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至少4.1以上版本的 MythicMobs

一些机械需要用到 HolographicDisplays





attackable behind BiomeFix crouching damageable
eir facingDirection FactionsFlag getBowTension getIndicator
hasMeta hasSpawner hasTarget inFaction inFront
inMobArena inMotion inSolidBlock isBurning isGoggling
isPresent isSpinning isStunned isVehicle jumping
lastBowTension lastDamageCause leir lookAtMe looksAtMe
MobsInRadius moveSpeed onCooldown onSolidBlock ownerAlive
ownsItem ownsItemSimple parsedStance pir playerTime
playerWeather relativeDirection running sameFaction sameSpawner
sameWorld sleeping testfor vDistance WGDenySpawnFlag WGStateFlag



- biomefix{b=[SINGLE/ARRAY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 例子: - biomefix{b=DESERT,PLAINS;action=true}

- crouching{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 例子: - crouching{action=true}

- eir{types=[SINGLE/ARRAY/ALL];amount=[数值/数值范围];radius=[数值];action=[boolean];insameblock/isb=[BOOLEAN]}
 例子: - eir{types=ARMOR_STAND;amount=1;radius=5;action=true}

- facingdirection{d=[CARDINAL-POINT];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 例子: - facingdirection{f=SOUTH_WEST;action=true}

- factionsflag{flag=[SINGLE/ARRAY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the faction has a specific flag set or unset
 例子: - factionsflag{flag=firespread;action=false}

- getbowtension{range=[数值/数值范围];debug=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 例子: - getbowtension{range=1;action=true}

- getindicator{value=[数值/数值范围];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 0 = 无攻击指示器, 1 = 满的攻击指示器
 例子: - getindicator{value=<0.51;action=true}

- hasspawner{names=[SINGLE/ARRAY/ANY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 例子: - hasspawner{names=MySpawner;action=true}

- hastarget{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the caster has a target
 注意: *This only works on the caster, if you use it
            in a TargetConditions it will throw an error!*
 例子: - hastarget{action=true}

- infaction{faction=[STRING/ARRAY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the caster is in the faction or one of the factions
 注意: 只对mm怪物生效
 例子: - infaction{faction=MyFaction;action=true}

- inmobarena
 检测 施放者, 目标或指定位置是否在怪物竞技场内.
 需要 MobArena 插件

- inmotion{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the target is in motion
 wont work on non-living entities or players
 例子: - inmotion{action=true}

- insolidblock{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the targeted entity or location is in a solid block
 例子: - insolidblock{action=true}

- jumping{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the targeted entity is jumping
 例子: - jumping{action=true}

- lastbowtension{range=[数值/数值范围];debug=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 with how much tension the bow was shot
 例子: - lastbowtension{range=>0.7;action=true}

- lastdamagecause{cause=[BukkitDamageCause];damager=[BukkitEntityType];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 the last damage event on the caster or target
Note: entity for check must be a MythicMob
 例子: - lastdamagecause{cause=PROJECTILE;damager=PLAYER;action=true}

- leir{types=[SINGLE/ARRAY/ALL];amount=[数值/数值范围];radius=[数值];action=[boolean];insameblock/isb=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 for the living entities in the given range
 例子: - leir{types=ZOMBIE,SQUID;amount=2;radius=15;action=true}

- mobsinradius{mobtypes=[SINGLE/ARRAY/ALL];a=[NUMERIC/NUMERIC范围];r=[NUMERIC];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 the amount of mobs in a given area around the caster/target/location
 例子: - mobsinradius{m=ALL;a=5to10;r=20;action=TRUE}

- movespeed{range=[数值/数值范围]}
 检测 the movementspeed of the targeted living entity
 例子: - movespeed{range=>0.1}

- oncooldown{value=[数值/数值-Range];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the players item is on cooldown
 例子: - oncooldown{value=1to10;action=true}

- owneralive{action=[boolean]}
 检测 if the owner is online, alive or in the same world
 例子: - owneralive{action=true}

- pir{amount=[数值/数值范围];radius=[数值];action=[boolean];insameblock/isb=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the amount of players are in the given range
 例子: - pir{amount=5;radius=10;action=true}

- playertime{time=[数值/数值范围];action=[boolean]}
 检测 the targeted player's time only
use it with playertime mechanic
 例子: - playertime{time=0to12000;action=true}

- playerweather{weather=[WEATHERTYPE];action=[boolean]}
 检测 the targeted player's weather only
use it with playerweather mechanic
 例子: - playerweather{weather=CLEAR;action=true}

- running{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the targeted player is running/sprinting
 例子: - running{action=true}

- sleeping{action=[boolean]}
 检测 if the targeted player is sleeping
 例子: - sleeping{action=true}

- testfor{vc="[valid_testfor_stuff]";action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 the caster or target with valid testfor stuff
 例子: - testfor{vc="XpLevel:20";action=true}

- wgdenyspawnflag{types=[BukkitEntityType];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the region has denied the spawning of defined entities(usually used in randomspawns)
 例子: - wgdenyspawnflag{types=ZOMBIE,SKELETON;action=false}

- wgstateflag{flag=[WorldGuardFlag];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the region has set the defined flag
 例子: - wgstateflag{flag=mob-spawning;action=false}


- attackable{cause=[BukkitEntityDamageEvent];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the target is attackable by the caster with this DamageEvent
 例子: - attackable{cause=PROJECTILE;action=false}

- behind{view=[ANGLE_VALUE];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the caster is behind of its target
 例子: - behind{view=90;action=true}

- damageable{cause=[BukkitEntityDamageEvent];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the target is damageable with this DamageEvent
 例子: - damageable{cause=PROJECTILE;action=true}

- hasmeta{meta="tag=[TAGNAME];value=[TAGVALUE];type=[BOOLEAN/NUMERIC/STRING]";compareself=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 compares the meta of 2 entities, can also used on caster itself
 can check multiple metas (seperated by && for AND or || for OR)
 例子: - hasmeta{meta="tag=lastdamagedentity;value=<target.uuid>;

- hasmetasimple{tag=[TAGNAME];value=[TAGVALUE];type=[BOOLEAN/NUMERIC/STRING]";compareself=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 same as hasmeta but can only compare 1
 例子: - hasmetasimple{tag=lastdamagedentity;value=<target.uuid>;

- infront{view=[ANGLE-数值];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the caster is infront of its target
 例子: - infront{view=10;action=false}

- isburning{range=[数值];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the targeted entity is burning
 when a range is provided  检测 if the amount of ticks provided matches with FIRE_TICKS 例子: - isburning{action=true}

- isgoggling{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the player is looking at something
 例子: - isgoggling{action=true}

- ispresent{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if an entity is present
 例子: - ispresent{action=true}

- isspinning{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the player is spinning
 use with the playerspin mechanic
 例子: - isspinning{action=true}

- isstunned{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the caster or target is stunned
 This works also as TargetConditions: keep in mind to set the right targeter
 例子: - isstunned{action=true}

- isvehicle{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the target is riding something
 例子: - isvehicle{action=true}

- lookatme{fov=[DOUBLE];yo=[DOUBLE];debug=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the target is looking at the caster
 the  example uses the default values that are fine for almost any entity
 with debug set to true you will get a console output with the fov and yo
 例子: - lookatme{fov=1.999;yo=-0.4}

- onsolidblock{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the targeted entity or location is on a solid block
 例子: - onsolidblock{action=true}

- ownsitem{list="where=[ANY/HAND/ARMOR/INVENTORY];material=[ANY/MATERIALTYPE];amount=[数值/数值范围];lore=[LORETEXT]";action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 one or multiple slots (seperated by && for AND or || for OR)
 of the target if it has an item or material
 例子: - ownsitem{list="where=HAND;material=DIAMOND_SWORD;amount=1 && where=INVENTORY;material=DIAMOND_SWORD;amount=1to2";action=true}

- ownsitemsimple{where=[ANY/HAND/ARMOR/INVENTORY];material=[ANY/MATERIALTYPE];amount=[数值/数值范围];lore=[LORETEXT];action=[BOOLEAN]}
same as ownsitem but can only check 1 slot
 例子: - ownsitemsimple{where=HAND;material=SAND;amount=1;action=true}

- parsedstance{s="<variable>";cs=[BOOLEAN];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 this condition can check if a variable is set as a stance
 usefull with parsedstance mechanic
 (注意: if cs is set to true it will always check the caster)
 例子: - parsedstance{s="<target.uuid>";cs=true;action=true}

- relativedirection{angle=[数值/数值范围];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 the direction to the target from the caster
 例子: - relativedirection{angle=90;action=false}

- samefaction{faction=[STRING/ARRAY];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the caster and target are in the same faction or one of the factions
 注意: 只作用于一只mm的怪物
 例子: - samefaction{faction=MyFaction;action=true}

- samespawner{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 目标MythicMob是否作为来自同一刷怪笼的施放者
 例子: - samespawner{action=true}

- sameworld{action=[BOOLEAN]}
 检测 if the caster and targeted entity or location are in the same world
 例子: - sameworld{action=true}

- vdistance{d=[NUMERIC];action=[BOOLEAN]}
 例子: - vdistance{d=2to3;action=true}


技能 描述
asquip 给盔甲架装上装备
cure / removePotion 移除目标身上特点或所有的药水效果
damageArmor 伤害目标身上所有或特定格子顺序的防具
disarm 缴械目标
dropInventory 丢出目标玩家背包内特定倍数或所有的物品
dropStolenItems 掉落之前偷窃的物品 (配合steal使用)
entityGoggle / entityGoggleAt 强制非玩家实体看着施放者
equipSkull 修复MC 1.8.8版本的BUG, 给施放者装上头颅
extinguish 熄灭目标身上的火焰
feed feeds the targeted player
playerGoggle / playerGoggleAt forces the targeted player to look at the caster
playerSpin 旋转目标玩家
playerWeather sets the weather and/or time at the targeted player
playerZoom 旋转目标玩家
oxygen 给目标玩家灌满氧气
setRotation 旋转实体
steal 从目标玩家身上偷取物品
stun makes targeted entities immobile and unable to interact
swap 交互施放者和目标的位置
unEquip 卸下施放者指定格子顺序的防具

