{{待翻译}} == 介绍 == 城镇是一个可以在 Bukkit/Tekkit/Spigot/Libigot 上运行的先进、多功能的插件. 城镇可以设置 pvp, griefing, 聊天, 防止通货膨胀和怪物生成. 城镇可以让玩家协作起来,建立一个和谐友好的集体. == 特性 == 城里的包括各种各样的功能,为传统的Minecraft服务器作出改革. *允许玩家根据预先设定的网格区块布局拥有和管理土地 **玩家可以加入城镇和购买土地. **玩家可以设置每块地皮的 破坏、建筑、使用、“开关”和使用物品的权限. **城镇可以加入国家, 把服务器分成不同的势力. **城镇可设置:防护,怪物生成, pvp, 火焰, 爆炸和greifing. *野外规则 (可选) **城镇之外的区域是荒野, 拥有独自的建筑权限. **通过限制玩家与荒郊野外的方块交互来保持原生态的环境. **回档 tnt, 爬行者, 凋灵爆炸, 末影龙破坏和末影人搬走方块. **阻止爆炸破坏和火焰扩散. *PVP增强 **一个强大的PVP服务器会发现城镇的玩家分组是很有用的. **防止friendly-fire. (可选) **国家把玩家分到更大的队伍中. **一个国家可以把其他国家视为盟国或敌国. **可以在野外、城镇和世界内开关PVP. (可选) *传送和出生点 (可选) **玩家死亡后可以重生在城镇出生点. **玩家可以传送到城镇出生点或其他结盟或盟国的城镇. **用床可以使玩家在个人 土地上重生. *可修改的自定义聊天格式. (可选) **颜色, 组的前缀和后缀, 国家, 城镇, 城镇标题. **聊天频道:全体, local, 城镇, 国家, moderator, 管理员和自定义聊天频道. **Anti-spam 特性. *商店插件支持. (可选) **限制商店区块的商店数量, 更加真实. *经济插件交互. (可选) **支持所有经济插件. **付费购买土地,建立城镇和国家. **灵活的税收系统. **用资金来维护城镇和国家, 防止疯狂的通货膨胀. *支持所有权限插件. (可选) **Perms 2/3, GroupManager, BukkitPermissions, bPermissions, PermissionsEx, 等. *多世界支持 **每个时间不同的配置. **在任意世界开关城镇管辖. == 重要信息 == === 城镇安装指南 === :这里是第一次安装城镇插件指南. 小心执行这些步骤.<br /> :'''第一步 – 准备好你的服务器.'''<br /> :#完全停止你的服务器. :#下载插件并放到服务器插件文件夹内 (注意不是整个zip压缩包,请解压): :::*下载 Towny Advanced.zip (包括Towny, TownyChat 和 Questioner.) :::**Towny.jar 是最重要的, :::**TownyChat.jar 如果你需要修改聊天格式的话需要安装这个. :::**Questioner.jar 如果你想要玩家被人工地城镇邀请的话需要安装这个, . :::*如果你使用除 iConomy 5.01 之外的经济插件,你需要下载 Register.jar 或 Vault,把他放到服务器插件文件夹内. :::**如果你使用Vault, 不要安装Register.jar. :#开始服务器. :#停止服务器. === 城镇升级向导 === :这里是旧版本的城镇升级向导: :'''城镇升级向导''' :*完全停止你的服务器. :*备份你的服务器! :*下载 Towny_Advanced.zip 解压里面的4个 .jar 文件到你的服务器插件文件夹 (如果你已使用Vault就不需要Register附属). :*开始服务器. :*停止服务器. :*Upgrade from pre- :**config.yml 内的聊天部分移到了一个新的文件内, channels.yml. 随你的习惯配置 channels.yml . :*Upgrade from pre- :::*城镇已经有了城镇权限. 位于 townysettingstownyperms.yml (Towny 或更高版本才有). :::*城镇权限添加了 城镇/国家 头衔所以服务器管理员可以指定特定头衔可以做的事情 (流浪汉, 居民, 城主, 国王之类) 管理员也可以创建自定义头衔及权限. 任何现有设置为助手的玩家被将失去他们的头衔,需要重新分配. :*开始服务器. === Towny 的工作方式 === ---- ==== <big>等级制度</big> ==== ===== 流浪者 ===== :流浪者不属于任何城镇. 他们没有土地和权限(权限可在 TownyPerms.yml 内设置). 流浪者可以购买大使馆区块入股他们有towny.command.plot.claim 权限(在Townyperms.yml 内) ===== 居民 ===== :每个加入你服务器的人都可以成为居民 (他们会获得 towny.town.resident权限,在 townyperms.yml的流浪者部分.)居民可以使用 /resident 来获得居民信息, 包括 金钱, 所属城镇, 拥有的地皮和朋友. :居民可以加入城镇. 第一次进入服务器的居民可以自动加入一个城镇,只需设置在 config.yml 内 default_town_name: '' . :加入城镇的居民可以声明城主已设置出售的区块. 当居民拥有土地后, 可以在居民信息内看到展示拥有区块数和个人地皮权限. :居民拥有的权限可在 TownyPerms.yml 内设置. ===== 城镇 ===== :城镇是拥有一位城镇统治的居民聚居的地方 (或是只有一位居民).城镇有银行,只有城主才能取钱.城镇可以设置助手来协助管理城镇. 城镇每天会定时地收税,交不起税的城镇将会倒闭. :城镇的发展会远离城镇中心,城镇中心区块取决于城主建城的位置. 城镇中心需要被声明来作为城镇出生点, 除非城主已在野外声明了一个前哨. ===== 城主 ===== :城主和城镇助手一起管理城镇居民. 城主的权限可在 TownyPerms.yml 内设置. :城主可以决定居民的等级. 他们可以成为城镇助手或管理员在townyperms.yml内设置的其他自定义等级. 城主可以用 ‘/town ranklist’ 看到等级列表. 可以用 ‘/town rank {add|remove} {玩家名} {头衔}’. 一个玩家可以拥有多个头衔, allowing admins to create diverse town-roles such as bankers, builders, inviters for the mayor to choose for their trusted 居民. :你不可能管理多个城镇除非你是服务器管理员. 管理员可以这样来管理两个或更多城镇: Example: 管理员鲍勃 狗管理鲍勃想要有个服务器官方城镇, 然而他已经有自己的城镇. Bob 将会建立他的服务器官方城镇并设置税收,土地价格和权限 这种城镇不应该给予居民, 盟军或外来者权限. 鲍勃完成制作他的城镇并输入 /townyadmin set mayor {城镇名} npc 来放置一个虚假的 'npc' 居民作为服务器城镇的城主. 然后鲍勃离开了服务器城镇并创建了他自己的城镇. 使用 /townyadmin set mayor {城镇名} npc 指令鲍勃就能往返于两镇之间. 鲍勃并没有离开他的城镇来把玩家邀请到服务器城镇内! 他可以使用/townyadmin town {城镇名} add {玩家名} 来把玩家拉到服务器城镇内或在 config.yml内设置 default_town_name: 'Server_Town' . 鲍勃也可以添加NPC城镇到一个国家内,只需输入 /ta nation {国家} add {城镇}. ===== 国家 ===== :国家由一个作为国都的城镇和其他多个城镇组成 (或只有一个城镇). 掌控国都的城主就是国王.国家可以对其他国家挑起战事. 国家也有独立的银行. 国家银行可从城镇内收税. :两个国家可以建立同盟国, 来让居民防止friendly fire, 互相发展建设 (如果土地权限开启了ally权限的话,)也可以各自在战争中互助. :之后的版本,你可以限制国家联盟只能是双向的,来让国家 A 无法把国家B视为盟国除非国家B把国家A视为盟国. 你可以在配置内启用这个选项: war.disallow_one_way_alliance, 默认关闭. :并且0.91.0.0之后的版本, you may restrict who can create, join and maintain a nation by requiring a minimum number of 居民. See the Global Town Settings section of the config.yml. ===== 国王 ===== :国王领导国家,也是国都的城主. 国王的权限可在 TownyPerms.yml 内设置. :国王可以决定居民的职位. 他们可以成为国家助手 或其他的自定义职位. 国王 可以用 ‘/nation ranklist’ 查看职位. Players are ranked using ‘/nation rank {add|remove} {玩家名} {头衔}’. A player can have more than one rank assigned, allowing admins to create diverse nation-roles such as bankers, inviters for the king to choose for their trusted 居民. :国王可以对所统治的城镇内的居民设置标题 (prefixes) 和姓氏 (postfixes) . 可以这样设置: :*/nation set title {name} 标题名 :*/nation set surname {name} 姓氏名 :在玩家名后留空来重置标题和姓氏. ===== 配置 Townyperms.yml 和角色头衔 ===== :Towny 之后的版本拥有新的配置文件, TownyPerms.yml, 位于 towny\settings\ 文件夹. :该系统将权限直接到bukkit并兼容其他权限插件 它允许您根据玩家地位自定义权限 (流浪者/居民/城主/国王). 您还可以根据指定的 城镇/国家 头衔分配额外的权限 (助手/vip之类). 这个系统不被城镇权限所限制. 您可以为其组中的任何插件分配任何权限. :This file allows admins to decide what each player-rank can do. Some ranks are assigned automatically: ::*Players without 城镇 are Nomads. ::*Players in 城镇 are Residents. ::*Owners of 城镇 are 城主. ::*Owners of 国家 are 国王. :Some ranks are assigned by 城主 或 国王, and supplement the ranks the players already have: ::*城主 can make a resident a Town Assistant. ::*国王 can make a resident a Nation Assistant. ::*城主 and 国王 can grant admin-created ranks, allowing for diverse customization. :::*A player can attain many Supplemental ranks from their mayor 或 king, allowing for diverse nation/town-roles. :::*Examples of this would be town-builders, town-bankers, nation-bankers, town-inviters, etc. :A resident of a town can see the ranks within their town using ‘/town ranklist’. A mayor can 使用‘/town rank {add|remove} {玩家名} {头衔}’ to give a player a new rank within their town. 国王可以使用/nation rank {add|remove} {玩家名} {头衔}’ to give a player a new rank within their nation. ===== 设置国家和国王的标题, 城镇和国家的名字 ===== :你可以自定义城主, 国王, 城镇, 国都和国家的名字. :This is done with two sections in the config.yml ::*town_level: ::**The basic layout of the townLevel lines are as follows: - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Settlement)' mayorPrefix: 'Hermit ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 16 namePrefix: '' numresidents: 1 - upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Hamlet)' mayorPrefix: 'Chief ' mayorPostfix: '' townBlockLimit: 32 namePrefix: '' numResidents: 2 :*These are read as follows: :*upkeepModifier: 1.0 – 使用a higher multiplier to increase the upkeep as 城镇 get more 居民 (unless you 使用town_plotbased_upkeep:true in which case it is based off of plot-count rather than resident-count.) :*namePostfix: ‘ (Settlement)’ – This is added to the end of the town name. :*mayorPrefix: ‘Hermit ‘ – This is added to the front of the mayor’s name. :*mayorPostfix: ” – This is added to the end of the mayor’s name. :*townBlockLimit: 16 – This decides how many townblocks a town gets, it is only used if town_block_ratio: ‘0’ is set in the config.yml. :*namePrefix: ” – This is added to the front of the town name. :*numresidents: 1 – This is how many 居民 a town needs to have in order to attain the prefixes/postfixes of the townlevel. :*The two levels above are for 城镇 of 1 and 2 居民. When a town is created the mayor’s new town has (Settlement) added to the end of his townname and he is given the prefix of Hermit. When the mayor gets a second resident his town becomes Townname (Hamlet) and he receives the prefix of Chief. :*nation_level: :**The basic layout of the nationLevel lines are as follows: - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nation)' kingPrefix: 'Count ' townBlockLimitBonus: 10 namePrefix: 'Federation of ' numResidents: 10 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' nationTownUpkeepModifier: 1.0 - capitalPostfix: '' upkeepModifier: 1.0 namePostfix: ' (Nation)' kingPrefix: 'Duke ' townBlockLimitBonus: 20 namePrefix: 'Dominion of ' numResidents: 20 capitalPrefix: '' kingPostfix: '' nationTownUpkeepModifier: 1.0 :*这些内容如下所示: :*capitolPostfix: ” – 被添加到国都名字后的后缀. :*upkeepModifier: 1.0 – 随着国家拥有更多居民,增加维护费用的倍数 (除非你使用town_plotbased_upkeep:true 在这种情况下,它是基于 plot-count 而不是 resident-count.) :*namePostfix: ‘ (Nation)’ – 国家名后缀. :*kingPrefix: ‘Count ‘ – 国王名前缀. :*townBlockLimitBonus: 10 – 每个城镇加入国家的区块奖励数. :*namePrefix: ‘Federation of ‘ – 国家名前缀. :*numResidents: 10 – 这是一个国家获得前缀和后缀所需的居民数. :*capitalPrefix: ” – 国都前缀. :*kingPostfix: ” – 国王名后缀. :*nationTownUpkeepModifier: 1.0 – 一个城镇加入国家增加/减少的维护费用率. 这个倍数是在所有其他倍数对城镇维护成本产生影响之后计算的.当设置为 1.0, 维护费用不变. ---- ==== <big>如何发展城镇</big> ==== ===== 城镇起源 ===== :玩家可以输入 /town new {城镇名}来建立城镇.城镇中心就会被设在玩家的脚下,实际上也是城镇的出生地.<br /> :可以用 /town claim 来声明更多区块来扩大城镇. 这些区块需要与已声明的区块接壤. ===== 加入城镇 ===== :有两种方法可以加入城镇, 玩家可以被城主或城镇助手邀请加入. 其次玩家可以加入开放的城镇. :城主及助手可以输入指令/town add {玩家名}来邀请玩家加入你的城镇. 如果服务器安装了 Questioner.jar 并设置 using_questioner: true 在城镇的 config.yml 内,那么玩家可以输入/accept 同意或 /deny 拒绝. :城主 can set their 城镇 to open using /town toggle open. A player who isn’t in a town already can 使用the command /town join {城镇名} to join open 城镇. :When 居民 join 城镇 they increase the number of townblocks accessible to the mayor for claiming. ---- ==== <big>土地所有制</big> ==== ===== 城镇区块 ===== :Towny provides a server admin a hands-off approach to block-protection. Block protection is broken down into plots of land, called townblocks, which by default are 16x16x128 (the full height of the world.) :Townblocks are claimed by town 城主 who can then sell/give individual plots to their town’s 居民. ====== 城镇区块大小 ====== :You change the townblock size in config.yml at ''town_block_size: 16.'' '''Changing this value is suggested only when you first install Towny.'''a :Doing so after entering data will shift things unwantedly. Using smaller value will allow higher precision,at the cost of more work setting up. Also, extremely small values will render the caching done useless. :Each cell is (town_block_size x town_block_size x 128) in size, with 128 being from bedrock to clouds. ====== 设置每次声明城镇区块的范围 ====== :You can change how many town blocks a town gets to claim. This is done in two places. :Towny checks first in the config.yml at ''town_block_ratio: 8'' and by default gives a town 8 townblocks per resident. :You can override this by setting ''town_block_ratio: 0'' and using the townLevel section of the config.yml :More information on the townLevel line and how to configure it is here. ====== 购买城镇区块 ====== :城主 can buy townblocks using /town buy bonus {amount}. An admin can set a maximum limit on how many townblocks a town can buy in the config.yml at max_purchased_blocks: '0'. The price of a bought townblock is also set in the config.yml at price_purchased_bonus_townblock: '25.0'. :Using this feature, 城主 can grow their town without needing new 居民. ===== 土地类型 ===== :Towny post-0.75 has added plot types besides the default. This is to give 城主 more control over their 城镇. :As of now there are: ====== 默认土地 ====== :These plots do not need any specific command to be designated. :They are put up for sale with /plot forsale {$$}. :A plot which is not of default type can be reset to a default plot with /plot set reset. ====== 商店 ====== :Shop plots are designated with /plot set shop :A mayor can 使用/town set shopprice {$$} to set how much shop plots are sold at by default. This can be overriden when a mayor puts the actual plot up for sale with /plot forsale {$$}. :A mayor can also charge an additional shoptax with /town set shoptax {$$}. This tax is charged in addition to the normal plottax. ====== 竞技场 ====== :Arena plots are designated with /plot set arena. :PVP is on all the time in arena plots as well as friendly-fire damage. Town health regen is also disabled in arena plots. ====== 大使馆 ====== :Embassy plots are designated with /plot set embassy :A mayor can 使用/town set embassyprice {$$} to set how much embassy plots are sold at by default. This can be overriden when a mayor puts the actual plot up for sale with /plot forsale {$$}. :A mayor can also charge an additional embassytax with /town set embassytax {$$}. This tax is charged in addition to the normal plottax. :An embassy plot can be bought by any player, whether they are in a town 或 not. The townblock remains owned by the host-town and a mayor from the host-town can take the plot from the owner at any time. :Embassy plots can also be changed into shop plots, allowing for larger shop 城镇, where many different 城镇’ players can set up shops. :When a player leaves a town they do not lose ownership of their plots if those plots are set to be Embassy plots. ====== 荒郊野外 ====== :Wilds plots are designated with /plot set wilds :A wilds plot allows 居民 to destroy the blocks found on the wild ignore ID list. This includes ores, trees, flowers, mushrooms and other harvestable blocks by default. It does not include stone, dirt, grass and other terrain blocks. :It is useful for creating tree farms, and protecting the terrain around a town, while still allowing 居民 to cut trees and explore caves. :Setting up wilds plots can be slightly complex, here are instructions. # Navigate to your towny\data\worlds\WORLDNAME.txt file # Set: #* unclaimedZoneBuild=false #* unclaimedZoneDestroy=false #Configure the unclaimedZoneIgnoreIds line to include the blocks you would like players to break/build. #Go to the Wilds plots you can set using /plot set wilds #使用‘/plot set perm resident build on’ and ‘/plot set perm resident destroy on’ to enable 居民 to break/build using only the blocks in the ignoreIDs list. ====== 旅店 ====== :Inn plots are designated with /plot set inn :An Inn plot allows anyone to 使用a bed to set their ‘/res spawn’ and spawn on death. The Inn plot will still deny a player who is in a nation declared as an enemy by your nation. :For them to function deny_bed_use: ‘true’ must be set in the config.yml ====== 监狱 ====== :Jail plots are designated with /plot set jail :* 可以囚禁玩家 ::*如果玩家所在的城主/警察 把该玩家送到监狱. ::*攻击城镇的人将被视为敌人 (国家关系) dies in that Town. He is sent to the first available Jail plot of the defending town. :*囚犯将被释放 如果: ::*他们离开自己的城镇而变为流浪汉, ::*城镇/警察释放了他, ::*玩家向被监禁的城镇支付保释金, (使用: /resident jail paybail) ::*他们设法逃出了监狱区块并到达荒野. :*囚犯无法传送. :*除非配置里开启,否则囚不能使用末影珍珠. :*死亡的囚犯就会被送回监狱. :*囚犯被杀不会获得金钱. :*囚犯 show their jailed status in the /res [playername] screen, along with the town they are jailed in. :*It is suggested you make a new town rank in the townyperms.yml called Sheriff, and give that rank the towny.command.town.toggle.jail node. Newly generated townyperms.yml files will contain this rank by default. ====== 农场 ====== :Farm plots are designated with /plot set farm :A Farm plot players to only build/destroy blocks designated in the Towny Config.yml at global_town_settings.farm_plot_allow_blocks. By default this list includes “LONG_GRASS, DOUBLE_PLANT, YELLOW_FLOWER, RED_ROSE, PUMPKIN_STEM, MELON_STEM, BEETROOT_BLOCK, CARROT, POTATO, CROPS, MELON_BLOCK, PUMPKIN”. ::Who can build/destroy these blocks is still determined by the plot’s perm line seen in the /plot perm screen. This means that if B=rao, anyone can plant/place the allowed blocks in the plot. If the B=r– then only town 居民 can plant/place the allowed blocks. :If admins want, they can add SOIL to the allowed blocks list, which will allow anyone allowed via the perm line to also make soil with a hoe. By default SOIL is not included and only admins/城主/assistants will be able to create soil with a hoe. Towny already protects soil from being stomped into grass, so soil will only return to dirt if it is not irrigated. :Farm plots also allow town 居民 to kill animals in the plot. The list of animals is set in the config at global_town_settings.farm_animals. By default this list includes “PIG,COW,CHICKEN,SHEEP,MOOSHROOM”. ===== 前哨 ===== :Normally townblocks are claimed around the home block, always connected to the town. To claim a townblock out in the wilderness, a mayor 或 assistant must claim an outpost. :In order for players to claim outposts, the config must be set to ''allow_outposts:'' true and players require towny.town.claim.outpost in their permission node group. :An admin can configure how many outposts a player can claim, this is set in your permissions plugin’s info/option/meta node section using the towny_maxoutposts: {number} info node. [http://towny.palmergames.com/towny/towny-permission-nodes/ See here.] :Outposts cannot be claimed too close to other home blocks, just like when a mayor starts a town they cannot be too close. The exact number is set in the [http://towny.palmergames.com/towny/towny-config-yml/ config.yml] at ''min_distance_from_town_homeblock: 5''. In the default setting an outpost cannot be claimed within 5 townblocks of any other homeblock. :Outposts have two settings in [http://towny.palmergames.com/towny/towny-config-yml/ config.yml] :*By setting ''allow_outposts: false'' you can disable outposts completely. :*You can also set the cost of claiming an outpost with ''price_outpost: 500.0'' :Outposts can be teleported to, 城主 set the spawn point of the outpost when they claim it 或 using ‘/town set outpost’. Players teleport to the outpost using ‘/town outpost x’ (with x being a number 1 – however many outposts the town has.) ===== 出售中的土地 ===== Land is sold by 城主 to Residents that are a part of their town. using_iconomy: true must be set in [http://towny.palmergames.com/towny/towny-config-yml/ config.yml] in order for costs to be applied. 城主 have a command used in game to set the cost of all the plots that are set for sale hence-forth. *''/town set plotprice {$}'' :*This sets the cost of newly-set-for-sale plots, already set-for-sale plots keep their costs. If it is not set, the plots will cost $0 by default. :To put a plot up for sale a mayor, while standing in the plot, type /plot forsale {optional cost} The resident would then type /plot claim while standing in the plot to buy it. ===== 地图用法 ===== :城镇地图展示了网格区块. 使用 /towny map 可以看到地图或者每次你从一个区块走到另一个区块: *使用''/resident set mode map'' to turn it on. *And 使用''/resident set mode reset'' to turn it off. :可以用 /towny map 看到地图. ===== 土地再生 & 未声明的土地 ===== 这里有4个影响城镇区块/土地的设置. ====== 恢复到未成为城镇土地前的原生态的样子 ====== :When a town plot is unclaimed (by a player 或 through upkeep) it will slowly begin to revert to a pre town state. Blocks will slowly change back to whatever blocks we’re present at the moment the town block was claimed. A townblock must revert completely before the snapshot of the townblock is removed. If townblock is reclaimed mid-revert, a new snapshot is not taken and if the townblock is unclaimed again it will revert to the original snapshot. *可在这里关闭这项特性: towny\data\worlds\worldname.txt @ 'usingPlotManagementRevert=false' *或 by using ‘/tw toggle revertunclaim’ while standing in the world you want to toggle it in. *Disabling this feature for new worlds is done in the config at new_world_settings.plot_management.revert_on_unclaim.enabled :你可以设置某些不恢复的方块种类来阻止玩家挖恢复的钻石矿. *不恢复的方块种类可以在data/worlds/worldname.txt内设置 block_ignore *Defaults for new worlds are set in the config at new_world_settings.plot_management.revert_on_unclaim.block_ignore: ====== 在未声明区块内删除预定义ID的方块 ====== :When a town plot is unclaimed (by a player 或 through upkeep) block IDs matching a list will be deleted within that townblock. This can be useful for deleting all signs within a townblock, ensuring any chests locked with Lockette 或 Deadbolt signs are unlocked. *可在这里关闭这项特性: towny\data\worlds\worldname.txt @ ''usingPlotManagementdelete=false'' *Disabling this feature for new worlds is done in the config at new_world_settings.plot_management.block_delete.enabled :You can configure the list of blockIDs to be removed on a per-world basis. *The blockIDs listed in the towny\data\worlds\worldname.txt @ 'plotManagementDeleteIds=' will be removed from the townblock. *Defaults for new worlds are set in the config at new_world_settings.plot_management.block_delete.unclaim_delete ====== 地主和城主的 /plot clear 指令 ====== :A feature available only to Town 城主 on public town land: /plot clear. This command is meant to be used after a plot was personally owned by a resident, who either moved to another plot 或 left town. By default this list includes only signs, useful for 城主 to remove sign-protection on doors, chests, furnaces, dispensers and trapdoors given via Lockette 或 Deadbolt. *可在这里关闭这项特性: in the towny\data\worlds\worldname.txt @ ''usingPlotManagementMayorDelete=false'' *Disabling this feature for new worlds is done in the config at new_world_settings.plot_management.mayor_plotblock_delete.enabled :You configure the list of blockIDs to be removed when this command is used. *The list of blockIDs is listed in the towny\data\worlds\worldname.txt @ ''plotManagementMayorDelete=WALL_SIGN,SIGN_POST'' *Defaults for new worlds are set in the config.yml at new_world_settings.plot_management.mayor_plotblock_delete.mayor_plot_delete 自从 Towny 后的版本, players can 使用this command within plots they personally own. ====== 荒芜大地之回溯 ====== :一个简单的 wild_revert_on_mob_explosion 设置. 将会在一段时间后恢复爆炸破坏的方块. 自从 Towny 后的版本,你可以在这里添加任何实体来回溯爆炸破坏 (包括 Creeper,EnderCrystal,EnderDragon,Fireball,SmallFireball,TNTPrimed). 这些设置被分在不同世界的文件夹, 所以你需要每个世界都更改才有效. *可在这里关闭这项特性: in the towny\data\worlds\worldname.txt @ ''usingPlotManagementWildRegen=true'' *或 by using ‘/tw toggle revertexpl’ while standing in the world you want to toggle it in. *Disabling this feature for new worlds is done in the config at new_world_settings.plot_management.wild_revert_on_mob_explosion.enabled :You can configure how quickly the blocks will regenerate, specifically how much time in between each block being reverted. *The timer is changed in the towny\data\worlds\worldname.txt @ ''usingPlotManagementWildRegenDelay=5'' *The default for new worlds is set in the config.yml at new_world_settings.plot_management.wild_revert_on_mob_explosion.delay ---- ==== <big> 城镇怎样保护玩家的财产安全 </big> ==== :Towny’s genius is the way it lets players protect themselves. An admin doesn’t need to go around protecting land for players, and players can’t run rampant claiming massive amounts of land without working for it and building their 城镇. :The first concept you need to digest are the 4 perm-types and 3 groups. ===== 城镇地皮权限 ===== :There are 4 permission-type values, which can be set for personal plots and for town plots as well (town permissions can be set by the mayor and affect plots who are not owned by any player.) The basic command for this is either ''/resident set perm'' 或 ''/town set perm'' followed by the proper flags for each permission. :Available in Towny and onward are per-plot permissions. Plots start with the default settings for plot perms (be it a resident-owned 或 town-owned plot,) but the owner of the plots can set different perms to different plots. To view a plots perm type ''/plot perm'' and to set a plots’ perms 使用''/plot set perm''. :Default permissions are viewable by typing either ''/resident'' for personal plot perms 或 by typing ''/town'' for town permissions.
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