{{Plugin Infobox |icon= <gallery> Magespellsicon.png </gallery> |plugin=magespells |version= |pre= |ver= |author=L2_Envy |URL=https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/magespells-remastered.50430/ }} {{待完善}} ==插件介绍== MageSpells是一款魔法插件.这款插件可以让你创造、使用魔法和法杖.<br /> MageSpells allows for server admins to create what they want, for the type of server they need. Want a billion spells with massive battles? Sure! Want a roleplaying type of server where you must unlock spells and wands? Sure thing! I give admins the ability to restrict the use of spells down to the letter. It can be incorporated easily with other plugins simply with the permission system, or if there is a savvy dev out there wishing to hook-in and create their own spell effects, they have the freedom to do so. MageSpells is what you want it to be. Without me telling you, "No, dont use my plugin like that!" - Instead, I encourage it. Show it off, take the credit! You did create it, afterall. This plugin has been a non-profit plugin, although donations will be accepted they are never enforced or required. I do it out of joy. not for money. ==安装说明== 在你安装此插件前,确认你已安装以下前置插件: Title Manager<br /> Vault<br /> ParticleAPI(1.10版本)或EffectLib(1.11版本以上) 可选前置:<br /> WorldGuard<br /> World Edit ==插件安装== 下载 MageSpells 把 MageSpells插件放到 plugin 文件夹. 重启服务器, 插件将会生成配置文件. 自定义你喜欢的配置文件. 自定义你喜欢的魔法和法杖. 并可设置消耗物品施法 ==特点== ===免费版本=== 该版本将不会继续更新 可以自定义魔法<br /> 可自定义法杖<br /> 法力系统<br /> 支持worldedit和worldguard<br /> 兼容的自定义配置可满足任何服务器的需求 ===付费版本=== 学习/魔法等级系统<br /> 可以自定义魔法<br /> 可自定义法杖<br /> 魔法系统<br /> 队伍系统<br /> 自定义物品<br /> API(构建中)<br /> 更多的特性 支持worldedit和worldguard<br /> 兼容的自定义配置可满足任何服务器的需求 ==说明== 你拥有越多的玩家和魔法, 对服务器的流畅度影响也会越大. 确保你的服务器有足够的CPU和内存. MageSpells 是用 Java 8+ 构建的并且支持 Minecraft 1.10以上的版本. 这个插件需要Particle API 和 Title Action Manager . 如果需要区域支持的话也需要World Guard和World Edit. (可选) ==配置 (config.yml)'''== ===可升级(EnableLeveling)=== 魔法等级是解锁魔法的一种方式. 可以从怪物和其他玩家身上获取. 这对RPG服务器也许很有用. 它允许你掌控魔法书和法杖, 绑定魔法到法杖, 施法和合成魔法. ===怪物经验(MobExperience)=== 怪物经验是一种关键的数值. 取决于怪物种类, 设置的数值就是能从该种怪物身上获取的魔法经验. ===玩家经验(ExpFromPlayers)=== 这和怪物经验一样, 击杀其他玩家获得魔法经验. ===等级系统(LevelSystem)=== In order for any leveling system to work, there needs to be set levels. This means there needs to be a set amount of experience required to reach each level. That is how this system works. You can add an unlimited amount of levels. ===升级的关键(The Key to Leveling)=== This is another key-value system. The KEY here is any integer, and the VALUE is any integer representing the amount of experience required. In the default example, if a player has 1242 experience they will be level 5 because they have more than what is required for reaching level 5 but haven't gained enough experience to reach level 6 yet. ===升级魔法的关键(The Key to Mana Leveling)=== 这是另一个关键的系统. KEY 可以是任何 integer, VALUE 是任何 integer representing the amount of mana that you want to specify for that level. In the default example, if a player is level 1 - their max mana will be 50; if a player is level 10 - their max mana will be 200. This allows for you to have mana bonuses per level increase to account for higher spell mana costs and/or prevent lower level spamming of low mana-cost spells. ===学习系统(EnableLearning)=== 学习也是一种解锁魔法的方法. 当你使用的魔法多了你会变得熟练, 同时保持RPG的特性. 这可以单独管理每个魔法,玩家使用了什么魔法. This is a more specific way to micromanage 玩家获得魔法. 对于使用牌子触发命令或其他触发指令的插件的服务器很游泳. 这也会开启学习魔法书和法杖的功能. ===可通过魔法书学习魔法(EnableSpellBookLearning)=== 如果启用学习系统, 这一项也会起作用. 如果玩家不知道魔法, 右键魔法书的话, 这本魔法书会被消耗而玩家则学会了该魔法 (忽略魔法等级). 同时也可以使用该魔法. ===学习使用法杖(EnableWandLearning)=== 和学习魔法书一样, 如果可学习性已开启, 这个也会被启用. 如果玩家右键未知的法杖, 他将会"学会"该法杖 (忽略魔法等级). 同时也可以使用该法杖来施法. ===启用权限系统(EnableNodeSystem)=== This is where micromanaging gets complex. 如果你不善于使用权限就不要启用这个. 这基于其他权限插件. <br /> 怎么使用? 每个魔法拥有各自的 '魔法权限节点' (magespells.spell.{node}) 每个法杖也有各种的 '法杖权限节点' (magespells.wand.{node}). 玩家想要施法或使用法杖必须要有这些权限.<br /> 所以这和学习系统差不多, 但权限系统能给魔法和法杖分成不同的组.<br /> 例如: 你拥有3个火焰魔法. 你设置了3个火焰魔法的权限为 'fire' (magespells.spell.fire).这意味着如果玩家拥有权限'magespells.spell.fire',他们就可以直接使用这3个魔法. <br /> Wands work the exact same but with one added feature: Wands have a wandcompatibility node list. This list is where you can specify what spells will be compatible with that wand. So if you only want fire spells on a fire wand, in the wand compatability node list you will simply add '- fire'. This means all 3 of the spells mentioned above will be allowed to bind with the fire wand. This adds for so much diversity and simplicity for micromanaging your spells and wands. ===队伍系统(UserCreatesTeam)=== 队伍系统是本插件的一大特色.<br /> 玩家组队就可以防止玩家误伤队友,. Teams help players specify who they are with. For this option, where a user can create teams: this means that any user is allowed to create teams. -Who knew?- This is great for factions. Each team has a leader and an officer as well as members. To create a team, there must be a leader and an officer. In order for a leader to join another team, they must leave the current team they are added in. This helps keep an excess of teams from happening. Players may only be part of one team at a time. ===魔法值上限(MaxManaAmount)=== This is where you can change how much mana each player has by setting a maximum mana. This allows for more expensive spells or however you wish to group your spells. ===魔法恢复率(ManaRegenRate)=== 魔法值会自然地持续恢复直到魔法值已满. 施法需要魔法值 (除非你把魔法消耗改为0). 它会按配置的速率逐渐恢复. ===显示具体数值(Display Exact Value)=== 如果你想要玩家看得到自己有多少魔法值,启用这一项是最简单的方法. ===颜色(Colors)=== Colors is just an added way to choose what you want as a server admin- to blend MageSpells in with the color theme of your server. Purely cosmetic and doesn't effect gameplay in any way. =创造魔法= ---- I'm not going to lie, as I'm typing this... I am not looking forward to going over every aspect of spells just because there is so much to customize. Nonetheless, these are the spells. Configurable masterpieces. Spells are created by simply creating a .yml file (generally named after the new spell you want to create), and copying and pasting the template into that .yml file. After you've done that, all you need to do is edit it to your liking. Be sure you look over everything so you know it's all working! Spell creating takes time and patience, but you will not be disappointed. ---- ==显示的名称(DisplayName)== Simply put, this is what the players will see in the spell menu and on the wand. Make it fancy! ;-) ==描述(Lore)== 用于魔法的lore.可以添加你想要的lore描述. 想要编辑下一行, 输入 '/' . 也支持颜色代码. ===Bolt=== Bolt spells are your basic spells that will stop when an enemy is hit. Bolt spells are great for long range spells. ====Bolt Enabled==== To Enable bolt spells, set this to true! This means the spell will inherit any characteristics of a bolt spell. ====伤害范围(DamageRadius)==== Damage Radius is when a bolt initially hits an enemy, anyone within the specified radius will be considered hit as well. BoltDamage Bolt damage is simply put: 对玩家造成的伤害. 护甲值会减少玩家所受的伤害). ===Aura=== 光环魔法 are great for affecting a wide range of players for a specific amount of time! Aura spells can be combined with bolt spells. If this is done, then at the end of a bolt spell's life, the aura spell will produce an aura. If you wish for the aura spell to happen at the player's location, just put the travel distance to '0'. Otherwise, the spell will fly until it hits a wall or runs out of distance, then activate. ====(Aura Enabled)==== Set this to true if you wish to inherit the characteristics of an aura spell. ====持续时间(ActiveTime)==== Aura spells operate differently than normal spells. An aura is active for a specific period of time. Set this in seconds for the aura to last that long. Aura spells will tick every second. ====AuraRadius==== This is the radius of the aura. Great for covering large amounts of land. Any person eligible to be affected will be in regards to the settings. ====AuraDamage==== This is where you can set the amount of damage an aura spell does. Armor is taken into affect) ===Spray=== Spray spells work similar to bolt spells, but while they fly they don't stop when hitting an enemy (unless bolt is set to true). Instead, it damages anyone within the radius of the spell as it flies through the air. Note that enemies are only hit once by this spell. ====Spray Enabled==== Enable this to inherit the characteristics of the spray spell. ====SprayRadius==== This is the radius at which it affects people as it flies through the air. SprayDamage This is how much damage each player is dealt. Armor is taken into affect. ==ArmorPiercing== Armor can be a nasty pain in the butt. Let's eliminate that with armor piercing! Set this anywhere from 0-100. This will be taken as a percent to negate when the damage is dealt. So if a player has, let's say 50% armor, and the armor penetration is set to 20%, that means that only 40% of the armor is registered. ManaCost Mana cost is what spells run on (if you want). In order to cast a spell, the player must have this mana amount acquired, otherwise the spell will not be cast. see section 3.10 ==氪金(MoneyCost)== 暂时还不支持 -- 花费金钱来施法,不会消耗魔法值! 需要安装Vault. ==冷却(Cooldown)== If you want to limit how often a player can cast a spell, cooldowns are a great way to do this. This keeps players from rapid spamming a spell at other players, and helps keep things balanced. ==充能时间(ChargeTime)== Charge Time is the same as cooldown time, but instead it operates befor a spell is cast. The charge time must tick all the way through, and then the spell is automatically cast. Mana is drained beforehand. ==飞行距离(TravelDistance)== This is where you specify how far you wish the spell to travel (in units of blocks). If spells go past this distance, they are removed. Spells may end before this travel distance is reached. ==魔法权限(SpellNode)== Spell Nodes (see section 3.8) are used for the node system. Put 'all' if not enabled. ==绑定魔法等级限制(RequiredLevelToBind)== This level is required before a player can bind this spell to a wand. *Leveling system must be enabled. ==施法等级限制(RequiredLevelToCast)== This level is required before a player can cast this spell. *Leveling system must be enabled. ==掉落等级限制(RequiredLevelToDrop)== This level is required before an entity will drop this for a player. *Leveling system must be enabled. ==AffectMobs== 启用这个的魔法将会作用于所有怪物 ==AffectSelf== 启用这个的魔法只对自己有效 ==AffectEnemy== 启用这个的魔法将会对除了队伍内的玩家外的所有生物起作用. ==友军伤害(AffectTeammates)== 启用这个的魔法将会对友军起作用. ==特殊效果(SpecialEffect)== Special Effects are for any spells. If you are not sure what to put, set it to 'normal'. If you want to know what special effects there are, look at the effectlist.txt document. Here, I will add what new spell effects I have added. Spell effects do things like set enemies ablaze, or teleport the player. ==Sound== Each spell has a sound. I prefer Entity_Bat_Takeoff for mine, but that is all down to preference. There are a lot of sounds to choos frome. If you want a list, then check out the SoundList.txt document. I have added all possible sounds for 1.10. Enjoy choosing! ===音效名(Name)=== 在这里放置音效名. ===音量(Volume)=== You can change the volume here - make it louder. ===(Pitch)=== You can modify the pitch of a sound, which could make it sound like a new sound entirely. Have fun experimenting! ==粒子特效(Particles)== Particles are what give spells the fancy factor! You can make your spell stand out, or make it simple. Add as many particle effects as you want to your spell. Look at ParticleList.txt to see what particles are available to you! Particles are created every tick of the spell. ===粒子栗子(Particle Example)=== SMOKE_LARGE: // 粒子种类. When creating a new spell be sure to specify what particle followed by a colon. Amount: 50 offSetX: 0.05 offSetY: 0.05 offSetZ: 0.05 Speed: 0.5 ===粒子数(Amount)=== Here is where you put the amount of particles you wish to be spawned per tick. ===offSet=== The offset is, simply put, how far away you wish the particles to be spread from the center. Meaning if you have 0.05, that means the particles will expand 0.05 blocks on the x/y/z axis. ===粒子速度(Speed)=== Speed is how fast you want the particles to go through their animation. Meaning they will speed up and disappear the faster you set it. ==药水效果(Potion Effects)== Potion Effects are just like the potions in vanilla minecraft. Each one has a name to be identified by. Use the potioneffectlist.txt document to figure out what potion effect you'd like to add. ===药水效果例子(Potion Effect Example)=== WEAKNESS: // Just like particle effects, be sure to specify what potion effect, followed by a colon. Duration: 50 Amplification: 0.5 ===持续时间(Duration)=== 药水效果的持续时间. ===Amplification=== Amplification is how strong the potion effect will be. Some potion effects can only go to 2, so be careful! ==怪物掉落(Mob Drops)== Mob drops is used with binding and spell learning. In order to bind a spell, you must have a spellbook present in your inventory. To get these spellbooks, you must kill mobs (if you want). This is where you set the chance a certain mob has to dropping the book. ===Enabling Mob Drops=== If you'd like to gain spellbooks through mob drops, then set this to true. ===怪物掉落例子(Mob Drop Example)=== BLAZE: // Mob type -- be sure to specify the type of mob you want to drop the spell. Chance: 1.0 ===关键数值:'''掉率'''(Key-Value Chance Rate)=== This works as a KEY-VALUE set. The KEY here is the MOB and the VALUE is the chance (which represents a percentage value). For example: 1.0 would be 1% chance and 100.0 would be 100%. Note: You can only go as low as 1% chance. ==物品消耗(Item Cost)== Item Costs allow for more complexity when attempting to cast a spell. If a player doesn't have the specified items in his/her inventory, then the spell will not be cast. The Item Costs work with custom items, meaning you can make it so a player requires a custom item to cast a spell. Use the MaterialsList.txt document to get a list of materials. To specify a specific material that has a data key to it, use a hyphen. Example: 'wool-3' would be 'Light Blue Wool'. For a list of specific ID's use this Minecraft-IDs Website or /itemdb in MC. ===启用物品消耗(Enabling ItemCost)=== Enable ItemCost if you wish to have custom item costs for the spell, meaning you want the spell to cost items to use. Setting Up and ItemCost Item This also works as a KEY-VALUE pair. The KEY is the item and the VALUE is how much of the item it takes (or COSTS) to power the spell. =创造法杖= Wands are what allow users to cast spells. Without these, there is no magic (qeue bad music). Wands can hold up to two spells - a Primary and a Secondary. To initiate a Primary spell, simply left click in the direction you wish it to go. For the Secondary spell, just right click and watch it fly. Wands are learnable and require levels or permission nodes to use (depending on how you set it in the config). ==Name== This is where you put the display name of the spell. Make it fancy as color codes are welcome! ==RequiredLevelToCraft== In order to craft a wand, a player must first have the required level or above. They will also need to have learned the wand and have the permission node, depending on how you set it up in the config. ==RequiredLevelToUse== In order to use a wand (cast a spell), a player must first have the required level or above. They will also need to have learned the wand and have the permission node, depending on how you set it up in the config. ==绑定魔法等级限制(RequiredLevelToBind)== In order to craft a wand, a player must first have the required level or above. They will also need to have learned the wand and have the permission node, depending on how you set it up in the config. ==法杖材质(WandMaterial)== In order to craft a wand, a player must first have the required level or above. They will also need to have learned the wand and have the permission node, depending on how you set it up in the config. ==合成配方(Recipe)== Recipes is where you specify how to make a wand. Each spot refers to a spot in a crafting table. [1][2][3] -- This is the crafting table. In terms of the config, it goes by position. [4][5][6] -- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - Each number should be replaced by some sort of material type. [7][8][9] -- Materials with data values are allowed, simply use a hyphen. Example: Wool-3 would be Light Blue Wool. If you don't wish to have anything in the spot, simply put 'AIR'. Please note: for recipes, minecraft does not store specific data like lore and display name. With that said, custom items will NOT be recognized in the recipe. For a list of specific ID's use: Minecraft-IDs Website or /itemdb in MC. ==Mob Drops== Mob drops is used with binding and wand learning. In order to bind a spell to the wand, you must have a compatible wand present in your inventory. To get these wands, you must kill mobs (if you configure this to do so) or craft them. This is also where you set the chance a certain mob has to dropping the wand. ==Enable Mob Drops== Set this to true if you want wands to drop from mobs. ==Example Mob Drop== BLAZE: // Mob type -- be sure to specify the type of mob you want to drop the spell. Chance: 1.0 ===Key Value Chance Rate=== This works as a KEY-VALUE set. The KEY here is the MOB and the VALUE is the chance (which represents a percentage value). For example: 1.0 would be 1% chance and 100.0 would be 100%. Note: You can only go as low as 1% chance. ==法杖权限节点(WandNode)== Wand nodes (see section 3.7) are used for the node system. Put 'all' if not enabled. ==CompatibleSpellNodeList== Compatible nodes (see section 3.7), used for the node system. Put 'all' if not enabled. =创造自定义物品= Custom Items are great for item costs and things to just add into your server. They have their own crafting recipe and you can customize the display name and lore. Custom item creating only supports the leveling system right now, meaning you can only specify the player to be a certain level to be able to craft this item. I will eventually add node system and maybe learning into it. ==物品名(Name)== This is where you can customize the custom item's display name for all players to see. Make it fancy ;-) Color Codes welcome! ==描述(Lore)== This is where you put the lore for the custom item. Great to add lore, and anything else you wish. For a new line, type a '/' in there! Color codes welcome! ==材质(Material)== This is where you specify the item material. Anything can be a custom item, but be careful. If the custom item is a block, it may be placed on right click and will lose all data value associated with it! Pick any material. Materials are listed in the MaterialList.txt document. Items with data values are accepted, simply use a hyphen. Example: Wool-3 would be Light Blue Wool. For a list of specific ID's use: Minecraft-IDs Website or /itemdb in MC. ==合成配方(Recipe)== Recipes is where you specify how to make an item. Each spot refers to a spot in a crafting table. [1][2][3] -- 这是合成台的合成顺序. 可在配置内更改. [4][5][6] -- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - Each number should be replaced by some sort of material type. [7][8][9] -- Materials with data values are allowed, simply use a hyphen. Example: Wool-3 would be Light Blue Wool. If you don't wish to have anything in the spot, simply put 'AIR'. Please note: for recipes, minecraft does not store specific data like lore and display name. With that said, custom items will NOT be recognized in the recipe. For a list of specific ID's use: Minecraft-IDs Website or /itemdb in MC. ==RequiredLevel== For a player to craft an item, they must be this required level or higher. =队伍= Teams are a great addition to MageSpells. They help sort players into groups so that spells will either hurt or help their teammates, depending on the spell settings. Teams can either be solely admin created, or user created. Example: If an admin wanted 4 factions, simply create 4 new teams and set yourself as leader. When a new player joins, simply have them click a server sign that will add them to a team. ==队长(Leader)== This is where the leaders UUID of the team will be. It is important that it's a UUID and NOT the name! Leaders have full control over the team. ==Officer== This is where the first officer will be, they have almost all the same permissions as the leader. ==队员(Members)== Any other member will be added here. The have the option to leave the team. Simply put, it just shows when they are on a team. Each user can only be on one team. Bot the name and UUID of the player will show up here. It's in a list format for easy reading. =菜单= The Mage menu is for ease of access for any mage. Here, it has 5 sub-menus: Spell Menu, Wand Menu, Wand Bag, Binding Menu, and Mage Stats. Each one operates differently and allows for different things. ==魔法菜单(Spell Menu)== The Spell Menu displays every spell that is loaded in the server, each spell will be blacked out until the player has learned the spell, is the right level, and has the correct permission node for it. This means the spell is fully 'unlocked'. The reason it requires all of this, is because it allows for more diversity. If an admin only wants a spell to show if they have the right node, all they have to do is turn off the other two in the settings. Once unlocked, it will show general information about a spell to help the user understand what it does and how powerful it is. You can also check out item costs here too. ==法杖菜单(Wand Menu)== The Wand Menu also displays every wand that is loaded in the server. Each wand will be organized alphabetically for easy access, locating, and to keep it in order. Each wand will be blacked out until the player has learned the wand, is the right level for use, and has the correct wand node. This means the wand is fully 'unlocked'. Once unlocked, it will show general information about the wand, as well as how to craft it! (YAY!) ==法杖袋(Wand Bag)== 法杖袋 is meant to be used for wand storage. Over time, the player will get more and more wands with different spells, and instead of it taking up so much space, the user can easily store them into their wand bag. The wand bag is the normal size of an inventory, but will only store wands. ==绑定菜单(Binding Menu)== Binding is complicated when attempting to bind two things. In the binding menu, you will sometimes see that a spell or wand is not listed in the menu. This can be because of multiple things: The player does not know the spell and/or wand. The player is not a high enough level to bind with the wand and/or spell. The player does not have the wand and/or spell node. The wand does not have the spellnode in it's compatible list. Any of these things can preven a spell from binding with a wand. Also when binding, it's important to remember that the spellbook will be consumed! You will also have the option to bind with either Primary or Secondary. Remember if there is already a spell on either the Primary or Secondary, and you attempt to place over the spell, it will overwrite it and the current spell will be removed, with the new spell taking it's place. ==魔法记录(Mage Stats)== To see what level you are, what team your on, etc. There will be more info coming soon to this, but this is basically just all your personal Mage information so you can easily see where you're at as a Mage. ==权限节点== magespells.mage --允许玩家成为魔法师<br /> magespells.admin --管理员权限 ==命令描述== /mage help # 展示帮助指令<br /> /mage menu 打开magespells插件菜单<br /> /mage wandmenu 直接打开法杖菜单<br /> /mage spellmenu 直接打开魔法菜单<br /> /mage bag 直接打开法杖袋<br /> /mage stats 直接打开魔法记录菜单<br /> /mage bind 直接打开魔法绑定菜单<br /> /mage team disband 解散你的队伍<br /> /mage team create [teamname] [officername] 创建一个以你为队长的队伍<br /> /mage team leave 离开当前的队伍<br /> /mage team invite [player] 邀请一个玩家到你的队伍<br /> /mage team accept [teamname] 接受一个队伍的邀请<br /> /mage team makeofficer [player] make a player your current officer<br /> /mage team add [player] [team] 添加一个玩家到队伍内<br /> /mage team remove [player] [team] 把一个玩家从队伍中移除<br /> /mage spawnwand [wandname] [player] 生成特定的法杖给某玩家<br /> /mage setprimaryspell [spellname] 设置法杖左键施法<br /> /mage setsecondaryspell [spellname] 设置法杖右键施法<br /> /mage addexperience [player] [amount] 给某玩家增加魔法经验<br /> /mage spawnspellbook [spellname] [player] 生成特定的魔法书给某玩家<br /> /mage learnwand [wandname] [player] 给特定的玩家传授法杖用法 (解锁法杖)<br /> /mage learnspell [spellname] [player] 给特定的玩家传授魔法 (解锁魔法)<br /> /mage learnall [player] 传授给玩家所有的魔法和法杖<br /> /mage team kick [player] 把一个踢出你的队伍 - 必须是队长才能使用<br /> /mage team promote [player] 把玩家提升为officer<br /> /mage team demote [player] 移除玩家的officer身份<br /> /mage team stats 展示你的队伍记录<br /> /tc [message] 在队伍内发送消息<br /> ==权限== magespells.mage 这个权限可以让玩家使用魔法<br /> magespells.admin 管理员权限<br /> magespells.spell.[Spellnode] 允许使用特定的魔法 (必须开启权限系统)<br /> magespells.wand.[wandnode] 允许使用特定的法杖 (必须开启权限系统)<br /> [[分类:角色]][[分类:娱乐]][[分类:未完善]]
模板:Plugin Infobox