100} @EIR{r=10}
| |
| ===equipSkull===
| |
| 在施放者生成的时候带上皮肤头:
| |
| - equipskull{s=MySkullItem} ~onSpawn
| |
| ===extinguish===
| |
| 在施放者受伤时熄灭身上的火焰:
| |
| - extinguish @Self ~onDamaged
| |
| ===feed===
| |
| 使5格内的玩家的饱食度增加5'''格''':
| |
| - feed{a=10} @PIR{r=10}
| |
| ===playerGoggle | playerGoggleAt===
| |
| 强制附近的玩家看着施放者5秒:
| |
| - playergoggle{duration=100} @NearestPlayer
| |
| - playergoggleat{duration=100} @NearestPlayer
| |
| ===playerSpin===
| |
| 强制附近的玩家旋转5秒:
| |
| - playerspin{duration=100;s=50} @NearestPlayer
| |
| ===playerWeather===
| |
| 改变10格内玩家的天气10秒:
| |
| - playerweather{w=DOWNFALL;time=18000;duration=200} @PIR{r=10} ~onAttack
| |
| ===playerZoom===
| |
| 使附近玩家的视角变为广角:
| |
| - playerzoom{v=1} @NearestPlayer
| |
| ===oxygen===
| |
| 给10格内的玩家增加5格氧气值
| |
| - oxygen{a=100} @PIR{r=10}
| |
| ===setRotation===
| |
| 旋转10格内的实体90°
| |
| - setrotation{d=100;yo=90} @EIR{r=10}
| |
| ===steal===
| |
| 偷窃目标背包内的钻石剑:
| |
| - steal{items=DIAMOND_SWORD:1} @Target
| |
| 偷窃三者之一(钻石剑/5个西瓜种子/64个石头)的物品并对被盗者发送信息(成功为"ok" 失败为failure):
| |
| - steal{items=DIAMOND_SWORD:1,MELON_SEEDS:5,STONE:64;ok=success;fail=failure} @Target
| |
| ===stun===
| |
| 击晕目标5秒:
| |
| - stun{dur=100} @Target
| |
| ===swap===
| |
| 在受伤时有10%几率交互敌我位置:
| |
| - swap{kty=true;kcy=false} @Trigger ~onDamaged 0.1
| |
| ===unEquip===
| |
| 在受伤时有10%几率脱下自身的头盔:
| |
| - unequip{a=helmet} @Self ~onDamaged 0.1
| |
| ===customDamage===
| |
| 对目标造成1-5的随机伤害:
| |
| - customdamage{a=1to5} @Target
| |
| 对目标造成当前血量10%的伤害:
| |
| - customdamage{a=0.1;p=true;pcur=true} @Target
| |
| ===customParticleline===
| |
| 在目标和施放者之间发出一道粒子线(和原mm的[http://www.mythicmobs.net/manual/doku.php/skills/effects/particleline 粒子用法]一致):
| |
| - customparticleline{particle=reddust;amount=5;color=#feff90;ys=2.5;vd=1.0;hd=-1.0;idoy=true;distanceBetween=0.5;tyo=1.25} @pir{r=10} ~onTimer:5
| |
| ===customRandomSkill===
| |
| 检测每个技能的触发率并执行其中一项:
| |
| - customrandomskill{s=Skill1:0.1,Skill2:0.4,Skill3:0.2}
| |
| ===customSummon===
| |
| 和原版的summon指令''/summon ~5 ~-4 ~3 creeper''一样召唤出一只苦力怕:
| |
| - customsummon{t=CREEPER;a=1;ax=5;ay=-4;az=3} @Self
| |
| 在施放者后2格召唤出一只苦力怕并把召唤者视为主人:
| |
| - customsummon{t=CREEPER;a=1;ued=true;ifb=-2;setowner=true} @Self
| |
| ===customTeleport===
| |
| 在1秒后传送施放者到其目标所在位置:
| |
| - customteleport{d="@Target";td=20}
| |
| 传送在20格内的3名玩家到施放者面前并传送回起点并在完成时显示信息"Done":
| |
| - customteleport{d="@PIR{r=20}";mt=3;f=true;rs=true;fs=Done}
| |
| | |
| ===customVelocity===
| |
| 使一条直线上的目标速度为0:
| |
| - customvelocity{x=0;y=0;z=0} @Target
| |
| ===castIf===
| |
| 在某种条件下执行技能<br />
| |
| 如果施放者在地面上并且在野外,执行技能1,反之执行技能2:
| |
| | |
| - castif{c="onground true && outside true || playerwithin{d=10} true";meet=技能1;elese=技能2}
| |
| | |
| 如果施放者10格内有玩家将会执行技能1,反之执行技能2
| |
| - castif{c="playerwithin{d=10} true";meet=技能1;elese=技能2;meettargeter="@PIR{r=10}";elsetargeter="@Self"}
| |
| ===clearThreatTarget===
| |
| 只在威胁度模块开启时有用<br />
| |
| 清除目标威胁度:
| |
| - clearthreattarget
| |
| ===closeInventory===
| |
| 关闭10格内玩家打开的背包或其他GUI:
| |
| - closeinventory @PIR{r=10}
| |
| ===delMeta===
| |
| 在施放者脱离战斗后清除"最后受伤的实体"标签:
| |
| - delmeta{meta="tag=lastdamagedentity"} @Self ~onDropCombat
| |
| ===setMeta===
| |
| 在施放者身上设置"最后受伤的实体"标签,把数值"玩家"视为一个STRING类型:
| |
| - setmeta{meta="tag=lastdamagedentity;value=PLAYER;type=STRING";uc=true}
| |
| 设置标签"hasBow"为true:
| |
| - setmeta{meta="tag=hasBow;value=true;type=BOOLEAN"}
| |
| ===dropMythicItem===
| |
| 击杀该技能的施放者获得5个"mm物品":
| |
| - dropmythicitem{i=mm物品;a=5} @Trigger ~onDeath
| |
| ===modifyArrows===
| |
| 拔下目标身上的5枝箭:
| |
| - modifyarrows{m=SUBSTRACT;a=5} @Target
| |
| ===noDamageTicks===
| |
| 受到的攻击无间隔,持续5秒:
| |
| - nodamageticks{ndt=0;duration=100} @Target
| |
| ===parsedDisguise===
| |
| 使目标怪物伪装成攻击它的人,但显示的名称不会变:
| |
| - parseddisguise{d=PLAYER:<mob.name>:<target.name>} @trigger ~onDamaged
| |
| ===parsedStance | pStance===
| |
| 把目标的UUID视为stance:
| |
| - parsedstance{s="<trigger.uuid>"} @Self
| |
| ===playCredits===
| |
| 注:这个页面是终末之诗的开头,如果你设置的时间太长就会显示终末之诗.<br />
| |
| | |
| 强制目标玩家黑屏3秒并由于关闭物品机械而复原:
| |
| - playcredits{repeat=59;repeatinterval=1} @Target
| |
| - closeinventory{delay=60} @Target
| |
| 技能效果:<br />
| |
| [[file:minecraftcredit.jpg]]
| |
| ===playLoading===
| |
| 强制目标玩家看着泥土墙(minecraft加载界面)3秒并由于关闭物品机械而复原:
| |
| - playloading{repeat=59;repeatinterval=1} @Target
| |
| - closeinventory{delay=60} @Target
| |
| 技能效果:<br />
| |
| [[file:minecraftloading.jpg]]
| |
| ===renameEntity===
| |
| 重命名目标为施法者的名字:
| |
| - renameentity{name=<mob.name>;visible=true} @Target
| |
| ===setCachedOwner===
| |
| 永久设置目标为施放者的主人直到施放者死亡或被移除,服务器重启后也仍然会视为主人
| |
| - setcachedowner @trigger ~onInteract
| |
| ===setFaction===
| |
| 在生成时设置以怪物名为一派系:
| |
| - setfaction{faction=<mob.name>} @Self ~onSpawn
| |
| ===setItemCooldown===
| |
| 在使用物品时显示3秒的冷却:
| |
| - setitemcooldown{t=60} @Self ~onUse
| |
| ===setMobHealth===
| |
| 设置施放者的最大血量为100:
| |
| - setmobhealth{a=100;sch=true}
| |
| ===setMobLevel | setRandomLevel===
| |
| 将怪物的等级设置为1到10:
| |
| - setmoblevel{a=1to10}
| |
| ===setNBT===
| |
| 更多的NBT可以查看[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Command_NBT_tags NBT列表]<br />
| |
| | |
| 支持<mob.name>之类的变量<br />
| |
| | |
| 把物品从左手移到右手:
| |
| - setnbt{nbt="{LeftHanded:1b}"}
| |
| ===setSpeed===
| |
| 设置施放者的移速为0.23到0.33的随机值:
| |
| - setspeed{a=0.23to0.33} @Self
| |
| ===setThreatTarget===
| |
| 设置威胁度为11111(取值范围为0-65536):
| |
| - setthreattarget{a=11111}
| |
| ===Grenade===
| |
| 这将向目标投掷1枚手榴弹,引信时间为1秒,爆炸半径为2,不会引发火焰,但会破坏方块并在2秒后恢复方块:
| |
| - grenade{size=2;amount=1;fuse=20;fire=false;breakblocks=true;utime=40;ueffect=true;undotnt=true} @target
| |
| ===全息显示技能===
| |
| ====createHealthbar====
| |
| 显示目标怪物的血量:
| |
| - createhealthbar{o=2.5;so=0;fo=0;iy=false;c=100;display="$h"} @Self ~onSpawn
| |
| ====changeHealthbar====
| |
| 在怪物受伤时改变血条:
| |
| - changehealthbar{d="[&4>>>&r$h&4<<<&r]"} @Self ~onDamaged
| |
| ====speechBubble====
| |
| 显示全息文字信息,并在15秒后消失:
| |
| - speechbubble{d="Hello, &5<trigger.name>&f! My name is &3<mob.name>&f Nice to meet you.";ll=20;c=300} @trigger ~onInteract
| |
| ====modifyBubble====
| |
| 改变全息文字的信息:
| |
| - modifybubble{d="Nice weather today"} @trigger ~onInteract
| |
| ====lineBubble====
| |
| 改变同一行全息文字的内容:
| |
| - linebubble{id=MyBubble;m=replace;ol="前一句话";nl="后一句话"} ~onInteract
| |
| ====removeBubble====
| |
| 移除指定ID的全息信息:
| |
| - removebubble{id=MyBubble} ~onInteract
| |
| =Targeters=
| |
| | |
| =链接=
| |
| [https://github.com/BerndiVader/MythicMobsExtension/wiki github原文]<br />
| |
| | |
| [https://github.com/BerndiVader/MythicMobsExtension github源码]
| |