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第3行: 第3行:
'''重要变革''':<br />
'''重要变革''':<br />
旧版本生成的特殊物品的描述将会失效而导致无法被出售到商店且药水效果失效.<br />
旧版本生成的特殊物品的描述将会失效而导致无法被出售到商店且药水效果失效.<br />
特殊物品正在重做中,可能会在下个版本更新au.尸王之斧的火焰特效目前已失效.The zombie king's axe flamethrower power is not currently working.<br />
特殊物品正在重做中,可能会在下个版本更新.<br />
尸王之斧的火焰特效目前已失效.<br />
你需要完全删除旧版本的配置.<br />
你需要完全删除旧版本的配置.<br />
关键更改:<br />
关键更改:<br />
支持1.13和1.13.1 (暂不支持1.13的新生物,但不久后我将会完善). 插件仍兼容1.12.2并且我打算使其兼容到1.9. 如果你在 1.9测试兼容性,可以告诉我.<br />
支持1.13和1.13.1 (暂不支持1.13的新生物,但不久后我将会完善). 插件仍兼容1.12.2并且我打算使其兼容到1.9. 如果你在 1.9测试兼容性,可以告诉我.<br />
添加冒险家公会系统, 可以输入/ag 或/adventurerguild 或 /adventurersguild 打开(需要 elitemobs.adventurersguild权限) 可以让玩家设置精英怪难度并根据难度获得不同等级的奖励<br />
添加冒险家公会系统, 可以输入/ag 或/adventurerguild 或 /adventurersguild 打开(需要 elitemobs.adventurersguild权限) 可以让玩家设置精英怪难度并根据难度获得不同等级的奖励<br />
战斗系统已完全重做The combat system has been redone from scratch. It now uses tiers to make the combat difficulty much more consistent. A video will be made explaining exactly how it works.<br />
战斗系统已完全重做The combat system has been redone from scratch. 现在使用品质来平衡战斗难度.<br />
The item system has been remade from scratch. Items can now have fake enchantments - all enchantments above level 5 are actually level 5, despite showing a higher level in the item lore. This is so you can set the maximum enchantments on Elite Mobs items to the 100s or 1000s without breaking other stuff (like pvp).<br />
物品系统已重制.物品现在可以拥有虚假附魔e from scratch. 高于5级的附魔的效果都会变为5级的效果. 你可以设置精英怪装备最大附魔等级为100s 或 1000s 而不破坏其它机制的平衡 (比如 pvp).<br />
添加 /em setmaxtier [tierLevel] 指令.这一指令很重要. 我推荐你设置为 100. This means that to players it will look like EliteMobs items can have up to sharpness 99 with a diamond sword and protection 99 for armor, when in reality these items just have special lore that looks like enchantment levels. The actual sharpness and protection enchantments never go over level 5. The custom lore only affects EliteMobs.<br />
添加 /em setmaxtier [tierLevel] 指令.这一指令很重要. 我推荐你设置为 100. 这个指令可以让玩家看到如锋利99的钻石剑或保护99的钻石胸甲, 实际上这些只是和原版附魔相似的描述. 实际附魔等级最多只有5. 这些附魔效果只作用于精英怪.<br />
物品权重系统已重制.物品权重不再与物品品质相关The item quality system has been completely overhauled. Item quality is no longer entirely reliant on the item tier - low level items can be high quality (many secondary enchantments) and high tier items can be low quality (no secondary enchatments).
物品权重系统已重制.物品权重不再与物品品质相关.低级装备会更有用level items can be high quality (拥有更多附魔) 且高级装备也会削弱 (只有一种附魔).
Added the permission elitemobs.user which contains all permission nodes which I recommend (more details in the commands and permissions github page)
Moved data files to dedicated data folder inside the folder for EliteMobs config options. You can move the old data files in while the server is offline - it will not work if you try to move them while the server is online.<br />
All event boss levels are now dynamic - action events are always relatively easy (they're just there to spice things up) while timer-based events are always hard.<br />
把数据文件夹ved data files to dedicated data folder inside the folder for EliteMobs config options. 你可以在服务器关闭时把旧的数据文件夹移过去You can move the old data files in while the server is offline - it will not work if you try to move them while the server is online.<br />
Added exploit prevention mechanics - attempts made by players to trap Elite Mobs will hopefully result in said mob not dropping any special loot. Right now this is indicated by the mob suddenly losing their visual trail.<br />
所有事件的boss的等级不再是固定的- action events are always relatively easy (they're just there to spice things up) while timer-based events are always hard.<br />
Added a very basic combat tag system. Flying and vanilla godmode (not godmode made by other plugins) will now be toggled off when the player either strikes or gets struck by an Elite Mob.<br />
添加精英怪自救机制 mechanics - 尝试困住精英怪的玩家可能会导致精英怪不掉落装备. 现在这一机制根据怪物是否失去视野来判断.<br />
Fixed some nasty bugs related to the Balrog event<br />
添加基础战斗标签系统dded a very basic combat tag system.飞行和原版的上帝模式将会关闭显示精英怪血量.<br />
Added alerts that notify server OPs when a new public version of EliteMobs is available (permission-based)<br />
修复炎魔事件的bugt<br />
Kraken event is temporarily disabled for 1.13 servers<br />
暂时关闭1.13服务器的克拉肯事件rs<br />

2018年9月7日 (五) 13:09的版本


支持1.13和1.13.1 (暂不支持1.13的新生物,但不久后我将会完善). 插件仍兼容1.12.2并且我打算使其兼容到1.9. 如果你在 1.9测试兼容性,可以告诉我.
添加冒险家公会系统, 可以输入/ag 或/adventurerguild 或 /adventurersguild 打开(需要 elitemobs.adventurersguild权限) 可以让玩家设置精英怪难度并根据难度获得不同等级的奖励
战斗系统已完全重做The combat system has been redone from scratch. 现在使用品质来平衡战斗难度.
物品系统已重制.物品现在可以拥有虚假附魔e from scratch. 高于5级的附魔的效果都会变为5级的效果. 你可以设置精英怪装备最大附魔等级为100s 或 1000s 而不破坏其它机制的平衡 (比如 pvp).
添加 /em setmaxtier [tierLevel] 指令.这一指令很重要. 我推荐你设置为 100. 这个指令可以让玩家看到如锋利99的钻石剑或保护99的钻石胸甲, 实际上这些只是和原版附魔相似的描述. 实际附魔等级最多只有5. 这些附魔效果只作用于精英怪.
物品权重系统已重制.物品权重不再与物品品质相关.低级装备会更有用level items can be high quality (拥有更多附魔) 且高级装备也会削弱 (只有一种附魔). 添加elitemobs.user权限 这一权限为用户权限,包括普通玩家会用到的指令权限.更多细节请查看插件百科指令和权限部分. 把数据文件夹ved data files to dedicated data folder inside the folder for EliteMobs config options. 你可以在服务器关闭时把旧的数据文件夹移过去You can move the old data files in while the server is offline - it will not work if you try to move them while the server is online.
所有事件的boss的等级不再是固定的- action events are always relatively easy (they're just there to spice things up) while timer-based events are always hard.
添加精英怪自救机制 mechanics - 尝试困住精英怪的玩家可能会导致精英怪不掉落装备. 现在这一机制根据怪物是否失去视野来判断.
添加基础战斗标签系统dded a very basic combat tag system.飞行和原版的上帝模式将会关闭显示精英怪血量.
添加基于权限的更新提醒 暂时关闭1.13服务器的克拉肯事件rs

次要更改: Added the following permission nodes: elitemobs.setmaxtier , elitemobs.checktier, elitemobs.checkmaxtier , elitemobs.gettier Added the following commands: /em setmaxtier [tierLevel] , /em checktier , /em checkmaxtier , /em gettier [tierLevel] 添加了一堆指令的不同格式 If you want more info regarding commands or permission nodes, check the github page about them.
Improved the data logging security and efficiency in preparation for SQL integration
Added item tier info to the lore structure of custom and procedurally generated items
Added code which automatically deletes deprecated config options, making it easier to remove old config options as the plugin is developed Improved the /em simloot command - it now fully simulates a mob drop, meaning that it might even not yield any items if you don't get lucky with the drop chance.
Drastically increased the event rarity for action events
Added escape mechanics to the Balrog and the Fae
Player wallets now round down to two decimal places
Event bosses will now retain their visual effects even after the chunk they were on has been unloaded and loaded back in /em reload config & /em reload loot have been merged into /em reload
Restructured the item lore customization options to be more immediately understandable
Added the "display" tag so that "/em spawnmob zobie 500 display" will spawn a zombie with the noAI tag for players to take a good look at the effects Made vindicators valid Elite Mobs
Added a lot of more specific entity subtypes to ValidMobs.yml
Added more translation options for items
Added https://magmaguy.com/EliteMobs_Webapp_Chinese.html thanks to a fan translation
A number of compatibility fixes have been made to accommodate plugins such as MythicMobs, InfernalMobs and various pet plugins.
A lot of config options have been introduced, which I won't get into here as they're just too numerous.
Massive refactors and restructuring
Action events no longer trigger for players in creative or spectator mode
Fixed issues related to the SkeletonTrackingArrow getting stuck
Fixed death messages so they rely on vanila death message mechanics, making them more compatible with other plugins
So much more stuff that it would be senseless to try to write it down here.