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Difference between revisions of "EliteMobs/配置"

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({{mCColor|&9|translation.yml·文本翻译}}: 召唤文本翻译取自 https://trow.cc/board/index.php?showtopic=16480)
Line 1,236: Line 1,236:
   Summoned zombie: Summoned Zombie
   Summoned zombie: Summoned Zombie
   Summoned skeleton: Summoned Skeleton
   Summoned skeleton: Summoned Skeleton
   Summoning chant: Nor is it to be thought...that man is either the oldest or the
   Summoning chant: 人类既非这地上最古老的主人,也非这地上最后一任主人。寻常的活物与物质亦非独行于世。旧日支配者昔在,旧日支配者今在,旧日支配者亦将永在。不在吾等所知之空间,而在诸空间之间。彼等平静行过,彼等于初源行过,彼等位于空间之外,而吾等不能见其踪影。犹格·索托斯知道大门所在。犹格·索托斯即是门,犹格·索托斯即是门之匙,即是看门者。过去在他,现在在他,未来皆在他。他知晓旧日支配者曾于何处闯入;亦知晓旧日支配者将于何处再次闯入。他知晓彼等曾踏过地上的哪些土地,也知道彼等仍踏在哪些土地上,亦知道当彼等行过时为何无人得见彼等。借由彼等气味,世人偶尔可知彼等近了,但无人可知晓彼等容貌,然世人可从彼等的人类子嗣身上窥见彼等的容貌;彼等子嗣亦有各样的相貌,有世人最真切的幻想,亦有如彼等一般无形无实之形体。若在适当的时节于荒凉土地上说出某些词句,呼嚎过某些仪式,则彼等将行过并腐坏那些土地,而无人得见彼等。风会喋喋转述彼等声音,地会喃喃转述彼等意识。彼等令森林屈服,城市粉碎,然没有森林与城市可见彼等之手。冰冷荒原之上,卡达斯知晓彼等,而谁人知晓卡达斯呢?南方的冰雪荒漠与沉没大洋的小岛上承载着刻有彼等印记的石头,而谁人得以眼见那些封冻的城市,那些有海草藤壶的密封高塔呢?伟大的克苏鲁亦是彼等兄弟,然其亦只可模糊感知彼等所在。呀!莎布·尼古拉丝!透过那污秽,汝可知晓彼等。彼等之手已在汝之咽喉,而汝仍不见彼等;彼等居所在汝之门槛。犹格·索托斯即是门之匙,诸空间皆汇聚在此。世人统治着彼等曾统治之世界;彼等亦将会统治世人所统治之世界。春夏过后就是秋冬,秋冬过后亦是春夏。彼等耐心等候,因为彼等终将再度统治此地。
    last of earth's masters, or that the common bulk of life and substance walks alone.
    The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces
    we know, but between them, they walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us
    unseen. Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the
    key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth.
    He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through
    again. He knows where They had trod earth's fields, and where They still tread
    them, and 为什么 no one can behold Them as They tread. By Their smell can men sometimes
    know Them near, but of Their semblance can no man know, saving only in the features
    of those They have begotten on mankind; and of those are there many sorts, differing
    in likeness from man's truest eidolon to that shape without sight or substance
    which is Them. They walk unseen and foul in lonely places where the Words have
    been spoken and the Rites howled through at their Seasons. The wind gibbers with
    Their voices, and the earth mutters with Their consciousness. They bend the forest
    and crush the city, yet may not forest or city behold the hand that smites. Kadath
    in the cold waste hath known Them, and what man knows Kadath? The ice desert of
    the South and the sunken isles of Ocean hold stones whereon Their seal is engraver,
    but who hath seen the deep frozen city or the sealed tower long garlanded with
    seaweed and barnacles? Great Cthulhu is Their cousin, yet can he spy Them only
    dimly. Iä! Shub-Niggurath! As a foulness shall ye know Them. Their hand is at
    your throats, yet ye see Them not; and Their habitation is even one with your
    guarded threshold. Yog-Sothoth is the key to the gate, whereby the spheres meet.
    Man rules now where They ruled once; They shall soon rule where man rules now.
    After summer is winter, after winter summer. They wait patient and potent, for
    here shall They reign again.

Revision as of 16:09, 14 June 2018


  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color=

EliteMobs尽可能地允许管理员自定义插件. 在这个页面,你可以看到详细的配置介绍. ==

  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==


SuperMob (passive EliteMobs) stack amount: 50
Use MMORPG colors for item ranks: true
Use MMORPG colors for custom items: true
Prevent creepers from killing passive mobs: true
Use titles to warn players they are missing a permission: true
Use scoreboards to display mob powers using permissions: false
Dangerous! Always show Elite Mob nametags: true
Hide enchantment attributes on plugin-generated items: false
Prevent item pickup from all aggressive mobs: false
Make aggressive named mobs unable to become Elite Mobs: true
Prevent Minecraft living entity mount exploit for Elite Mobs: true
Natural EliteMob spawning: true

"Natural" 指的是 "不是从刷怪笼生成的怪物". 这也指的是在世界中自然生成的怪物, 但是其他插件生成的怪物也会被判定为自然生成的.

Percentage of aggressive mobs that get converted to EliteMobs when they spawn: 20.0

插件不生成精英怪. 插件会在Minecraft生成怪物的时候监听事件,普通的怪物有0-100%概率变成精英怪. 改变这一数值可以改变精英怪生成率. 默认为20%.

Natural elite mob level cap: 200

这是自然生成的精英怪的最大等级.怪物等级取决于玩家的装备, 如果玩家的装备不是很厉害那么这个玩家就不会遇到高级的精英怪.

Aggressive mob stacking: true

开启这一项意味着精英怪可以堆叠并合成更高等级的精英怪 (等级为这两只精英怪之和,如果他们没有等级那么默认为1级).

EliteMob stacking cap: 50

精英怪可融合到的最大等级. 一旦等级叠加,如果最大等级是50级, 当两个26级的怪物融合只会生成50级的怪物 (26 + 26 = 52 , 52 > 50)

Stack aggressive spawner mobs: true

关闭这一项会阻止刷怪笼生成的怪物融合. 注意! 这些怪物将不会获得能力, 记住,从刷怪笼生成的怪物也不会掉落特殊的精英怪装备 (自定义或程序性生成物品). 怪物只会掉落原版机制的掉落物 (你也可以通过修改配置来使其掉落更多或更少的物品). 另外, 融合这些怪物可以大大减少服务器延迟(是否关闭这一项取决于你).

Stack aggressive natural mobs: true


SuperMob (passive EliteMobs) stack amount: 50

被动生物有别于主动生物的融合机制. 默认, 当附近有50只同类生物,他们会融合成一只“超级生物”. 这一生物没有特殊能力,但它会掉落约等同于融合生物数的掉落物 . 改变这一数值可以改变融合所需的生物数. 注意! 这些生物需要靠的很近才能融合, 所以如果你设置的数值太大就很难进行融合.

Enable plugin loot: true


Elite Mobs can drop custom loot: true


EliteMob base percentual plugin item drop chance: 25.0

这一项指的是掉率自定义或程序性物品的概率. 默认有25%的基础掉率精英怪会掉率特殊战利品.

EliteMob plugin item percentual drop chance increase per level: 1.0

这一项改变自然生成的精英怪掉落特殊战利品的概率 (自定义或程序性生成物品) . 默认一只2级的怪物增加2%的额外掉率. 50级怪物则增加50%的额外掉率. 如果你使用的是25%的基础掉率,这意味着50级的怪物拥有75%的概率掉落特殊物品. 注意! 玩家可能会因为杀死高级的怪物而不掉东西而感到不满. 如果你认为1%太高的话, 你可以用小数的概率如0.5 (0.5%)!

Procedurally generated item weight: 29

设置程序性生成物品的权重. 你可以在精英怪掉落机制Wiki页面看到这类物品的详细介绍.

Custom dynamic item weight: 70

设置自定义动态物品的权重. 你可以在精英怪掉落机制Wiki页面看到这类物品的详细介绍.

Custom static item weight: 1

设置自定义静态物品的权重. 你可以在精英怪掉落机制Wiki页面看到这类物品的详细介绍.

Use MMORPG colors for item ranks: true

MMORPG颜色指的是基于程序性生成物品的品质的颜色. 颜色分级和魔兽世界一致: 灰 - 白 - 绿 - 蓝 - 紫 - 金.

Use MMORPG colors for custom items: true

设置MMORPG颜色是否作用于loot.yml内的自定义物品. 当启用时, 它会覆盖所有自定义物品的颜色.

Prevent creepers from killing passive mobs: true

防止苦力怕炸死被动生物.这一选项是必要的,因为精英苦力怕会有很大爆炸半径.据我观察大概200级的精英苦力怕的爆炸范围能达到基岩之下并且会炸死附近大片的怪物.我强烈推荐你打开这一项, 或是关闭生成精英苦力怕.

EliteMob life multiplier: 1.0

精英怪基础生命值倍数. 数值可以为 0-0.99 (例如0.5) ,这会减少精英怪的血量 (20 * 0.5 = 10 ). 大于1的数值会增强精英怪的伤害.

EliteMob damage multiplier: 1.0

和生命值倍数一样, 但只作用于伤害值.

EliteMob default loot multiplier: 1.0

和上面的倍数一样, 这改变精英怪掉落物的数量. 默认会根据精英怪等级掉落相应数量的物品. 例如1级僵尸掉落1个腐肉, 但30级精英怪会掉落30个.

Drop multiplied default loot from elite mobs spawned in spawners: true

刷怪笼生成的怪物融合成的精英怪是否掉落多倍物品. 如果关闭, 精英怪只会掉落相当于一只原版怪物的物品.

SuperCreeper explosion nerf multiplier: 1.0

和其他倍数一样,这会改变精英苦力怕的爆炸范围 (爆炸伤害取决于爆炸范围). 介于 0 和 0.99 之间的数值可以减少爆炸范围 (推荐), 大于1则增加 (不推荐).

Turn on visual effects for natural or plugin-spawned EliteMobs: true

关闭这一项会关闭精英怪物品环绕特效而不能让玩家根据物品类型猜出怪物的特殊能力. 这些物品环绕特效不会降低您的服务器的TPS,所以你没有必要关闭这一项,除非你不喜欢这个特效. 注意! 如果你关闭了这一项, 我推荐你启用计分版来让玩家知道精英怪拥有的能力.

Turn off visual effects for non-natural or non-plugin-spawned EliteMobs: true


Turn on visual effects that indicate an attack is about to happen: true

某些能力的环绕特效具有召唤或传送的能力. 正如死灵(ZombieNecronomicon)的能力. 注意! 关闭这一项会让玩家不知道精英怪在释放技能.

Use titles to warn players they are missing a permission: true

使用标题来警告玩家缺失权限. 我用标题来显示是因为美观.

Use scoreboards (requires permission): false

计分版显示玩家附近精英怪的能力.开启需要管理员给予玩家权限, 这是一个配置选项. 注意!你也需要elitemobs.scoreboard权限才能看到计分版. 注意! 计分版可能会与其他插件的计分版冲突.

Elite Mobs wear armor: true

允许精英怪穿戴不同的盔甲来展示出其强度. 这些盔甲不会掉落.

Elite Mobs wear helmets: true

关闭这一项精英怪就不会佩戴头盔, 这可能会导致他们被阳光烧死.

Always show Elite Mob nametags: true

允许在一定范围内的玩家看到精英怪的名称. 这会比普通的显示名占用更多系统资源.这也会让玩家狩猎精英怪更有难度.

Nametag display range: 10

设置玩家可看到精英怪名称的范围,需要上一项设置为false. 这些名称直到精英怪死后才会消失. 这防止占用更多的服务器资源. ==

  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==


Allow aggressive EliteMobs: true
Valid aggressive EliteMobs:
  Blaze: true
  CaveSpider: true
  Creeper: true
  Enderman: true
  Endermite: true
  IronGolem: true
  PigZombie: true
  PolarBear: true
  Silverfish: true
  Skeleton: true
  Spider: true
  Witch: true
  Zombie: true
Allow Passive SuperMobs: true
Valid Super Mobs:
  Chicken: true
  Cow: true
  MushroomCow: true
  Pig: true
  Sheep: true
Allow aggressive EliteMobs: true


Valid aggressive EliteMobs:
  Blaze: true
  CaveSpider: true
  Creeper: true
  Enderman: true
  Endermite: true
  IronGolem: true
  PigZombie: true
  PolarBear: true
  Silverfish: true
  Skeleton: true
  Spider: true
  Witch: true
  Zombie: true


Allow Passive EliteMobs: true

是否允许被动生物融合成超级生物 ==

  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==


Valid worlds:
  world: true
  world_nether: true
  world_the_end: true

在某些世界开关本插件功能. 关闭了功能的世界不会生成精英怪. ==

  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==
Enable economy: true


Item resale value (percentage): 5


Tier price progression: 20

根据物品强度设置价格级数. 慎改.

Procedurally Generated Loot:
  Lowest simulated elite mob level loot: 1
  Highest simulated elite mob level loot: 100
Custom Loot:
  Lowest simulated elite mob level loot: 1
  Highest simulated elite mob level loot: 100

Currency name: Elite Coins


Shop name: EliteMobs Shop

设置商店名称. 不能与其他名称重复.

Custom shop name: EliteMobs Custom Shop

设置自定义商店名称. 不能与其他名称重复.

Reroll button location for EliteMobs Shops: 4


Valid chest slots for EliteMobs Shop:

- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
- 31
- 32
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 36
- 37
- 38
- 39
- 40
- 41
- 42
- 43
- 44
- 45
- 46
- 47
- 48
- 49
- 50
- 51
- 52
- 53
Valid chest slots for EliteMobs Custom Shop:
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
- 31
- 32
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 36
- 37
- 38
- 39
- 40
- 41
- 42
- 43
- 44
- 45
- 46
- 47
- 48
- 49
- 50
- 51
- 52
- 53



  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==


Enable events: true
Minimum amount of online players for event to trigger: 2
Maximum amount of online players after which the event frequency won't increase: 100
Minimum event frequency (minutes): 45
Maximum event frequency (minutes): 10
Enabled events:
  Small treasure goblin: true
  Dead moon: true
Small treasure goblin event announcement text: "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------\n\
  &7[&a事件&7] &c宝藏哥布林&f出现在&c $world &fat&c $location\
  \ \n &f参与狩猎吧!\n&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
Small treasure goblin killed by players message: 一个宝藏哥布林被 $player 杀死了!
Small treasure goblin nondescript death message: 一个宝藏哥布林被杀死了!
Treasure goblin extra loot drop amount: 10
Dead Moon event announcement text: "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------\n\
  &7[&a事件&7]  &c僵尸王 &f出现在&c $world &fat&c $location \n 
  \ 前往狩猎吧!\n&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
Zombie King killed by players message: 僵尸王 $player 杀死了!
Zombie King nondescript death message: 僵尸王被杀死了!
Dead moon names:
  Name of The Returned: '&2尸魂归来'
  Name of the Zombie King: '&4僵尸王'
Event weight:
  Small treasure goblin: 40
  Blood moon: 20
Time before boss mob gets culled: 30
Message for when boss mobs despawn if they are not killed withing 30 minutes: $bossmob
  has escaped!
Number of hits before spirit walk gets activated: 15
Time interval between zombie king flamethrower attacks: 20
Time interval between zombie king unholy smite attacks: 20
Time interval between zombie king minion summons: 20
Time interval between treasure goblin gold shotgun shots: 20
Time interval between treasure goblin radial explosions: 20
Enable events: true


Minimum amount of online players for event to trigger: 2
Maximum amount of online players after which the event frequency won't increase: 100


Minimum event frequency (minutes): 45
Maximum event frequency (minutes): 10


Enabled events:
  Small treasure goblin: true


Treasure goblin extra loot drop amount: 10



  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==


  Magmaguy's Toothpick:
    Item Type: WOOD_SWORD
    Item Name: '&4Magmaguy&c的&a牙签'
    Item Lore:
    - '&l&5崭新出厂的牙签!'
    - DAMAGE_ALL,3
  Rabbit Charm:
    Item Type: RABBIT_FOOT
    Item Name: 跃兔护符
    Item Lore:
    - 拥有这一护符
    - 你可以跳得更高!
    Potion Effects:
    - JUMP,3,self,continuous
    Drop Weight: 1
  Vampiric Charm:
    Item Type: STICK
    Item Name: 吸血鬼护符
    Item Lore:
    - 没有人知道
    - 这个护符来自哪
    - 但也没有人会忘记这个护符造成的危险...
    Potion Effects:
    - HEAL,1,self,onHit
    - BLINDNESS,1,self,onHit
    - SLOW,1,self,onHit
    Drop Weight: 1
  Scorpion Charm:
    Item Name: 毒蝎护符
    Item Lore:
    - 飞浮如蝶,
    - 刺痛如蜂,
    - 剧毒如豆!
    Potion Effects:
    - POISON,1,target,onHit
    Drop Weight: 1
  Chameleon Charm:
    Item Type: LEATHER
    Item Name: 变色龙护符
    Item Lore:
    - 这个多彩的护符可以
    - '与任何环境相适应, '
    - 缓缓地爬行着...
    Potion Effects:
    - INVISIBILITY,1,self,onHit
    - SLOW,2,self,onHit
    - BLINDNESS,1,self,onHit
    Drop Weight: 1
  Shulker Charm:
    Item Type: FEATHER
    Item Name: 潜影护符
    Item Lore:
    - I believe I can fly
    - I believe I can touch the sky
    - 而你和我一起上天吧!
    Potion Effects:
    - LEVITATION,2,self,onHit
    - LEVITATION,4,target,onHit
    Drop Weight: 1
  Elephant Charm:
    Item Type: ANVIL
    Item Name: 巨象护符
    Item Lore:
    - 获得巨象之力
    - 如同巨象使用了战争践踏!
    Potion Effects:
    - INCREASE_DAMAGE,2,self,onHit
    - SLOW,4,self,onHit
    Drop Weight: 1
  Cheetah Charm:
    Item Type: GOLD_BOOTS
    Item Name: 猎豹护符
    Item Lore:
    - 猎豹的速度可以达到
    - 120 km/h... 
    - 而这只需要60秒就能做到.
    Potion Effects:
    - SPEED,4,self,continuous
    - HUNGER,1,self,continuous
    Drop Weight: 1
  Lucky Charms:
    Item Type: COOKIE
    Item Name: 幸运护符
    Item Lore:
    - 一顿丰盛的早餐!
    - '注意: 这绝对不是一顿'
    - 丰盛的早餐.
    Potion Effects:
    - LUCK,1,self,continuous
    Drop Weight: 1
  Salamander Charm:
    Item Type: BLAZE_POWDER
    Item Name: 沙罗曼蛇护符
    Item Lore:
    - 和插件作者
    - 新的混音带一样火热!
    Potion Effects:
    - FIRE_RESISTANCE,1,self,continuous
    Drop Weight: 1
  Berserker Charm:
    Item Type: TOTEM
    Item Name: 狂战护符
    Item Lore:
    - 面对势不可挡的逆境
    - 你迷失了自我...
    Potion Effects:
    - BLINDNESS,1,self,onHit
    - FAST_DIGGING,1,self,onHit
    Drop Weight: 1
  Firefly Charm:
    Item Type: GLASS_BOTTLE
    Item Name: 萤火虫护符
    Item Lore:
    - 照亮黑夜!
    Potion Effects:
    - NIGHT_VISION,1,self,continuous
    - GLOWING,1,target,onHit
    Drop Weight: 1
  Slowpoke Charm:
    Item Type: CARROT_STICK
    Item Name: 迟钝护符
    Item Lore:
    - 希望你不要被
    - 这个护符所迷惑...
    Potion Effects:
    - SLOW,1,self,onHit
    - CONFUSION,1,target,onHit
    Drop Weight: 1
  Fishy Charm:
    Item Type: RAW_FISH
    Item Name: 鱼之护符
    Item Lore:
    - 这个护符
    - 总觉得有点不对劲...
    Potion Effects:
    - WATER_BREATHING,1,self,continuous
    Drop Weight: 1
  Owl Charm:
    Item Type: ELYTRA
    Item Name: 夜鹰护符
    Item Lore:
    - 成为终极夜间捕食者!
    Potion Effects:
    - GLOWING,1,target,onHit
    - JUMP,3,self,continuous
    - NIGHT_VISION,1,self,continuous
    - WEAKNESS,1,self,continuous
    Drop Weight: 0.1



  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==
Show potion effects on lore: true
Show item value on lore: true


Prevent players from placing pleaceable Elite custom items: true


Lore structure: |-


Default potion effect duration (seconds, on hit):
  HUNGER: 30
  LUCK: 5
  POISON: 20
  SLOW: 15
  SPEED: 30
  UNLUCK: 30
  WITHER: 15



  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==
Drop procedurally generated items on Elite Mob death: true


Mob level to item rank multiplier: 0.5


Monitor procedurally generated items on console: false


Item source (mob) (line 1): Looted from a level $level Elite $mob
Item source (shop) (line 1): Purchased from a store
Item worth (line 2): Worth $worth $currencyName
Item resale worth (line 2): $resale $currencyName resale value
Elite Mobs drop (line 3): Elite Mobs drop
Lore structure: "§m----------------------\n $line1 \n $line2 \n $line3 \n§m----------------------"




Valid material list for random items:


Valid Enchantments:


Material name:
  Sword: 剑
  Bow: 弓
  Pickaxe: 镐
  Spade: 铲
  Hoe: 锄
  Axe: 斧
  Fishing Rod: 钓鱼竿
  Shield: 盾
  Shears: 剪刀
  Helmet: 头盔
  Chestplate: 胸甲
  Leggings: 护腿
  Boots: 鞋子


Valid nouns:

有效名词 用于装备前后缀 可自定义

Valid verbs:

有效动词 上同


  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==


Enable unique items: true
Enable Mob Hunting set: true
EliteMob percentual spawn chance increase per hunting set item: 10
Hunting Helmet: |2-

      Item Type: IRON_HELMET
      Item Name: &4精英怪物猎人头盔
      Item Lore:
      - 戴上这个头盔将会
      - 增加你附近的
      - 高级精英怪
      - 生成的几率!
      Potion Effects:
      - NIGHT_VISION,1,self,continuous
      Drop Weight: 1
Hunting Chestplate: |2-

      Item Type: IRON_CHESTPLATE
      Item Name: &4精英怪物猎人胸甲
      Item Lore:
      - 穿上这个胸甲将会
      - 增加你附近的
      - 高级精英怪
      - 生成的几率!
      - 最勇敢的灵魂啊,穿上它吧.
      Potion Effects:
      - SATURATION,1,self,continuous
      Drop Weight: 1
Hunting Leggings: |2-

      Item Type: IRON_LEGGINGS
      Item Name: &4精英怪物猎人护腿
      Item Lore:
      - 穿上这个护腿将会
      - 增加你附近的
      - 高级精英怪
      - 生成的几率!
      - 为挑战极限之人而生.
      Potion Effects:
      - JUMP,2,self,continuous
      Drop Weight: 1
Hunting Boots: |2-

      Item Type: IRON_BOOTS
      Item Name: &4精英怪物猎人之鞋
      Item Lore:
      - 穿上这个鞋子将会
      - 增加你附近的
      - 高级精英怪
      - 生成的几率!
      - 只属于迅捷之人.
      Potion Effects:
      - SPEED,2,self,continuous
      Drop Weight: 1
Hunting Bow: |2-

      Item Type: BOW
      Item Name: &4精英怪物猎人之弓
      Item Lore:
      - 使用这把弓将会
      - 增加你附近的
      - 高级精英怪
      - 生成的几率!
      - 为天生的狩猎者而生.
      - ARROW_DAMAGE,3
      Potion Effects:
      - LEVITATION,1,target,onHit
      Drop Weight: 1
Enable Zombie King Axe: true
Zombie King Axe: |2-

      Item Type: GOLD_AXE
      Item Name: &4尸王之斧
      Item Lore:
      - 僵尸王
      - 所用过的斧头.
      - 这上面沾满了杀戮之血.
      - DAMAGE_ALL,10
      - DIG_SPEED,5
      - DURABILITY,5
      - KNOCKBACK,3
      - FIRE_ASPECT,4
      - WATER_WORKER,5
      Potion Effects:
      - FAST_DIGGING,1,self,onHit
      - POISON,1,target,onHit
      - GLOWING,1,target,onHit
      - NIGHT_VISION,1,target,continuous
      - WITHER,1,target,onHit
      Drop Weight: 1
Show item worth: true

Enable unique items: true


Enable Mob Hunting set: true

是否允许Mob Hunting斩首插件设置精英怪掉落物品

EliteMob percentual spawn chance increase per hunting set item: 10



  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==
  Defensive Powers:
    InvulnerabilityArrow: true
    InvulnerabilityFallDamage: true
    InvulnerabilityFire: true
    InvulnerabilityKnockback: true
    DoubleHealth: true
    Invisibility: true
  Offensive Powers:
    AttackArrow: true
    AttackBlinding: true
    AttackConfusing: true
    AttackFire: true
    AttackFireball: true
    AttackFreeze: true
    AttackGravity: true
    AttackPoison: true
    AttackPush: true
    AttackWeakness: true
    AttackWeb: true
    AttackWither: true
    DoubleDamage: true
  Miscellaneous Powers:
    BonusLoot: true
    MovementSpeed: true
    Taunt: true
  Major Powers:
    ZombieFriends: true
    ZombieNecronomicon: true
    ZombieTeamRocket: true
    ZombieParents: true
    SkeletonTrackingArrow: true
    ZombieBloat: true
    SkeletonPillar: true

开关精英怪的某种能力 ==

  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==

这不是个可配置文件,这个文件用来存储盗版玩家的UUID ==

  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==

这也不是个可配置文件,这个文件用来存储玩家的金钱数据 ==

  1. 重定向 模板:Minecraft Color==


Elite Mob Names:
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英烈焰人'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英洞穴蜘蛛'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英爬行者'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英末影人'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英末影螨'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英尸壳'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英铁傀儡'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英僵尸猪人'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英北极熊'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英蠹虫'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英骷髅'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英蜘蛛'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英流獨'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英女巫'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英凋灵骷髅'
  - '等级: '
  - ' 精英僵尸'
  Chicken: 超级融合鸡
  Cow: 超级融合牛
  MushroomCow: 超级融合哞菇
  Pig: 精英猪
  Sheep: 超级融合羊
  Health: '生命值: '
  - 哦!到这儿来!
  - 我看到了什么?一个懦夫?
  - 先生,准备好决一死战吧!
  - 让我们像野蛮人一样解决问题被!
  - 预备!
  - 小心! 你背后有只苦力怕!
  - Aren't you a right ugly mug!
  - 你看起来很美味.
  - 准备好应付麻烦吧!
  - Let the best click spammer win!
  - I am actually 等级 9001
  - Not an Elite Mob
  - Poorly disguised Elite Mob
  - Ah, fresh prey!
  - The hunter becomes the hunted!
  - Killing me crashes the server
  - I'm actually a disguised player!
  - I'm not going to drop any loot!
  - 为什么我们不能成为朋友?
  - Sssssss
  - This is my last day on the job!
  - Stop right there criminal scum!
  - Prepare to die!
  - Praise the Sun!
  - Git gud
  - Alea jacta est!
  - Facta, non verba!
  - Skulls for the skull throne!
  - Blood for the blood throne!
  - A sacrifice for Herobrine!
  - I shall pierce the heavens!
  - 你以为我是谁!?
  - 太弱了!.
  - 弱者!
  - Accio player!
  - 决一死战吧!
  - I challenge you to a duel!
  - Pika pika!
  - Did you just call me an infernal
  - 你刚才叫我生命?
  - I know what you did you monster!
  - 这将是你的生命之终结!
  - Prepare for trouble!
  - I've been preparing for this!
  - 我已经准备好了.
  - 可敬的对手!
  - 势均力敌的对手!
  - 一个萌新,我真是太走运了!
  - 交出你的财产,或是你的生命!
  - 抢劫!
  - 是你这只怪物!
  - So hungry, give me your flesh!
  - 他在这儿!
  - Must've been my imagination
  - 你好,我是梅塞克斯先生!
  - 我是梅塞克斯先生, 看着我!
  - 献出你的钻石,或是你的狗命!
  - 为了国王,为了国家!
  - Hit me with your best shot!
  - 面对我!
  - 见证我的鲜血!
  - 我如星之闪耀!
  - Ow!
  - Oi!
  - 停下来!
  - 为什么伤害我?!
  - You fight like a Dairy Farmer!
  - You are a pain in the backside!
  - En garde! Touche!
  - Hacks!
  - My health is bugged, unkillable!
  - Your hits only make me stronger!
  - Sticks and stones...
  - tis but a flesh wound!'
  - Emperor protects!
  - Herobrine, aid me!
  - Behind you! A creeper!
  - I have made a terrible mistake.
  - 为什么我杀了我...
  - Zombies dig scars
  - I shall show you my true power!
  - Prepare for my ultimate attack!
  - 我的援军到达了!
  - You're going to pay for that!
  - That's going to leave a mark!
  - 以眼还眼!
  - Health insurance will cover that
  - I felt that one in my bones
  - tis but a scratch'
  - What was that? A soft breeze?
  - You'll never defeat me like that
  - 可怜.
  - 太弱了.
  - That didn't even dent my armor!
  - This is going to be an easy one
  - My grandchildren will feel that
  - Are you even trying?
  - An admin just fully healed me
  - Haxxor!
  - Me? Damaged? Hacks!
  - 我才不会被打扮!
  - Good thing I'm using hacks!
  - 小心! Herobrine在你身后!
  - 为了艾尔!
  - Your home is getting griefed!
  - 为什么我们不能成为朋友?
  - Valhalla!
  - Notch救我!
  - No retreat!
  - 用你的全力和我一战!
  - Fight me like a Player!
  - Afraid to come up-close?
  - I can smell your fear from here!
  - Did you forget your sword?
  - Coward! Bow are no fair!
  - Bows? That's so 2011...
  - Bows are for the weak of mind!
  - Bows are for the weak of spirit!
  - Bows are for the weak of heart!
  - I thought we agreed no bows!
  - Bows? You'll regret that
  - Ow!
  - Oi!
  - Stop that!
  - 为什么?!
  - You fight like a Dairy Farmer!
  - You are a pain in the backside!
  - En garde! Touche!
  - Hacks!
  - My health is bugged, unkillable!
  - Your hits only make me stronger!
  - Sticks and stones...
  - tis but a flesh wound!'
  - Emperor protects!
  - Herobrine, aid me!
  - Behind you! A creeper!
  - I have made a terrible mistake.
  - What doesn't kill me...
  - Zombies dig scars
  - I shall show you my true power!
  - Prepare for my ultimate attack!
  - My reinforcements are arriving!
  - You're going to pay for that!
  - That's going to leave a mark!
  - An eye for an eye!
  - Health insurance will cover that
  - I felt that one in my bones
  - tis but a scratch'
  - What was that? A soft breeze?
  - You'll never defeat me like that
  - Pathetic.
  - Weak.
  - That didn't even dent my armor!
  - This is going to be an easy one
  - My grandchildren will feel that
  - Are you even trying?
  - An admin just fully healed me
  - Haxxor!
  - Me? Damaged? Hacks!
  - I can't be defeated!
  - Good thing I'm using hacks!
  - Watch out! Herobrine behind you!
  - My life for Aiur!
  - Your home is getting griefed!
  - 为什么 can't we be friends?
  - Valhalla!
  - Notch save me!
  - No retreat!
  - Hit me with your best shot!
  - 强力的打击!
  - He shoots, and he scores!
  - You'll feel that in the morning!
  - 胜利终将到来!
  - 胜利将属于我!
  - That was only half of my power!
  - You came to the wrong hood!
  - You messed with the wrong mob!
  - Get ready to get mobbed on!
  - This was your last mistake!
  - Feel the burn!
  - John Cena
  - How are you still standing?
  - Just give up already!
  - Give up!
  - I have the high ground!
  - I will end you!
  - Hope you came prepared for pain!
  - The hunter becomes the hunted!
  - Blood for the blood throne!
  - Skulls for the skull throne!
  - A good player is a dead player!
  - Git gud!
  - Praise the Sun!
  - The end draws near!
  - You are not prepared.
  - Zug zug!
  - Hardly worth my time!
  - I thought this was a challenge?
  - 'Pro tip: dont get hit'
  - Ima firin mah lazer bwooooooooo
  - For the Emperor!
  - Herobrine shall be pleased!
  - This is the end for you!
  - Are you even trying?
  - Weakling!
  - Pathetic.
  - Maybe this will wake you up.
  - This is just the beggining!
  - We're just getting started!
  - That was just a warm-up!
  - You are no match for me!
  - RKO out of nowhere!
  - I can do this all night long!
  - A fine punching bag!
  - I am the night!
  - I wonder what will break first
  - Revenge for Steve! You monster!
  - Join the mob side!
  - Too easy, too easy!
  - Too easy!
  - You can't defeat me!
  - Pikachuuuuuu
  - Avada kedavra!
  - Crucio!
  - Jierda!
  - A critical hit!
  - This is what skills looks like!
  - 9001 damage!
  - Still standing?
  - Face your defeat!
  - A taste of pain to come!
  - I'll make you endangered!
  - Alas, poor Yorick!
  - The rest is silence
  - I shall return
  - Unforgivable
  - I live, I die, I live again!
  - I ride to valhalla!
  - You win, this time
  - A blight upon your land!
  - A pox upon thee!
  - You'll join me soon enough!
  - This is not over
  - Death is but a setback
  - Not like this...
  - I just wanted to go into space
  - We could've been friends
  - Your sins crawling on your back
  - See you in a bit
  - See you later
  - I'll be waiting for you
  - I will be avenged!
  - I won't go gently into the night
  - Should've gotten life insurance
  - It was my last day on the job
  - It was my last day here
  - Et tu, Brute?
  - RIP
  - x.x
  - (x.x)
  - xox
  - Fainted
  - GG, WP
  - GG
  - WP
  - GG no RE
  - HAX
  - Hacker
  - Not fair I was lagging
  - You win, this time
  - You monster...
  - Mediocre...
  Friend 1: 'BFF #1'
  Friend 2: 'BFF #2'
  - Noooo!
  - Mediocre!
  - Zacharias!
  - He's deader than before!
  - Let's play ZombieCraft later!
  - Feel the power of friendship!
  - El pueblo, unido!
  - I called my friends over!
  - BFF power!
  - One for all!
  - Get him!
  - Screw you guys, I'm going home!
  - Don't mess with our friends!
  - We got your back Zach!
  - Backup has arrived!
  - One for all, one for all!
  - This is going to be easy!
  - Give up we have the high ground!
  - You wanna go bruv?
  - Worldstaaaaaaaaar!
  - What are you doing to our friend
  - Feel the power of friendship!
  - Friendship power at 100%!
  - Zombies, assemble!
  - We got your back mate!
  - Together we are better!
  - The more the merrier!
  - I got you fam!
  - All for one!
  Summoned zombie: Summoned Zombie
  Summoned skeleton: Summoned Skeleton
  Summoning chant: 人类既非这地上最古老的主人,也非这地上最后一任主人。寻常的活物与物质亦非独行于世。旧日支配者昔在,旧日支配者今在,旧日支配者亦将永在。不在吾等所知之空间,而在诸空间之间。彼等平静行过,彼等于初源行过,彼等位于空间之外,而吾等不能见其踪影。犹格·索托斯知道大门所在。犹格·索托斯即是门,犹格·索托斯即是门之匙,即是看门者。过去在他,现在在他,未来皆在他。他知晓旧日支配者曾于何处闯入;亦知晓旧日支配者将于何处再次闯入。他知晓彼等曾踏过地上的哪些土地,也知道彼等仍踏在哪些土地上,亦知道当彼等行过时为何无人得见彼等。借由彼等气味,世人偶尔可知彼等近了,但无人可知晓彼等容貌,然世人可从彼等的人类子嗣身上窥见彼等的容貌;彼等子嗣亦有各样的相貌,有世人最真切的幻想,亦有如彼等一般无形无实之形体。若在适当的时节于荒凉土地上说出某些词句,呼嚎过某些仪式,则彼等将行过并腐坏那些土地,而无人得见彼等。风会喋喋转述彼等声音,地会喃喃转述彼等意识。彼等令森林屈服,城市粉碎,然没有森林与城市可见彼等之手。冰冷荒原之上,卡达斯知晓彼等,而谁人知晓卡达斯呢?南方的冰雪荒漠与沉没大洋的小岛上承载着刻有彼等印记的石头,而谁人得以眼见那些封冻的城市,那些有海草藤壶的密封高塔呢?伟大的克苏鲁亦是彼等兄弟,然其亦只可模糊感知彼等所在。呀!莎布·尼古拉丝!透过那污秽,汝可知晓彼等。彼等之手已在汝之咽喉,而汝仍不见彼等;彼等居所在汝之门槛。犹格·索托斯即是门之匙,诸空间皆汇聚在此。世人统治着彼等曾统治之世界;彼等亦将会统治世人所统治之世界。春夏过后就是秋冬,秋冬过后亦是春夏。彼等耐心等候,因为彼等终将再度统治此地。
  - 既然你诚心诚意的发问了!
  - 我们就大发慈悲的告诉你!
  - 为了防止世界被破坏
  - 为了守护世界的和平
  - 贯彻爱与真实的邪恶
  - 武藏!
  - 小次郎!
  - 我们是穿梭在银河的火箭队
  - 白色的未来,有光辉的明天在等着我们!
  - 现在,投降吧!
  - 或者准备战斗吧!
  - 喵~就是这样!
  Jesse name: 武藏
  James name: 小次郎
  Meowth name: 喵喵
  DeathMessage: 火箭队又失败了!
  Dad Name: 僵尸之父
  Mom Name: 僵尸之母
  - 你个怪物!
  - 我的孩子……
  - 你做了什么!?
  - 这是报复!
  - 不!!!
  - 你会为这付出代价!
  - 嗯……他被收养了……
  - 他死了!又一次!
  - 他比以前死的更彻底了……
  - 你把他折断了!
  - 你这是在难为我!
  - 他在欺负我!
  - 他在打我!
  - 我能独自解决这件事!
  - 别打扰我,我会搞定的。
  - 别在我周围!
  - 这太尴尬了。
  - 他拿走了我的午餐钱!
  - 他欺负我!  
  - 从我的儿子身边离开!
  - 证明你自己的儿子!
  - 我将会解决他。
  - 不要捉弄我的儿子。
  - 你为什么要这么做?
  - 我会告诉你的父母!
  - 孩子,上。
  - 告诉他谁才是熊孩子之王!
  - 漂亮的一拳,孩子!
  - 放开我的孩子!
  - 亲爱的,你受伤了吗?
  - 哦亲爱的,你没受伤吧?
  - 让我看看这个,亲爱的。
  - 我会和他的父母谈话的。
  - 亲爱的,你忘下了你的夹克!
  - 摆个姿势,亲爱的。
  - 打破它!
  - 给我停下!
  - 你把垃圾倒出去了吗?