{{待翻译}} http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/mcmmo/ http://mcmmo.wikia.com/wiki/McMMO_Wiki https://github.com/mcMMO-Dev/mcMMO == 来自 bukkit 发布帖的内容== ===McMMO 指令=== 说明: 显示简介和完整的指令列表. 输入方法: /mcmmo [commands] 别名: 无 权限节点: 无 详细内容: 显示简介和完整的指令列表. ====•McStats 指令==== 说明: 显示你的 mcMMO 等级和经验. 输入方法: /mcstats 别名: /stats 权限节点: 无 详细内容: 显示你的 mcMMO 等级和经验. ===组队指令相关=== ====ptp 指令==== 说明: 传送到一个组队成员附近. 输入方法: /ptp [name] 例如: /ptp nossr50 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.ptp 详细内容: 你可以输入ptp指令,传送到一个组队成员附近. ====party 指令==== 说明: 管理你的组队相关内容 输入方法: /party 查看队伍详细信息. /party create <队伍名> <密码> 创建一个队伍. /party join <队伍名> <密码> 加入一个玩家队伍. /party invite <玩家名> 邀请一个玩家加入你的队伍. /party accept <玩家名> 允许一个玩家加入你的队伍. /party password <密码> 设置你现在拥有队伍的密码. /party kick <玩家名> 将一个玩家移除队伍. /party owner <玩家名> 将队伍转让给一个玩家. /party expshare [无/equal] 设置队伍经验共享. /party lock 锁定队伍. /party unlock 解锁队伍. /party q 离开你目前所在的队伍. /party ? 关于组队的更多信息. 例如: /party create CoolGrindersParty pass1234 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.party 详细内容: 通过party指令,你可以创建一个队伍或加入一个队伍。 ====partychat 指令==== 说明: 设置组队聊天打开/关闭或发送一条队伍聊天信息. 输入方法: /partychat [message] 例如: /pc hello! (译者注:发送一条队伍聊天信息) /partychat (译者注:设置队伍聊天开关) 别名: p pc 权限节点: mcmmo.chat.partychat 详细内容: 通过这个指令,你可以和你的组队成员在你们的私人领域聊天,只有你们自己的组员才能看到这些消息。 ===adminchat 指令=== 说明: 设置管理员聊天打开/关闭或发送一条队伍聊天信息. 输入方法: /adminchat /a [message] 别名: /a /ac 权限节点: mcmmo.chat.adminchat 详细内容: 设置管理员聊天打开/关闭或发送一条队伍聊天信息,只有拥有指定权限节点(译者注:权限节点即为mcmmo.chat.adminchat) ===mcrefresh 指令=== 说明: 重置某个玩家McMMO的所有冷却时间 输入方法: /mcrefresh [player] 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.mcrefresh mcmmo.commands.mcrefresh.others 详细内容: With this command, you can refresh your own ability cool downs, or those of the targeted player. ===mcgod 指令=== 说明: McMMO 上帝模式的开关. 输入方法: /mcgod [player] 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.mcgod mcmmo.commands.mcgod.others 详细内容: 你可以用这个指令控制你/其他人McMMO上帝模式的开关,在此模式下你是无敌的. ===xprate 指令=== 说明: 设置经验比例或重置经验比例. 输入方法: /xprate [rate] /xprate reset 别名: /mcxprate 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.xprate.all mcmmo.commands.xprate mcmmo.commands.xprate.reset mcmmo.commands.xprate.set 详细内容: 你可以输入这个指令开启一次McMMO经验加成的活动.例如输入/xprate 2开启一次全体双倍经验的活动!所有人皆享有经验加成! ===mmoedit 指令=== 说明: 修改某个玩家的McMMO技能等级. 输入方法: /mmoedit [player] <skill> <level> 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.mmoedit mcmmo.commands.mmoedit.others 详细内容: 这个指令是用来修改玩家某个技能的等级的.输入 /mmoedit nossr50 herbalism 613 会设置玩家 nossr50 的 Herbalism 技能等级为 613. ===addxp 指令=== 说明: 向一名玩家增加某技能的经验. 输入方法: /addxp [player] <skill> <xp> 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.addxp mcmmo.commands.addxp.others 详细内容: 这个指令是用来给一名玩家加某个技能的经验的.使用/addxp nossr50 mining 45 会给 nossr50 增加45点 Mining 技能的经验. ===addlevels 指令=== 说明: 添加一个玩家的McMMO等级. 输入方法: /addlevels [player] <技能名> <等级> 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.addlevels mcmmo.commands.addlevels.others 详细内容: 这个指令可以用来给某个用户增加技能等级.输入 /addlevels nossr50 acrobatics 12 会在玩家 nossr50 现有的 Acrobatics 等级上加12. ===mcremove 指令=== 说明: 将一个用户从数据库移除. 输入方法: /mcremove [player] 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.mcremove 详细内容: 这个指令会将玩家从数据库移除.输入 /mcremove nossr50 会将 nossr50 从数据库中移除. ===skillreset 指令=== 说明: 重置一个或你全部的mcmmo技能等级. 输入方法: /skillreset [player] <skill> 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.skillreset mcmmo.commands.skillreset.acrobatics mcmmo.commands.skillreset.archery mcmmo.commands.skillreset.axes mcmmo.commands.skillreset.excavation mcmmo.commands.skillreset.fishing mcmmo.commands.skillreset.herbalism mcmmo.commands.skillreset.mining mcmmo.commands.skillreset.others.all mcmmo.commands.skillreset.repair mcmmo.commands.skillreset.smelting mcmmo.commands.skillreset.swords mcmmo.commands.skillreset.taming mcmmo.commands.skillreset.unarmed mcmmo.commands.skillreset.woodcutting 详细内容: 重置一个或你全部的mcmmo技能等级.This command is used to reset a users skill level. Using /skillreset nossr50 herbalism will set nossr50's Herbalism level and experience to 0. Using /skillreset will reset your own stats for every skill. ===mcpurge 指令=== 说明: 从服务器数据库中清除0技能等级的用户或者未在几个月内登陆过的用户. 输入方法: /mcpurge 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.mcpurge 详细内容: 使用 /mcpurge 会立即在服务器数据库中启动一个清理进程,默认的McMMO设定下会清除一切无作为和6个月内从未连接过服务器的玩家. ===mcconvert 指令=== 说明: 从不同的数据库类型和格式类型间转换。 输入方法: /mcconvert database <flatfile|sql> /mcconvert experience <linear|exponential> 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.mcconvert 详细内容: 这个指令可以把一个无格式文件转换到MySQL数据库中, 反之亦然. 它也可以把一个不仅合规范的文本变成一个规范的文本. ===mcimport 指令=== 说明: 全自动生成插件设置文本. 输入方法: /mcimport 别名: 无 权限节点: mcmmo.commands.mcimport 详细内容: 这个指令可以用在从你的Cauldron启动日志中来导入并重生成插件设置,你需要至少1.7.x才能运行这个指令. 创建一个 /mcMMO/mods/ 的文件夹. 将你的Cauldron 1.7+运行日志放到其中并重命名import.log. 注意在系统创建时,最佳状态是每次启动或关闭服务器保存一次日志,或编辑你的日志文件使它只剩下你想导入的内容,这样可以有效加速导入速度. 当服务器在运行时,你使用 /mcimport 时可以在控制台中看到导入进程,当导入完成后它将会全被导出到 /mcMMO/mods/output/. 任何你放在文件夹中但名字不为import.log的设置文件,你需要手动让它们符合标准. 现在你只需要把所有output文件夹中的内容整合起来,然后填入经验收益倍数. == 来自McMMO Wiki的内容 == === Commands === '''Commands''' are simple lines of code used in-game as a way to keep track of various aspects of the plugin that range from general information to in-depth Mcmmo {| class="toc" id="toc" style=" " |- | {| class="wikitable" style=" height: 235px; width: 630px; " |- |Toggle ability notifications on/off. |- |/mcremove <playername> |as |- |/mcpurge |Purges all users from MySQL or FlatFile. |- |/a OR /ac | Toggles Admin Chat (Not working) |- |/xplock <skillname> |Lock the xp bar to named skill. |- |/mcrefresh [player] |Refreshes all cooldowns for McMMO or optionally named player.(Not Working) |} |} [[Category:Configuration]] [[Category:Axes]] [[Category:Commands]] [[Category:Moderator]] === Configuration === {{Stub}} ==== MySQL ==== Optional configuration to use a MySQL database instead of the YAML flatfiles. If you intend to use MySQL, make sure you configure all of the parts in this section! MaxConnections and MaxPoolSize can probably be left alone for smaller servers, but a foray into the official MySQL documentation for both would not be discouraged... MySQL: Enabled: false # Set to true to enable MySQL Database: User_Name: UserName # Username for the mysql server. Usually "root" User_Password: UserPassword # Password for the mysql server Name: DataBaseName # The database in which the mcmmo data will be stored TablePrefix: mcmmo_ # The prefix of each mcmmo table in said database MaxConnections: # Max number of clients connected to the mysql server. Misc: 30 # Must be high enough to support multiple sequential logins Load: 30 Save: 30 MaxPoolSize: # Cached connections that are always held available Misc: 10 Load: 20 Save: 20 Server: Port: 3306 # Port of the mysql server Address: localhost # Address of the mysql server ==== General ==== Miscellaneous settings, used thorough the functionalities. ===== Locale ===== :'''''String''''': This sets the language and locale settings used in the plugin, currently supported values are ''''<nowiki>en_us'</nowiki>''', ''''<nowiki>fi'</nowiki>''', ''''<nowiki>de'</nowiki>''', ''''<nowiki>fr'</nowiki>''', ''''<nowiki>es'</nowiki>''' and ''''<nowiki>pl'</nowiki>'''. Further languages can be implemented, see [[Localization]]. Defaults to ''''<nowiki>en_us'</nowiki>'''. ===== General Features ===== ===== Items ===== Items: Chimaera_Wing: Enabled: true Cooldown: 240 Warmup: 5 RecentlyHurt_Cooldown: 60 Prevent_Use_Underground: true Use_Cost: 1 Recipe_Cost: 5 Item_Name: FEATHER Sound_Enabled: true ===== Colors ===== Spout: Menu: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Taming: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Acrobatics: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Border: BLUE: 0.0 GREEN: 0.0 RED: 0.0 Background: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.75 RED: 0.75 Woodcutting: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Archery: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Axes: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Repair: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Fishing: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Excavation: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Herbalism: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Unarmed: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 Mining: BLUE: 0.75 GREEN: 0.3 RED: 0.3 ===== Experience ===== ''Note: Multiplier values are applied inversely. For example to double the amount of xp earned, change the multiplier value from 1.0 to 0.5.'' Experience: Fishing: Base: 200 Formula: Multiplier: Swords: 0.25 Taming: .5 Acrobatics: .6 Sorcery: .05 Excavation: 0.25 Herbalism: 0.25 Unarmed: .5 Woodcutting: 0.25 Mining: 0.25 Archery: 0.25 Axes: 1.0 Repair: .8 Gains: Mobspawners: Enabled: true Multiplier: PVP: 1 Global: 0.25 PVP: Rewards: true Excavation: Base: 40 Cake: 3000 Sulphur: 30 Bones: 30 Map: 200 Slimeballs: 100 Bucket: 100 Apple: 100 Mushroom: 80 Eggs: 100 Slowsand: 80 Watch: 200 Web: 150 String: 200 Glowstone: 80 Music: 3000 Diamond: 1000 Cocoa_Beans: 100 Woodcutting: Birch: 70 Spruce: 80 Pine: 90 Herbalism: Sugar_Cane: 30 Cactus: 30 Flowers: 100 Pumpkin: 20 Mushrooms: 150 Wheat: 50 Melon: 20 Nether_Wart: 50 Lily_Pads: 100 Vines: 10 Mining: Sandstone: 30 Glowstone: 30 Lapis: 400 Obsidian: 150 Stone: 30 Netherrack: 30 Gold: 350 Redstone: 150 Coal: 100 Diamond: 750 lapis: 400 Iron: 250 ===== Sorcery-What is this? ===== Sorcery: Spells: Water: 15 Thunder: 15 Curative: 15 Cure_Self: 15 Mana_Cost: 5 Cure_Other: 15 Mana_Cost: ===== Gathering ===== Excavation: Drops: Cocoa_Beans: true Mushrooms: true Glowstone: true Eggs: true Apples: true Cake: true Music: false Diamond: true Slowsand: true Sulphur: true Netherrack: true Bones: true Fishing: Drops: Gold_Tools: true Diamond_Armor: true Stone_Tools: true Diamonds: true Iron_Armor: true Iron_Tools: true Diamond_Tools: true Item_Drops_Enabled: true Records: true Blaze_Rod: true Leather_Armor: true Drop_Chance: Tier_1: 15 Tier_2: 20 Tier_3: 25 Tier_4: 30 Tier_5: 30 Gold_Armor: true Glowstone_Dust: true Ender_Pearl: true Wooden_Tools: true =====Commands===== Commands: mctop: Name: mctop Enabled: true addxp: Name: addxp Enabled: true mcability: Name: mcability Enabled: true mcrefresh: Name: mcrefresh Enabled: true mcmmo: Name: mcmmo Enabled: true Donate_Message: true mcc: Name: mcc Enabled: true mcgod: Name: mcgod Enabled: true stats: Name: stats Enabled: true mmoedit: Name: mmoedit Enabled: false ptp: Name: ptp Enabled: true party: Name: party Enabled: tru myspawn: Name: myspawn Enabled: true whois: Name: whois Enabled: true invite: Name: invite Enabled: true accept: Name: accept Enabled: true clearmyspawn: Name: clearmyspawn Enabled: true =====Abilities===== =====Skills=== Skills: Agility: Level_Cap: 200 #Level cap of 0 for no limit Range: Level_Cap: 200 Strength: Level_Cap: 200 Excavation: Level_Cap: 200 Requires_Shovel: true Fishing: Level_Cap: 100 Herblore: Level_Cap: 200 Green_Thumb: Cobble_To_Mossy: true Mining: Level_Cap: 200 Requires_Pickaxe: true Smithing: Level_Cap: 200 Leather: ID: 334 String: Name: Leather ID: 287 Stone: Name: Cobblestone ID: 4 Wood: Name: Wood Planks ID: 5 Gold: Name: Gold Bars ID: 266 Anvil_Messages: true Diamond: Name: Diamond Level_Required: 50 ID: 264 Iron: Name: Iron Bars ID: 265 Attack: Level_Cap: 200 Summoning: Level_Cap: 200 Call_Of_The_Wild: Bones_Required: 10 Defence: Level_Cap: 200 Woodcutting: Level_Cap: 200 Requires_Axe: true [[Category:Configuration]] === Localization === {{Stub}} First of all use an archive program like WinRar or 7zip to open up mcMMO.jar and navigate to com\gmail\nossr50\locale\ inside the Jar file. Here you will see a file called locale_en_US.properties this is the localization file for en_US and will be the template for other languages. You can either modify all strings in this file or copy it and start making a new file for localization. If you want to make a file for another language you would copy locale_en_US.properties and rename the en_US part of it to something else. Then inside mcmmo.properties you will change the localization file setting from en_US to whatever the new files name is. You would have to add your new localization file to the same location in mcMMO.jar that messages_en_US.properties is in. For example, If you were translating mcMMO to Mexican Spanish you would name it es_MX. If you want to know what the correct name for your localization would be you can check the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1 ISO 639-1 Table]. I'll probably change these files to be located inside your plugins folder in future versions. Anyways theres a few things you should know about the localization files, they use special words to insert color codes, for example <nowiki>[[GREEN]]</nowiki> will insert the green color code. These are based on the ChatColor bukkit uses found [https://github.com/Bukkit/Bukkit/blob/master/src/main/java/org/bukkit/ChatColor.java in this source file]. So if you want to insert RED used in bukkit, write <nowiki>[[RED]]</nowiki> in the localization file. If you fully translate mcMMO into another language [[User talk:Nossr50|contact Nossr50]] to get it included into mcMMO. === Permissions === ;Party : Allows players to enter a party using /party <party name> : 'mcmmo.commands.party' ;Party Teleport : Let players use the party teleport command. : 'mcmmo.commands.ptp' ;Mining Ability : Allows the use of the [[Mining#Ability|Super Breaker]] ability. : 'mcmmo.ability.mining' ;Axes Ability : Allows the use of the [[Axes#Ability|Skull Splitter]] ability. : 'mcmmo.ability.axes' ;Excavation Ability : Allows the use of the [[Excavation#Ability|Giga Drill Breaker]] ability. : 'mcmmo.ability.excavation' ;Swords Ability : Allows the use of the [[Swords#Ability|Serrated Strike]] ability. : 'mcmmo.ability.swords' ;Unarmed Ability : Allows the use of the [[Unarmed#Ability|Beserk]] ability. : 'mcmmo.ability.unarmed' ====[[:Category:Skills|Skills]]==== ;All Skills : Allows access to all of the skills. Recommended. : 'mcmmo.skills.*' ;Mining : Allows the use of the [[Mining]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.mining' ;Woodcutting : Allows the use of the [[Woodcutting]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.woodcutting' ;Repair : Allows the use of the [[Repair]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.repair' ;Unarmed : Allows the use of the [[Unarmed]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.unarmed' ;Archery : Allows the use of the [[Archery]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.archery' ;Herbalism : Allows the use of the [[Herbalism]] skills. : 'mcmmo.skills.herbalism' ;Excavation : Allows the use of the [[Excavation]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.excavation' ;Swords : Allows the use of the [[Swords]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.swords' ;Acrobatics : Allows the use of the [[Acrobatics]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.acrobatics' ;Axes : Allows the use of the [[Axes]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.axes'. ;Taming : Allows the use of the [[Taming]] skill. : 'mcmmo.skills.taming'. ; ; === API === <p>The mcMMO API is a new utility to mcMMO. It is used with the new events system, to make it easy.</p><br /> <p>The basic syntax goes like this:</p><br /> <div style="background: #DDD;"> <p>package packagename;<br />import com.gmail.nossr50.events.McMMOPlayerLevelUpEvent;<br /><br />public class MyListener implements Listener {<br /> </p> <p>@EventHandler<br /> public void onPlayerLevelUp(McMMOPlayerLevelUpEvent event) {<br /> Player player = event.getPlayer();<br /> SkillType skill = event.getSkill();<br /> }</p> <p><br />}</p> </div> <p>That would be your Listener class. Now, you just add this line into your public void onEnable():</p><div style="background: #DDD;"> <p>Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new MyListener(this), this);</p> </div> <p>From there you can extend and add more features. :D</p> [[Category:API]] === Compatible Software === [[File:ZombiePigmanFace.png|right|zombie pig man]] These plugins are plugins that are either add extra functions to McMMO (i.e. Money2Xp allows the purchase of experience through iConomy) or a web page that display stats or features to a web page. ====WS:==== [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/info-web-ws-v0-2-web-stat-page-for-mcmmo-740.15315/ WS] is a simple WebStat page for McMMo. It is currently updated for [http://bukkit.org bukkit] build #740 and is compatible with McMMO V1.0.05 or later (because it uses mySQL). The respective topic on the [http://forums.bukkit.org bukkit forums] can be found [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/info-web-ws-v0-2-web-stat-page-for-mcmmo-740.15315/ here] . ====McMMO Web Stats:==== mcMMO Web Stats is a simple PHP page you can link to directly or include in an existing page to display the mcMMO stats of every player on your server. Think of it like a character sheet for your players. It's respective [http://forums.bukkit.org bukkit forum] topic can be found [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/info-web-mcmmo-web-stats-v1-1-a-web-based-view-of-your-mcmmo-stats-0-556.9815/ here]. It is confirmed to be compatible with McMMO V0.9.2 and later. ====Money2Xp:==== [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-econ-money2xp-v0-2-3-train-your-mcmmo-skills-using-money-now-with-zones-740.11831/ Money2Xp] is a slightly complicated (but very clever) plugin that allows the purchase of McMMO skill experience, with support for the [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/econ-iconomy-5-0-eruanna-602-740.40/ iConomy] and [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/econ-boseconomy-v0-6-2-simple-server-economy-714.4874/ BOSEconomy] plugins. It also requires the [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-dev-permissions-v2-7-2-phoenix-now-with-real-multiworld-permissions-740.5974/ Permissions] plugin and a McMMO version of 1.0 or later. It is currently updated for [http://bukkit.org bukkit] build #740 and the forum topic can be found [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-econ-money2xp-v0-2-3-train-your-mcmmo-skills-using-money-now-with-zones-740.11831/ here] . :) discontinued : ====VirtualChest:==== [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/gen-mech-virtualchest-3-6-1-have-a-chest-with-you-everywhere-iconomy-5-0-4-6-permissions-740.11695/ VirtualChest] is not a plugin that adapts or adds an existing feature - it is "A Virtual Chest is a chest that can't be accessed in the "physical world of minecraft" - there is no block, nothing", with added support for McMMO parties (more than one player may access it if they are in an McMMO party). The [http://forums.bukkit.org bukkit forum] topic can be found [http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/gen-mech-virtualchest-3-6-1-have-a-chest-with-you-everywhere-iconomy-5-0-4-6-permissions-740.11695/ here], and the plugin is currently updated for bukkit build #740. === Admin Video === 在Wiki上未编辑 === Source Code === https://github.com/mcMMO-Dev/mcMMO