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Revision as of 14:21, 27 June 2021 by Sheep-realms (talk | contribs) (创建页面,内容为“<pre> #自定义附魔配置 #药水效果名可以从这获取: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html Enchantments:…”)
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 #药水效果名可以从这获取: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
   Cyborg: #附魔
     Enabled: true #开关此附魔在GUI菜单的显示
     Name: '机械装甲' #游戏内显示的附魔名称
     Color: '&7' #附魔的颜色代码
     BookColor: '&b&l' #附魔书的颜色代码
     MaxPower: 1 #最大附魔等级
     Categories: #所有可附魔等级
       - 'Common'
       - 'Rare'
       - 'Legendary'
       Name: '&e&l机械装甲 &7(&bI&7)'
         - '&7给予你速度 力量和'
         - '&7跳跃提升来打倒敌人.'
         - ''
         - '&6可获得等级:'
         - '&7 - &a&l&n普通'
         - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有'
         - '&7 - &4&l&n传说'
         - '&6可附魔装备: &a护甲'
     EnchantOptions: #每个附魔的自定义选项.
       ItemsEnchantable: 'Armor' #可附魔装备类型:你可以从盔甲、靴子、头盔、斧头、剑、和弓中选择。(Armor, Boots, Helmet, Axe, Sword)
       ArmorOptions: #只作用于护甲的设置.
         PowerIncrease: 1 #每个等级执行多少次的药水效果(PotionEffects).
         PotionEffects: #应用的药水类型.
           - 'SPEED:1, Time:1000000'
           - 'INCREASE_DAMAGE:2, Time:1000000'
           - 'JUMP:2, Time:1000000'
   Sniper: #Enchantment
     Enabled: True #开关附魔
     Name: '狙击手' #附魔菜单显示的名称
     Color: '&7' #附魔颜色代码
     BookColor: '&b&l' #附魔书颜色代码
     MaxPower: 5 #附魔等级上限
     Categories: #可获得等级
       - 'Common'
       - 'Rare'
       - 'Legendary'
       Name: '&e&l狙击手 &7(&bI-&bV&7)'
         - '&7用这个射击敌人'
         - '&7有几率使他们中毒.'
         - ''
         - '&7 - &a&l&n普通'
         - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有'
         - '&7 - &4&l&n传说'
         - '&6可附魔装备:  &a弓'
     EnchantOptions: #自定义附魔配置.
       ItemsEnchantable: 'Bow' #You can pick from Armor, Boots, Helmet, Axe, Sword, Weapons(Swords & Axes), and Bow.
       BowOptions: #弓附魔的设置.
         OnHit: #当弓箭击中目标时.
           #Ground: #设置弓箭是否碰到地面触发.
           #  Explode: #设置爆炸.
           #   Power: 2 #爆炸威力.
           #    PowerIncrease: 2 #每个附魔等级会增加多少伤害
           #    Chance: 25 #改变弓箭爆炸率.
           Damaged: #被攻击的玩家.
             PowerIncrease: 1 #每个附魔等级会触发的药水效果.
             PotionEffects: #伤害效果.
             - 'POISON:2, Time:5, Chance:25'
   Slice: #附魔
     Enabled: false #开关附魔
     Name: 'Slice' #附魔菜单显示的名称
     Color: '&7' #附魔颜色代码
     BookColor: '&b&l' #附魔书的颜色代码
     MaxPower: 2 #附魔等级上限
     Categories: #可获得等级
       - 'Common'
       - 'Rare'
       - 'Legendary'
       Name: '&e&l斜击 &7(&bI-&bII&7)'
         - '&7给予你一定几率'
         - '&7造成更多伤害.'
         - ''
         - '&6可获得等级:'
         - '&7 - &a&l&n普通'
         - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有'
         - '&7 - &4&l&n传说'
         - '&6可附魔装备: &a武器'
     EnchantOptions: #自定义附魔配置.
       ItemsEnchantable: 'Weapons' #You can pick from Armor, Boots, Helmet, Axe, Sword, Weapons(Swords & Axes), and Bow.
       WeaponOptions: #Options that only effect Sword and Axe Enchantments.
         #Damager: #用剑的玩家.
         #  PowerIncrease: 1 #How many times the Potion Effects go up each lvl.
         #  PotionEffects: #Effects that are added to the Damager.
         #    - 'REGENERATION:2, Time:10, Chance:25'
         Damaged: #被攻击的玩家.
           DamageMultiplyer: #攻击者倍数设置.
             PowerIncrease: 1 #How many times the Multiplier will go up each lvl.
             Multiplyer: 2 #How many times stronger the attack is.
             Chance: 25 #The chance of the multiplier happening.
           #Remove the # to use the Potion options.
           #PowerIncrease: 1 #How many times the Potion Effects go up each lvl.
           #PotionEffects: #Effects that are added to the Damaged.
           #  - 'POISON:2, Time:5, Chance:25'