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Sheep-realms留言 | 贡献2021年6月27日 (日) 06:22的版本 (创建页面,内容为“<pre> #本配置文件由qsefthuopq汉化并修改过相关配置,修改一项数据一般都要修改2次,一次为数值,一次为对应lore Settings: Prefix:…”)
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   Prefix: '&8[&a更多附魔&8]: ' #插件信息前缀
   Update-Checker: true #开关插件版本检测
   Player-Info-Backup-Message: true #你是否能看见玩家的数据背包提醒.
   Reset-Players-Max-Health: true #重置玩家生命上限,这对某些有其他改变玩家生命上限插件的服务器会叠加,就像CombatTagPlus(v1.2.3以下版本)插件
   InvName: '&4&l&n更多附魔' #GUI中的名称
   Enchantment-Book-Item: '340' #附魔书的物品ID.
   Enchantment-Book-Glowing: true #开关附魔书是否发光.
   GUISize: 54 #GUI的大小, 必须是9的倍数
   EnchantmentBookLore: #附魔书的lore.
     - '&7拖曳书到物品上来附魔.'
     - '&7右键获取更多信息.'
     - '%Description%'
     - '&4%Destroy_Rate%% 失败几率'
     - '&a%Success_Rate%% 成功几率'
   LostBook: #尘封之书选项.
     Item: '340' #物品ID.
     Name: '&8&l&n尘封之 %Category%&8&l&n' #名称.
     Lore: #描述.
       - '&7这本书失传已久'
       - '&7据说是 %Category% '
       - '&7你必须扫除尘埃,打开它才能知道它是什么等级的.'
       - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7右键打开.'
     Item: '175' #物品ID.
     Glowing: true #是否开启发光特效.
     Name: '&e&l命运之&e骰' #物品名称.
     Lore: #物品ID.
       - '&e&l命运之&e骰 &7可以'
       - '&7重置失败和成功率。.'
       - '&7拖曳这个物品到一本附魔书上'
       - '&7来刷新失败和成功率.'
     GUI: #菜单选项.
       Name: '&8命运之&e骰' #GUI名称.
       Toggle: true #是否在主菜单中显示. 警告>> 如果玩家经常使用这个东西的话可能会造成服务器卡顿.
       Pointer: #菜单内的指针.
         Item: '76' #指针的ID.
         Name: '&c&l指针' #名称.
         Lore: #描述.
           - '&7新的几率将会降临'
           - '&在这本附魔书上.'
     InGUI: true #是否可以在菜单内购买.
     Slot: 41 #在主菜单内的格子序数.
     GUIName: '&e&l命运之骰' #物品名.
     GUILore: #菜单内显示的物品描述.
       - ' &e&l命运之骰 &7可以'
       - '&7重置装备的损坏和成功率.'
       - '&7拖曳这个物品到一本附魔书上'
       - '&7来获得新的损坏和成功率.'
       - '&e价格: &e&l$800'
   GKitz: #套装选项.
     InGUI: false #是否在主菜单内显示.
     Slot: 1 #格子序数
     Item: '311' #物品ID.
     Glowing: true #If the item has a glowing effect.
     Name: '&c&l套装' #The name of the item.
     Lore: #物品ID.
       - '&b>>&7&n点击打开&b<<'
     InGUI: true #是否在菜单内 .
     Slot: 14 #格子序数
     Item: '388' #Item it is
     Glowing: true #是否有附魔的发光特性
     Protected: '&6远古的祝福' #描述.
     Lose-Protection-On-Death: true #If true then when the player dies they get the item but it loses its protection.
     Chance: #The option to allow the protection to fail.
       Toggle: false #Toggle if the protection has a chance of failing.
       Success-Chance: 75 #The chance that the protection will work.
     Name: '&5&l御之&b&l水晶' #Name of the item
     Lore: #Lore of the item
       - '&7一种罕见的水晶'
       - '&7当玩家飞升太虚后.'      
       - '&7保护物品不致丢失'
       - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7拖曳到一个物品上.'
     GUIName: '&5&l御之&b&l水晶'
       - '&7据说是一种罕见的水晶'
       - '&7当玩家飞升太虚后.'      
       - '&7保护物品不致丢失'
       - '&e价格: &e&l$2500'
     InGUI: true #In the GUI.
     Slot: 24 #Slot it is in.
     Item: '145' #Item that shows in the GUI
     Glowing: false #Is it enchanted
     Name: '&b&l铁&9&l匠' #Name of the Item in the GUI
     Lore: #Lore on the item.
       - '&b>>&7&n点击打开&b<<'
     GUIName: '&8&l铁匠' 
       None: '&c&l无'
         - '&7请放置'
         - '&7一样的附魔和等级的两本书.'
         - '&7或者把两个物品合成在一起'
         - '&7在物品上的附魔.'
       Found: '&c&l价格: &6&l%Cost%XP' #The lore at the bottom of the item
     Transaction: #Options for the pricing
       Currency: XP_Level
       Costs: #Cost options
         Power-Up: 5 #When a enchantment levels up 1 on an item
         Add-Enchantment: 3 #When it adds an enchantment to the item from another item
         Book-Upgrade: 5 #Leveling up a books power
   Tinker: #Settings for Info item in the GUI
     InGUI: true #Toggle whether it is in the /CE GUI or not
     Slot: 22 #Slot it is in
     Item: '399' #Item it is
     Glowing: false #Whether it glows like its enchanted
     Name: '&9&l工匠' #Name of the Item
     Lore: #Lore of the item
       - '&b>>&7&n点击打开&b<<'
   Info: #Settings for Info item in the GUI
     InGUI: true #Toggle whether it is in the /CE GUI or not
     Slot: 23 #Slot it is in
     Item: '345' #Item it is
     Glowing: true #Whether it glows like its enchanted
     Name: '&e附魔介绍' #Name of the Item
     Lore: #Lore of the item
       - '&b>>&7&n点击查看&b<<'
   Dust: #Settings for the Magical Dust
       Item: '289' #Item mystery dust is
       Name: '&7神秘尘埃' #Name of the dust
       Lore: #Use %Percent% to set the percent
         - '&a1-%Percent%% &7将会变成一个'
         - '&a魔法天使尘埃 &7或 &e魔法修复 &7尘埃'
         - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7右键点击'
         Toggle: true #打开时是否放烟花.
         Colors: 'Black, Gray, Lime' #烟花颜色.
         Success: true #开关能否获得成功的尘埃.
         Destroy: true #开关能否获得毁坏的尘埃.
         Failed: true ##开关能否获得尘埃.
       PercentRange: #几率.
         Max: 30 #最大几率
       InGUI: true #If you can buy it in the /CE GUI
       GUIName: '&a魔法天使尘埃' #Name of the item in the GUI
       GUILore: #Lore in the GUI.
         - '&e价格: &a&l$500'
         - '&7拖曳到附魔书上来使用'
         - '&7增加&a附魔成功几率&7.'
       Slot: 25 #Slot number it is in
       Item: '353' #Item the dust is
       Name: '&a魔法天使尘埃' #Name of the dust
       Lore: #Lore for the dust
         - '&a+%Percent%% 成功几率'
         - '&7拖曳到附魔书上来使用'
         - '&7增加 &e%Percent%% 的成功几率'
       PercentRange: #Range the success rate will be.
         Max: 30 #Max percent
         Min: 2 #Minimum percent
       InGUI: true #If you can buy it in the /CE GUI
       GUIName: '&e魔法修复尘埃' #Name of the item in the GUI
       GUILore: #Lore in the GUI.
         - '&e价格: &a&l$500'
         - '&7拖曳到一个附魔书上来使用'
         - '&7会降低 &4附魔失败几率&7.'
       Slot: 34 #Slot number it is in
       Item: '331' #Item the dust is
       Name: '&e魔法修复尘埃' #Name of the dust
       Lore: #Lore for the dust
         - '&c-%Percent%% 装备破碎率'
         - '&7拖曳到一个附魔书上来使用'
         - '&7减少 &e%Percent%% 的附魔失败率'
       PercentRange: #Range the destroy rate will be.
         Max: 10 #Max percent
         Min: 2 #Minimum percent
       Item: '289' #Item the dust is
       Name: '&7灰尘' #Name of the dust
       Lore: #Lore for the dust
         - '&7失败之作.'
         - '&7已经没用了'
         - '&7能被用作 TNT或一个投掷药水.'
   BlackScroll: #Settings for the black scrolls
     Item: '351' #The item the black scroll can be
     Name: '&8&l&n黑色卷轴' #The name of the black scroll
     Item-Lore: #The lore that will be on the black scroll.
       - '&7制作自定义的附魔,你难度不想要吗?'
       - '&7拖曳卷轴在一个有自定义附魔的物品上'
       - '&7然后它会重置随机一个附魔并转化为附魔书.'
       - '&7&l(&6&l!&7&l) &7只能用在自定义附魔物品上'
     Chance-Toggle: false #Toggle on and off if the black scrolls have a chance of failing.
     Chance: 75 #The chance that the black scroll will work.
     InGUI: true #Toggle being able to buy in the /CE GUI. Cost is controlled in the SignOptions section
     GUIName: '&7黑色卷轴'
     Glowing: false #If the item is glowing.
     Slot: 21 #Slot you can buy the scroll at
     Lore: #Lore of the item in the GUI
       - '&e价格: &a&l$1000'
       - '&7黑色卷轴可以'
       - '&7去除随机一个附魔.'
     SuccessChance: #Controls what the success chance will be when they get the book from the Black Scroll
       Max: 75 #The Max percent
       Min: 35 #The Minimum percent
     DestroyChance: #Controls what the destroy chance will be when they get the book from the Black Scroll
       Max: 25 #The Max percent
       Min: 5 #The Minimum percent
     Item: '339' #The item the white scroll is.
     Name: '&e&l白色卷轴' #The name of the white scrolls.
     Item-Lore: #The lore that will be on the white scroll.
       - '&7想要保护一个物品免受书的破坏率?'
       - '&7拖曳卷轴到一个可附魔的物品上'
       - '&7然后它会保护一个物品免受书的破坏率.'
     InGUI: true #Toggle being able to buy in the /CE GUI. Cost is controlled in the SignOptions section
     GUIName: '&7白色卷轴'
     Glowing: false #If the item is glowing.
     Slot: 30 #Slot you can buy the scroll at
     Lore: #Lore of the scroll in the GUI
       - '&e价格: &a&l$2000'
       - '&7白色卷轴可以'
       - '&7保护物品免受损坏.'
     ProtectedName: '&b&l神之守护' #The lore that is added to protect an item.
     Item: '406' #卷轴的方块材质ID.
     Name: '&d&l变形卷轴' #The name of the scroll.
     Item-Lore: #The lore that will be on the scroll.
       - '&7这个卷轴可以让你鉴定出'
       - '&7你的附魔和有多少'
       - '&7你拥有的附魔在物品上.'
     InGUI: false #Toggle being able to buy in the /CE GUI. Cost is controlled in the SignOptions section
     GUIName: '&d变形卷轴'
     Glowing: false #If the item is glowing.
     Slot: 30 #Slot you can buy the scroll at
     Lore: #Lore of the scroll in the GUI
       - '&e价格: &a&l$200'
       - '&7这个卷轴可以让你鉴定出'
       - '&7多少附魔'
       - '&7在物品上.'
     Amount-of-Enchantments: ' &7[&6&n%Amount%&7]' #物品名前缀.
     Amount-Toggle: true #是否把数量添加到物品前缀内.
     Count-Vanilla-Enchantments: true #If it counts the vanilla enchantments in the amount.
   EnchantmentOptions: #附魔书选项.
     MaxAmountOfEnchantmentsToggle: true #启用最大附魔上限. 用 crazyenchantments.limit.# 权限来设置上限.
     IncludeVanillaEnchantments: false #是否将原版附魔归为附魔上限内?
     MaxRageLevel: 5 #怒气附魔的叠加上限.
     Break-Rage-On-Damage: true #玩家是否在受伤时失去怒气BUFF.  
     Right-Click-Book-Description: true #右键附魔书时是否显示附魔信息.
     UnSafe-Enchantments: true #启用这一项可以让玩家使用超过设定上限等级的附魔.
     Blast-Full-Durability: true #毁灭之镐附魔是否消耗多倍耐久.
     Right-Click-Enchantment-Table: false #玩家右键附魔台时是否打开/CE菜单.
     EXP-Bug: false #只有在玩家购买物品时经验出错时才建议开启.    
     Armor-Upgrade: #是否在玩家升级装备的附魔后升级附魔效果.
       Toggle: true #是否启用升级附魔.
       Enchantment-Break: true #如果书的破碎率起作用了,物品不会被破坏,而是破坏该低级附魔 关闭了的话物品会直接被摧毁.
     Wings: #羽翼附魔选项.
       Clouds: true #是否显示飞行的粒子特效. 这可能会造成服务器卡顿.
       Enemy-Toggle: true #This toggles on and off the wings enchantment when an enemy is # away from the player.
       Distance: 25 #How far away the enemy has to be to toggle off the enchantment.
       Members-Can-Fly: true #Toggle if a player is a member of a world guard region if they can fly.
       Owners-Can-Fly: true #开关玩家worldguard区域的主人是否可以飞行.
       Regions: #可以飞行的worldguard区域.
         - 'Free_Fly'
         - 'SafeZone'
   Costs: #商店GUI内的物品价格,只修改上面的lore无效. https://github.com/kicjow/Crazy-Enchantments/wiki/Currency-Types
     Scrambler: #购买的物品.
       Cost: 500 #价格.
       Currency: Vault #货币类型.
       Cost: 2500
       Currency: Vault
       Cost: 200
       Currency: Vault
       Cost: 1000
       Currency: Vault
       Cost: 2000
       Currency: Vault
       Cost: 500
       Currency: Vault
       Cost: 500
       Currency: Vault
   SignOptions: #牌子商店功能与/CE的GUI一致,故不翻译.
     CategoryShopStyle: #牌子内容. 价格取决于你所选择的附魔类型
       Line1: '&b&l更多附魔' #附魔牌子商店第一行
       Line2: '&b&l商店:' #牌子第二行
       Line3: '&2&l%Category%' #牌子第三行
       Line4: '&c&l价格: &6&l%Cost%XP' #牌子第四行
       Buy-Message: '&7你购买了一本附魔书,为 %BookName%&7 ,等级是 %Category%&7.'
       Line1: '&b&l更多附魔'
       Line2: '&b&l商店:'
       Line3: '&5&l御之&b&l水晶'
       Line4: '&c&l价格: &a&l$500'
       Buy-Message: '&7你购买了一个 &5&l御之&b&l水晶.' #购买物品时显示的信息.
       Line1: '&b&l更多附魔'
       Line2: '&b&l商店:'
       Line3: '&e&l命运之骰'
       Line4: '&c&l价格: &a&l$800'
       Buy-Message: '&7你购买了一个 &e&l命运之&e骰&7.' #购买物品时显示的信息.
       Line1: '&b&l更多附魔'
       Line2: '&b&l商店:'
       Line3: '&e&l魔法天使尘埃'
       Line4: '&c&l价格: &a&l$500'
       Buy-Message: '&7你购买了一个&a魔法天使尘埃&7.'
       Line1: '&b&l更多附魔'
       Line2: '&b&l商店:'
       Line3: '&e&l魔法修复尘埃'
       Line4: '&c&l价格: &a&l$500'
       Buy-Message: '&7你购买了一个 &e魔法修复尘埃&7.'
       Line1: '&b&l更多附魔'
       Line2: '&b&l商店:'
       Line3: '&4&l黑色&8&l卷轴'
       Line4: '&c&l价格: &a&l$1000'
       Buy-Message: '&7你购买了一个 &8&l&n黑色卷轴&7.'
       Line1: '&b&l更多附魔'
       Line2: '&b&l商店:'
       Line3: '&f&lWhite &b&lScrolls'
       Line4: '&c&l价格: &a&l$2000'
       Buy-Message: '&7你购买了一个 &e&l白色卷轴&7.'
       Line1: '&b&l更多附魔'
       Line2: '&b&l商店:'
       Line3: '&d&l变形&b&l卷轴'
       Line4: '&c&l价格: &a&l$200'
       Buy-Message: '&7你购买了一个&d&l变形卷轴&7.'
   # Slot:<Slot> - 物品所在的格子序号.
   # Item:<ID>:<MD> - The item that it will be. You can use meta data for the items.
   # Name:<Name> - The name that will go on the item.
   # Lore:<Line1>,<Line2>,<Line3>,<Line4> - The lore can use multiple lines by adding a , in-between letters. Example: "Lore:&7I am line1,&aI am line 2,&eI am line3"
   #Placeholders can be used in the name and lore and they must be lowercase. 
   #Placeholders: %vault% %xp_level% %xp_total%
   GUICustomization: #这允许你自定义在GUI中不可点击的物品(默认玻璃板).
     - 'Slot:1, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:2, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:3, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:4, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:5, Item:160:15, Name:&bqsefthuopq汉化'
     - 'Slot:6, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:7, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:8, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:9, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:10, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:18, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:19, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:27, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:28, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:36, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:37, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:45, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:46, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:47, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:48, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:49, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:50, Item:160:15, Name:&eqsefthuopq汉化'
     - 'Slot:51, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:52, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:53, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:54, Item:160:15, Name: '
     - 'Slot:11, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:12, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:13, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:14, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:15, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:16, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:17, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:20, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:26, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:29, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:35, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:38, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:39, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:40, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:41, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:42, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:43, Item:160:0, Name: '
     - 'Slot:44, Item:160:0, Name: '
 Categories: #你可以在这里创建不同品质的附魔
   Common: #Name of the category
     Name: '&a&l&n[普通]附魔书' #Name in the GUI
     Slot: 31 #The Slot number the item will be in
     InGUI: true #Toggle if its in the GUI or not.
     Lore: #物品ID
       - '&e价格: &6&l15 &6经验等级'
       - '&e可获得I-II级的附魔书'         
     Item: '160:5' #The id for the item
     Cost: 15 #How much each book will cost to buy.
     Currency: XP_Level #The currency you wish to use. https://github.com/kicjow/Crazy-Enchantments/wiki/Currency-Types
     Rarity: 1 #This allows the enchantments to be ordered with the Transmog Scrolls. The higher the number the more rare it is. Try and have each category have different rarities.
     LostBook: #Controls the Lost Book shop for this tier
       InGUI: false #是否在/CE 的Gui中显示
       Slot: 1 #GUI中的格子序号
       Item: '340' #The item that is shown in the GUI
       Glowing: false #Is it enchanted
       Name: '&8&l&n尘封之&c&l Tier1' #Name of the item
       Lore: #Lore on the item
         - '&7这些就是失传已久的书'
         - '&7传说是 &c&lTier1 .'
         - '&但没人尝试打开这本书.'
         - '&7你想要扫除尘埃,打开这本书吗?'
         - '&c&l价格: &6&l$1000'
       Cost: 1000
       Currency: Vault
       FireworkToggle: true #Toggle on and off if when opening a lost book a firework effect happens
       FireworkColors: 'Red, White, Blue' #The colors of the firework
       Sound-Toggle: true
       Sound: 'BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE'      
     EnchOptions: #Enchantment Options
       SuccessPercent: #附魔成功的范围
         Max: 90 #The max success rate
         Min: 40 #The min success rate
       DestroyPercent: #附魔失败率的范围
         Max: 10 #The max destroy rate
         Min: 0 #The min destroy rate
       MaxLvlToggle: true #Turn on and off Max Level cap
       LvlRange: #可获得附魔等级的范围.
         Max: 2
         Min: 1
     Name: '&9&l&n[稀有]附魔书'
     Slot: 32
     InGUI: true
       - '&e价格: &6&l20 &6经验等级'
       - '&e可获得稀有的附魔书'      
     Item: '160:11'
     Cost: 20
     Currency: XP_Level
     Rarity: 2
       InGUI: false
       Slot: 2
       Item: '340'
       Glowing: false
       Name: '&8&l&n尘封之&c&l Tier2 '
         - '&7这些就是失传已久的书'
         - '&7传说是 &c&lTier1  .'
         - '&但没人尝试打开这本书.'
         - '&7你想要扫除尘埃,打开这本书吗?'
         - '&c&l价格: &6&l$2000'
       Cost: 2000
       Currency: Vault
       FireworkToggle: true
       FireworkColors: 'Black, Yellow'
       Sound-Toggle: true
       Sound: 'BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE'         
         Max: 70
         Min: 35
         Max: 25
         Min: 10
       MaxLvlToggle: true
         Max: 3
         Min: 2
     Name: '&e&l&n[传说]附魔书'
     Slot: 33
     InGUI: true
       - '&e价格: &6&l35 &6经验等级'
       - '&e可获得高级的附魔书'         
     Item: '160:14'
     Cost: 35
     Currency: XP_Level
     Rarity: 3
       InGUI: false
       Slot: 3
       Item: '340'
       Glowing: true
       Name: '&8&l&n尘封之&c&l Tier3 '
         - '&7这些就是失传已久的书'
         - '&7传说是 &c&lTier1 .'
         - '&但没人尝试打开这本书.'
         - '&7你想要扫除尘埃,打开这本书吗?'
         - '&c&l价格: &6&l$3000'
       Cost: 3000
       Currency: Vault
       FireworkToggle: true
       FireworkColors: 'White, Gray'
       Sound-Toggle: true
       Sound: 'BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE'      
         Max: 50
         Min: 25
         Max: 35
         Min: 15
       MaxLvlToggle: true
         Max: 5
         Min: 3