<big>此份汉化配置文件由qsefthuopq翻译,仅供参考.由于使用的是高版本的重制版,不一定支持旧版本.</big> =spells-command.yml= list: spell-class: ".command.ListSpell" name: list always-granted: true description: 列出所有你知道的魔法. only-show-castable-spells: false reload-granted-spells: true spells-to-hide: [] str-prefix: "已知魔法:" str-no-spells: 你根本不懂魔法. help: spell-class: ".command.HelpSpell" name: help always-granted: true description: 获得某个魔法的详细信息. require-known-spell: true str-usage: "用法: /cast help <魔法>" str-no-spell: 你不知道这个魔法. str-desc-line: "%s - %d" str-cost-line: "消耗: %c" teach: spell-class: ".command.TeachSpell" name: 传授 description: 把魔法传授给别人. require-known-spell: true str-usage: "用法: /cast teach <目标> <魔法>" str-no-target: 没有这个人. str-no-spell: 你不懂这个魔法. str-cant-teach: 你不能传授这个魔法. str-cant-learn: 那个人学不会这个魔法. str-cast-self: 你成功地传授给 %t %s 魔法. str-cast-target: "%a 成功传授给你 %s 魔法." forget: spell-class: ".command.ForgetSpell" name: forget description: 让你忘记魔法. allow-self-forget: true str-usage: "用法: /cast forget <目标> <魔法>" str-no-target: 没有这个人. str-no-spell: 你不知道这个魔法. str-doesnt-know: 那个玩家不知道这个魔法. str-cast-self: 你让 %t 忘记了 %s 魔法. str-cast-target: "%a 使你遗忘了 %s 魔法." str-cast-self-target: "You have forgotten the %s 魔法." str-reset-target: "You have reset %t's spellbook." str-reset-self: "You have forgotten all of your spells." bind: spell-class: ".command.BindSpell" name: bind enabled: true description: 把一个魔法绑定到法杖上. allow-bind-to-fist: false str-cast-self: "你成功地绑定了 %s 魔法到你手握的物品上." str-usage: 你必须指出特定魔法并手持一个物品来绑定. str-no-spell: 你不知道这个魔法. str-cant-bind-spell: 这个魔法不能被绑定到物品上. str-cant-bind-item: 这个魔法不能被绑定到这个物品上. unbind: spell-class: ".command.UnbindSpell" name: unbind enabled: true description: 解绑魔法. str-cast-self: "你成功地解绑了 %s 魔法." str-usage: 你必须指出魔法名. str-no-spell: 你不知道这个魔法. str-cant-bind-spell: That spell cannot be bound to an item. str-not-bound: That spell is not bound to that item. scroll: spell-class: ".command.ScrollSpell" name: scroll description: 创造出有使用次数的魔法书页. cast-for-free: true default-uses: 5 max-uses: 10 item-id: 339 right-click-cast: true left-click-cast: false ignore-cast-perm: true remove-scroll-when-depleted: true charge-reagents-for-spell-per-charge: false require-teach-perm: true require-scroll-cast-perm-on-use: true str-scroll-name: "魔法书页: %s" str-scroll-subtext: "使用次数: %u" str-scroll-over: "魔法书页: %s (%u 使用次数)" str-usage: | 你必须手持白纸 然后输入 /cast scroll <魔法> <使用次数>. str-no-spell: 你不知道这个魔法. str-cant-teach: 你不能创建那个魔法的书页. str-cast-self: 你创建了 %s 的魔法书页. str-on-use: "已使用魔法书页: %s .剩余 %u 使用次数." str-use-fail: 现在你不能使用这个书页. spellbook: spell-class: ".command.SpellbookSpell" name: spellbook description: 创建传授魔法的魔法书. default-uses: -1 destroy-when-used-up: false spellbook-block: 47 str-use: "用法: /cast spellbook <魔法> [uses]" str-cast-self: 你创建了一本 %s 魔法的魔法书. str-no-spell: 你不知道这个魔法. str-cant-teach: 你不能创建那个魔法的魔法书. str-no-target: 你必须面对书架才能创建魔法书. str-has-spellbook: 那个书架已经有魔法书了. str-cant-destroy: 你不能破坏魔法书架. str-cant-learn: 你不能学习这个魔法. str-already-known: 你已经知道了 %s 魔法. str-learned: 你学会了 %s 魔法! tome: spell-class: ".command.TomeSpell" name: tome spell-icon: book description: 创建魔法卷轴. cancel-read-on-learn: true consume-book: true allow-overwrite: false max-uses: -1 default-uses: -1 require-teach-perm: true str-usage: "用法: 手持一本书, 输入/cast tome <魔法>" str-no-spell: 你不知道这种魔法. str-cant-teach: 你无法创建那个魔法的卷轴. str-no-book: 你必须手持一本成书. str-already-has-spell: 那本书已经包含魔法. str-already-known: 你已经知道了 %s 魔法. str-cant-learn: 你不能学习这个魔法. str-learned: 你学会了 %s 魔法. str-cast-self: 你创建了一本魔法卷轴. =spells-regular.yml= anvil: spell-class: ".instant.ThrowBlockSpell" name: 掷铁 spell-icon: anvil description: 扔出铁砧. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 10 block-type: anvil velocity: 1.0 vertical-adjustment: 0.5 rotation-offset: 0 fall-damage: 3.0 fall-damage-max: 20 drop-item: false remove-blocks: false call-target-event: true check-plugins: false cost: - mana 25 - anvil str-cost: 25魔法值和一个铁砧 armor: spell-class: ".buff.ArmorSpell" name: 魔法屏障 spell-icon: iron_chestplate cast-item: book duration: 30 num-uses: 15 helmet: gold_helmet protection_explosions:1 oxygen:1 chestplate: gold_chestplate protection_projectile:1 leggings: gold_leggings protection_fire:1 boots: gold_boots protection_fall:1 cost: - mana 25 - gold_nugget 1 str-cost: 25魔法值 和一块金粒 str-cast-self: 你获得了魔法的庇护! str-has-armor: 你已经获得魔法的庇护了不能再次获取. blind: spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell" name: 致盲 spell-icon: ink_sack:0 description: 弄瞎你的目标. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 15 range: 20 type: 15 strength: 0 duration: 200 targeted: true can-target: players obey-los: true cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你弄瞎了 %t! str-no-target: 找不到目标. blink: spell-class: ".targeted.BlinkSpell" name: 闪烁 spell-icon: ender_pearl description: 传送一小段距离. cast-item: stick cooldown: 8 range: 25 pass-through-ceiling: false smoke-trail: true effects: - pos1 ender - pos2 ender cost: - mana 15 str-cost: 15 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你使用了闪烁! str-cast-others: "%a 使用了闪烁!" str-cant-blink: 你不能闪烁到哪里. build: spell-class: ".targeted.BuildSpell" name: 创世 spell-icon: stone description: 在远处建造方块. cast-item: stick cooldown: 2 range: 25 slot: 0 consume-block: true effects: - target blockbreak check-plugins: true allowed-types: 1,2,3,4,5,12,13,17,20,22,24,35,41,42,43,44,45,47,48,49,50,53,57,65,67,80,85,87,88,89,91,92 cost: - mana 5 str-cost: 5 魔法值 str-invalid-block: You can't build that block. str-cant-build: You can't build there. carpet: spell-class: ".buff.CarpetSpell" name: 地毯 spell-icon: thin_glass description: 让你走在玻璃板上. cast-item: book cooldown: 30 cancel-on-logout: true cancel-on-teleport: true size: 2 cost: - mana 50 - feather 5 use-cost: - mana 20 - feather 1 use-cost-interval: 50 str-cost: 50 魔法值, 5 个羽毛, 每50个方块额外消耗 20 魔法值和 1 个羽毛 str-cast-self: You are now walking on a platform of glass! str-cast-others: "%a is now walking on a platform of glass!" str-fade: Your magical glass platform disappears. clarity: spell-class: ".buff.ManaRegenSpell" name: 凝神 spell-icon: potion description: 一段时间内增加魔法恢复. cast-item: book cooldown: 300 duration: 60 regen-mod-amt: 3 cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你的思维更轻松地流动了! str-fade: 你的思维归于平庸. cleanse: spell-class: ".targeted.CleanseSpell" name: 净化 spell-icon: nether_star description: 移除自身的负面效果. cast-item: book cooldown: 60 remove: - fire - 17 - 19 - 20 target-self: true beneficial: true cost: - mana 30 str-cost: 30 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你净化了自身. combust: spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell" name: 点燃 spell-icon: fire description: 使目标燃烧. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 10 range: 20 obey-los: true fire-ticks: 100 fire-tick-damage: 1 prevent-immunity: true can-target: monsters check-plugins: true cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-no-target: 找不到怪物. confusion: spell-class: ".instant.ConfusionSpell" name: 魅惑 spell-icon: eye_of_ender description: 使附近的怪物自相残杀. cast-item: bone cooldown: 30 range: 20 can-target: zombie,skeleton,creeper cost: - mana 30 str-cost: 30 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你的魔法迷惑了怪物. str-cast-others: "%a 的魔法迷惑了怪物." conjure: spell-class: ".instant.ConjureSpell" name: 施法 spell-icon: redstone description: 用魔法变出一些东西. cast-item: book cooldown: 600 power-affects-quantity: false power-affects-chance: true calculate-drops-individually: true auto-equip: false items: - redstone 1-2 25% - speckled_melon 1 25% - magma_cream 1-2 25% - spider_eye 1-2 25% add-to-inventory: false str-cost: 免费 str-cast-self: 你用魔法变出了一些东西! cripple: spell-class: ".targeted.CrippleSpell" name: 残疾 spell-icon: web description: 减缓目标. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 15 range: 20 effect-strength: 5 effect-duration: 100 can-target: players,monsters cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: You have crippled %t. str-no-target: 找不到目标. disarm: spell-class: ".targeted.DisarmSpell" name: 缴械 spell-icon: stone_sword:130 description: 缴械你的敌人. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 15 range: 20 disarmable-items: - blaze_rod - stick - book - bone - wood_sword - stone_sword - iron_sword - diamond_sword - bow can-target: players,zombies,skeletons disarm-duration: 100 dont-drop: true prevent-theft: true cost: - mana 20 str-cost: 20魔法值 str-no-target: 找不到目标. str-invalid-item: 目标不能被缴械. str-cast-self: 你缴械了 %t. str-cast-target: "%a 缴械了你." dowse: spell-class: ".instant.DowseSpell" name: 磁感应 spell-icon: compass description: 感应附近的铁矿. cast-item: book cooldown: 60 block-type: iron_ore entity-type: "" radius: 4 rotate-player: true set-compass: true cost: - mana 35 - stone 2 str-cost: 35 魔法值和2块石头 str-cast-self: 附近没有铁矿. str-not-found: 找不到附近的铁矿. drainlife: spell-class: ".targeted.DrainlifeSpell" name: 生命虹吸 spell-icon: ghast_tear description: 吸收敌人的生命给你. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 5 range: 15 take-type: health take-amt: 2 give-type: health give-amt: 2 animation-speed: 2 ignore-armor: false can-target: players,monsters check-plugins: true cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你吸收了敌人的生命. str-no-target: 找不到目标. empower: spell-class: ".buff.EmpowerSpell" name: 法术控制 spell-icon: glowstone_dust description: 增强你的魔法. cast-item: book power-multiplier: 1.5 cooldown: 120 duration: 30 num-uses: 10 cost: - mana 15 use-cost: - mana 5 use-cost-interval: 1 str-cost: 15 魔法值, 每次施法另消耗 5 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你开始汲取魔法的奥秘. str-cast-others: "%a 开始汲取魔法的奥秘." str-fade: 你不在汲取魔法奥秘. enderchest: spell-class: ".instant.EnderchestSpell" name: 末影箱 spell-icon: ender_chest description: 打开你的末影箱. cast-item: book cooldown: 300 cost: - mana 50 - ender_pearl 1 str-cost: 50 魔法值和1个末影珍珠 entomb: spell-class: ".targeted.EntombSpell" name: 埋葬 spell-icon: glass description: 用玻璃包裹敌人. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 5 range: 15 can-target: players,monsters tomb-block-type: 20 tomb-duration: 20 cost: - mana 15 str-cost: 15 魔法值 str-no-target: 找不到目标. effects: midblock: position: special # entomb plays this in the middle of each tomb block effect: effectlib effectlib: class: SphereEffect iterations: 18 period: 1 radius: .1 particles: 20 particle: SPELL_MOB tombdown: position: blockdestruction # when the tomb blocks are removed effect: effectlib effectlib: class: SphereEffect iterations: 20 period: 1 particles: 10 radius: .1 particle: BLOCK_CRACK # yep, the block crack material: TNT # breaking tnt blocks materialData: 0 # tnt doesn't really have much in terms of damage value data explode: spell-class: ".targeted.ExplodeSpell" name: 爆炸 spell-icon: tnt description: 制造爆炸. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 30 range: 25 explosion-size: 4 backfire-chance: 3 prevent-block-damage: false prevent-player-damage: false damage-multiplier: 10 add-fire: false simulate-tnt: true ignore-canceled: false cost: - mana 40 - sulphur 1 str-cost: 40 mana and 1 gunpowder str-no-target: You cannot create an explosion there. str-cast-self: Boom! str-cast-others: Boom! explosivearrow: spell-class: ".instant.ProjectileSpell" name: 轰鸣箭 spell-icon: arrow description: 在箭落地时产生爆炸 cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 30 projectile: arrow velocity: 0 require-hit-entity: false cancel-damage: true remove-projectile: true max-distance: 25 spells: [explode] cost: - mana 25 - sulphur 1 - arrow 1 str-cost: 25魔法值, 1 gunpowder, and 1 arrow str-cast-self: You fire an explosive arrow. farm: spell-class: ".targeted.FarmSpell" name: 金坷拉 spell-icon: seeds cast-item: book description: 使附近的农作物更快生长. cooldown: 10 radius: 3 growth: 1 targeted: false cost: - mana 75 - seeds 2 str-cost: 75 魔法和2个种子 str-cast-self: 你附近的农作物正茁壮成长. str-no-target: 这附近没有农作物. fireball: spell-class: ".targeted.FireballSpell" name: 灼焰弹 spell-icon: fireball description: 召唤烈焰弹. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 5 range: 30 require-entity-target: false can-target: players,monsters check-plugins: true damage-multiplier: 3 small-fireball: true no-fire: false no-explosion: false no-explosion-effect: true no-explosion-damage: 5 no-explosion-damage-range: 3 cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-no-target: 你不能在这里使用这个魔法. str-cast-self: 你发射了灼焰弹! str-cast-others: "%a 发射了灼焰弹!" firebomb: # some fun features of the fireball spell spell-class: ".targeted.FireballSpell" name: 星陨烈焰 spell-icon: fireball description: 扔出火球打击敌人 cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 5 range: 30 require-entity-target: true # we need something to shoot at for this use-relative-cast-location-offset: true # let's have a little fun relative-cast-position-offset: 0,10,0 # death from above? do-offset-targeting-corrections: true # death from above, or from anywhere can-target: players,monsters check-plugins: true damage-multiplier: 4 small-fireball: true no-fire: false no-explosion: false no-explosion-effect: true no-explosion-damage: 5 no-explosion-damage-range: 3 cost: - mana 20 str-cost: 20 魔法值 str-no-target: 你不能在那里施法. str-cast-self: 你施放了&c星陨烈焰&r! str-cast-others: "%a 施放了&c星陨烈焰&r!" effects: projectile: effect: effectlibentity position: projectile effectlib: class: SphereEffect iterations: 40 disappearWithOriginEntity: true particle: FLAME radius: 2.0 particles: 20 period: 2 firenova: spell-class: ".instant.FirenovaSpell" name: 超新星烈焰 spell-icon: blaze_powder description: Summon an expanding ring of fire. can-target: players,monsters cast-item: bone cooldown: 20 range: 10 tick-speed: 12 burn-tall-grass: true check-plugins: true cost: - mana 15 str-cost: 15 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你召唤了超新星烈焰. str-cast-others: "%a 召唤了超新星烈焰." earth-nova: spell-class: ".instant.FirenovaSpell" name: 大地之怒 spell-icon: blaze_powder description: 召唤地震波. cast-item: bone cooldown: 10 range: 9 expanding-radius-change: 3 # we can change how many rings are skipped now! tick-speed: 10 burn-tall-grass: true check-plugins: true block-type: grass cost: - mana 15 str-cost: 15 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你召唤了地震波. str-cast-others: "%a 召唤了地震波." effects: eff1: position: special # firenova spell plays this on each block it creates effect: effectlib effectlib: class: SphereEffect iterations: 20 period: 1 radius: 2 particle: BLOCK_CRACK particles: 20 material: GRASS materialData: 0 flamewalk: spell-class: ".buff.FlamewalkSpell" name: 烈焰行者 spell-icon: fire description: 在你移动时点燃附近的敌人. cast-item: book cooldown: 30 range: 8 fire-ticks: 100 tick-interval: 100 target-players: false duration: 120 cost: - mana 25 - 263 2 use-cost: - mana 10 use-cost-interval: 10 str-cost: 25魔法值, 2个煤炭, 几率额外消耗 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你开始使附近的敌人燃烧. str-fade: 附近的敌人不再会被燃烧. food: spell-class: ".instant.FoodSpell" name: food spell-icon: cooked_beef description: 让你感觉不到饥饿. cast-item: book cooldown: 30 food: 4 saturation: 2.5 cost: - mana 25 str-cost: 25魔法值 str-cast-self: 你没有这么饿了. forcebomb: spell-class: ".targeted.ForcebombSpell" name: 自然之力 spell-icon: record_4 description: 用自然的力量击飞你的敌人. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 8 range: 5 radius: 3 pushback-force: 30 additional-vertical-force: 15 max-vertical-force: 20 can-target: players,monsters cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 一股巨大的能量击飞了你的敌人. str-no-target: 找不到目标. forcepush: spell-class: ".instant.ForcepushSpell" name: 牛顿之力 spell-icon: record_3 description: 用牛顿的力量击飞你的敌人. cast-item: bone cooldown: 8 range: 10 pushback-force: 30 additional-vertical-force: 15 max-vertical-force: 20 can-target: players,monsters cost: - mana 30 str-cost: 30 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你击飞了你的目标! str-cast-others: "%a 击飞了他的目标." forcetoss: spell-class: ".targeted.ForcetossSpell" name: 魔法之力 spell-icon: piston_base description: 用魔法把敌人扔到空中. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 6 range: 15 damage: 0 horizontal-force: 30 vertical-force: 15 can-target: players,monsters check-plugins: true cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-no-target: 找不到目标. str-cast-self: 你击飞了你的目标! str-cast-others: "%a 击飞了他的目标." freeze: spell-class: ".instant.FreezeSpell" name: 寒冰之球 spell-icon: snow_ball description: 用冰冷的雪球砸你的敌人. cast-item: blaze_rod snowballs: 25 horizontal-spread: 15 vertical-spread: 5 damage: 3 slow-amount: 3 slow-duration: 80 can-target: players,monsters cooldown: 5 cost: - mana 10 - snow_ball 1 str-cost: 10 魔法值和一个雪球 effects: projectile: effect: effectlibentity # this tells effectlib to do the entity tracking for us position: projectile # this will play it on the snowballs effectlib: class: SphereEffect iterations: 100 disappearWithOriginEntity: true particle: REDSTONE color: 21FFFF radius: .1 particles: 5 period: 2 frostwalk: spell-class: ".buff.FrostwalkSpell" name: 寒霜行者 spell-icon: ice description: 让你在水上行走. cast-item: book size: 2 leave-frozen: false cooldown: 30 cost: - mana 50 use-cost: - snow_ball 1 use-cost-interval: 25 str-cost: 50 魔法值,每移动25格方块消耗一个雪球 str-cast-self: 你现在可以在水上移动了! str-cast-others: "%a 现在可以在水上移动了!" str-fade: 你不能在水上移动了. gate: spell-class: ".instant.GateSpell" name: 传送门 spell-icon: portal description: 传送回主城. can-cast-with-item: false world: CURRENT coordinates: SPAWN effects: - pos1 ender - pos2 ender cost: - mana 50 - iron_ingot 1 str-cost: 1 个红石粉和铁锭 str-cast-self: 你传送回了主城. str-cast-others: "%a 传送回了主城!" str-gate-failed: 无法传送. geyser: spell-class: ".targeted.GeyserSpell" name: 涌泉 spell-icon: water description: 在敌人脚下创造出喷泉. cast-item: blaze_rod range: 20 damage: 0 velocity: 10 animation-speed: 2 geyser-height: 4 geyser-type: water ignore-armor: false can-target: players,monsters check-plugins: true cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你在敌人脚下召唤出了涌泉. str-no-target: 找不到目标. gills: spell-class: ".buff.GillsSpell" name: 鱼鳃 spell-icon: gold_helmet description: 能让你在水下呼吸. cast-item: book glass-head-effect: true cooldown: 60 duration: 300 num-uses: 5 cost: - mana 50 - sugar_cane 1 use-cost: - sugar_cane 1 use-cost-interval: 1 str-cost: 50 魔法值 和一个甘蔗, 每几秒消耗一颗甘蔗 str-cast-self: 你感觉你的颈边长出了鳃! str-fade: 你的鳃消失了. haste: spell-class: ".buff.HasteSpell" name: 疾行 spell-icon: gold_boots description: 让你跑得更快. cast-item: book effect-strength: 3 boost-duration: 300 duration: 60 cost: - mana 25 str-cost: 25魔法值 str-cast-self: 你获得了西方记者般的速度! str-cast-others: "%a 获得了急速!" str-fade: 你失去了速度加成. haze: spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell" name: 迷雾 spell-icon: slime_ball description: 使你的目标处于雾霾中. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 15 range: 20 type: 9 strength: 0 duration: 200 targeted: true can-target: players obey-los: true cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你迷惑了目标! str-no-target: 找不到目标. heal: spell-class: ".targeted.HealSpell" name: 医术 spell-icon: red_rose description: 治愈玩家/猫/狗. cast-item: stick heal-amount: 10 cancel-if-full: true effects: - target potion FF0000 40 can-target: players,wolf,cat obey-los: true cooldown: 0 range: 12 cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你医好了 %t. str-cast-target: "%a 治愈了你." str-no-target: 找不到可以医治的目标. str-max-health: "%t 很健康,不需要接受治疗." invisibility: spell-class: ".buff.InvisibilitySpell" name: 隐踪 spell-icon: record_11 description: 使你隐身. cast-item: bone cooldown: 60 effects: - caster spawn - disabled spawn toggle: true prevent-pickups: true cancel-on-give-damage: true cancel-on-logout: true duration: 15 cost: - mana 25 use-cost: - mana 15 use-cost-interval: 3 str-cost: 25魔法值, 每3秒消耗15魔法值 str-cast-self: 你消失了! str-cast-others: "%a 消失了!" str-fade: 你现形了. invulnerability: spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell" name: 刀枪不入 spell-icon: gold_chestplate description: 使你刀枪不入. cast-item: book damage-causes: - block explosion - contact - custom - drowning - entity attack - entity explosion - fall - fire - fire tick - lava - lightning - magic - poison - projectile - starvation - suffocation - void - wither duration: 60 cooldown: 300 cost: - mana 30 use-cost: - mana 15 use-cost-interval: 5 str-cost: 30 魔法值, 每次受伤消耗15魔法值 str-cast-self: 你感觉你变强了. str-cast-others: "%a似乎变强了." str-fade: 你感觉你变回了凡人. leap: spell-class: ".instant.LeapSpell" name: 迁越 spell-icon: diamond_boots description: 迈出一大步. cast-item: stick forward-velocity: 40 upward-velocity: 15 cancel-damage: true cooldown: 10 cost: - mana 15 str-cost: mana 15 str-cast-self: 你在向前飞跃. str-cast-others: "%a 在向前飞跃." levitate: spell-class: ".targeted.LevitateSpell" name: 漂浮术 spell-icon: feather description: 使你的目标悬浮. cast-item: bone tick-rate: 5 duration: 15 cooldown: 30 range: 12 cancel-on-item-switch: true cancel-on-spell-cast: true can-target: players,monsters,animals cost: - mana 30 - feather 2 str-cost: 30 魔法值 和2个羽毛 str-cast-self: 你正在离开地面 %t! str-cast-target: "%a 想让你上天!" str-no-target: 找不到目标. lifewalk: spell-class: ".buff.LifewalkSpell" name: 绽放 spell-icon: sapling:2 description: 花在你走过的地方绽放! cast-item: book tick-interval: 15 red-flower-chance: 15 yellow-flower-chance: 15 sapling-chance: 5 tallgrass-chance: 25 fern-chance: 15 cost: - mana 25 - red_rose 1 - yellow_flower 1 use-cost: - yellow_flower 1 use-cost-interval: 25 str-cost: 25魔法值, 1 玫瑰, 1 黄花, 每次消耗1朵花 str-cast-self: 花儿在你路径上绽放! str-cast-others: 花儿在 %a's 路径上绽放! str-fade: 花儿不再绽放. lightning: spell-class: ".targeted.LightningSpell" name: 雷霆 spell-icon: gold_sword description: 召唤落雷. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 15 range: 20 additional-damage: 0 no-damage: false require-entity-target: false check-plugins: true cost: - mana 15 str-cost: 15 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你召唤了落雷. str-cast-others: "%a 召唤了落雷." str-no-target: 找不到目标. lightwalk: spell-class: ".buff.LightwalkSpell" name: 光明行者 spell-icon: glowstone description: 照亮你走过的路. cast-item: 317 cost: - mana 25 - torch 3 use-cost: - torch 1 use-cost-interval: 25 str-cost: 25魔法值和3个火把, 几率额外消耗1个火把 str-cast-self: Light appears at your feet. str-fade: The light at your feet goes out. lilywalk: spell-class: ".buff.LilywalkSpell" name: 莲动 spell-icon: water_lily description: 睡莲将使你不会被水淹没. cast-item: book cooldown: 30 cost: - mana 40 - water_lily 1 use-cost: - water_lily 1 use-cost-interval: 25 str-cost: 40 魔法值和一个睡莲, 每额外移动50格方块消耗一个睡莲 str-cast-self: 你可以在水上行走了! str-cast-others: "%a 在水上行走!" str-fade: 你不能在水上行走了. mana: spell-class: ".instant.ManaSpell" name: 消逝之刻 spell-icon: potion:8193 description: 用你的寿命换取魔法. cast-item: bone cooldown: 3 mana: 25 cost: - health 4 str-cost: 2格生命值 str-cast-self: 你恢复了 25 魔法值. mark: spell-class: ".instant.MarkSpell" name: 标记 spell-icon: bed description: 设置永久的传送标记. cast-item: stick cooldown: 43200 permanent-marks: true cost: - mana 75 - redstone 16 - iron_ingot 5 str-cost: 75 魔法, 16个红石粉和5块铁锭 str-cast-self: 你标记了传送点. minion: spell-class: ".buff.MinionSpell" name: 唤灵 spell-icon: monster_egg:54 description: 召唤亡灵魔物来帮助你. cast-item: bone cooldown: 60 duration: 60 mob-chances: - Zombie 75 - Skeleton 25 prevent-sun-burn: true target-players: false cost: - mana 30 - bone 8 str-cost: 30 魔法值和8块骨头 str-cast-self: 你召唤了亡灵魔物. str-cast-others: "%a 召唤了你的亡灵魔物死了." str-fade: 你的亡灵魔物死了. pain: spell-class: ".targeted.PainSpell" name: 痛苦 spell-icon: bone description: 让你的敌人感受到痛苦. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 5 damage: 6 range: 15 ignore-armor: false can-target: players,monsters check-plugins: true cost: - mana 10 - health 1 str-cost: 10 魔法值和半颗心 str-no-target: 找不到目标. phase: spell-class: ".instant.PhaseSpell" name: 相位 spell-icon: diamond description: 穿过固体物质. cast-item: stick cooldown: 10 range: 5 max-distance: 15 allowed-pass-thru-blocks: [] cost: - mana 15 str-cost: 15 魔法值 str-cant-phase: 找不到地方落脚. poison: spell-class: ".targeted.PotionEffectSpell" name: 毒魔法 spell-icon: spider_eye description: 使你的目标中毒. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 15 range: 20 type: 19 strength: 0 duration: 100 targeted: true can-target: players,monsters cost: - mana 12 str-cost: 12 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你的目标中毒了! str-no-target: 找不到目标. prayer: spell-class: ".instant.PrayerSpell" name: 祈祷 spell-icon: yellow_flower description: 治愈你. cast-item: stick cooldown: 15 amount-healed: 10 cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你治愈了自己. str-at-full-health: 你已经满血了. purge: spell-class: ".instant.PurgeSpell" name: 灭绝 spell-icon: potion:16396 description: 杀死你附近的所有怪物(过于强大禁止使用). cast-item: bone cooldown: 600 range: 8 can-target: monsters,animals cost: - mana 500 str-cost: 500 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你杀死了附近所有的生物. str-cast-others: "%a 杀死了附近的生命." reach: spell-class: ".buff.ReachSpell" name: 神之手 spell-icon: dispenser description: 在远处放置和破坏方块. cast-item: stick cooldown: 120 duration: 60 range: 15 consume-blocks: true drop-blocks: true disallowed-break-blocks: [0,7] disallowed-place-blocks: [0,7] cost: - mana 50 str-cost: 50 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你获得了操纵你周围世界的能力. str-fade: 你无法再操纵你周围的世界. recall: spell-class: ".instant.RecallSpell" name: 传送 spell-icon: compass description: 传送到目标点. cast-item: stick cooldown: 300 mark-spell: mark max-range: -1 allow-cross-world: true use-bed-location: false cost: - mana 75 - iron_ingot 1 str-cost: 75 魔法值和一块铁锭 str-cast-self: 你传送到了目标点. str-no-mark: 你没有设置传送点. str-other-world: 你不能传送到另一个世界. str-too-far: 你的标记点太远了. str-cast-others: "%a 消失了!" reflect: spell-class: ".buff.ReflectSpell" name: 反射之盾 spell-icon: thin_glass description: 反弹魔法. cooldown: 30 num-uses: 3 cost: - mana 15 use-cost: - mana 20 use-cost-interval: 1 str-cost: 15 魔法值, 每次反弹魔法额外消耗20魔法值 str-cast-self: 你感到了魔法屏障在环绕着你. str-cast-others: 你感到了魔法屏障在环绕着 %a. str-fade: 你的魔法屏障消逝了. repair: spell-class: ".instant.RepairSpell" name: 铁匠之魂 spell-icon: workbench description: 修复你的装备. cast-item: book cooldown: 120 repair-amount: 300 to-repair: - held - hotbar - inventory - helmet - chestplate - leggings - boots ignore-items: - 259 - 346 cost: - mana 50 - iron_ingot 256 str-cost: 50 魔法值和256块铁锭 str-cast-self: 你修复了你的装备! str-nothing-to-repair: 没有可以修复的装备. roar: spell-class: ".instant.RoarSpell" name: 战吼 spell-icon: mob_spawner description: 强制附近的敌人攻击你. cast-item: book cooldown: 15 range: 8 can-target: monsters cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: "你的咆哮激起了怪物的战意." str-cast-others: "%a 在咆哮!" safefall: spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell" name: 羽落 spell-icon: feather description: 使你免疫摔落伤害. cast-item: book cooldown: 60 damage-causes: - fall duration: 300 num-uses: 5 cost: - mana 20 use-cost: - 288 1 use-cost-interval: 1 str-cost: 20魔法值, 每次摔伤消耗1个羽毛 str-cast-self: 你感觉你变轻了. str-fade: 你感觉你变重了. shadowstep: spell-class: ".targeted.ShadowstepSpell" name: 影步 spell-icon: leather_boots description: 潜行到目标背后. cast-item: stick effects: - caster spawner - target spawner can-target: players,monsters range: 15 cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-no-target: 找不到目标. str-no-landing-spot: 无法影步到那. silence: spell-class: ".targeted.SilenceSpell" name: 沉默 spell-icon: raw_fish description: 阻止一名玩家施法. cast-item: blaze_rod range: 10 prevent-cast: true prevent-chat: false prevent-commands: false duration: 200 allowed-spells: - list - help cost: - mana 15 str-cost: 15 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你沉默了 %t. str-cast-target: "%a 沉默了你." str-silenced: 你沉默了. str-no-target: 找不到目标. spellhaste: spell-class: ".buff.SpellHasteSpell" name: 潜能 spell-icon: ink_sack:4 description: 减少施法冷却. cast-item: book cooldown: 60 duration: 15 cast-time-mod-amt: -50 cooldown-mod-amt: -50 cost: - mana 25 str-cost: 25魔法值 str-cast-self: 你的思维活跃了起来,你可以更快地施法了! str-fade: Your mind slows again. stealth: spell-class: ".buff.StealthSpell" name: 潜行 spell-icon: leather_boots description: 怪物们感觉不到你的气息了. cast-item: bone cooldown: 60 duration: 20 cost: - mana 15 str-cost: 15 魔法值 str-cast-self: 在怪物眼里你只是空气. str-fade: 怪物能感知到你的存在了. stonevision: spell-class: ".buff.StonevisionSpell" name: 全视之眼 spell-icon: stone description: 透过石头看世界. cast-item: book range: 4 transparent-type: 1 unobfuscate: false cooldown: 60 duration: 30 cost: - mana 50 - stone 2 - glass 2 str-cost: 50 魔法值, 2块石头,和 2块草方块 str-cast-self: 岩石已无法被汝所示. str-fade: 你无法继续透视了. storm: spell-class: ".targeted.AreaEffectSpell" name: 雷暴 spell-icon: gold_sword description: 召唤落雷打击敌人. cast-item: bone horizontal-radius: 10 vertical-radius: 5 point-blank: true fail-if-no-targets: true can-target: players,monsters,animals spells: - lightning cooldown: 15 cost: - mana 35 str-cost: 35 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你召唤了落雷! str-no-target: 找不到目标. stormblock: spell-class: ".targeted.PulserSpell" name: 风暴之源 spell-icon: diamond_block description: 召唤落雷方块打击敌人. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 30 total-pulses: 5 interval: 30 max-distance: 15 cap-per-player: 2 block-type: diamond_block unbreakable: false only-count-on-success: false spells: - storm str-cast-self: 你召唤了风暴之源! str-cast-others: "%a 召唤了风暴之源!" str-at-cap: 你不能召唤. str-no-target: 找不到目标. effects: target: position: target # a nice center for the storm effect: effectlib effectlib: class: FountainEffect particle: WATER_SPLASH strands: 10 particlesStrand: 150 particlesSpout: 200 radius: 5 radiusSpout: .1 height: 3 heightSpout: 7 iterations: 40 period: 2 blockdestruction: # aiming for a voidish feel on end position: blockdestruction effect: effectlib effectlib: class: SphereEffect particle: SUSPENDED_DEPTH particles: 100 radius: 10 iterations: 10 period: 3 summon_helper: spell-class: ".targeted.SummonSpell" can-cast-with-item: false can-cast-by-command: true require-exact-name: false require-acceptance: true max-accept-delay: 90 accept-command: accept str-usage: | 用法: /cast summon <playername>, 或 /cast summon 在你看着第一行写着玩家名的牌子时使用. str-no-target: 目标玩家不存在. str-summon-pending: 你被召唤了! 输入/accept来进行传送. str-summon-accepted: 你已被传送. str-summon-expired: 召唤仪式已失效. summon: spell-class: ".instant.RitualSpell" name: 呼唤 spell-icon: portal description: 召唤另一个玩家到你身边. 这个仪式需要3名参与者. cast-item: stick cooldown: 300 ritual-duration: 200 req-participants: 3 charge-reagents-immediately: true set-cooldown-immediately: true set-cooldown-for-all: true spell: summon_helper tick-interval: 5 effect-interval: 20 cost: - mana 75 - redstone 3 - iron_ingot 3 str-cost: 75 魔法, 3 红石,和 3 铁锭 str-cast-self: 你启动了召唤仪式. str-cast-others: "%a 启动了召唤仪式. 右击加入." str-ritual-joined: 你加入了. str-ritual-success: 召唤仪式成功了! str-ritual-interrupted: 召唤仪式中断了. str-ritual-failed: 召唤仪式失败了. sun: spell-class: ".instant.TimeSpell" name: 日曜 spell-icon: watch description: 把时间改成早上. cast-item: book cooldown: 1800 cost: - mana 75 - redstone 32 - watch 1 str-cost: 75 魔法, 32 红石粉和1个钟 time-to-set: 0 str-announce: 太阳突然出来了! switch: spell-class: ".targeted.SwitchSpell" name: 移形 spell-icon: eye_of_ender description: 与你的目标交互位置. cast-item: stick cooldown: 6 switch-back: 0 can-target: players cost: - mana 10 str-cost: 10 魔法值 str-cast-self: 你和 %t 交换了位置. str-cast-target: "%a 使你们交换了位置." str-no-target: 找不到目标. telekinesis: spell-class: ".targeted.TelekinesisSpell" name: 念力 spell-icon: lever description: 控制远处的开关. cast-item: stick cooldown: 15 range: 20 cost: - mana 5 str-cost: 5 魔法值 str-no-target: 你必须指向一个开关或按钮. tree: spell-class: ".targeted.TreeSpell" name: 植树 spell-icon: sapling range: 15 cooldown: 5 tree-type: tree animation-speed: 20 cost: - mana 10 - sapling 1 str-cost: 10 魔法值和1个树苗 str-no-target: 你不能在这里种树. volley: spell-class: ".targeted.VolleySpell" name: 万箭齐发 spell-icon: bow description: 召唤箭阵. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 45 range: 30 arrows: 10 speed: 20 spread: 150 shoot-interval: 0 cost: - mana 20 - arrow 2 str-cost: 20魔法值和2根箭 str-cast-self: 你发射了魔法箭阵. str-cast-others: "%a 发射了魔法箭阵." str-no-target: 找不到目标. fire-volley: spell-class: ".targeted.VolleySpell" name: 陨焰之箭 spell-icon: bow description: 发射陨焰之箭. cast-item: blaze_rod cooldown: 45 range: 30 arrows: 10 speed: 20 spread: 75 shoot-interval: 0 cost: - mana 20 - arrow 2 str-cost: 20魔法值和2根箭 str-cast-self: 你发射了陨焰之箭. str-cast-others: "%a 发射陨焰之箭." str-no-target: 找不到目标. gravity: false # arrows don't need gravity, see? effects: projectile: effect: effectlibentity # this tells effectlib to do the entity tracking for us position: projectile # this will play it on the arrows effectlib: class: SphereEffect iterations: 100 disappearWithOriginEntity: true particle: FLAME radius: .1 particles: 5 period: 2 heavy-tracers: position: casterprojectileline effect: effectlibline static-origin-location: true effectlib: class: ArcEffect particles: 20 particle: FLAME period: 1 iterations: 50 disappearWithOriginEntity: false disappearWithTargetEntity: true walkway: spell-class: ".buff.WalkwaySpell" name: 八方通行 spell-icon: wood_stairs description: 召唤移动的人行道. cast-item: book cooldown: 60 platform-type: 5 size: 6 cancel-on-logout: true cancel-on-teleport: true cost: - mana 50 - wood 1 use-cost: - mana 15 - wood 1 use-cost-interval: 15 str-cost: 50 魔法值, 每走过15个方块额外消耗15魔法值和1个木头 str-cast-self: 你召唤出了魔法之路. str-fade: 你的魔法之路消失了. wall: spell-class: ".instant.WallSpell" name: 战墙 spell-icon: brick description: 召唤方块来阻挡你的敌人. cast-item: stick cooldown: 15 range: 3 wall-width: 5 wall-height: 3 wall-type: brick wall-duration: 15 cost: - mana 12 - stone 2 str-cost: 12 魔法值和2块石头 str-no-target: 无法创造战墙. water: spell-class: ".targeted.MaterializeSpell" name: 涌泉 spell-icon: water_bucket description: 召唤黄泉之水. cast-item: stick cooldown: 120 range: 12 block-type: water reset-delay: 200 apply-physics: true check-plugins: true cost: - mana 12 str-cost: 12 魔法值 str-no-target: 找不到目标. str-failed: 召唤失败 waterwalk: spell-class: ".buff.WaterwalkSpell" name: 水行者 spell-icon: boat description: 在水上行走. cast-item: book speed: 0.05 duration: 60 cancel-on-logout: true cancel-on-teleport: true cost: - mana 25 - boat 1 use-cost: - water_lily 1 use-cost-interval: 64 str-cost: 25魔法值和一艘船, 每移动64格额外消耗一块睡莲 str-cast-self: 你现在可以使用轻功水上漂了! str-fade: 你不能再在水上行走了. windwalk: spell-class: ".buff.WindwalkSpell" name: 风行者 spell-icon: feather enabled: true description: 御风而行,成为斗宗强者. cast-item: book fly-speed: 0.1 launch-speed: 1 cancel-on-land: false cancel-on-logout: true cancel-on-teleport: true cancel-on-give-damage: false cancel-on-take-damage: true duration: 120 cost: - mana 25 - feather 2 use-cost: - feather 5 use-cost-interval: 15 str-cost: 25魔法值, 2根羽毛, 每15秒消耗5根羽毛 str-cast-self: 你现在可以御风而行了! str-cast-others: "%a 御风而行!" str-fade: 你不能御风而行了. zap: spell-class: ".targeted.ZapSpell" name: zap spell-icon: gold_pickaxe description: Instantly destroys a block. cast-item: stick cooldown: 1 allowed-block-types: [] disallowed-block-types: [air, bedrock] drop-block: false drop-normal: true effects: - target blockbreak check-plugins: true range: 15 cost: - mana 5 str-cost: 5 魔法值 str-cast-self: You zapped a block. str-cant-zap: You can't zap that. str-no-target: 找不到目标. gianttree: spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell" name: 世界树 spell-icon: sapling:3 enabled: false description: 创造世界树! cooldown: 300 can-cast-by-command: true can-cast-with-item: false command-to-execute: - "gt 25 4" command-to-execute-later: [] command-delay: 0 command-to-block: - "gt" temporary-permissions: [] require-player-target: false obey-los: true range: 20 cost: - mana 50 - sapling 12 str-cost: 50 魔法值和12个树苗 str-cast-self: 你种出了一棵树! str-cant-use-command: "&4你没有权限这么做." torcharrow: spell-class: ".PermissionSpell" name: 火炬之箭 spell-icon: torch enabled: false description: 发射火炬之箭. cast-item: book cooldown: 10 can-cast-by-command: true can-cast-with-item: true permission-nodes: - "torcharrow.tArrow" duration: 600 cost: - mana 25 - torch 3 str-cost: 25魔法值和3个火把 str-cast-self: 你现在可以发射火炬之箭了. zeus: spell-class: ".MultiSpell" name: 宙斯之怒 spell-icon: gold_axe cooldown: 30 cast-item: blaze_rod check-individual-cooldowns: false cost: - mana 30 str-cost: 30 魔法值 spells: - lightning - DELAY 5 - explode