{{Bukkit Plugin Infobox |插件名=TerrainControl |版本=v2.7.2 |前置插件=无 |兼容服务端版本=1.7.2-1.8.3 |網址=[https://github.com/MCTCP/TerrainControl/wiki/ WikiOnGithub] }} {{待搬运}} [[TerrainControl/en|查看原文]] [https://github.com/MCTCP/TerrainControl/wiki Github Wiki] == 概述 == Terrain Control 是一款高级的地形生成器. 通过多样化的配置文件,它使得用户可以在不了解Java的情况下,而控制Minecraft地形生成机制的大多数方面. 它可以运行在Bukkit/Forge服务端以及带有Forge的单人游戏上. Terrain Control 继承自旧版的 [http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/313991-phoenixterrainmod/ PhoenixTerrainMod], 而其又是基于著名的 [http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/71565-biomemod/ BiomeTerrainMod]. Terrain Control 由[http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/Khoorn/ Khoorn]维护 (同时也是Github上的 [https://github.com/Wickth Wickth] ). *控制水平与垂直方向的地形生成噪声函数 *控制每个生态群系的地形生成高度以及波动性 *由图像生成生态群系图 *控制生态群系,岛屿和大陆的规模 *自定义生态群系 *众多关于洞穴与峡谷的设置项 *控制自然结构的生成,诸如天然矿井、要塞和村庄 *对矿物、植物、地牢、池塘和其他生成物的完全控制 *自定义树木和其他对象(BO2 and BO3) *替换方块 *支持视觉设置,如设置树叶的颜色 (需要客户端也安装TerrainControl) <br /> 想了解更多,来[https://github.com/MCTCP/TerrainControl/wiki/Features 这里]看看吧! == 向导 == === 准备工作 === ==== 安装向导 ==== 时间: 2014.1.5 Terrain Control 插件支持CraftBukkit, Spigot, Cauldron and Forge (甚至担任游戏). 一个普通的jar文件可以在所有这些平台上面运行. * Forge (单人游戏) 首先, 下载并且安装Forge. 运行一次Minecraft以确保所有文件正常运行. 然后通过百科主页面上的下载链接下载插件. 确保和Minecraft本体的版本对应.把文件放进.minecraft文件夹下的mods文件夹. 你现在可以创建一个Terrain Control所定义的世界类型.这个 Mod 只会影响到这一个世界与这个世界的类型. 如果你没有更改在 .minecraft/mods/TerrainControl/worlds/YOUR_WORLD_NAME/ 里面的配置文件, 世界只会成为一个默认的Minecraft世界. 每当你改变了配置, 你必须删除 .minecraft/saves/YOUR_WORLD_NAME/region 文件夹来重新生成世界. 被更改的设置不会影响到已经生成的区块. 向导会教给你如何自定义一个世界类型. * CraftBukkit, Spigot 和 Cauldron 服务器 只需要把jar文件丢尽plugins文件夹,就像其他的Bukkit插件一样. 这并不需要在玩家的客户端上安装相应的单人游戏版本, 但是如果安装了可以体验到更多的特性. 在你安装完成之后, 你必须仍然为你的新世界激活这个插件. 如果你没有一个多世界管理插件类似于Multiverse, 下面给你的 bukkit.yml 来允许插件操作这个世界 (使用空格按钮, 不要使用 tabs!): worlds: 你的世界名称: generator: TerrainControl 如果你使用了 Multiverse, 你可以创建一个Terrain Control 类型的时间通过使用命令: /mv create 世界名称 normal -g TerrainControl 如果你正在使用多世界插件来应用Terrain Control 来更改你的一个默认类型的世界, 也要增加 Terrain Control 到 bukkit.yml (操作:上面描述过). Terrain Control 需要正确的将这个世界初始化为默认世界. (鉴于本人水平,本语段可能出现了歧义) 如果你在使用另一个多世界管理插件, 查找该插件的介绍文档. 使用 TerrainControl (没有一个空格在 Terrain 和 Control之间) 作为控制者名称(即generator 后面填的).区分大小写. 如果你没有更改在 plugins/TerrainControl/worlds/YOUR_WORLD_NAME/ 文件见下的配置, 世界只会成为一个默认的Minecraft世界. 每当你改变了配置, 你必须删除 .minecraft/saves/YOUR_WORLD_NAME/region 文件夹来重新生成世界. 被更改的设置不会影响到已经生成的区块. 向导会教给你如何自定义一个世界类型. * Forge服务器(也就是官服) 确保Forge安装到了服务器. 把插件放进mods文件夹. 去 server.properties 文件然后设置level-type 到 TerrainControl (没有一个空格在 Terrain 和 Control之间). 删除主世界的 level.dat 来得到一个正确的世界类型. 如果你没有更改在 .minecraft/mods/TerrainControl/worlds/YOUR_WORLD_NAME/ 里面的配置文件, 世界只会成为一个默认的Minecraft世界. 每当你改变了配置, 你必须删除 .minecraft/saves/YOUR_WORLD_NAME/region 文件夹来重新生成世界. 被更改的设置不会影响到已经生成的区块. 向导会教给你如何自定义一个世界类型. ==== 准备工作向导 ==== 欢迎,新的使用者! 在你成功的安装Terrain Control之后, 你可以开始创建你的新世界. 创建一个创造模式的世界(TerrainControl作为控制者),世界的种子需要是”12”. 我们使用这个特定的种子是为了使你的世界与教程所介绍的相同.如果你不需要创建一个TerrainControl世界使用这个特定的种子,只需要跳过这个列表. * 如果你是单人游戏, 左键创建新的世界按钮, 选择创造模式作为游戏模式然后填写一个名字. 左键更多世界选项按钮, 把种子改成12然后选择 TerrainControl 作为世界类型. 确保打开了允许作弊, 你需要使用 /tp 命令. * 如果你在 Bukkit 服务器上然后你有 Multiverse 多世界插件,你可以使用 /mv create world_name NORMAL -s 12 -g TerrainControl 来创建世界然后使用 /mv tp world_name 来传送到这个世界. * 如果使用的是另外一个多世界管理插件而且使用的是Bukkit服务器.查询多世界插件的帮助文档.创建一个新世界记得把12作为世界的种子,将TerrainControl作为世界类型. * 如果你在使用Bukkit服务器但是没有任何多世界管理插件,去 bukkit.yml 然后再增加下列内容: worlds: 你的世界名称: generator: TerrainControl 记得把 “你的世界名称” 改为你所习惯的世界名称. 而且,在文件里面不要使用tab键,只能使用空格键.前往 server.properties 文件然后将 level-seed 设置为12.删除整个世界文件夹来得到一个全新的 level.dat 文件含有正确的种子. * 如果你使用的是Forge服务器(官服), 前往 server.properties 然后设置 level-type 为TerrainControl 然后 level-seed 为12. 删除整个世界文件夹来得到一个全新的 level.dat 文件含有正确的种子. 现在登陆一次你的世界让 Terrain Control 生成全新的配置. 使用命令 /seed来验证种子是12. 你会注意到这个世界和默认的Minecraft世界没有任何区别: 别忘记你还没有更改一点点配置文件哟! 关掉你的服务器/游戏吧. 找到你的Terrain Control 设置文件夹.Locate your Terrain Control settings folder. (如果不知道在哪儿可以参考安装说明嘤). 你应该可以看到一些类似于这样的东西: [[文件:TerrainControl-1.png||TerrainControl-1]] 让我们打开 WorldConfig.ini. 使用Notepad 当然很好哦. 但是不要使用含有字体样式的编辑器哦,比如说Word. All lines starting with a # are comments. They give a brief description of each variable. On the WorldConfig page on the wiki, you can usually find a more detailed description. To verify that everything works, we are going to change a variable. GenerationDepth is a nice one to change. If you set it to 9, all biomes get halved in size, in both the x and z directions. If you set it to 11, all biomes get doubled in size, again in both the x and z directions. If you set it to 12 the biomes are as large as in the Large Biomes world type. Let's try that. Change the number to 12 and save the file. If you would (re)start the game/the server now, you still won't see any changes. You have to explore new areas to see the new terrain, just like for any other generator update in Minecraft. Because this is quite annoying, it is a better idea to delete the region folder inside the world folder. This deletes the terrain, but keeps the player positions and the map seed. Never do this while the game/the server is running! After you have deleted the region folder, start the game/the server and test your changes. You should now see a world with large biomes. It's now time to explore the WorldBiomes folder. Again, don't forget to close the game/the server. You see a lot of .bc files, whichs stands for BiomeConfig. Some biomes look very obscure (what is Sky.bc?), others are not a biome at all (Since when is a beach a biome? What about river?), and others use strange names (Mesa Plateau F M?). These names were chosen by Mojang. [[文件:TerrainControl-2.png||TerrainControl-2]] For now you could ignore those strange biomes. Just open up the Desert.bc file. If you scroll down, you will see the BiomeHeight and BiomeVolatility (just below '''Terrain Generator Variables'''). Let's add some hills to the desert! Set BiomeHeight to 0.2 (makes the terrain higher, but not more hilly) and BiomeVolatility to 0.4 (makes the terrain more hilly). Now save the result, delete the region folder, and find a desert biome. If you indeed used the seed 12, you can easily teleport to one using the command /tp -19 80 -306. [[文件:TerrainControl-3.png||TerrainControl-3]] Maybe the stone in the cliff annoys you, wouldn't sandstone look better? Close the game/the server, open the Desert.bc and set StoneBlock (in the Blocks section) to SANDSTONE. This replaces all stone with sandstone. Stop the game/server, delete the region folder and start the game/server again. [[文件:TerrainControl-4.png||TerrainControl-4]] Now you have seen a tiny bit of the power of Terrain Control. It's time for the next step! If you just want to know what each setting does, you can take a look at the other settings in WorldConfig and the BiomeConfigs. If you want to start creating custom biomes, you should read this tutorial, which starts at the point where this tutorial ends. On the home page you could also find a lot of other (external) tutorials. The examples page might also be useful. ==== Your first custom biome ==== In this tutorial we are going to create our first custom biome. In the previous tutorial we modified the standard desert to be more hilly and to have sandstone instead of stone. We will now create a hilly area with a lot of flowers and some trees. You can continue working on the world of the previous tutorial. Alternatively, you can create a new world with the seed 12. Make sure that the GenerationDepth setting (found in the WorldConfig.ini) is set to 12 too. This will make the biomes bigger. If you have done that correctly, the coordinates found in the tutorial will work for you. If not, you will find yourself lost in some other biome and you'll have to search around a lot. We'll start by adding the custom biome to the biome lists. The first list we are going to modify is the CustomBiomes list. Open up the WorldConfig.ini file and search for that setting. Edit the line with CustomBiomes to look like this: CustomBiomes:Flowerfield:40 This will make Terrain Control generate and read the config files for the biome called Flowerfield. The biome will have the id 40. Biome ids work just like block ids, except that they are separate lists and that 254 is the highest possible biome id. Just like block ids, two biomes may not share the same id. If you restart the server/game now, you'll see that a new file in the BiomeConfigs directory has popped up: FlowerfieldBiomeConfig.ini. However, your world looks still the same. We need to add our biome to one of the biome lists. NormalBiomes, found in the WorldConfig.ini, is a good choice, as it lets the biome generate as a normal biome, just like most of Minecraft's biomes. Add your biome to the NormalBiomes list: NormalBiomes:Desert,Forest,Extreme Hills,Swampland,Plains,Taiga,Jungle,Flowerfield Make sure the server is closed/world is unloaded, remove the region folder inside the world folder and start the server/load the world again. If use the command /tp -1010 78 -11 to teleport to that location, you can see the custom biome. It doesn't look very nice yet, but hey, we haven't yet changed any settings of the biome: [[文件:TerrainControl-5.png|TerrainControl-5]] If you aren't using the Terrain Control mod on singleplayer, the colors will look a little bit different. First of all, we are going to make the biome a lot greener. Open up the FlowerfieldBiomeConfig.ini. Scroll down until you see the Visuals and weather section. You can change the colors of the biome here. However, if you don't have the Terrain Control client mod, you won't see any effect. If you are going to use the map on singleplayer, this is of course no problem, but if you are going to use the world on a Bukkit server, most of your players will only see the standard Minecraft colors. All colors are hexadecimal. You can Google around a bit to find a color picker. Please note that most color pickers will prefix the color with a #, which is common in the webdesign-world. Terrain Control however requires you to use 0x instead, which is common in the Java-world. For this tutorial, we aren't going to use the color settings. Terrain Control has a cool option to save the biome with the id of another biome. This will cause the colors, weather and mobs of the biome to look like the other biome. Luckily, the terrain shape and features will still look the same. We are going to use the mushroom isle biome for this, as it has nice green grass (normally you can't see that, as the biome is covered in mycelium, but try placing down a block of grass there and you'll see it). As an added bonus, no hostily mobs will spawn in our flower field, as the mushroom biome has them disabled. Scroll up to find the ReplaceToBiomeName setting and set it to MushroomIsland. Make sure the server is closed/world is unloaded, remove the region folder inside the world folder and start the server/load the world again. If use the command /tp -1010 78 -11 to teleport to that location, you can now see that the biome is a lot greener: [[文件:TerrainControl-6.png|TerrainControl-6]] Now we are going to make the biome a bit more hilly. Open up the FlowerfieldBiomeConfig.ini again and set BiomeVolatility to 0.5. If you would take a look now, you'll see that the land drops below sea level now on some places. We don't want this, so to fix this we raise the biome a bit, without making it more hilly. Set BiomeHeight to 0.5 to make the biome a bit higher. Close the server/world, remove the region folder and open the server/world again. You should now see some hills: [[文件:TerrainControl-7.png|TerrainControl-7]] Now we are going to add some resources to the biome. Terrain Control has a powerful resource system. It consists of a long list of resources. Each resource can be an ore, a plant, a tree, a small lake, etc. Almost all resources have a frequency setting which tells how many times that resource must be processed for the chunk. Almost all resources also have a rarity setting, which determines the chance of success for each attempt. Usually the terrain is another limiting factor: if there is not enough space for a tree there, it simply won't spawn, regardless of a rarity of 100. Resources use the function syntax, which is also used on some other places in the configs. It works like this: NameOfFunction(parameter,parameter,parameter,...) If you already have experience with a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, this syntax should be familiar. Each parameter does affects something in the resource. All resources placed together form a list, called the resources queue. It is out of the scope of this tutorial to explain every possible resource (see this page for that), but some interesting resources for our plant biome will be described. Flowers are single block resources in Minecraft. In the resources queue there are two resources designed for single-block things. Grass is easier to work with than Plant, but it can only spawn on top of the terrain. Plant chooses a random height between it' min and max height and then looks whether the location is suitable. Grass simply places itself on the highest block, which it can look up from the heightmap. For some reason Mojang placed flowers using the Plant resource in Minecraft. There is no reason for us to do the same, we are going to use the Grass resource. The syntax of the Grass resource is as follows: Grass(Block,BlockData,Frequency,Rarity,BlockSource[,BlockSource2,BlockSource3.....]) Block is the id or name of the block to spawn. BlockData is the block data from 0 to 15. Frequency and Rarity were just explained a few paragraphs back. BlockSource is the block to spawn on. First of all, we remove the standard lines with flowers, as we are not going to use the Plant resource for them. Remove these two lines from the resources queue: Plant(RED_ROSE,2,100.0,0,128,GRASS,DIRT,SOIL) Plant(YELLOW_FLOWER,2,100.0,0,128,GRASS,DIRT,SOIL) And add the following Grass resources at the end of the resources queue: Grass(RED_ROSE,0,40,100,GRASS) Grass(YELLOW_FLOWER,0,80,100,GRASS) This should add 40 red roses and 80 yellow flowers to each chunk. Of course, the terrain is not always suitable, so we'll see less flowers. Another thing is that on each attempt a random location in the chunk is choses, which means that it can choose a location that already has a flower! Nevertheless, if you close the server/world, remove the region folder and open the server/world again, you should see this: [[文件:TerrainControl-8.png|TerrainControl-8]] That are a lot of flowers! Let's add some tall grass as well to the biome. There is already a tall grass resource in the resources queue, so let's just increase the frequency of that resource. Change this line: Grass(LONG_GRASS,1,10,100.0,GRASS,DIRT) To this line: (note that the 10 is replaced with the 80) Grass(LONG_GRASS,1,80,100.0,GRASS,DIRT) Close the server/world, remove the region folder and open the server/world again. Looks a lot better, doesn't it: [[文件:TerrainControl-9.png|TerrainControl-9]] We're almost done with this tutorial, but we still want to add some trees. Without trees, it is very difficult to survive in a biome. The syntax of the tree resource is as follows: Tree(Frequency,TreeType,TreeType_Chance[,Additional_TreeType,Additional_TreeType_Chance.....]) It has a nifty syntax to specify what trees you want. For each attempt (there are Frequency attempts), it first chooses the first TreeType. If this Treetype fails to spawn, either because of the TreeType_Chance (this is a success percentage) or because of unsuitable terrain, it continues to the next one, the Additional_TreeType. If that tree also fails to spawn, it continues to the next one. This continues until all tree types in the list have been processed. Some tree types have bad names. For example, Forest is actually a birch tree. Tree is simply an oak tree. Add this line to the end of the resources queue: Tree(1,Forest,4,Tree,4) This means that there is just one attempt in each chunk. In that attempt, there is a 4% chance that the birch spawns (provided the terrain is suitable for that tree). If the birch tree doesn't spawn, there is a 4% chance that a normal oak tree will spawn. Close the server/world, remove the region folder and open the server/world again. Our biome is now technically finished: [[文件:TerrainControl-10.png|TerrainControl-10]] However, if you are on Bukkit and use the command /tc map, the biome will show up as a block biome. You can change this by choosing another color for the BiomeColor setting. We will use 0xb8e65c. Close the server/world, remove the region folder and open the server/world again. Execute the command /tc map. You should get a map like this one: [[文件:TerrainControl-11.png|TerrainControl-11]] If you had any problems recreating this world, you can download the completed version here. Congratulations, you have just created your own custom biome! You can now create as many custom biomes as you want. You know how to create hills, forests, grass, flowers, etc. Some additional tips: * BiomeTemperature:0 will cause the biome to be covered by snow. However, people without the TC mod on the client will see snow on the ground, but rain in the air. To fix this you can use ReplaceToBiomeName:Taiga. * Water is generated when the terrain falls under the sea level. Using the BiomeVolatility and BiomeHeight settings you can best control how the land is shaped. * Take a look in the configs of the default biomes to see how a certain effect is achieved. The downloads thread in the TC forums is also a valuable resource. Good luck! ==== Common problems ==== Terrain Control doesn't always do what you would expect. On this page some problems frequently encountered by beginners are highlighted. If you're still stuck, you can create a [http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/terrain-control/forum/ forum topic] that describes your problem. Be as detailed as possible and be prepared to post your startup log (preferably on pastebin.com or similar) or your settings (preferably in a ZIP file). * My world settings folder isn't created, only GlobalObjects exists. Terrain Control won't take over all your worlds when you install it. You'll need to enable it first for a world. Closely follow the installation instructions. When you're still stuck, it is important to post your startup logs when you are creating a forum topic. * My settings don't have any effect on the terrain. Have you tried regenerating the terrain? If yes, move your TerrainControl folder, start the server/the game again and look whether Terrain Control has remade the settings files. If not, Terrain Control is not even reading them. See the problem above this one on how to solve that. If yes, look at the BiomeMode and TerrainMode and make sure that they aren't set to Default (which makes them ignore your settings and use the vanilla settings instead). * I'm spawning in an ocean and I can't find any land Don't worry, it is there. Keep swimming. Alternatively, you can change the seed of the map (for servers: you'll need a new level.dat for this, changing it only in the server.properies isn't enough) to something else. The seed 11 will spawn you on land with the default settings. You can also disable or reduce the oceans using the LandRarity setting in the WorldConfig: [[文件:TerrainControl-12.png|TerrainControl-12]] * This specific setting doesn't work (but other settings do) Most settings are case sensitive and whitespace sensitive, so be precise. Some settings need higher values to give a noticeable effect. Other settings need the Terrain Control client (see the comments in the files and/or this wiki). Some settings are dependant on another setting (again, see the comments in the files and/or this wiki). If you are not experienced with Terrain Control, always make sure that SettingsMode is set to WriteAll. This will make Terrain Ontrol reset or remove everything it doesn't understand, so that you'll immediately notice that something was wrong. === Intermediate === ==== How to create a world from an image ==== ==== Basic world customization ==== ==== Basic biomes customization ==== === Advanced === ==== A TerrainControl Analysis ==== == The settings explained == === Variable names === === WorldConfig === === BiomeConfigs === === PluginConfig === === BO2 Objects === === BO3 Objects === === Land Fuzzy === == Other pages == === Examples page === === Commands and Permissions === === Compatibility with other mods === === Compatibility with WorldPainter === == External tutorials == * General tutorial by mysource * Effect of the seed on a map and working with higher (y>128) worlds by mysource * Achieve certain world styles by mysource * Create a map by image by mysource * World merging by mysource * How Terrain Control's biome generator works by Khoorn * Cave variables explained by thedeadlytao * GenerationDepth and LandSize/Rarity Explained by thedeadlytao
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