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插件类型Spigot / CraftBukkit
最新版本0.05 BETA 5



  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color=

Captcha为你的服务器提供反BOT系统. 它提供了相当多的验证方式. 可以防止BOT加入游戏,刷屏或是作弊. 除了内置的反BOT系统外.这个插件还包括反挂机、反作弊系统 (比如检测玩家的点击速度) 如果大于指定的点击速度就会出现验证码, 并且这个插件还可以防止快速重登来防止卡服. 大多数情况下插件使用异步处理,所以不会影响服务器性能. =

  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color=


GUI 1 (点击验证):

这种验证方式需要点击特点的物品. 你可以在配置文件内自定义这一项. 你甚至可以使用自定义材质 (检测玩家是否启用特定的材质包)

GUI 2 (数学验证):
是时候考考你的数学了, 这种验证方式会问你一些简单的数学问题.

GUI 3 (发光验证):
这种验证方式需要点击发光的物品, The glowing item is a random item inbetween other random items. This one can be quite diffcult to spot, the perfect way to spot bots.

GUI 4 (点击所有的 ... GUI):
Although this one is quite simlair to GUI 1, this one is a bit different. In this GUI you'll need to click more types of one certain item. This item can be set in to the configuration file, and this one is also perfect for testing if the player has a certain resource pack on.

Captcha 1 (输入验证):
In this Captcha you'll get a random letter string, The size is customizable but set to 5 by default. Your goal is to type the string correctly.

Captcha 2 (潜行验证):
很简单, 你只需按住潜行即可验证.

Captcha 3 (随机数字验证):
这和验证方式 1 差不多,你需要输入一个随机显示的数字.

Captcha 4 (方向验证):
这个验证方式仍在测试中所以默认关闭. 需要看着上下左右这些方向来验证.

Captcha 5 (跳跃验证):
这个验证最简单,只需要跳跃即可! =

  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color=


  • 基础插件指令
  • 无权限

/captcha reload

  • 重载配置
  • 权限: captcha.reload (可自定义)

/captcha PLAYER

  • 验证某个玩家
  • 权限: captcha.open.others (可自定义)


captcha.override (可自定义)

  • 允许你忽略验证

captcha.notify (可自定义)

  • 在其他玩家收到验证时提醒你


  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color=

  1. C-A-P-T-C-H-A#
  2. Welcome to the NEW and recoded Captcha! I hope you enjoy it :)
  3. For all material names go to: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
  4. For all sound names go to: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html

IgnoreMouseMovements: true

  1. Ignores mouse movements

ClearDataOnBoot: false

  1. Should the plugin clear the Captcha data on boot?


 - 'world'
 - 'spawn'
  1. Messages:

PassedCaptcha: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: You succesfully passed the captcha!' PassedCaptchaMessageEnabled: true

NoPermissions: '&7[&c&lError&7]: You dont have permissions to execute this command'

  1. Message when you dont have the permissions

UnknownPlayer: '&7[&c&lError&7]: The player %player% is invalid'

  1. Message when the player you specified is not known

NoCaptchasEnabled: '&7[&c&lError&7]: None of the captchas are enabled'

  1. Message when you try to open a Captcha but no Captcha's are enabled

HasOverride: '&7[&c&lError&7]: The player you specified has an override permission'

  1. Message when you try to open a Captcha to someone that has an override permission


 - 'say %player% completed the captcha'


 - 'say %player% failed the captcha'
  1. Does also work when kick is disabled

KickEnabled: true

  1. Is kicking after failing a captcha enabled or disabled?

KickMessage: '&7You have been kicked\nBecause you havent completed the captcha!'

  1. The message displayed when the player is kicked, Use \n for a new line

RelogDelayKickMessage: '&7You should wait another %s%\n seconds before logging in again'

  1. Message when you get kicked because you are still in cooldown

MustMove: '&7[&c&lError&7]: In order to talk or execute commands you must move'

  1. Message when you didnt move but you tried to talk or execute a command.

NotifyMessage: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: %player% didnt complete the Captcha!' NotifyMessageEnabled: true NotifyPermission: 'captcha.notify'

BotAttackOver: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: The bot attack seems to be over'

ServerLockedKickMessage: '&7Sorry, the server seems to be under a bot attack\n please try again later!'

  1. Message when the server is locked
  1. Other settings:

CaptchaAfterNotChattingEnabled: true

IncludeCommands: true

CaptchaAfterNotChatting: 300

  1. After what time a player should get a captcha when they dont chat (Seconds)

CaptchaAfterNotMovingEnabled: true

CaptchaAfterNotMoving: 300

  1. After what time a player should get a captcha when they dont move (Seconds)

MaximumJoinsPerSecond: 5

  1. Amount of players that can join before the server locks

CaptchaOnClick: 25

  1. Specify how many times a player should click per second in order to open a captcha (Anti-Macro)

CaptchaOnClickEnabled: true

MaximumChatsPer5Seconds: 5

  1. Specify how many times a player can chat in 5 seconds in order to open a captcha

MaximumChatsPer5SecondsEnabled: true

ReloadPermission: 'captcha.reload'

  1. Permission to reload

CaptchaOpenPermission: 'captcha.open.others'

  1. Permission to open captchas to other people

SoundOnCaptcha: 'BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'

  1. The sound you get when you get a captcha
  2. Set to NONE to disable


  1. The sound you get when you completed a captcha succesfully
  2. Set to NONE to disable

TimesFailed: 5

  1. Maximum times you can fail before you get kicked

KickTime: 10

  1. Time where the player should answer the Captcha in, Otherwise he or she gets kicked

RelogDelay: 15

  1. Time the player should wait before logging back on again

OverridePermission: 'captcha.override'

  1. Permission to override the captcha + move before chat/commands

MoveBeforeChatAndCommands: true

  1. Should you move before you chat or execute a command?


 - '/login'
  1. Command that are allowed when you didnt move yet

CaptchaOn: ALL

  1. Specify on wich joins captcha's should appear
  2. Valid types are: FIRSTJOIN, ALL, NONE

BlockDirectConnections: true

  1. Should the server block direct connections?

BlockDirectConnectionsKickMessage: '&7Oops, Make sure you add the server To your server list! \n Was this a mistake? Refresh your server list!'

  1. Message when you directly connected to the server
  1. GUI 1:
  2. A.K.A Steak GUI

GUI1Enabled: true

  1. Is GUI1 enabled or not?

GUI1InventorySize: 54

  1. Must be a factor of 9

GUI1InventoryName: '&a&lClick the steak!'

  1. Name of the inventory

GUI1InventoryClickItem: 'COOKED_BEEF'

  1. What material should the item you need to click be?

GUI1InventoryClickItemDurabillity: 1

  1. Sets the durabilly of the item, for custom textures

GUI1InventoryClickItemUnbreakable: false

  1. Makes the item unbreakable or not, usefull for custom textures

GUI1InventoryClickItemName: '&a&lClick me!'

  1. What should the name of the item be?


 - '&a&lClick me to complete the captcha!'
 - '&a&lYes! me, Click me!'
  1. What should the lore of the item be?

GUI1InventoryFillName: '&c&lDont click me!'

  1. What should the name of the item be?


 - '&c&lYou shouldnt click me at all!'
 - '&c&lNo! not me! Dont click me'
  1. What should the lore of the item be?


  1. What material should the item you dont need to click be?

GUI1InventoryFillDurability: 15

  1. Sets the durabillity of the item, for custom textures

GUI1InventoryFillUnbreakable: false

  1. Makes the item unbreakable or not, usefull for custom textures


 - 'world'
  1. GUI 2:
  2. A.K.A Math GUI

GUI2Enabled: true

GUI2InventoryName: '&a&lWhat is %1 + %2'


 - 'world'
  1. GUI 3:
  2. A.K.A Glow GUI

GUI3Enabled: true

GUI3InventorySize: 54

GUI3InventoryName: '&a&lClick the glowing item!'

GUI3ClickItemName: '&a&lClick me!'


 - '&a&lClick me!'
 - 'Yes, Im the glowing item!'


 - 'world'

  1. GUI 4:
  2. A.K.A CLick all the ... GUI

GUI4Enabled: true

GUI4InventoryName: '&7Click all the green blocks'


GUI4ClickItemName: '&a&lYes! Click me'

GUI4ClickItemDurabillity: 5

GUI4FillItemName: '&c&lNo!, Dont click me!'


GUI4FillItemDurabillity: 15


 - 'world'

  1. Captcha 1:
  2. A.K.A Type Captcha

Captcha1Enabled: true

Captcha1Lenght: 5

  1. Lenght of the random letter string

Captcha1Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha you must type %captcha%'

  1. Message to be displayed when they get a type captcha


 - 'world'
  1. Captcha 2:
  2. A.K.A Sneak Captcha

Captcha2Enabled: true

Captcha2Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha you must sneak'

  1. Message to be displayed when they get a type captcha


 - 'world'
  1. Captcha 3:
  2. A.K.A Random number captcha

Captcha3Enabled: true

Captcha3Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha, you must type %number%'

Captcha3MaxRandomNumber: 9999


 - 'world'
  1. Captcha 4:
  2. A.K.A Look (left/right/up/down) captcha

Captcha4Enabled: false

Captcha4Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha, you must look %to%'


 - 'world'
  1. Captcha 5:
  2. A.K.A Jump captcha

Captcha5Enabled: true

Captcha5Message: '&7[&a&lCaptcha&7]: In order to complete the captcha, you must jump'


 - 'world'


  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color=