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跳转至: 导航搜索
(创建页面,内容为“{{Bukkit Plugin Infobox |插件名=DwarfCraft |图标= |版本= 4.1.6 |前置插件= Vault Citizens |兼容服务端版本=1.7-1.12 |作者= Drekryan |網址= [https...”)
第5行: 第5行:
|前置插件= Vault Citizens
|前置插件= Vault Citizens
|作者= Drekryan
|作者= Jessy1237
|網址= [https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/dwarfcraft.4118/ spigotmc]
|網址= [https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/dwarfcraft.4118/ spigotmc]
DwarfCraft 是一款可以增加玩家能力的RPG插件. 玩家可以付钱找导师来升级技能. Because of the training system, DwarfCraft can provide an interesting and fun RPG base for Survival MP servers that will remain relevant and interesting for casual and intense players alike. The races brought upon by this plugin can be used in very interesting ways. You could add back story to the races and make your world be at war between the races or you could have a peaceful world where all races live in harmony.
DwarfCraft 是一款可以增加玩家能力的RPG插件. 玩家可以付钱找导师来进行训练升级技能. 这个插件的种族很有趣. 你可以给种族添加背景故事并让你的世界处于种族间的战争之中或者你可以让所有种族和谐共处.
* Players may choose to play as any race you choose. The default races i have provided are Human, Gnome, Dwarf and Elf. Switching resets all skills. The race names are entirely configurable. Players will default to the default race in the config if not they will be forced to chose a race before they can level anything.
* 玩家可以选择种族.  
* Players use the ItemGUIs (Second Image) to train and deposit items with trainers. Cyan deposits all available required items to the trainer. Lime green trains the skill, while Cactus green trains the skill and then deposits any leftover items to the trainer. Individually clicking an item just deposits that item type to the trainer.
默认的种族有人类 Human,地精,侏儒和精灵. 切换种族会清空所有已学技能. 种族名完全可以自定义. 玩家默认加入配置设置的默认种族.如果没有设置默认种族的话玩家会被强制要求选择一个种族.
* All settings, skills, effects and races are fully customisable. The level cap could be 1000 if you wanted it to however it is recommended to keep it at level 30 unless you are adept enough to alter the CSV files accordingly.
* 可以用物品菜单来训练和赠送物品给导师. 青色 deposits all available required items to the trainer. 灰绿色训练技能, 仙人掌绿训练技能并把剩余物赠送给导师. 独自点击一种物品会把这种物品送给导师.
* Races allow players to specialize in certain skills which allows them to train it past the vanilla level. i.e. Human's (smithing, cooking and farming), Elves (Combat and Hunting), Dwarves (Mining and Excavating) and Gnomes (Brewery and Crafting)
* 所有的设置、技能、效果和种族完全可以自定义. 等级上限可以为1000但我推荐你设置为 30 ,除非你足够了解配置.
* Races are fully customisable to every extent. You can add up to 9 races but i highly reccommend to have around 4 otherwise the races wont have a distinct personality to them.
* 种族可以让玩家精通一些技能. 例如人类的 (锻造,烹饪和耕耘), 精灵 (战斗和狩猎), 侏儒 (采矿和挖掘) 和  地精(酿造和合成)
* The plugin contains 40+ skills that progress from level 0 (worse than normal) to level 30 (extremely proficient). Each skill has several effects. Most effects reach par at skill level 5. New supported skills will be released.
* 种族是完全可自定义的.你可以添加最多 9 个种族但我推荐你设置4个否则种族对他们就不会有明显的作用.
* Skills are improved by paying a training cost to a trainer. Server admins may place trainers and customized messaging NPCs. Skill costs are increased with level and balanced to encourage specialization. Example: To train "Pickaxe Use" from 0 to 1 cost 16 cobblestone. To train from 15 to 16 cost 640. At level 0 pickaxes degrade 20% faster than normal, at level 20 they degrade about 45% slower.
* 插件包括 40+ 种从0级到30级的技能. 每种技能都有一些效果. 大多数技能在5级时会有效果.
* A trainer can be almost any EntityType. I.E. the fishing trainer could be a squid.
* 技能通过向导师付费升级.服务器管理员可以把导师设置为NPC并设置NPC说话. 技能消耗根据等级增加. 例如: 学习"Pickaxe Use" 到1级需要消耗 16 块圆石. 要从 15 升级到 16 消耗 640 . 0级的镐子降低20%的消耗速度,20级降低45%.
* Skills and Effect details are easily found through in-game commands.
* 导师可以是任何生物类型.例如捕鱼导师可以是墨鱼.
* 详细的技能和效果介绍可以在游戏里通过指令看到.
* Vault
* Vault
第29行: 第28行:
* 支持 Vault 的权限组插件
* 支持 Vault 的权限组插件
* Spigot
* Spigot
%dwarfcraft_maxskilllevel% - 显示玩家可以学习技能的最大等级.
%dwarfcraft_racelevellimit% -  如果玩家所选种族没有特殊技能时显示玩家可以学习技能的最大等级
%dwarfcraft_playerrace% - 显示玩家的种族名.
%dwarfcraft_playerlevel% - 显示玩家等级
以下指令为子命令. 主命令为 "/DwarfCraft <子命令>"<br />
例如 "/DwarfCraft SkillSheet"
SkillSheet - 显示你的技能表.
Info - 显示插件信息.
Rules - 显示服务器规则.
SkillInfo - 显示指定技能的学习进度.
Race - 显示种族菜单.
EffectInfo - 显示 技能效果.
Tutorial - 给予玩家便携向导书
Debug - 改变调试模式等级.
Reload - 重载插件.
Race - 手动改变一名玩家的种族.
Tutorial - 给予一名玩家便携向导书
List - 列出服务器内的所有导师.
SetSkill - 设置一名玩家的一种技能的等级.
Create - 在你所在位置创建一名导师.
* dwarfcraft.norm.dwarfcraft
* dwarfcraft.norm.指令名
* dwarfcraft.norm.race.种族名
指定种族的权限, 如果玩家没有权限就无法改变种族. 种族名称必须是小写字母.
* dwarfcraft.op.commandname
工具使用技能: 这些技能可以降低你的工具损耗速度.
* [1] Pickaxe Use - 镐
* [2] Shovel Use - 铲
* [3] Axe Durability - 斧
* (重复) [6] Fisher Man - 降低损耗并钓到更好的鱼.
收获技能: 这些技能增加你获得更多方块的几率.
* [11] Excavator - 瞬间破坏圆石
* [12] Quarry Worker - 获得更多的圆石
* [13] 矿工 - 获得更多的铁、煤、金
* [14] 高级矿工 - 获得更多的绿宝石、青金石、只是和红石
* [17] 地狱矿工 - 获得更多的石英、萤石和地狱疣.
* [21] 掘沙者 - 获得更多沙子和瞬间破坏
* [22] 沙砾挖掘者 - 获得更多的燧石和沙砾和瞬间破坏
* [23] 泥土挖掘者 - 获得更多泥土和瞬间破坏
* [31] 伐木工 - 获得更多木头和瞬间破坏
耕耘技能: 一些技能增加耕作的速度. 农夫技能影响耕地的耐久. 注意这个插件获得种子更难,所以0级的农民无法自给自足.
* [4] 种子搜寻者 - 降低耕地所需耐久,增加获得种子几率.
* [5] 瓜农 - 获得更多的西瓜片.
* [6] 渔民 - 降低鱼竿耐久消耗,钓到更多的好鱼.
* [41] 麦农 - 增加小麦及其种子的获得率
* [42] 高级农民 - 收获更多的甘蔗, 仙人掌和可可豆
* [43] 菜农 - 获得更多的土豆和胡萝卜.
* [74] 花农 - 获得更多的花和南瓜
* (重复) [91] 炼金术士 - 有几率获得更多的药水和获得更多的地狱疣.
* [80] 剪毛者 - 获得更多的羊毛和蘑菇牛身上的蘑菇.
* [7] 锐石 - 石制工具
* [8] 熔炼 - 烧金/铁矿时有几率获得更多的锭和石头.
* [9] 钢炼者 - 铁制工具
* [10] 钻石锻造者 - 钻石工具
* [15] 木雕工- 木制工具
* [16] 炼金 - 金制工具
* [32] Wood Splitter - Planks and Sticks
* [51] Mason - Cobblestone Tiles and Steps and Smooth Stone Tiles
* [53] Wood Crafter - Ladders, Fences, Doors, and Wood Tiles and Steps
* [61] Book Maker - Books
* [62] Brick Maker - Brick Blocks
* [63] 毁灭者 - 增加TNT的爆炸伤害.
* [65] 铁路工人 - Rail sections
* [66] 面包师 - Bread, Pumpkin Pie, Cookies, Cake, and Baked Potatoes
* [67] Fletcher - 箭
* [68] Grillardin - When smelting raw meets, extra cooked meats can be dropped.
* [86] 高级护甲 - 钻石和金防具
* [88] 牌子制造者 - 牌子
* [89] 火炬制造者 - 火把
* [91] 炼金术士 - 有几率获得更多的药水和获得更多的地狱疣.
Damage Reduction Skills: In addition to Demolitionist reducing damage from explosions, there are skills that effect fire, falling, suffocation, and lava damage. There are also skills that affect the durability and crafting count of armor.
* (重复) [63] 毁灭者 - 增加TNT的爆炸伤害
* [64] Fire Starter - Damage from fire, durability of Flint and Tinder
* [72] Climbing - Damage from falls, short fall forgiveness
* [83] Scout - Leather armor durability, amount crafted, projectile damage reduction.
* [84] 士兵 - Iron armor durability, amount crafted
战斗技能: 增加武器伤害.
* [85] 弓箭手 - 增加弓箭伤害和羽毛、箭的掉率
* [87] 将士 - 增加剑的伤害和耐久
* [101] 斧头帮 - 增加斧头的伤害
'''狩猎技能''': 这些技能可以让玩家通过击杀生物获得更多资源.
* [76] 地狱猎手 - 烈焰人、岩浆怪、僵尸猪人和恶魂
* [81] 动物猎人 - 猪牛羊鸡
* [82] 怪物猎人 - 爬行者、骷髅、蜘蛛
* (重复)[85] 弓箭手 - 僵尸
* [71] Sailor - Boat Travel Speed and Boat break results (sailor>15 allows recoverable boats)
* [73] Survivalist - Health gained from uncooked pork, fish, and mushroom stew
* [75] Dungeon Delver - Monster Spawners can drop Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Lapis blocks
* [99] Noble - Dwarf Fortress nobles are useless. DwarfCraft nobles mine obsidian better, and it costs 100s of eggs to train. Any player that collects 100s of eggs and spends all day mining obsidian is just like a Dwarf Fortress noble.
* [1] Pickaxe Use - Cobblestone
* [2] Shovel Use - Dirt
* [3] Axe Durability - Log
* [4] Seed Gatherer - Seeds
* [5] Melon Farmer - Melon Slices
* [6] Fisher Man - Raw Fish
* [7] Stone Shaper - Stone tools
* [8] Smelter - Lava Bucket/coal
* [9] Iron Forger - Iron tools
* [10] Diamond Forger - Diamond tools
* [11] Excavator - Cobblestone
* [12] Quarry Worker - Cobblestone
* [13] Ore Miner - Coal/Iron Ingot/Gold Ingot
* [14] Exotic Miner - Emerald/Lapis Lazuli/Diamond/Redstone
* [15] Wood Carver - Wooden tools
* [16] Gold Forger - Gold tools
* [17] Nether Miner - Quartz/Glowstone Dust/Netherrack
* [21] Sand Digger - Sand
* [22] Gravel Digger - Gravel
* [23] Dirt Digger - Dirt
* [31] Lumberjack - Log
* [32] Woodsplitter - Log
* [41] Wheat Farmer - Wheat/Seeds
* [42] Exotic Farmer - Reed/Cactus/Cocoa Beans
* [43] Vegetable Farmer - Potatoes/Carrots
* [51] Mason - Half-steps
* [52] Glass Worker - Glass
* [53] Wood Crafter - Plank/Stick
* [61] Book Maker - Paper/Books
* [62] Brick Maker - Bricks/Brickblock
* [63] 毁灭者 - 火药/TNT
* [64] Fire Starter - Fint + Tinder
* [65] Rail Worker - Powered Cart
* [66] Baker Man- Cake Block
* [67] Fletcher - Arrows
* [68] Grillardin - Cooked Porkchop/Steak/Cooked Fish
* [71] Sailor - Clay Block
* [72] Climber - Pumpkin
* [73] Survivalist - Mushrooms
* [74] Florist - Flower
* [75] Dungeon Delver - Saddles
* [76] Nether Hunter - Blaze Rods
* [80] Shearer - Shears/Wool
* [81] Animal Hunter - Pork Leather Wool
* [82] Monster Hunter - String/Gunpowder
* [83] Scout - Leather Breastplates
* [84] Soldier - Iron Breasplates
* [85] Archer - Feather/Flint
* [86] Exotic Armor - Gold and Diamond armour
* [87] Swordsman - Leather/String
* [88] Sign Maker - Signs
* [89] Torch Maker - Torches
* [91] Alchemist - Nether Warts
* [99] Noble - Eggs
* [101] Axe Swinger - Rotten Flesh/String
[[image:Github.jpg|250px|center|link=链接|Github源码]]<br />
[[image:Github.jpg|250px|center|link=链接|Github源码]]<br />

2018年9月17日 (一) 11:47的版本

插件类型Spigot / CraftBukkit
前置插件Vault Citizens


DwarfCraft 是一款可以增加玩家能力的RPG插件. 玩家可以付钱找导师来进行训练升级技能. 这个插件的种族很有趣. 你可以给种族添加背景故事并让你的世界处于种族间的战争之中或者你可以让所有种族和谐共处.


  • 玩家可以选择种族.

默认的种族有人类 Human,地精,侏儒和精灵. 切换种族会清空所有已学技能. 种族名完全可以自定义. 玩家默认加入配置设置的默认种族.如果没有设置默认种族的话玩家会被强制要求选择一个种族.

  • 可以用物品菜单来训练和赠送物品给导师. 青色 deposits all available required items to the trainer. 灰绿色训练技能, 仙人掌绿训练技能并把剩余物赠送给导师. 独自点击一种物品会把这种物品送给导师.
  • 所有的设置、技能、效果和种族完全可以自定义. 等级上限可以为1000但我推荐你设置为 30 ,除非你足够了解配置.
  • 种族可以让玩家精通一些技能. 例如人类的 (锻造,烹饪和耕耘), 精灵 (战斗和狩猎), 侏儒 (采矿和挖掘) 和 地精(酿造和合成)
  • 种族是完全可自定义的.你可以添加最多 9 个种族但我推荐你设置4个否则种族对他们就不会有明显的作用.
  • 插件包括 40+ 种从0级到30级的技能. 每种技能都有一些效果. 大多数技能在5级时会有效果.
  • 技能通过向导师付费升级.服务器管理员可以把导师设置为NPC并设置NPC说话. 技能消耗根据等级增加. 例如: 学习"Pickaxe Use" 到1级需要消耗 16 块圆石. 要从 15 升级到 16 消耗 640 块. 0级的镐子降低20%的消耗速度,20级降低45%.
  • 导师可以是任何生物类型.例如捕鱼导师可以是墨鱼.
  • 详细的技能和效果介绍可以在游戏里通过指令看到.


  • Vault
  • Citizens
  • 支持 Vault 的权限组插件
  • Spigot



%dwarfcraft_maxskilllevel% - 显示玩家可以学习技能的最大等级.

%dwarfcraft_racelevellimit% - 如果玩家所选种族没有特殊技能时显示玩家可以学习技能的最大等级


%dwarfcraft_playerrace% - 显示玩家的种族名.

%dwarfcraft_playerlevel% - 显示玩家等级


以下指令为子命令. 主命令为 "/DwarfCraft <子命令>"
例如 "/DwarfCraft SkillSheet"


SkillSheet - 显示你的技能表.

Info - 显示插件信息.

Rules - 显示服务器规则.

SkillInfo - 显示指定技能的学习进度.

Race - 显示种族菜单.

EffectInfo - 显示 技能效果.

Tutorial - 给予玩家便携向导书


Debug - 改变调试模式等级.

Reload - 重载插件.

Race - 手动改变一名玩家的种族.

Tutorial - 给予一名玩家便携向导书

List - 列出服务器内的所有导师.

SetSkill - 设置一名玩家的一种技能的等级.

Create - 在你所在位置创建一名导师.


  • dwarfcraft.norm.dwarfcraft


  • dwarfcraft.norm.指令名


  • dwarfcraft.norm.race.种族名

指定种族的权限, 如果玩家没有权限就无法改变种族. 种族名称必须是小写字母.

  • dwarfcraft.op.commandname



工具使用技能: 这些技能可以降低你的工具损耗速度.

  • [1] Pickaxe Use - 镐
  • [2] Shovel Use - 铲
  • [3] Axe Durability - 斧
  • (重复) [6] Fisher Man - 降低损耗并钓到更好的鱼.

收获技能: 这些技能增加你获得更多方块的几率.

  • [11] Excavator - 瞬间破坏圆石
  • [12] Quarry Worker - 获得更多的圆石
  • [13] 矿工 - 获得更多的铁、煤、金
  • [14] 高级矿工 - 获得更多的绿宝石、青金石、只是和红石
  • [17] 地狱矿工 - 获得更多的石英、萤石和地狱疣.
  • [21] 掘沙者 - 获得更多沙子和瞬间破坏
  • [22] 沙砾挖掘者 - 获得更多的燧石和沙砾和瞬间破坏
  • [23] 泥土挖掘者 - 获得更多泥土和瞬间破坏
  • [31] 伐木工 - 获得更多木头和瞬间破坏

耕耘技能: 一些技能增加耕作的速度. 农夫技能影响耕地的耐久. 注意这个插件获得种子更难,所以0级的农民无法自给自足.

  • [4] 种子搜寻者 - 降低耕地所需耐久,增加获得种子几率.
  • [5] 瓜农 - 获得更多的西瓜片.
  • [6] 渔民 - 降低鱼竿耐久消耗,钓到更多的好鱼.
  • [41] 麦农 - 增加小麦及其种子的获得率
  • [42] 高级农民 - 收获更多的甘蔗, 仙人掌和可可豆
  • [43] 菜农 - 获得更多的土豆和胡萝卜.
  • [74] 花农 - 获得更多的花和南瓜
  • (重复) [91] 炼金术士 - 有几率获得更多的药水和获得更多的地狱疣.
  • [80] 剪毛者 - 获得更多的羊毛和蘑菇牛身上的蘑菇.


  • [7] 锐石 - 石制工具
  • [8] 熔炼 - 烧金/铁矿时有几率获得更多的锭和石头.
  • [9] 钢炼者 - 铁制工具
  • [10] 钻石锻造者 - 钻石工具
  • [15] 木雕工- 木制工具
  • [16] 炼金 - 金制工具
  • [32] Wood Splitter - Planks and Sticks
  • [51] Mason - Cobblestone Tiles and Steps and Smooth Stone Tiles
  • [53] Wood Crafter - Ladders, Fences, Doors, and Wood Tiles and Steps
  • [61] Book Maker - Books
  • [62] Brick Maker - Brick Blocks
  • [63] 毁灭者 - 增加TNT的爆炸伤害.
  • [65] 铁路工人 - Rail sections
  • [66] 面包师 - Bread, Pumpkin Pie, Cookies, Cake, and Baked Potatoes
  • [67] Fletcher - 箭
  • [68] Grillardin - When smelting raw meets, extra cooked meats can be dropped.
  • [86] 高级护甲 - 钻石和金防具
  • [88] 牌子制造者 - 牌子
  • [89] 火炬制造者 - 火把
  • [91] 炼金术士 - 有几率获得更多的药水和获得更多的地狱疣.

Damage Reduction Skills: In addition to Demolitionist reducing damage from explosions, there are skills that effect fire, falling, suffocation, and lava damage. There are also skills that affect the durability and crafting count of armor.

  • (重复) [63] 毁灭者 - 增加TNT的爆炸伤害
  • [64] Fire Starter - Damage from fire, durability of Flint and Tinder
  • [72] Climbing - Damage from falls, short fall forgiveness
  • [83] Scout - Leather armor durability, amount crafted, projectile damage reduction.
  • [84] 士兵 - Iron armor durability, amount crafted

战斗技能: 增加武器伤害.

  • [85] 弓箭手 - 增加弓箭伤害和羽毛、箭的掉率
  • [87] 将士 - 增加剑的伤害和耐久
  • [101] 斧头帮 - 增加斧头的伤害

狩猎技能: 这些技能可以让玩家通过击杀生物获得更多资源.

  • [76] 地狱猎手 - 烈焰人、岩浆怪、僵尸猪人和恶魂
  • [81] 动物猎人 - 猪牛羊鸡
  • [82] 怪物猎人 - 爬行者、骷髅、蜘蛛
  • (重复)[85] 弓箭手 - 僵尸


  • [71] Sailor - Boat Travel Speed and Boat break results (sailor>15 allows recoverable boats)
  • [73] Survivalist - Health gained from uncooked pork, fish, and mushroom stew
  • [75] Dungeon Delver - Monster Spawners can drop Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Lapis blocks


  • [99] Noble - Dwarf Fortress nobles are useless. DwarfCraft nobles mine obsidian better, and it costs 100s of eggs to train. Any player that collects 100s of eggs and spends all day mining obsidian is just like a Dwarf Fortress noble.


  • [1] Pickaxe Use - Cobblestone
  • [2] Shovel Use - Dirt
  • [3] Axe Durability - Log
  • [4] Seed Gatherer - Seeds
  • [5] Melon Farmer - Melon Slices
  • [6] Fisher Man - Raw Fish
  • [7] Stone Shaper - Stone tools
  • [8] Smelter - Lava Bucket/coal
  • [9] Iron Forger - Iron tools
  • [10] Diamond Forger - Diamond tools
  • [11] Excavator - Cobblestone
  • [12] Quarry Worker - Cobblestone
  • [13] Ore Miner - Coal/Iron Ingot/Gold Ingot
  • [14] Exotic Miner - Emerald/Lapis Lazuli/Diamond/Redstone
  • [15] Wood Carver - Wooden tools
  • [16] Gold Forger - Gold tools
  • [17] Nether Miner - Quartz/Glowstone Dust/Netherrack
  • [21] Sand Digger - Sand
  • [22] Gravel Digger - Gravel
  • [23] Dirt Digger - Dirt
  • [31] Lumberjack - Log
  • [32] Woodsplitter - Log
  • [41] Wheat Farmer - Wheat/Seeds
  • [42] Exotic Farmer - Reed/Cactus/Cocoa Beans
  • [43] Vegetable Farmer - Potatoes/Carrots
  • [51] Mason - Half-steps
  • [52] Glass Worker - Glass
  • [53] Wood Crafter - Plank/Stick
  • [61] Book Maker - Paper/Books
  • [62] Brick Maker - Bricks/Brickblock
  • [63] 毁灭者 - 火药/TNT
  • [64] Fire Starter - Fint + Tinder
  • [65] Rail Worker - Powered Cart
  • [66] Baker Man- Cake Block
  • [67] Fletcher - Arrows
  • [68] Grillardin - Cooked Porkchop/Steak/Cooked Fish
  • [71] Sailor - Clay Block
  • [72] Climber - Pumpkin
  • [73] Survivalist - Mushrooms
  • [74] Florist - Flower
  • [75] Dungeon Delver - Saddles
  • [76] Nether Hunter - Blaze Rods
  • [80] Shearer - Shears/Wool
  • [81] Animal Hunter - Pork Leather Wool
  • [82] Monster Hunter - String/Gunpowder
  • [83] Scout - Leather Breastplates
  • [84] Soldier - Iron Breasplates
  • [85] Archer - Feather/Flint
  • [86] Exotic Armor - Gold and Diamond armour
  • [87] Swordsman - Leather/String
  • [88] Sign Maker - Signs
  • [89] Torch Maker - Torches
  • [91] Alchemist - Nether Warts
  • [99] Noble - Eggs
  • [101] Axe Swinger - Rotten Flesh/String




