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Can’t Build
Why can’t players break or place blocks?
A new WorldGuard installation has most features disabled, so it is unlikely to be caused by WorldGuard in such scenarios.
One of the easiest ways to identify the reason is to identify the message that you get when you are unable to build. WorldGuard usually uses dark red or crimson-colored messages, or a message like “Hey! Sorry, but you can’t _____ here.” If you get no message, it is probably not WorldGuard.
If it does not immediately appear to be WorldGuard,
Make sure that Minecraft’s “spawn protection” is not on. Spawn protection prevents anyone from making any changes within a certain radius of a world’s spawn point. To adjust spawn protection, change the spawn-protection setting in the server.properties file to 0.
Make sure that you are not testing in adventure mode.
Update your version of Bukkit, Spigot, or Cauldron.
If those steps do not help, there’s a simple command in WorldGuard that can simulate an action on behalf of a player and then report the plugin that blocked the action. Use the “testbreak” and “testplace” commands described on the Commands page to identify the plugin.
If the cause is WorldGuard:
Use the Region Wand to see if any regions protect the blocks in question. If some do, but you do not know why, see After setting up some regions, why can no one build?
Check to see whether Build Permissions is enabled.
Check to see whether any other Configuration options are enabled that would prevent the action.
If you cannot figure out the cause, look into getting help.
If the command lists a different plugin:
See if you need to give extra permissions or change any configuration for the other plugin.
If the test command lists no plugins, make sure that you first followed the steps above (check spawn protection, etc.), then look into getting help.
After setting up some regions, why can no one build?
Use the Region Wand and right click an affected block to list the available regions. Use the /rg info to lookup information about each listed region.
Make sure to verify membership of all the regions.
Make sure that the build flag is not set to deny.
Is there only a global region?
Make sure that the Global Region does not have build set to deny.
Make sure that the Global Region does not have passthrough set to deny.
Make sure that the Global Region does not have members or owners.
Building Not Blocked
Why is protection not working? Players receive NO message.
You have op or full permissions, so you override protection.
You have set the build flag on a region to “allow.”
You have set the passthrough flag on a region to “allow.”
You have set some other relevant flag (pvp, ride, etc.) on the region to “allow.”
The item in question is from a mod or a third-party plugin (see What’s Protected?).
WorldGuard does not yet protect that particular thing that you are trying to do. This is not the case for simple block place or break. Please make sure that you are using the latest version of WorldGuard, and if it’s still a problem, file a bug report.
There is a bug in your version of Bukkit, Spigot, or Cauldron.
If you still cannot figure out the cause, look into getting help.
Why is protection not working? Players DO receive a message.
If WorldGuard is blocking an action, it’s still possible for a different plugin to unblock the action. However, because WorldGuard has already sent the “you can’t build” message, the player still receives it.
You can use the “testbreak” and “testplace” commands described in Commands to identify the causing plugin. If you see any plugin above WorldGuard on the list with “ALLOW” next to its line, then that plugin is the cause.
Another possibility is that your version of Bukkit, Spigot, or Cauldron has a bug. Be sure to use the latest available version. If you still cannot figure out the cause, look into getting help.
Region Protection
Why do pistons not work?
You probably set the build flag to deny when you probably should not have. Check out the Common Scenarios page for more information.
How do I do __________ with region protection?
Check out the Common Scenarios page.

2016年8月26日 (五) 13:25的版本

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插件分类 > WorldGuard
插件分类 > WorldGuard


  • 在你创造区域后,只会允许有权限的玩家和一些插件去改变区域。
  • 你可以在你的区域里设置一些标记,如(取消 凋零伤害 掉落伤害 等)
  • 同时在特殊的世界的区域中你也可以改变一些标记,如(饱食度回复 生命值回复 PVP的开关 TNT 怪物伤害)
  • 黑名单包括了玩家不能使用的物品和方块
  • 可以记录服务器的统计和信息 (/wg report -p)
  • 可以管理服务器的CPU(/wg profile -p)
  • 增加例如停止所有火焰传播的指令 “STOP ALL FIRE SPREAD” .
  • 可以与其他的Bukkit插件进行交♂易
  • 保护与防止许多事件 (树长大 TNT爆炸 药水机器 等)
  • 某些触发事件也可以修改 (门 拉杆 等)
  • 开源,是Minecraft的最老的插件之一(比Bukkit还老)
  • 启用你想要的特性!默认所有都是关闭的。你可以先安装WG,然后再配置它。


WG需要一个能支持Bukkit API的Minecraft服务端及版本,如 CraftBukkit, MCPC+, Cauldron, 和 Spigot. 不支持官方的Minecraft服务器。


由于[一个争论和随从法律的崩溃],你不能再下载官方Bukkit服务器了。供MC1.8+ 用户选择的服务端是 Spigot 。



如果你下载下来的文件是 .zip的话,解压它,你会找到一个WorldGurad.jar。否则,你会直接下载下来一个.jar文件







  • config.yml


  • worlds/world/config.yml
  • worlds/world_nether/config.yml
  • worlds/mining_world/config.yml


在主世界配置中,你可能把 block-creeper-block-damage 设置为true
    block-creeper-explosions: false
    block-creeper-block-damage: true
    block-wither-explosions: false
    block-creeper-block-damage: false



设置项 默认值 介绍
op-permissions TRUE 是否给予OP插件的所有权限,甚至是插件没有给OP的权限
summary-on-start TRUE 是否在服务器开启时显示每个世界的设置,如果你有多个世界的话,建议关闭
auto-invincible FALSE 是否在玩家登入时自动给予无敌权限
auto-invincible-group FALSE 给予玩家无敌组的权限
auto-no-drowning-group FALSE 在登入时是否给予玩家水下呼吸的权限
use-player-move-event TRUE 消耗更多的CPU来检测玩家移动,这些需要在治疗,饮食,喂动物,和一些其他权限使用
use-player-teleports TRUE 示例 是否在传送时考虑玩家的移动状态,传送事件不会因为玩家传送而必然发生,只是在可能的时候。
host-keys XXXXX 玩家必须从哪些域名进入服务器,见热键。


Frequently in the past, Minecraft had failures in its login code where players could login to a server as any player, including administrators and moderators. Between 2010 and 2013, exploits of this nature were made public five times, frequently leading to thousands of servers being hacked.

The host keys feature was added to WorldGuard as an extra barrier to impersonation. It works because an extra piece of information, not known by Mojang, has to be sent from the client during login to a server. Even if an attacker were able to break Minecraft’s login system and join as a moderator, because the attacker’s game would lack this piece of information, the server could detect impersonation.

Note Security breaches of this nature are less common these days. How It Works When a player connects to a server with an address, say play.example.com, Minecraft will tell the server that the player connected with that address. A moderator could connect to a special, secret secretmod.play.example.com address, and the server could easily check whether the address used by the moderator started with secretmod.

The host keys feature allows you to configure an an accepted address for certain players. If a player on the list connects with an incorrect address, he or she is kicked immediately.

Configuration Setup is done using the Configuration:


   your_username: bagels.play.example.com
   moderator1_name: manoverboard.play.example.com

Note Host keys do not support UUIDs yet. DNS Configuration To make this work, you have to make bagels.play.example.com and manoverboard.play.example.com point to your server. However, you should not add specific records for the domains that you use, because this allows attackers to easily figure out the secret domains.

Rather, it is recommended that you setup “wildcard addresses.” An example of a wildcard address may be *.play.example.com, which would mean that any prefix would work (aa.play.example.com, ab.play.example.com, ac.play.example.com, etc.).

Tip If you don’t have a domain name or can’t set a wildcard address, you can use xip.io. Alternatives An alternative to host keys, although not provided by WorldGuard, is to use some sort of login command that takes a password.













































Can’t Build Why can’t players break or place blocks? Note A new WorldGuard installation has most features disabled, so it is unlikely to be caused by WorldGuard in such scenarios. One of the easiest ways to identify the reason is to identify the message that you get when you are unable to build. WorldGuard usually uses dark red or crimson-colored messages, or a message like “Hey! Sorry, but you can’t _____ here.” If you get no message, it is probably not WorldGuard.

If it does not immediately appear to be WorldGuard,

Make sure that Minecraft’s “spawn protection” is not on. Spawn protection prevents anyone from making any changes within a certain radius of a world’s spawn point. To adjust spawn protection, change the spawn-protection setting in the server.properties file to 0. Make sure that you are not testing in adventure mode. Update your version of Bukkit, Spigot, or Cauldron. If those steps do not help, there’s a simple command in WorldGuard that can simulate an action on behalf of a player and then report the plugin that blocked the action. Use the “testbreak” and “testplace” commands described on the Commands page to identify the plugin.

If the cause is WorldGuard:

Use the Region Wand to see if any regions protect the blocks in question. If some do, but you do not know why, see After setting up some regions, why can no one build? Check to see whether Build Permissions is enabled. Check to see whether any other Configuration options are enabled that would prevent the action. If you cannot figure out the cause, look into getting help. If the command lists a different plugin:

See if you need to give extra permissions or change any configuration for the other plugin. If the test command lists no plugins, make sure that you first followed the steps above (check spawn protection, etc.), then look into getting help.

After setting up some regions, why can no one build? Use the Region Wand and right click an affected block to list the available regions. Use the /rg info to lookup information about each listed region.

Make sure to verify membership of all the regions. Make sure that the build flag is not set to deny. Is there only a global region?

Make sure that the Global Region does not have build set to deny. Make sure that the Global Region does not have passthrough set to deny. Make sure that the Global Region does not have members or owners. Building Not Blocked Why is protection not working? Players receive NO message. You have op or full permissions, so you override protection. You have set the build flag on a region to “allow.” You have set the passthrough flag on a region to “allow.” You have set some other relevant flag (pvp, ride, etc.) on the region to “allow.” The item in question is from a mod or a third-party plugin (see What’s Protected?). WorldGuard does not yet protect that particular thing that you are trying to do. This is not the case for simple block place or break. Please make sure that you are using the latest version of WorldGuard, and if it’s still a problem, file a bug report. There is a bug in your version of Bukkit, Spigot, or Cauldron. If you still cannot figure out the cause, look into getting help.

Why is protection not working? Players DO receive a message. If WorldGuard is blocking an action, it’s still possible for a different plugin to unblock the action. However, because WorldGuard has already sent the “you can’t build” message, the player still receives it.

You can use the “testbreak” and “testplace” commands described in Commands to identify the causing plugin. If you see any plugin above WorldGuard on the list with “ALLOW” next to its line, then that plugin is the cause.

Another possibility is that your version of Bukkit, Spigot, or Cauldron has a bug. Be sure to use the latest available version. If you still cannot figure out the cause, look into getting help.

Region Protection Why do pistons not work? You probably set the build flag to deny when you probably should not have. Check out the Common Scenarios page for more information.

How do I do __________ with region protection? Check out the Common Scenarios page.




