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# 附魔类型: # - Armor ~ 所有护甲 # - Helmet 头盔 # - Boots 鞋子 # - Bow 弓 # - Axe 斧 # - Sword 剑 # - PickAxe 镐 # - Hoe 锄 # - Tool ~ 工具:剑镐斧铲和剪刀 # - All ~ 所有列表内的物品 ########## # 几率系统 # # Chance-System: # Base: # 初始率. # Increase: # 每级增加的几率. ########## Enchantments: #不要更改这一行. Glowing: #不要更改这一行. 否则会报错. #是否启用这一附魔 Enabled: true #菜单内的名称. Name: '光之赐' #附魔物品颜色. Color: '&7' #附魔书颜色. BookColor: '&b&l' #最高附魔等级. MaxPower: 1 #附魔类型. Enchantment-Type: 'Helmet' #附魔介绍 Info: #Name of the item in the info GUI. Name: '&e&l光之赐 &7(&bI&7)' #The description of what it does. Description: - '&7获得夜视' - '' - '&6可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a头盔' #可获得该附魔的附魔类别 Categories: - 'Legendary' #请勿更改这一行. BurnShield: Enabled: true Name: '烈火之御' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l烈火之御 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7此等附魔无需言' - '&7烈火焚烧若等闲' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Piercing: Enabled: true Name: '致命一击' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Bow' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l致命一击 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率对你的敌人造成双倍伤害' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a弓' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. OverLoad: Enabled: true Name: '生命之源' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l生命之源 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7当你穿上装备时获得生命提升' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. SelfDestruct: Enabled: true Name: '自爆' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&lSelf Destruct &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7当你死时产生爆炸' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. Springs: Enabled: true Name: '灵跃之靴' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Boots' Info: Name: '&e&l灵跃之靴 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7当你穿上时获得跳跃提升.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a鞋子' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Gears: Enabled: true Name: '赫尔墨斯之靴' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Boots' Info: Name: '&e&l赫尔墨斯之靴 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7给予你速度' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a鞋子' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Hulk: Enabled: true Name: '重甲' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 2 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l重甲 &7(&bI-&bII&7)' Description: - '&7给予你力量、减伤' - '&7和减速.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Mermaid: Enabled: true Name: '人鱼' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Helmet' Info: Name: '&e&l人鱼 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7给予你 水下呼吸' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a头盔' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Ninja: Enabled: true Name: '忍者' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 2 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l忍者 &7(&bI-&bII&7)' Description: - '&7当你穿上时获得速度,生命提升' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Vampire: Enabled: true Name: '饮血' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l饮血 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7在你战斗时' - '&7有几率吸敌之血.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. LifeSteal: Enabled: true Name: '生命偷取' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 15 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l生命偷取 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率偷取' - '&7你的敌人的生命.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Doctor: Enabled: true Name: '爱心之箭' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Bow' Info: Name: '&e&l爱心之箭 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7治疗你打中的玩家' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a弓' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Boom: Enabled: true Name: '轰鸣箭' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Bow' Chance-System: Base: 20 Increase: 10 Info: Name: '&e&lB轰鸣箭 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率在弓箭落地时' - '&7生成TNT.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a弓' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Venom: Enabled: true Name: '剧毒之伤' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Bow' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l剧毒之伤 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使' - '&7你的敌人中毒.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a弓' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. DoubleDamage: Enabled: true Name: '利刃' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 1 Info: Name: '&e&l利刃 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7造成双倍伤害.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. SlowMo: Enabled: true Name: '迟钝' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l迟钝 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使' - '&7你的敌人减速.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Blindness: Enabled: true Name: '致盲' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 2 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 1 Info: Name: '&e&l致盲 &7(&bI-&bII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使' - '&7你的敌人失明.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Viper: Enabled: true Name: '恶毒之刃' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l恶毒之刃 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使' - '&7你的敌人中毒.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. AntiGravity: Enabled: true Name: '反牛顿' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Boots' Info: Name: '&e&l反牛顿 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7获得高级的跳跃提升' - '&7当你穿上时.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a鞋子' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. FastTurn: Enabled: true Name: '顺劈' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 2 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l顺劈 &7(&bI-&bII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7造成额外伤害.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. LightWeight: Enabled: true Name: '轻质' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 15 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l轻质 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使你在战斗时获得急迫.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Blessed: Enabled: true Name: '祝福之握' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Axe' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l祝福之握 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7移除负面buff.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a斧头' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. FeedMe: Enabled: true Name: '饱和' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Axe' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l饱和 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7横扫饥饿.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a斧头' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Dizzy: Enabled: true Name: '眩晕' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Axe' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l眩晕 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使' - '&7你的敌人眩晕.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a斧头' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Berserk: Enabled: true Name: '狂暴之斧' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Axe' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 1 Info: Name: '&e&l狂暴之斧 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使你' - '&7获得力量和挖掘疲劳.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a斧头' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Cursed: Enabled: true Name: '诅咒之斧' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Axe' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l诅咒之斧 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使你的敌人获得挖掘疲劳的效果.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a斧头' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Rekt: Enabled: true Name: '重击' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Axe' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 1 Info: Name: '&e&l重击 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7造成双倍伤害.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a斧头' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Enlightened: Enabled: true Name: '治愈' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l治愈 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7在你受伤时治愈你.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Freeze: Enabled: true Name: '冰洁' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 2 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l冰洁 &7(&bI-&bII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使你的敌人减速' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Fortify: Enabled: true Name: '弱化' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l弱化 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使你的敌人虚弱' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Molten: Enabled: true Name: '融化' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 1 Info: Name: '&e&l融化 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使' - '&7你的敌人着火.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. PainGiver: Enabled: true Name: '赐毒' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 4 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l赐毒 &7(&bI-&bIV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使' - '&7你的敌人中毒.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Savior: Enabled: true Name: '拯救者' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 15 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l拯救者 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7将你所受伤害减半.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Nursery: Enabled: true Name: '再生' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l再生 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7在你移动时获得治疗.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. AutoSmelt: Enabled: true Name: '精炼' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'PickAxe' Chance-System: Base: 25 Increase: 25 Info: Name: '&e&l精炼 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率自动熔炼' - '&7矿物并获得更多锭.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a镐' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Experience: Enabled: true Name: '经验' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'PickAxe' Chance-System: Base: 25 Increase: 25 Info: Name: '&e&l经验 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率从矿物中获取多倍经验.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a镐' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Telepathy: Enabled: true Name: '方块感应' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Tool' Info: Name: '&e&l方块感应 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7自动将你破坏的方块放到你的背包内' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a工具' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Haste: Enabled: true Name: '急迫' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Tool' Info: Name: '&e&l急迫 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7给予你急迫当你' - '&7手握此装备.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a工具' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Oxygenate: Enabled: true Name: '制氧' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Tool' Info: Name: '&e&l制氧 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7当你手握此物品.' - '&7给予你水下呼吸' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a工具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. IceFreeze: Enabled: true Name: '寒冰箭' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Bow' Chance-System: Base: 25 Increase: 10 Info: Name: '&e&l寒冰箭 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使' - '&7你的敌人减速.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a弓' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Lightning: Enabled: true Name: '隐雷之箭' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Bow' Chance-System: Base: 25 Increase: 10 Info: Name: '&e&l隐雷之箭 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7有几率触发' - '&7闪电在弓箭落下的地方.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a弓' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Decapitation: Enabled: true Name: 'Decapitation' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Axe' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 10 Info: Name: '&e&l斩首 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率砍下' - '&7玩家的头.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a斧头' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. Confusion: Enabled: true Name: '混沌之刃' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 4 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 15 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l混沌之刃 &7(&bI-&bIV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使' - '&7你的敌人获得反胃效果.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Disarmer: Enabled: true Name: '卸甲之刃' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 1 Info: Name: '&e&l卸甲之刃 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率卸下你的敌人的装甲.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Execute: Enabled: true Name: '处决' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Info: Name: '&e&l处决 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率在你的敌人残血时获得力量' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Headless: Enabled: true Name: '铡头者' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 10 Info: Name: '&e&l铡头者 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率砍下' - '&7你的敌人的头.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Inquisitive: Enabled: true Name: '智慧' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 50 Increase: 25 Info: Name: '&e&l智慧 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7几率多倍经验' - '&7效果由附魔等级决定.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Insomnia: Enabled: true Name: '失眠' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l失眠 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7获得反胃、挖掘疲劳、和减速效果' - '&7但有很大几率产生双倍伤害.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Nutrition: Enabled: true Name: '补给' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 15 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l补给 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7战斗时有几率横扫饥饿.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Obliterate: Enabled: true Name: '退却' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 15 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l退却 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率击退敌人' - '&7你的敌人.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Paralyze: Enabled: true Name: '麻痹' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 15 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l麻痹 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率给你的敌人' - '&7挖掘疲劳和减速效果.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. SkillSwipe: Enabled: true Name: '经验偷取' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l经验偷取 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率偷取你的敌人的xp' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Snare: Enabled: true Name: '罗网' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 3 Info: Name: '&e&l罗网 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率给予你的' - '&7敌人减速和挖掘疲劳.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Trap: Enabled: true Name: '陷阱' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 2 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l陷阱 &7(&bI-&bII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率给予' - '&7你的敌人减速.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Wither: Enabled: true Name: '凋零' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 3 Info: Name: '&e&l凋零 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率给予' - '&7你的敌人 凋零.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Rage: Enabled: true Name: '怒气' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Info: Name: '&e&l怒气 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7愈战愈勇.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Valor: Enabled: true Name: '英勇' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 2 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l英勇 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7获得伤害减免' - '&7效果取决于附魔等级.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. SmokeBomb: Enabled: true Name: '烟雾弹' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l烟雾弹 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率致盲和' - '&7减速你的敌人来让你逃跑.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. Drunk: Enabled: true Name: '醉酒' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l醉酒 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7获得力量、挖掘疲劳' - '&7和减速效果.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Voodoo: Enabled: true Name: '巫毒' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 15 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l巫毒 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率 给予' - '&7你的敌人虚弱.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. MultiArrow: Enabled: true Name: '连弩' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Bow' Chance-System: Base: 25 Increase: 10 Info: Name: '&e&l连弩 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率一次射出' - '&7多根箭.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a弓' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Recover: Enabled: true Name: '嗜血' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l嗜血 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7当你杀死一个玩家时' - '&7你会获得生命恢复和提升.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. Cactus: Enabled: true Name: '荆棘之护' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 25 Increase: 25 Info: Name: '&e&l荆棘之护 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率刺伤' - '&7攻击你的玩家.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. Rocket: Enabled: true Name: '火箭靴' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Boots' Chance-System: Base: 15 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l火箭靴 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7当你残血时' - '&7你会离开地面并后冲。' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a鞋子' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. Angel: Enabled: true Name: '天使' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l天使 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7当你穿戴此物品时.' - '&7治疗附近的玩家' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. HellForged: Enabled: true Name: '地狱熔炉' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 4 Enchantment-Type: 'Damaged-Items' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l地狱熔炉 &7(&bI-&bIV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率在你移动时修复装备.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具、武器、工具' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Commander: Enabled: true Name: '指挥官' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Helmet' Info: Name: '&e&l指挥官 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7当你穿上装备时,' - '&7给予附近的玩家急迫效果' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a头盔' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. StormCaller: Enabled: true Name: '风暴召唤者' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l风暴召唤者 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有几率触发落雷来打击你的敌人' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Leadership: Enabled: true Name: '领导者' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l领导者 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7有队友在你附近时.' - '&7你会变得更强' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Implants: Enabled: true Name: '饱食' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Helmet' Chance-System: Base: 5 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l饱食 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7恢复饥饿' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a头盔' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Wings: Enabled: true Name: '羽翼' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Boots' Info: Name: '&e&l羽翼 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7允许你在' - '&7自己的领土上飞行.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a鞋子' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Blast: Enabled: true Name: '毁灭之镐' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'PickAxe' Info: Name: '&e&l毁灭之镐 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7破坏3X3XN的方块' - '&7效果取决于附魔等级.' - '&7耐久消耗取决于破坏方块数.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a镐' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Furnace: Enabled: true Name: '熔炉之镐' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'PickAxe' Info: Name: '&e&l熔炉之镐 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7直接冶炼矿物为物品' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a镐' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Blizzard: Enabled: true Name: '暴雪' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l暴雪 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7给予你3格' - '&7范围内玩家一小段时间的减速.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. AcidRain: Enabled: true Name: '酸雨' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l酸雨 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率在你攻击时给予你3格' - '&7范围内玩家一小段时间的SO2中毒.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. SandStorm: Enabled: true Name: '沙暴' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l沙暴 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7有几率给予你3格' - '&7范围内玩家一小段时间的失明.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Radiant: Enabled: true Name: '辐射' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l辐射 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7使你3格范围内的玩家着火' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Intimidate: Enabled: true Name: '恐吓' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 2 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l恐吓 &7(&bI-&bII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率使你3格' - '&7范围内敌人虚弱.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Pull: Enabled: true Name: '万象天引' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Bow' Chance-System: Base: 25 Increase: 10 Info: Name: '&e&l万象天引 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率击飞你的敌人' - '&7到你附近.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a弓' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Tamer: Enabled: true Name: '驯兽师' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l驯兽师 &7(&bI-&bV&7)' Description: - '&7当你遇到麻烦时' - '&7召唤狼群.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Guards: Enabled: true Name: '守护者' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l守护者 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7召唤铁傀儡' - '&7当你遇到麻烦.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Infestation: Enabled: true Name: '害虫横行' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 2 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l害虫横行 &7(&bI-&bII&7)' Description: - '&7当你遇到麻烦时几率召唤出虫族.' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Necromancer: Enabled: true Name: '死灵法师' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Armor' Info: Name: '&e&l死灵法师 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7当你遇到麻烦的时候几率召唤僵尸' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Common' - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Sticky-Shot: Enabled: true Name: '困兽之箭' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Bow' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 10 Info: Name: '&e&l困兽之箭 &7(&bI-&bIII&7)' Description: - '&7有几率在弓箭落地时' - '&7召唤出蜘蛛网.' - '' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a防具' Categories: - 'Rare' - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Disorder: Enabled: true Name: '混乱' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 1 Increase: 1 Info: Name: '&e&l混乱 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7有几率' - '&7弄乱你击中的玩家的物品栏.' - '' - '可获得等级:' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Charge: Enabled: true Name: '充能' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Info: Name: '&e&l充能 &7(&bI-V&7)' Description: - '&7当你杀死敌对玩家时,' - '&7你和附近的队友会获得加速效果.' - '' - '&6可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. Revenge: Enabled: true Name: '复仇之剑' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Info: Name: '&e&l复仇之剑 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7当你附近的队友被杀死时,' - '&7你可以获得速度、生命恢复,' - '&7和急迫的效果' - '' - '&6可获得等级:' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. BattleCry: Enabled: true Name: '战吼' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 5 Enchantment-Type: 'Axe' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l战吼 &7(&bI-V&7)' Description: - '&7在战斗时' - '&6有10%(每级附魔+5%) &7的几率' - '&7吼飞附近的玩家.' - '' - '&6可获得等级' - '&7 - &4&l&n传说' - '&6可附魔装备: &a斧' Categories: - 'Legendary' #不要更改这一行. Famished: Enabled: true Name: '破釜' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Sword' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 5 Info: Name: '&e&l破釜 &7(&bI-III&7)' Description: - '&7在战斗时' - '&6有10%(每级附魔+5%)&7的几率' - '&7使敌人饥饿.' - '' - '&6可获得等级' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a剑' Categories: - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. GreenThumb: Enabled: true Name: '园艺' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 3 Enchantment-Type: 'Hoe' Chance-System: Base: 10 Increase: 10 Info: Name: '&e&l园艺 &7(&bI-III&7)' Description: - '&7右击幼苗时' - '&7有&610%(每级+10%)&7的几率' - '&7使植物直接成熟' - '&7但会消耗锄头耐久.' - '' - '&6可获得等级' - '&7 - &9&l&n稀有' - '&6可附魔装备: &a锄' Categories: - 'Rare' #不要更改这一行. Harvester: Enabled: true Name: '收割者' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Hoe' Info: Name: '&e&l收割者 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7在你破坏成熟的作物时' - '&7也会破坏附近3X3的成熟作物' - '' - '&6可获得等级' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&6可附魔装备: &a锄' Categories: - 'Common' #不要更改这一行. Tiller: Enabled: true Name: '耕耘' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Hoe' Info: Name: '&e&l耕耘 &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7在你耕地时' - '&7会自动耕3X3范围内的地' - '&7同时滋润附近没有水源的土壤' - '' - '&6可获得等级' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&6可附魔装备: &a锄' Categories: - 'Common' #不要更改这一行. Planter: Enabled: true Name: '耕耘者' Color: '&7' BookColor: '&b&l' MaxPower: 1 Enchantment-Type: 'Hoe' Info: Name: '&e&lPlanter &7(&bI&7)' Description: - '&7在你耕地时' - '&7自动放置你副手的种子' - '&7或是你快捷栏内的种子' - '' - '&6可获得等级' - '&7 - &a&l&n普通' - '&6可附魔装备: &a锄' Categories: - 'Common'